Stupid, most stupid, German! Heating - Police and mask mandates for un-'vacinated' coming

I don't recall being forced to get the shots (or take the vaccine, not all were in shots). I simply said you had to be vaccinated to attend school.
That's idiotic. You can't go to school without being injected. That's not a choice, lol.
That is protecting others from the consequences of your choice.
Indeed, living in a free society doesn't mean you have the right to infect and possibly kill your neighbor. All the studies have shown that both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are safe for all but a few people who have special medical conditions and that both vaccines radically reduce the viral load an infected person carries, making it far less likely an infected person who has been fully vaccinated can transmit the virus to another person and far less likely he or she will provide a breeding ground for a new variant.

Certainly you have the right not to be vaccinated, but society has the right, the obligation imo, to prevent you from entering any public venue - including schools, theaters, restaurants, supermarkets, shopping malls, etc. -in which you might be in close contact with other people for a prolonged time unless you are either fully vaccinated or can provide other means, such as testing, to show you are not carrying the virus. You have the right to refuse the vaccine, but you don't have the right to recklessly endanger the lives of other people,

Mask Up, Eat the Bugs, Wear Two Sweaters, and Get Boosted Every Three Months​

German citizens are being told what they will have to do in the coming winter. In addition to freezing and starving, they will be required to get a Corona “booster” every three months.

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

That is protecting others from the consequences of your choice.
It's not a choice if there's only one option. And how do vaxxed people get put at risk by a non-vaxxed person? That shit only flew with covid because it's not a real vaccine. With a real vax, an un-vaxxed person can't infect you.
It's not a choice if there's only one option. And how do vaxxed people get put at risk by a non-vaxxed person? That shit only flew with covid because it's not a real vaccine. With a real vax, an un-vaxxed person can't infect you.

Because some people, due to other health issues, cannot take a vaccine.

Also, even with "real" vaccines it is not 100%.
Do you know a country which wouldn't have been quickly ruined after communist dictatorship?
The united communists of CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Greens-Lefts by silent support of their socialist 'opposition' AFD have quickly transformed Germany to DDR 2.0, but much worst as the first one.
The last invention of morons are 'vax' mandates any three month, masks for unvaccinated only ( many greetings from the Third Reich' ) and 'Heating - Police',.
Commies gonna demand that only one - two rooms are allowed to be heated and not higher as 55 °F.
Otherwise 'perpetrators' can be fined 30k Euro

DDR 2.0 ( former Germany ) today


I thought this was August 2023!

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