Team building

BTW: The Paris Climate Accord can go lick its own bollocks. We aren't the world's polluters, China is.
The US is around 5% of world population.

Anyone can make chart, showing anything they want.

Personally don't give a flying fuck. We're America, so we do what we want and screw the rest of the world. They can eat their rocks and sticks while we feast on steak and lobster.
You shouldn't reveal your defensiveness so early, then.
BTW: The Paris Climate Accord can go lick its own bollocks. We aren't the world's polluters, China is.
It makes people laugh when you're begging for troops in Syria.
You shouldn't reveal your defensiveness so early, then.
It makes people laugh when you're begging for troops in Syria.

None of your posts has anything to do with the thread topic. You are merely enabling the trolls. Kindly fuck off.
Here's the other kind of "team building" that's going on, not very different from the "team building" in 2002, as the author rightly notes:

The Trump administration has repeatedly stressed that last week’s Middle East conference in Warsaw, Poland—officially dubbed the Ministerial to Promote a Future of Peace and Security in the Middle East—was merely an effort to demonstrate international solidarity and support for isolating Iran. But it sure felt like a war summit—a very familiar, and exceedingly ominous, war summit.

The meeting—which was attended by Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the Israeli prime minister, a smattering of Arab foreign ministers, Poland’s chief diplomat, and the British foreign secretary—coincided with the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Republic. U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton marked that occasion by posting a video on Twitter outlining Washington’s long list of grievances and accusations leveled at Iranian leaders. Bolton concluded by addressing the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, directly and declared: “I don’t think you’ll have too many more anniversaries.” Pence used the conference to aim harsh words at U.S. allies in Europe, whom he essentially accused of aiding and abetting an enemy of the United States.

Taken together—the Warsaw conference, Pence’s bullying of the Europeans, Bolton’s threatening video, and the broader background noise in Washington—the events of the past week were familiar in a foreboding way. The chatter about Iran has not become the war fever that gripped Washington in 2002 over Iraq, but the echoes of that year are not hard to miss in the Trump administration’s effort to shape the domestic and international debate about Iran.​

Of course, it's not quite explicable to aim for war while there's a major, successful agreement followed through by all parties, and that's why the JCPOA had to be violated. In good Mafia style, all who would rather follow the agreement's provisions, find themselves threatened, either with sanctions, or obliteration: "I don’t think you’ll have too many more anniversaries.”

There is a little side effect, should that one play out as they seem to plan: In case some European nations go along, others oppose the march towards war, it's going to put a major strain on the EU. Who, in Bolton's mold, could resist that kind of temptation? That's also why the borderline reasonable folk in the Trump administration in the foreign and security policy teams, from Tillerson and McMaster to Kelly had to go.

Of course, Iran is being roundly condemned for not "being a benign actor" in the region, by, wait for it, the U.S. of Amnesia, of Shock & Awe fame. That's while Iran saw herself encircled with U.S. bases, and under permanent threat since 1979, when, finally, they got rid of the dictator with whom none other than the U.S. saddled them. There's some weapon-grade hypocrisy right there. It's pretty much bipartisan, and that's also why President Obama never, ever stood a chance to get anything Iran-related through a bone-headed Congress, particularly not the JCPOA, as it included lifting sanctions on Iran. Be that as it may, there is no more understandable a policy on the side of Iran than to rally the Shia populations in the region to counter the allied Sunni, Israeli, U.S. threat. Hence the screeching from MbS, Netanyahu, and Bolton, one of the leading architects of the Iraq war.

Team building. Gawd help us in case Iran finally reacts to the illegally imposed U.S. sanctions, that is, in case they don't see any of the promised rewards for their nuclear restraint, and restart some parts of their nuclear program.
When trump rips up things like the Paris Accord.
Is it silly of him to demand support on things like Iran ?

Surely we should all be on the same page ?

No, we're not on the same page as an Islam-fellatrix continent who hates and backstabs Americans and goes out of their way to vacuum money out of us, Tommy. Nor should we be. You Europeans are no friends of America and I'm POSITIVE there are muslim nations with less average hatred of American than you Eurotrash liars who want nothing but our ruination.

I've noticed you STILL haven't answered my question: why should us Americans listen to anything from a European political troll like yourself who has been spewing hate-filled, degrading condescending at us on this site for years? Your own conduct has shown you mean us nothing but malicious ill will. So again, what possible reason should us "bloody yanks" believe a word of your pompous feces?
Here's the other kind of "team building" that's going on, not very different from the "team building" in 2002, as the author rightly notes:

The Trump administration has repeatedly stressed that last week’s Middle East conference in Warsaw, Poland—officially dubbed the Ministerial to Promote a Future of Peace and Security in the Middle East—was merely an effort to demonstrate international solidarity and support for isolating Iran. But it sure felt like a war summit—a very familiar, and exceedingly ominous, war summit.

The meeting—which was attended by Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the Israeli prime minister, a smattering of Arab foreign ministers, Poland’s chief diplomat, and the British foreign secretary—coincided with the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Republic. U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton marked that occasion by posting a video on Twitter outlining Washington’s long list of grievances and accusations leveled at Iranian leaders. Bolton concluded by addressing the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, directly and declared: “I don’t think you’ll have too many more anniversaries.” Pence used the conference to aim harsh words at U.S. allies in Europe, whom he essentially accused of aiding and abetting an enemy of the United States.

Taken together—the Warsaw conference, Pence’s bullying of the Europeans, Bolton’s threatening video, and the broader background noise in Washington—the events of the past week were familiar in a foreboding way. The chatter about Iran has not become the war fever that gripped Washington in 2002 over Iraq, but the echoes of that year are not hard to miss in the Trump administration’s effort to shape the domestic and international debate about Iran.​

Of course, it's not quite explicable to aim for war while there's a major, successful agreement followed through by all parties, and that's why the JCPOA had to be violated. In good Mafia style, all who would rather follow the agreement's provisions, find themselves threatened, either with sanctions, or obliteration: "I don’t think you’ll have too many more anniversaries.”

There is a little side effect, should that one play out as they seem to plan: In case some European nations go along, others oppose the march towards war, it's going to put a major strain on the EU. Who, in Bolton's mold, could resist that kind of temptation? That's also why the borderline reasonable folk in the Trump administration in the foreign and security policy teams, from Tillerson and McMaster to Kelly had to go.

Of course, Iran is being roundly condemned for not "being a benign actor" in the region, by, wait for it, the U.S. of Amnesia, of Shock & Awe fame. That's while Iran saw herself encircled with U.S. bases, and under permanent threat since 1979, when, finally, they got rid of the dictator with whom none other than the U.S. saddled them. There's some weapon-grade hypocrisy right there. It's pretty much bipartisan, and that's also why President Obama never, ever stood a chance to get anything Iran-related through a bone-headed Congress, particularly not the JCPOA, as it included lifting sanctions on Iran. Be that as it may, there is no more understandable a policy on the side of Iran than to rally the Shia populations in the region to counter the allied Sunni, Israeli, U.S. threat. Hence the screeching from MbS, Netanyahu, and Bolton, one of the leading architects of the Iraq war.

Team building. Gawd help us in case Iran finally reacts to the illegally imposed U.S. sanctions, that is, in case they don't see any of the promised rewards for their nuclear restraint, and restart some parts of their nuclear program.
Countries with nukes dont get invaded by the US. Nukes keep you safe. Venezuela is an easier target than North Korea.
I've noticed you STILL haven't answered my question: why should us Americans listen to anything from a European political troll like yourself who has been spewing hate-filled, degrading condescending at us on this site for years?
Because the US is begging for troops for Syria. Though I bet it doesn't get them. No one's going to trust Individual1 further than they can chip him with a sand wedge.
When trump rips up things like the Paris Accord.
Is it silly of him to demand support on things like Iran ?

Surely we should all be on the same page ?

No, we're not on the same page as an Islam-fellatrix continent who hates and backstabs Americans and goes out of their way to vacuum money out of us, Tommy. Nor should we be. You Europeans are no friends of America and I'm POSITIVE there are muslim nations with less average hatred of American than you Eurotrash liars who want nothing but our ruination.

I've noticed you STILL haven't answered my question: why should us Americans listen to anything from a European political troll like yourself who has been spewing hate-filled, degrading condescending at us on this site for years? Your own conduct has shown you mean us nothing but malicious ill will. So again, what possible reason should us "bloody yanks" believe a word of your pompous feces?

This this and more this.

Getting the picture, Tommy? "allies", sure. Get lost, UK.
Personally don't give a flying fuck. We're America, so we do what we want and screw the rest of the world. They can eat their rocks and sticks while we feast on steak and lobster.
You shouldn't reveal your defensiveness so early, then.
BTW: The Paris Climate Accord can go lick its own bollocks. We aren't the world's polluters, China is.
It makes people laugh when you're begging for troops in Syria.

I am not "defensive", I am on the offensive. And I'm not begging for troops, I'm begging to see more radical Islamic shitheads deaded.

That makes me smile and sometimes, sends a tingle down my leg. :biggrin:
Don't you Eurotrash Coward Continent of muslim pedophile-enablers understand with the Internet we have SEEN the decades of murderous, dehumanizing hatred of us American "bloody seppos" you spew at us while using us for EVERYTHING, while crawling on your bellies for Islam? Allowing your muslims carte-blanche to rape your own wives and daughters while screaming your demonizations of Americans as being your ultimate villains???

Listen, many of us "bloody yanks": have already seen what an American-hating, scumbag whore Europe really is and I assure you that this one wants you Zeropeans exterminated down to the last woman and child. NEVER have I seen two groups of psychotically American-hating pigs who deserve each other more than Zerope and Pisslam. You two filthy coward parasites. You are both sewer rats with no honor, no ethics, no honesty, no stand-up principles of any kind. You and your muslim whoremasters are history's ultimate scum of the earth. You sacrifice your own little girls for your PC-crazed Pisslam bloodbath, you European filthbags. You are a continent of pure EVIL. A large percentage of us hate you Euros so much we really do want you dead; this is not colorful hyperbole. I truly believe our European "allies" are America's most backstabbing enemy.

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