What makes you lean ‘Left’? What makes nearly all big cities ‘Left’?

The better question is; why aren’t you equally as angry? Have you no decency?

We’ve become a lost and divided nation with no identity, we’re $34T in debt, we have a larger homeless population than the total population of some countries, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, a middle class that can’t save a dime or get ahead, 20-40 million unvetted illegals fucking over our citizenry, destroying blue collar trade work, destroying our public school and healthcare institutions ….we have a citizenry that hates one another, off the charts levels of criminality, a social media and media steering our elections and the cultural direction of our nation, interest rates rising, mortgages, rents, food and fuel at all time highs…and you feelings people continue to embrace, champion and push things you KNOW will only cause further decay and degradation…The anti-America loons have lost all their fucking shit…they can’t and won’t get out of their own way….
we have a citizenry that hates one another
with people with your mindset i can see why....
The better question is; why aren’t you equally as angry? Have you no decency?

We’ve become a lost and divided nation with no identity, we’re $34T in debt, we have a larger homeless population than the total population of some countries, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, a middle class that can’t save a dime or get ahead, 20-40 million unvetted illegals fucking over our citizenry, destroying blue collar trade work, destroying our public school and healthcare institutions ….we have a citizenry that hates one another, off the charts levels of criminality, a social media and media steering our elections and the cultural direction of our nation, interest rates rising, mortgages, rents, food and fuel at all time highs…and you feelings people continue to embrace, champion and push things you KNOW will only cause further decay and degradation…The anti-America loons have lost all their fucking shit…they can’t and won’t get out of their own way….
I'm not going to vote in November so it's not my job to try to fix it.
When you live in a larger population area you have to be more open to those that do not look and think just like you.

As you prove on a daily basis, that is not a trait the right possesses.
Hold on…so if I live among dark people, faggots, rug munchers, chicks with dicks and feminazis I have to compromise my principles, values, morality and ideals….why?
Hold on…so if I live among dark people, faggots, rug munchers, chicks with dicks and feminazis I have to compromise my principles, values, morality and ideals….why?

You do not have to compromise anything, you just have to realize they have different views that you. You live your life, they live theirs.

But you are not capable of this, you want to use the force of the Fed Govt to make everyone think and act and look just like you.
What are the primary issues that drive people to the Left…why are such driving forces so much more prevelant in urban metropolises?
I ask because thinking ‘Left‘ in America isn’t exactly the conventional ideolgy to adopt…right?
Your thoughts?
Money! Getting duped into an agreement that costs one their dignity and ability to make their own decisions
I have 3 kids of my own and grand kids. The choices presented leave me with no options. This is due to my christianity.
True that liberal parents are more accepting of gay children

Conservative parents can be real assholes
It’s true that liberal parents condone immoral and sinful ways of life. A conservative would not accept it, because it isn’t acceptable to God. Do you want to see your own child condemned to hell for eternity? Is that “love”?
It’s true that liberal parents condone immoral and sinful ways of life. A conservative would not accept it, because it isn’t acceptable to God. Do you want to see your own child condemned to hell for eternity? Is that “love”?
God is the judge. Not you.
I have 3 kids of my own and grand kids. The choices presented leave me with no options. This is due to my christianity.
Hahaha….right, your Christianity…hahaha. We believe you. All the evangelicals I know are voting against the party of abortion and faggotry. What kind of a “Christian” are you?
You do not have to compromise anything, you just have to realize they have different views that you. You live your life, they live theirs.

But you are not capable of this, you want to use the force of the Fed Govt to make everyone think and act and look just like you.

if you live in that type of neighborhood....maybe you should move....
“Those neighborhoods” you bastards are manifesting and fostering are doing my voting for me. When will fools realize this?
What are the primary issues that drive people to the Left…why are such driving forces so much more prevelant in urban metropolises?
I ask because thinking ‘Left‘ in America isn’t exactly the conventional ideolgy to adopt…right?
Your thoughts?
Tammany Hall

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