Stronger Requirements to Register and Vote?

Check all that should apply re registration and voting:

  • Pass minimal literacy test to vote

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Pay a poll tax

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Pass test about candidates' positions

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • Show proof of name, address, and citizenship to register

    Votes: 16 66.7%
  • Meet minimum residency requirements

    Votes: 13 54.2%
  • Have no felony convictions

    Votes: 10 41.7%
  • Go to city/county clerk's office to register

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • Vote at designated polling place on election day

    Votes: 14 58.3%
  • Other (I'll explain in my post)

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • No requirements

    Votes: 4 16.7%

  • Total voters


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
Discussions of voter registration fraud and voter fraud has been cropping up on several threads and I think this needs its own topic.

Should registration and voting be made as easy as possible? Or would making it more proactive result in a better informed, more motivated electorate?

Does residency requirements and requiring photo ID improve integrity in the system or does it disenfranchise citizens?

Should some minimum standards be established to ensure people are competent to vote?

What are your thoughts.
Discussions of voter registration fraud and voter fraud has been cropping up on several threads and I think this needs its own topic.

Should registration and voting be made as easy as possible? Or would making it more proactive result in a better informed, more motivated electorate?

Does residency requirements and requiring photo ID improve integrity in the system or does it disenfranchise citizens?

Should some minimum standards be established to ensure people are competent to vote?

What are your thoughts.

I think a semen sample should be sufficient

Just go in the booth and hand it to them when you get out
Proof of citizenship, residence, and that you are who you say you are.... pretty self explanatory

Vote at your designated polling place

No persons who are currently incarcerated or committed as wards of the state should be allowed to vote

Now... plenty I would to about the process for voting and registration... but that's about it as what I would have as voting requirements for our citizenry
The one I had the most trouble with was the felony conviction thing. For a long time many states deemed that a felon forfeited his/her right to vote. I think it is still that way in at least Texas.

I don't have a problem with those felons who have served their time and regained their place in the world as useful productive citizens also having their voting rights restored.

I have a HUGE problem with people in jail or prison for felony conviction voting.
Definately we need to check Photo ID's of all voters and also dye finger to prevent revoting. Dying fingers stop fraud in third world countries, and with all of this illegal immigration America is quickly becoming one. I don't see why doing this would be bad. I know the liberals will scream that the poor don't have an ID but they mysteriouslly have this missing ID to cash their aid check. If this is their only complaint then give them a FREE ID!!!! Now a days you need an ID for everything like buying a airline ticket, beer, cigs, You also need a ID and social security card to apply for unemployment, and if the federal government did their job proving your citizenship!!!! If I have to show my ID to get rid of these Criminals and law breakers and lower my taxes to boot then HERE IS MY ID officer!!!!!
Discussions of voter registration fraud and voter fraud has been cropping up on several threads and I think this needs its own topic.

Should registration and voting be made as easy as possible? Or would making it more proactive result in a better informed, more motivated electorate?

Does residency requirements and requiring photo ID improve integrity in the system or does it disenfranchise citizens?

Should some minimum standards be established to ensure people are competent to vote?

What are your thoughts.

I think a semen sample should be sufficient

Just go in the booth and hand it to them when you get out

Sorry RW, they limit us to 10 options for polls so I had to leave that one off.
Most of those are Unconstitutional, I accidentally left off showing proof of citizenship to register.

But those that ARE unconstitutional, would you favor including one or more in a constitutional amendment intended to make voter registration and fraud more difficult?
Voting got so crazy in this state for awhile, I have absolutely no confidence that anybody who got elected in the last couple of elections actuallly won those elections.

First they didn't want anybody to show a photo ID because it might intimidate or disenfranchise some voters. So the polling folks wouldn't even allow us to show our ID or even our voters registration card which somebody in the legislature decided was also illegal. Then because so many voted out of their districts where they registered or were allowed to register and vote when they showed up to vote, it took weeks and weeks and weeks for the votes to be counted.

I was just wondering if there is anybody on USMB who condones a policy like that?
We absolutely need to make some drastic changes to the way voting is done. I don't know about other states, but when I initially had to register to vote I had to show some ID and I had to give info about my place of birth, etc. and indicate I was a US citizen. When I moved to TN I had it to do all over again.

I'm not real crazy about the motor-voter laws. Leaves too much room for "errors." People should care enough about their right to vote to go the the Registrar's Office in their locality to register. They need to vote in the district where they live and at the polling station where they are assigned to vote. I don't think anyone gets disenfranchised by eliminating motor-voter laws. They can walk, ride a horse, bum a ride, ride a bus, ride a bike, skateboard, get a taxi - whatever it takes to register at the Registrar's Office.

I don't care for the poll tax because you shouldn't have to pay for the right to vote. In some cases a felon's right to vote can be reinstated, but I agree that if you're incarcerated you should not have the right to vote.

I'm good with the dye on the finger process, too.

The voting system is so corrupt we've got to do something about it.
I think the current system is fine.
You register to vote, and you show your ID when you vote.
Why make more laws limiting our rights?
and no matter what you do, you will always have voter fraud.

So why don't we just let anyone and everyone vote? Green card aliens. Teenagers (under 18). Felons. Illegal immigrants. They have just as much stake in this country as anyone else, right?

Voting is both a right and a responsibility of citizenship. It demands having people who can accept that responsibility. Felons haven't demonstrated that. They can have rights restored if they work hard at it. Similarly with illegals. Similarly with literacy tests.
Otherwise we become simply a country governed by mob rule listening to whomever promises us the most candy. About what we have now.
and no matter what you do, you will always have voter fraud.

So why don't we just let anyone and everyone vote? Green card aliens. Teenagers (under 18). Felons. Illegal immigrants. They have just as much stake in this country as anyone else, right?

Voting is both a right and a responsibility of citizenship. It demands having people who can accept that responsibility. Felons haven't demonstrated that. They can have rights restored if they work hard at it. Similarly with illegals. Similarly with literacy tests.
Otherwise we become simply a country governed by mob rule listening to whomever promises us the most candy. About what we have now.

Did I say that? You really need to learn how to read.
Most of those are Unconstitutional, I accidentally left off showing proof of citizenship to register.

But those that ARE unconstitutional, would you favor including one or more in a constitutional amendment intended to make voter registration and fraud more difficult?

NO, they all require the benefilance ( ok cant spell that word and it wont appear in the dictionary) of whom ever is running the Government.
and no matter what you do, you will always have voter fraud.

So why don't we just let anyone and everyone vote? Green card aliens. Teenagers (under 18). Felons. Illegal immigrants. They have just as much stake in this country as anyone else, right?

Voting is both a right and a responsibility of citizenship. It demands having people who can accept that responsibility. Felons haven't demonstrated that. They can have rights restored if they work hard at it. Similarly with illegals. Similarly with literacy tests.
Otherwise we become simply a country governed by mob rule listening to whomever promises us the most candy. About what we have now.

Right on.
and no matter what you do, you will always have voter fraud.

True, there are going to be people who find their way around any system. Which means the more intrusive or complicated the laws, the fewer people will vote - but the fraud will happen anyway. Bad balance if you ask me. I see nothing wrong with proving ID and citizenship when you register, and showing ID at a designated polling place. That's enough due diligence.

On a side note tomorow is primary day in PA and I'll be working the polls again, I'll let you know how many illegals and dead people we catch and how many dummies get stuffed in the ballot box. ;)

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