Students and parents sue Huntington, W.VA schools over Christian revival


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Students can hold Christian events but can't make other students attend.
Somebody should tell the school board members that separation of church and state is defined in the Constitution of the United States of America. The religious nut cases continue to ignore it; and they must be punished for their vile efforts.
You have no idea what that means.

really, you're the expert -

The lawsuit charges that two Huntington High School teachers during homeroom on Feb. 2 escorted their entire classes to the revival. Students, including a Jewish student who asked to leave but was not permitted to do so, were instructed to bow their heads in prayer and raise up their hands and were warned they needed to make a decision to follow Jesus or face eternal torment.

are you one of the good people ...
The lawsuit charges that two Huntington High School teachers during homeroom on Feb. 2 escorted their entire classes to the revival. Students, including a Jewish student who asked to leave but was not permitted to do so, were instructed to bow their heads in prayer and raise up their hands and were warned they needed to make a decision to follow Jesus or face eternal torment.

I made no comment about the above but the teachers could be sued as you can't FORCE kids to another religion! Unless they were following actual school policy in which case the school can be sued. Meantime, how many times have I read that schools forced students to study and practice muslim practices as well?

What the Founders intended was freedom OF religion NOT freedom FROM religion.
Where did I say that?
The Constitution says freedom of religion,not from religion.
In other words you're free to practice any religion you want to.
Another brain damaged bull dyke,what a surprise.

that is not true -

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment (of) religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

no establishment of religion - at best an acquiescence to not - prohibiting - religion.

who wrote the document fled europe for that very reason - to be free of religion.
I would happily attend a Christian service if I were a student in that school

but no student should be force or even pressured to do so
I am a Christian and I agree. I would not want the school to force people to attend a Muslim event, and if I want to have consistent rules, I have to be against letting the school do what they did.
that is not true -

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment (of) religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

no establishment of religion - at best an acquiescence to not - prohibiting - religion.

who wrote the document fled europe for that very reason - to be free of religion.

Are you really this stupid?
Your post says exactly what I just said.
Does it hurt to have a reading disability?
If so you must be in agony....
BREAKING! FFRF with students, parents sues Huntington, W.Va., schools over Christian revival - Freedom From Religion Foundation

Somebody should tell the school board members that separation of church and state is defined in the Constitution of the United States of America. The religious nut cases continue to ignore it; and they must be punished for their vile efforts.

The Constitution says we do not have a STATE religion like England does. There is no formal "American Church" like the Church of England. People mistake that to mean that all govt buildings must be free of religion, or "secular" (HA!), but that is not so.

That said:

The school was very much in the wrong in forcing the students to participate in what was clearly a religious worship service/conversion activity. I know these laws pretty well; I do "religious" things in my classroom (for example: African-American Spirituals), and we approach the content through a curricular lens. Fully allowed in law, as it should be, because you can't scrub human existence of religion (nor should you). But nor should you force students to PARTICIPATE in religion.
BREAKING! FFRF with students, parents sues Huntington, W.Va., schools over Christian revival - Freedom From Religion Foundation

Somebody should tell the school board members that separation of church and state is defined in the Constitution of the United States of America. The religious nut cases continue to ignore it; and they must be punished for their vile efforts.
these zealots are staging a last attempt to save the dying religion. They don't realize it's too late.

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