In winter, 2023 both German industry and united hard-core communists of CSU-CDU-SPD-FDP-Greens-Lefts together wit pocket 'opposition' AFD are gone


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Who run the former great country today?
A bunch of hard-core communists of CSU-CDU-SPD-FDP-Greens-Lefts ( of course darlings of Schwab and Soros ) supported by socialist pocket 'opposition' AFD and MS lying presstitutes of the worst kind.
Incompetent in anything, without professional skills and proper education.
In this autumn German industry is gone and most of citizens became poor beggars.
What happens next?
Revolts, new elections and the true Nationalists receive power.
Not AFD, not any created by the state 'opposition' party, but the new ones, still unknown, like in another countries will participate on election 2023.
We can only hope, no new Hitler and NSDAP win, but of course somebody like them.
Together with the new Italian ( fascist ) government and probably another new (fascist) European ones they will negotiate with Putin and make peace.
Ukraine becomes a part of Russia, the Peace agreement will be signed in Crimea, all sanctions gonna be lifted and European communists sued for aggravated high treason in many cases:
The Climate Lie, SCAMdemic CONvid-1984 'vaccine' genocide, the Ukrainian war, destroying of European industry, white genocide, de-Christianisation, etc. etc. etc.

Where will flee communist trash from Europa when fascists take power?

Or communist imbeciles believe Germans will pay 3,000 - 4,000 Euro for gas more pro household without any resistance?

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People are needlessly suffering because they allowed the Climate Change Cultists to make vital economic and energy decisions.
Maybe this will be a wake-up call for people to scrutinize AGW "science".


People are needlessly suffering because they allowed the Climate Change Cultists to make vital economic and energy decisions.
Maybe this will be a wake-up call for people to scrutinize AGW "science".

View attachment 676537
View attachment 676538

All western countries are occupied by Schwab's satanic communist gang, western citizens shall take their countries back otherwise satanists will kill all of them
What a luck for you that absolute stupidity is not a deadly disease in the internet, baron.

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Don't panic! We got one more Hitler coming up; Rev 17:11!!! Whoever this beast is it has a lot of trouble holding onto those thousand year reigns it brags about for any length of time. That weak kneed 3rd Reich it said would last "Ein Tausand jahresiten" baaaaarly made 12 years! I'm not bragging here but I'd bet the farm if it had been me in Dolf's body I could have pulled 3 more years than Oddball Heatliar did making it to 1948 & with a CONDITIONAL/HONARABLE surrender no less! Yessireee Bob us followers of TIK on YouTube are the most formidable armchair military tacticians in the entire history of warfare on planet earth!!!
Don't panic! We got one more Hitler coming up; Rev 17:11!!!

Idiot or Super-idiot - what's the category where you to try to live in, anti-Christian?

Whoever this beast is it has a lot of trouble holding onto those thousand year reigns it brags about for any length of time. That weak kneed 3rd Reich it said would last "Ein Tausand jahresiten"


baaaaarly made 12 years!


I'm not bragging here but I'd bet the farm if it had been me in Dolf's body


I could have pulled 3 more years than Oddball Heatliar


did making it to 1948 & with a CONDITIONAL/HONARABLE surrender no less! Yessireee Bob us followers of TIK on YouTube are the most formidable armchair military tacticians in the entire history of warfare on planet earth!!!

¿Drugs? Do you need help?

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