Super Bowl MVP Chiefs vs Eagles

Mahomes is a very good QB but not the goat.
The real goat Brady took him to the wood shed.
Mahomes is far more talented than Brady was the the same points of their career. 5 years in Brady wasnt the reason the Patriots were winning. The Pats really had 2 dynasties. The first one was predicated on defense and the second on how good TB12 had become. The Chiefs are winning because of Mahomes. Took Brady 7 years to win his first league MVP. Mahomes as 2 inside his first 5. That doesnt mean that Mahomes will overtake Brady necessarily, but the conversation is already happening for a reason. Being the GOAT isnt just about championships.
Why don't you let me let off some steam after my fucking eagles lost, ya bitch?

Sorry, I just don't like seeing his face everywhere. I don't.
bwaaahaaaa haaaa haaaa !been a chiefs fan since the early 90s when Montana became their qb after an injury from a late hit that knocked him out of the game for a couple of years ... HOW BOUT THEM CHIEFS !

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