Group plans to put Christian schools inside Ohio churches and allow kids to attend with public money - WOUB Public Media
A new, private school has been commissioned in Columbus but it’s not like many others. What makes this one different is the elementary school is housed in a church, in... Read More
Back when I first wrote that well-received thread It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation. in January, I lamented our country's descent into atheism. But this was before this fabulous new Supreme Court issued a spate of rulings protecting religious freedom.
The new school in Ohio is a result of the Carson vs Makin ruling, where the Supreme Court allowed taxpayer funding for religious schools, and this is a tremendous development. The Marxist propaganda machine is obviously very angry at the formation of the Ohio Christian schools as well as the ruling, but the rest of us are leaping with joy. Now poor inner-city black youths can get much-needed Christian values in a safer better school free from Communist indoctrination. Free from wokeness. The blacks can now begin to turn around their promiscuous gang-banging culture to one of two-parent families and Christian productivity. No sensible person can say this is anything but great news.
Forgive me if I have a bounce in my step today!
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