Stimulus Checks 2? Or "Go Forth and DIE!"

If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.
Where does the money come from????

The same place it comes from now. Pretend land. Our fiat currency is probably over 20 trillion in debt. It doesn't matter if it is 40 trillion. Though before the coronavirus thing hit, the U.S. was paying around 420 billion dollars a year just on the interest of our national debt. Which is basically money flushed down the toilet. And we just burrow more money to pay that. We need to just tell whoever we owe interest to to suck it! Apart from the national debt, we also have around 61 trillion worth of unfunded obligations. And I don't want to split the hair between a debt and an obligation.

We need to just tell whoever we owe interest to to suck it!

But you want to borrow more money for handouts to you?

You're not real bright, are you?
Usury is for suckers and slaves.

Well ok....

But understand that if you eliminate Usury, then you are not going to borrow anymore.

That means if you don't have money for a car, then you simply don't get a car.

And if there isn't money for Social Security, then there is no Social Security.

If you don't have money for education, then you simply don't get education.

If there is no money for Medicare, then you simply don't get Medicare.

I'm somewhat sympathetic to the concept of banning Usury. But you need to understand what that means. No credit cards. If you want to go out to eat, because some friends came into town unexpected, and you don't have money.... you don't go out to eat.

Are you ok with this?

You don't need usury to have any of that. When inflation heats up, the fed increases interests payments. If the economy is doing poorly, the fed nearly eliminates interest payments-usury.

Without Usury, it does not matter what the Fed does.... if you don't have the money to buy something... then you are not going to be able to buy it. No matter what the Fed does.

You don't make any sense.

If you want to buy a house.... and there is no Usury... why would anyone lend you the money to buy a house? They wouldn't.

Doesn't matter what the Fed does. Why would I loan you $100,000 to buy a house, if I can't earn a profit off of loaning you the money? Without Usury, I would get back $100,000 on my $100,000 loan.

Why would I do this? I wouldn't.

If I'm a bank, I'm not going to give you a mortgage, because why would I do something that earns me nothing? Has nothing to do with the Fed. Fed has zero influence on this choice.

I'm simply not going to loan you the money. It would be better for me to invest that $100,000 in stocks. At least with stocks I'll get a return on my investment.

No Usury, means no money for you. If you don't have the cash, you don't get the stuff.

If you are ok with that, so am I. I'm all for banning Usury. But you need to understand... no house unless you have cash. No car unless you have cash. Doesn't matter what the Fed does. No one is going to loan you money, if they can't make a profit.

Face it. Capitalism is a farce. Everything should be provided by the government. Taking care of the people is their job. (At least, it should be) Not kissing hands and shaking babies. Housing, health care, education and transportation should be free. Free Free FREEEEEEEEEE!!!! Healthcare should apply equally to anybody. But as far as everything else goes, it would have to depend on your station in life. Those who are doctors or scientists for example should have better housing and transportation than a laborer. In return, people give their labor to support society.

In my town they have a plan to make the bridges toll bridges. In other words, privatize them. But those people are in it to make a profit. If you want something done as cheaply as possible, providing companies with profit isn't the way to go. No doubt one way they would do it is by paying their workers less and giving them fewer benefits than a city worker would get. Which is a race to the bottom. Screw that.

Who would work? Why work? Why invent? Why produce? Why research? Why do anything but sit around?

Your opinion of humanity is delusional. People are inventive. Producing gives them a sense of pride and worth.

Nah, give me what I want, new car, new motorhome, new home, all the money I want, free healthcare, free food, free electric, free campsites when I travel. Hell, if you can get it why not me? I’ve worked hard all my life. The government owes me tons!

What if you were given all those things. But for a price. That price being that you do whatever part you can in seeing to it that everybody else can receive those things too. (Which wouldn't mean working people to death) Would you sign on for that? Or are you so brainwashed that you think that greed and accumulating as much as you can at any negative cost to society is the best option for society.
Greed goes both ways, you want to exploit people and tell them what they can make.

No. Greed goes one way. The more you have, the more you want. Also, study's have shown that the more poor a person is, the more honest they are likely to be. Another thing is that part of the way people make money in this country is in trying to convince others that they want something that they don't really need. This too is driven by greed. It shouldn't be that way. And in at least the next 50 years, it won't be. Because most of humanity and the rest of life on this planet will be extinct due to human caused global warming. Some say it will be within the next 20 years.
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Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171

From what I have been seeing on the news, many states are reopening even though the cases of coronavirus is still increasing. Also, how many instances of coronavirus in this country did it take to get the whole ball rolling to begin with. 2 or 3?

Then why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
Its going down, with 1,417,350 US cases, how can it go down with so many active cases, not just 1 or 2?

Because of quarantine. With the 2 or 3 who got the whole plague rolling here, there was no quarantine.

Yes there most certainly was a quarantine here, for travelers from China, but not from Europe?!
Quarantine? Not all of the 1.4m are quarantined, so why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
You did not answer this question: What's a worse condition, 1.4m cases or a few?
We have the 1.4m now and the number of cases is going down, why? How can that be?

President Chump just didn't handle things well. And he still isn't.

Really? So what should he have done? I'll show you why he couldn't or didn't.

Well, president Chump could have started out by not calling the coronavirus a hoax at the beginning.

He didn't call it a hoax, he called what Democrats were trying to do with it another one of their hoaxes. Of course this was before we had any idea how this thing would impact us. But lets say he never made that statement. How would that have changed our current plight?

He called it a hoax. Next, it would have changed our current plight by taking it seriously from the beginning. And there would be over 30,000 fewer dead people.

President Trump is a former businessman, not a former scientist or medical expert. He took the advice from our various health agencies and his medical team to make decisions. Even in late February, Dr. Fauci made a public statement that this virus was nothing of great concern; go out and live life as you always have, and there is no need to use gloves or masks.

When the WHO made a public statement about their concern of this virus in late January, President Trump took action the next day. No, he didn't shutdown the country, but he did take a few precautionary measures, and increased those measures as new information because available, and his team and agencies were able to form a better opinion.

Today the CDC made an announcement that 35% of the Covid cases were with asymptomatic people. That means this virus likely has been with us much longer than we thought. Asymptomatic people have the virus and don't become ill because of it. However they are just as contagious as those that did get ill. That means these people were hugging their friends and family, shaking hands with strangers, drinking at bars and eating at restaurants, squeezing fruit and vegetables at their grocery store.

As for the non-asymptomatic people, the symptoms are similar to a bad cold or early flu, which a lot of people never seek medical attention for.

Therefore your theory about saving 30,000 people is your opinion, not fact.

Saving over 30,000 people with earlier action is what they said on the news last night. But admittedly, you can't always believe the news. For example, they say that Armaud Arbery was murdered. Though like it or not, president Chump started out by calling the whole thing a hoax. And it seems every step of the way, he has been dragging his feet. As for his "experts," they are on his payroll. They will basically say what they're told to say. Including the CDC. Don't believe it? Watch the documentary, "What lies upstream."

Your documentaries are not Gospel. They are trying to get you to watch their programming for profit.

Yes, if we started in September of last year, we could have saved tens of thousands of lives, but who knew what could happen back then? Trump didn't drag his feet. Our agencies are mired in red tape, and they practice these unnecessary prolonged actions that the President is not in control of.

In late February of this year, Cuomo was urging people to not worry about this silly virus. Go out, shop, dine, and carry on with your normal life. DeBlazio sent the same message to NYC residents around that same time. Piglosi was telling people to visit Chinatown. NOBODY KNEW!!!! The first two weeks of March, the House Democrats were trying to pass a bill stripping the President of his exclusive right to issue travel bans.

Bottom line is armchair quarterbacks like yourself can make any claim they desire. I always said if you want to hit todays lottery, buy tomorrows newspaper. Easier said than done.

Did you see any of those documentaries? Until you do, you can't have any kind of opinion about them. Next, nobody said anything about September. They were talking about early March.

You leftists always pull this stunt. So let me be clear up front: If I had to watch every documentary a leftists tells me to watch, watch every movie, read every book you people read, I wouldn't have time to come here and discuss politics. If you have a short article, sure, if I have time, I'll go through it. But I'm not going to spend hours and hours to reply to each and every leftist comment. You wouldn't read any book or watch any documentary I suggest either. Nobody has that kind of time.

You should listen to me. Your intellectual superior. I have no interest in steering you wrong. And you shouldn't assume I'm trying to do so. Take the documentary I mentioned called, "What lies upstream." I will tell you some of what you don't want to find out about yourself. First, companies aren't required to tell what the toxic effects of any chemical they make are. And the can lie about it! The CDC is fine with this because their leadership is appointed by the pro-business leadership of the government. Republican or democrat. Also, do you know how chemical companies get rid of their toxic waist? Basically, they flush it down the toilet! And it is perfectly legal!!! So what is the point of you having the time to say things here when all you have to speak about is shit to begin with.

Oh please, so you watch these "documentaries" and conclude they are all Gospel? WTF would make you think that? I always question what's told to me from somebody trying to make money by getting my attention, even if it's something that leans towards my political persuasion.

Facebook is loaded with conspiracy theories that after enough attention, is proven false by another entity. And as my intellectual superior, you should know by now that what you call toxic waist is spelled W-A-S-T-E, not W-A-I-S-T. :auiqs.jpg:

Thanks for letting me know about a typo. But as far as I can see, correcting my grammar is the best you've got. As for the conspiracy angle, they talked to the experts. People with PhD's in their particular fields. Top experts. As in there being just about no other people on the planet that may know more. You may not think so. But such people are well worth listening to.

Another documentary I mentioned to you was, "Where to invade next." Here is a piece of information from it that you can consider to be bullshit at your leisure. Apparently, Norway has the most highly educated students in the world. At the very least, they are in the top three. You might find how they accomplished this to be interesting. They eliminated homework. It seems counterintuitive. But it is a reality. In school, how much homework did you do. I didn't do any. Maybe that explains my intelligence.

Since you studied it so intensely, tell me, does Norway have anything comparable to our teachers unions? Does Norway have three months of vacation from school every year?

Somebody being an expert does not mean they are not biased. We have scientist who believe in global warming, and others who believe it's BS. We have "experts" who believe there is life on other planets, and others who do not. We have engineers who said that 911 was an inside job. Others say those people are FOS.

Being an expert doesn't mean you are always right. Speaking of which, I was never a spellcheck cop. But when somebody tires to degrade me by claiming their intellectual superioriority, the least you can do is proofread your post.

Why not watch the documentary, "Where to invade next" and find out. You would be dumbfounded, absolutely blown away by what people in European countries get that we don't. Though as Michael Moore says, things over there aren't perfect. But he's there to pick the flowers. Not the weeds. He was there to invade those countries and take back to the U.S. the spoils of his invasion. As in the good ideas. The things that have been demonstrated to work. At least over there. But maybe with out large negro and mexican population, they wouldn't work here. But it would be well worth impaling and deporting the hindrance for many other reasons. Also, I wasn't trying to degrade you. Just some of the things you talk about. Even a genius could probably be brainwashed. (But not me)

You would be dumbfounded, absolutely blown away by what people in European countries get that we don't.

A lower standard of living, smaller cars, smaller homes, a smaller economy.

They also have 8 bucks a gallon for gasoline.

But their societies weren't structures around the automobile. Unlike ours. Here, we have a lot of suburban sprawl. People live so way far out that if there was ever an EMP that killed cars, they would find it very difficult to get food.

You are putting the cart, in front of the horse.

The whole reason we have suburban sprawl.... is directly because Americans are wealthy enough to have a car, and desire to have a house farther away from the noisy crime infested inner city areas.

Yeah, their societies are less structured around automobiles....... because they couldn't afford to drive automobiles all the time.

If you take those people, and bring them to the US, where they earn more money, and pay less taxes, you what those people's from those cultures do?

They buy the biggest SUV they can, and buy a house in the suburbs.

They would do the same thing in Europe... they just can't. They can't afford it, because they are poor.

I had this couple from Laos. Escaped the communists in Laos. Talk about running through the woods, being shot at by police. Freaky stuff.

Made it to the US embassy, came to the US. Didn't know English. Had to learn English. Got training on how to do CNC work. Got jobs, making $100,000 a year. (combined).

This tiny Laos woman, bought herself, a Ford Excursion, and they bought a house in the suburbs.

I asked her if she would go back to Laos. She's wants to, because she loved the people, and the land, but if she went back, she'd be poor. The government takes all the money.

This is the reality throughout all Europe.

Why do you think the Yellow Vest protest happened? They have all that free stuff you mentioned. You know what they don't have? Money. Their poor. Because the government takes all the money. The thing that triggered the protest, was the tax hike by the government to improve social services.

They are poor. I've been there. I've seen them living in 600 sqft apartments with no air conditioning, and hanging cloths up on wires inside their 600 sqft apartment. I've seen it.

Yeah, their societies are not built around automobiles, because they can't afford automobiles. Even those that have them, can't afford to drive them.
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171

From what I have been seeing on the news, many states are reopening even though the cases of coronavirus is still increasing. Also, how many instances of coronavirus in this country did it take to get the whole ball rolling to begin with. 2 or 3?

Then why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
Its going down, with 1,417,350 US cases, how can it go down with so many active cases, not just 1 or 2?

Because of quarantine. With the 2 or 3 who got the whole plague rolling here, there was no quarantine.

Yes there most certainly was a quarantine here, for travelers from China, but not from Europe?!
Quarantine? Not all of the 1.4m are quarantined, so why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
You did not answer this question: What's a worse condition, 1.4m cases or a few?
We have the 1.4m now and the number of cases is going down, why? How can that be?

President Chump just didn't handle things well. And he still isn't.

Really? So what should he have done? I'll show you why he couldn't or didn't.

Well, president Chump could have started out by not calling the coronavirus a hoax at the beginning.

He didn't call it a hoax, he called what Democrats were trying to do with it another one of their hoaxes. Of course this was before we had any idea how this thing would impact us. But lets say he never made that statement. How would that have changed our current plight?

He called it a hoax. Next, it would have changed our current plight by taking it seriously from the beginning. And there would be over 30,000 fewer dead people.

President Trump is a former businessman, not a former scientist or medical expert. He took the advice from our various health agencies and his medical team to make decisions. Even in late February, Dr. Fauci made a public statement that this virus was nothing of great concern; go out and live life as you always have, and there is no need to use gloves or masks.

When the WHO made a public statement about their concern of this virus in late January, President Trump took action the next day. No, he didn't shutdown the country, but he did take a few precautionary measures, and increased those measures as new information because available, and his team and agencies were able to form a better opinion.

Today the CDC made an announcement that 35% of the Covid cases were with asymptomatic people. That means this virus likely has been with us much longer than we thought. Asymptomatic people have the virus and don't become ill because of it. However they are just as contagious as those that did get ill. That means these people were hugging their friends and family, shaking hands with strangers, drinking at bars and eating at restaurants, squeezing fruit and vegetables at their grocery store.

As for the non-asymptomatic people, the symptoms are similar to a bad cold or early flu, which a lot of people never seek medical attention for.

Therefore your theory about saving 30,000 people is your opinion, not fact.

Saving over 30,000 people with earlier action is what they said on the news last night. But admittedly, you can't always believe the news. For example, they say that Armaud Arbery was murdered. Though like it or not, president Chump started out by calling the whole thing a hoax. And it seems every step of the way, he has been dragging his feet. As for his "experts," they are on his payroll. They will basically say what they're told to say. Including the CDC. Don't believe it? Watch the documentary, "What lies upstream."

Your documentaries are not Gospel. They are trying to get you to watch their programming for profit.

Yes, if we started in September of last year, we could have saved tens of thousands of lives, but who knew what could happen back then? Trump didn't drag his feet. Our agencies are mired in red tape, and they practice these unnecessary prolonged actions that the President is not in control of.

In late February of this year, Cuomo was urging people to not worry about this silly virus. Go out, shop, dine, and carry on with your normal life. DeBlazio sent the same message to NYC residents around that same time. Piglosi was telling people to visit Chinatown. NOBODY KNEW!!!! The first two weeks of March, the House Democrats were trying to pass a bill stripping the President of his exclusive right to issue travel bans.

Bottom line is armchair quarterbacks like yourself can make any claim they desire. I always said if you want to hit todays lottery, buy tomorrows newspaper. Easier said than done.

Did you see any of those documentaries? Until you do, you can't have any kind of opinion about them. Next, nobody said anything about September. They were talking about early March.

You leftists always pull this stunt. So let me be clear up front: If I had to watch every documentary a leftists tells me to watch, watch every movie, read every book you people read, I wouldn't have time to come here and discuss politics. If you have a short article, sure, if I have time, I'll go through it. But I'm not going to spend hours and hours to reply to each and every leftist comment. You wouldn't read any book or watch any documentary I suggest either. Nobody has that kind of time.

You should listen to me. Your intellectual superior. I have no interest in steering you wrong. And you shouldn't assume I'm trying to do so. Take the documentary I mentioned called, "What lies upstream." I will tell you some of what you don't want to find out about yourself. First, companies aren't required to tell what the toxic effects of any chemical they make are. And the can lie about it! The CDC is fine with this because their leadership is appointed by the pro-business leadership of the government. Republican or democrat. Also, do you know how chemical companies get rid of their toxic waist? Basically, they flush it down the toilet! And it is perfectly legal!!! So what is the point of you having the time to say things here when all you have to speak about is shit to begin with.

Oh please, so you watch these "documentaries" and conclude they are all Gospel? WTF would make you think that? I always question what's told to me from somebody trying to make money by getting my attention, even if it's something that leans towards my political persuasion.

Facebook is loaded with conspiracy theories that after enough attention, is proven false by another entity. And as my intellectual superior, you should know by now that what you call toxic waist is spelled W-A-S-T-E, not W-A-I-S-T. :auiqs.jpg:

Thanks for letting me know about a typo. But as far as I can see, correcting my grammar is the best you've got. As for the conspiracy angle, they talked to the experts. People with PhD's in their particular fields. Top experts. As in there being just about no other people on the planet that may know more. You may not think so. But such people are well worth listening to.

Another documentary I mentioned to you was, "Where to invade next." Here is a piece of information from it that you can consider to be bullshit at your leisure. Apparently, Norway has the most highly educated students in the world. At the very least, they are in the top three. You might find how they accomplished this to be interesting. They eliminated homework. It seems counterintuitive. But it is a reality. In school, how much homework did you do. I didn't do any. Maybe that explains my intelligence.

Since you studied it so intensely, tell me, does Norway have anything comparable to our teachers unions? Does Norway have three months of vacation from school every year?

Somebody being an expert does not mean they are not biased. We have scientist who believe in global warming, and others who believe it's BS. We have "experts" who believe there is life on other planets, and others who do not. We have engineers who said that 911 was an inside job. Others say those people are FOS.

Being an expert doesn't mean you are always right. Speaking of which, I was never a spellcheck cop. But when somebody tires to degrade me by claiming their intellectual superioriority, the least you can do is proofread your post.

You would be dumbfounded, absolutely blown away by what people in European countries get that we don't.

No, actually I wouldn't, because I know people who lived in Europe, and now in the US. I have been to Europe myself, and I have seen first hand how people live.

They live in small homes, a fraction the size of American homes. A fraction of the size. Not only are European homes tiny, but they have far fewer amenities than US homes.

This picture is from a hotel... HOTEL, not motel, from Sweden.

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Yes, that's right, the bathroom, is the same room, as the bedroom. Note the size of the toilet compared to the shower. That's right. Shower is about the same size as the toilet.

Most people in Europe in general, do not have Air Conditioning. Even to this day, Air Condition is reserved only for the elite and rich.

Most people simply can't afford to run air conditioning, even if they had it.

One lady who married a guy from France, wrote in her editorial, that she was laying on the couch in summer, drenched in sweat from it being 100ºF, and even then the husband wasn't sure if he could afford to turn on the A/C.

As I said, I've been to Europe. I've seen the clothes lines strung up inside homes, to let clothes dry, because they can't afford a clothes drier.

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Drying racks like these, are normal in Europe. People simply can't afford to actually dry their clothes.

Electricity is horrendously expensive in Europe. Denmark and Germany, both have costs that exceed 30¢ per/kWh. That's compared to the US, where in Ohio it is 9¢ per/kWh.

Also keep in mind, they lose more than half their income in taxes, and they earn less money than US employees do.

So they earn less, and keep less of what they earn, and then they pay many times higher prices.

This is why when one of our Chemical Engineers that went to our church, when he moved to Germany, between the pay cut, and the higher taxes, and the much higher cost of fuel, he and his wife, both ended up not being able to afford a car. She had to ride a bike to the store, and ended up dumping her purchases as few times trying to ride back home. He had to spend an extra half hour, commuting to work on a bicycle.

It wasn't because they enjoyed spending hours getting anywhere. It wasn't because they loved getting blown off the road by high wind, or rained on all the way to work and back.

It was because the cost $5.80 per gallon in Germany. And Germany has "cheap" gasoline. Norway was charging $7.30 per gallon. That was the last quarter of 2019, when prices had already fallen quite a bit.

Now prices are down to 'almost'.... $4 a gallon.

And by the way, the doesn't include the $20 eco-stickers required to drive on German roads.

Traveling in Germany has tolls all over the country. You want to take your family on a vacation, you could spend $100 to $200 just getting there, not including fuel costs.

This is why you see tiny 3-wheeled cars in Europe.
View attachment 340977

Very common in Europe. I saw them when I was there. This isn't some clown car SNL skit... this is how people can afford to own a car, by buying one so tiny, you could almost walk faster than it.

Now that isn't to say that there are no really high quality cars in Europe... there are of course. They are just reserved for the rich. You don't see middle class people buying those cars in Europe. Can't afford it.

And I could go on and on. Most Europeans don't own Microwaves. Too expensive.

Many places like France, or the UK, most people only own one TV set, because you are taxed on how many TV sets you own. If you buy 3 TVs in the UK, they charge you three times the TV tax.

You have a family room, and a living room, and a bedroom? Cough up $200 per TV, per year.

Europeans are rich compared to 3rd world countries. Compared to most of South American, and Africa, and south east Asia.... Europe is a freakin dream world of wealth and bliss. No question about it.

But when you compare Europe to the US.... no sir. No. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Our poorest working people in this country, live a better life, than the middle class of Europe.

You can deny that, but that is the truth. I've seen it. The statistics show it. Everything supports that conclusion.

Well the U.S. is a much larger country than all of Europe. With far more natural resources. So I wouldn't go spouting off about American superiority in material goods. Also, if we gave people a free college education, free medical coverage, higher pay, paid vacations, etc etc etc, the sizes of houses here wouldn't shrink. Deny that, if you dare.

Yeah, of course housing sizes will shrink. There is (obviously), a direct connection between the cost of the house, and plot of land, and the price thereof.

If you give people free stuff, like everything you mentioned, people will have less money because of taxes. Much less money. And therefore they won't be able to afford larger homes.

The reason I saw a family of four, in the UK, living in a house that had a smaller Sq.Ft size to my first college apartment, of 900 sqft.... is because that's what they could afford.

And why could they only afford that? Because they are paying 50% to 60% of their income in taxes, and they earn less to start with. And by the way, they pay a 20% sales tax on top of that.

Yes, housing sizes will shrink.

It's so baffling to me, that you would think otherwise. If you earn less money for the same job.... and you lose half your income in taxes.... do you think you can afford the same size house or apartment you have today, on that much less money?

I know for a fact, that I could not. I would have to down size my living space.

You are wrong. As usual. I don't know how taxes work in Europe. But here, in reality, regular people hardly pay any taxes at all. The vast majority of what they pay in taxes they get back with their tax returns. Which enables them to buy things that they normally wouldn't be able to afford. In that regard, the government would be doing us a favor by raising taxes some. What we are actually paying for the most part is a short term loan to the government.
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171

From what I have been seeing on the news, many states are reopening even though the cases of coronavirus is still increasing. Also, how many instances of coronavirus in this country did it take to get the whole ball rolling to begin with. 2 or 3?

Then why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
Its going down, with 1,417,350 US cases, how can it go down with so many active cases, not just 1 or 2?

Because of quarantine. With the 2 or 3 who got the whole plague rolling here, there was no quarantine.

Yes there most certainly was a quarantine here, for travelers from China, but not from Europe?!
Quarantine? Not all of the 1.4m are quarantined, so why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
You did not answer this question: What's a worse condition, 1.4m cases or a few?
We have the 1.4m now and the number of cases is going down, why? How can that be?

President Chump just didn't handle things well. And he still isn't.

Really? So what should he have done? I'll show you why he couldn't or didn't.

Well, president Chump could have started out by not calling the coronavirus a hoax at the beginning.

He didn't call it a hoax, he called what Democrats were trying to do with it another one of their hoaxes. Of course this was before we had any idea how this thing would impact us. But lets say he never made that statement. How would that have changed our current plight?

He called it a hoax. Next, it would have changed our current plight by taking it seriously from the beginning. And there would be over 30,000 fewer dead people.

President Trump is a former businessman, not a former scientist or medical expert. He took the advice from our various health agencies and his medical team to make decisions. Even in late February, Dr. Fauci made a public statement that this virus was nothing of great concern; go out and live life as you always have, and there is no need to use gloves or masks.

When the WHO made a public statement about their concern of this virus in late January, President Trump took action the next day. No, he didn't shutdown the country, but he did take a few precautionary measures, and increased those measures as new information because available, and his team and agencies were able to form a better opinion.

Today the CDC made an announcement that 35% of the Covid cases were with asymptomatic people. That means this virus likely has been with us much longer than we thought. Asymptomatic people have the virus and don't become ill because of it. However they are just as contagious as those that did get ill. That means these people were hugging their friends and family, shaking hands with strangers, drinking at bars and eating at restaurants, squeezing fruit and vegetables at their grocery store.

As for the non-asymptomatic people, the symptoms are similar to a bad cold or early flu, which a lot of people never seek medical attention for.

Therefore your theory about saving 30,000 people is your opinion, not fact.

Saving over 30,000 people with earlier action is what they said on the news last night. But admittedly, you can't always believe the news. For example, they say that Armaud Arbery was murdered. Though like it or not, president Chump started out by calling the whole thing a hoax. And it seems every step of the way, he has been dragging his feet. As for his "experts," they are on his payroll. They will basically say what they're told to say. Including the CDC. Don't believe it? Watch the documentary, "What lies upstream."

Your documentaries are not Gospel. They are trying to get you to watch their programming for profit.

Yes, if we started in September of last year, we could have saved tens of thousands of lives, but who knew what could happen back then? Trump didn't drag his feet. Our agencies are mired in red tape, and they practice these unnecessary prolonged actions that the President is not in control of.

In late February of this year, Cuomo was urging people to not worry about this silly virus. Go out, shop, dine, and carry on with your normal life. DeBlazio sent the same message to NYC residents around that same time. Piglosi was telling people to visit Chinatown. NOBODY KNEW!!!! The first two weeks of March, the House Democrats were trying to pass a bill stripping the President of his exclusive right to issue travel bans.

Bottom line is armchair quarterbacks like yourself can make any claim they desire. I always said if you want to hit todays lottery, buy tomorrows newspaper. Easier said than done.

Did you see any of those documentaries? Until you do, you can't have any kind of opinion about them. Next, nobody said anything about September. They were talking about early March.

You leftists always pull this stunt. So let me be clear up front: If I had to watch every documentary a leftists tells me to watch, watch every movie, read every book you people read, I wouldn't have time to come here and discuss politics. If you have a short article, sure, if I have time, I'll go through it. But I'm not going to spend hours and hours to reply to each and every leftist comment. You wouldn't read any book or watch any documentary I suggest either. Nobody has that kind of time.

You should listen to me. Your intellectual superior. I have no interest in steering you wrong. And you shouldn't assume I'm trying to do so. Take the documentary I mentioned called, "What lies upstream." I will tell you some of what you don't want to find out about yourself. First, companies aren't required to tell what the toxic effects of any chemical they make are. And the can lie about it! The CDC is fine with this because their leadership is appointed by the pro-business leadership of the government. Republican or democrat. Also, do you know how chemical companies get rid of their toxic waist? Basically, they flush it down the toilet! And it is perfectly legal!!! So what is the point of you having the time to say things here when all you have to speak about is shit to begin with.

Your intellectual superior.

Total fail. Right there.

Listen... A: No one listens to people who are arrogant, because if you actually were intellectually superior, you wouldn't be arrogant about it. People are actually smart, are smart enough to realize the limits of what they know, and thus are not arrogant.

Arrogance is universally reserved for the people who are dumb, and don't know it.

B: As a general rule of all human kind.... if you have tell everyone that you are superior... the fact you have to tell them "I am intellectually superior"... proves you are not.

If you were.... you wouldn't have to tell us. This is why only crap cars have "Sport" written on them. Because you would never know they were sporty, unless it said "Sport" on the side of the car.

No one needs "Sport" written on the side of a Porche Boxster or Chevy Corvette, or Audi R8. Just by looking... you know it's a sports car.

The very fact that you had to try and 'tell us' that you are "intellectually superior"... proves conclusively that you are not.

You just destroyed yourself in your own post. Now I know as fact, that I am dealing with an arrogant idiot.

You wouldn't believe (or maybe you would) all of the various kinds of insults I have received from many people at other forums. So as far as I'm concerned, they can all suck my ass. I will tell people up front what intellectual worms they are compared to me. And get banned as I go about proving it.

Given that we have been arguing with you based on facts constantly, and you keep repeating already proven false claims.... yeah I can kind of grasp why you would be insulted on every forum you have been on.

If you are hit with evidence constantly, and are just blindly pushing the same false claims.... yeah eventually people are just going to mock you.

Especially when you are arrogant about your ignorance. When you sit around trying to tell everyone you are "superior".... yeah that's going to get you mocked. I can see that yes.

And when you are confronted with truth, and all you can say is "suck my ass"..... yeah that will also add more mocking and insults.

If you are cool with having your ignorance thrown back in your face constantly, by all means. We'll amuse ourselves with you for a bit longer. Eventually we'll move on. You can't shine up a turd, or dress a pig so it isn't ugly. If you turn out to be like that, we'll eventually find other things to do.
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171

From what I have been seeing on the news, many states are reopening even though the cases of coronavirus is still increasing. Also, how many instances of coronavirus in this country did it take to get the whole ball rolling to begin with. 2 or 3?

Then why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
Its going down, with 1,417,350 US cases, how can it go down with so many active cases, not just 1 or 2?

Because of quarantine. With the 2 or 3 who got the whole plague rolling here, there was no quarantine.

Yes there most certainly was a quarantine here, for travelers from China, but not from Europe?!
Quarantine? Not all of the 1.4m are quarantined, so why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
You did not answer this question: What's a worse condition, 1.4m cases or a few?
We have the 1.4m now and the number of cases is going down, why? How can that be?

President Chump just didn't handle things well. And he still isn't.

Really? So what should he have done? I'll show you why he couldn't or didn't.

Well, president Chump could have started out by not calling the coronavirus a hoax at the beginning.

He didn't call it a hoax, he called what Democrats were trying to do with it another one of their hoaxes. Of course this was before we had any idea how this thing would impact us. But lets say he never made that statement. How would that have changed our current plight?

He called it a hoax. Next, it would have changed our current plight by taking it seriously from the beginning. And there would be over 30,000 fewer dead people.

President Trump is a former businessman, not a former scientist or medical expert. He took the advice from our various health agencies and his medical team to make decisions. Even in late February, Dr. Fauci made a public statement that this virus was nothing of great concern; go out and live life as you always have, and there is no need to use gloves or masks.

When the WHO made a public statement about their concern of this virus in late January, President Trump took action the next day. No, he didn't shutdown the country, but he did take a few precautionary measures, and increased those measures as new information because available, and his team and agencies were able to form a better opinion.

Today the CDC made an announcement that 35% of the Covid cases were with asymptomatic people. That means this virus likely has been with us much longer than we thought. Asymptomatic people have the virus and don't become ill because of it. However they are just as contagious as those that did get ill. That means these people were hugging their friends and family, shaking hands with strangers, drinking at bars and eating at restaurants, squeezing fruit and vegetables at their grocery store.

As for the non-asymptomatic people, the symptoms are similar to a bad cold or early flu, which a lot of people never seek medical attention for.

Therefore your theory about saving 30,000 people is your opinion, not fact.

Saving over 30,000 people with earlier action is what they said on the news last night. But admittedly, you can't always believe the news. For example, they say that Armaud Arbery was murdered. Though like it or not, president Chump started out by calling the whole thing a hoax. And it seems every step of the way, he has been dragging his feet. As for his "experts," they are on his payroll. They will basically say what they're told to say. Including the CDC. Don't believe it? Watch the documentary, "What lies upstream."

Your documentaries are not Gospel. They are trying to get you to watch their programming for profit.

Yes, if we started in September of last year, we could have saved tens of thousands of lives, but who knew what could happen back then? Trump didn't drag his feet. Our agencies are mired in red tape, and they practice these unnecessary prolonged actions that the President is not in control of.

In late February of this year, Cuomo was urging people to not worry about this silly virus. Go out, shop, dine, and carry on with your normal life. DeBlazio sent the same message to NYC residents around that same time. Piglosi was telling people to visit Chinatown. NOBODY KNEW!!!! The first two weeks of March, the House Democrats were trying to pass a bill stripping the President of his exclusive right to issue travel bans.

Bottom line is armchair quarterbacks like yourself can make any claim they desire. I always said if you want to hit todays lottery, buy tomorrows newspaper. Easier said than done.

Did you see any of those documentaries? Until you do, you can't have any kind of opinion about them. Next, nobody said anything about September. They were talking about early March.

You leftists always pull this stunt. So let me be clear up front: If I had to watch every documentary a leftists tells me to watch, watch every movie, read every book you people read, I wouldn't have time to come here and discuss politics. If you have a short article, sure, if I have time, I'll go through it. But I'm not going to spend hours and hours to reply to each and every leftist comment. You wouldn't read any book or watch any documentary I suggest either. Nobody has that kind of time.

You should listen to me. Your intellectual superior. I have no interest in steering you wrong. And you shouldn't assume I'm trying to do so. Take the documentary I mentioned called, "What lies upstream." I will tell you some of what you don't want to find out about yourself. First, companies aren't required to tell what the toxic effects of any chemical they make are. And the can lie about it! The CDC is fine with this because their leadership is appointed by the pro-business leadership of the government. Republican or democrat. Also, do you know how chemical companies get rid of their toxic waist? Basically, they flush it down the toilet! And it is perfectly legal!!! So what is the point of you having the time to say things here when all you have to speak about is shit to begin with.

Oh please, so you watch these "documentaries" and conclude they are all Gospel? WTF would make you think that? I always question what's told to me from somebody trying to make money by getting my attention, even if it's something that leans towards my political persuasion.

Facebook is loaded with conspiracy theories that after enough attention, is proven false by another entity. And as my intellectual superior, you should know by now that what you call toxic waist is spelled W-A-S-T-E, not W-A-I-S-T. :auiqs.jpg:

Thanks for letting me know about a typo. But as far as I can see, correcting my grammar is the best you've got. As for the conspiracy angle, they talked to the experts. People with PhD's in their particular fields. Top experts. As in there being just about no other people on the planet that may know more. You may not think so. But such people are well worth listening to.

Another documentary I mentioned to you was, "Where to invade next." Here is a piece of information from it that you can consider to be bullshit at your leisure. Apparently, Norway has the most highly educated students in the world. At the very least, they are in the top three. You might find how they accomplished this to be interesting. They eliminated homework. It seems counterintuitive. But it is a reality. In school, how much homework did you do. I didn't do any. Maybe that explains my intelligence.

Since you studied it so intensely, tell me, does Norway have anything comparable to our teachers unions? Does Norway have three months of vacation from school every year?

Somebody being an expert does not mean they are not biased. We have scientist who believe in global warming, and others who believe it's BS. We have "experts" who believe there is life on other planets, and others who do not. We have engineers who said that 911 was an inside job. Others say those people are FOS.

Being an expert doesn't mean you are always right. Speaking of which, I was never a spellcheck cop. But when somebody tires to degrade me by claiming their intellectual superioriority, the least you can do is proofread your post.

Why not watch the documentary, "Where to invade next" and find out. You would be dumbfounded, absolutely blown away by what people in European countries get that we don't. Though as Michael Moore says, things over there aren't perfect. But he's there to pick the flowers. Not the weeds. He was there to invade those countries and take back to the U.S. the spoils of his invasion. As in the good ideas. The things that have been demonstrated to work. At least over there. But maybe with out large negro and mexican population, they wouldn't work here. But it would be well worth impaling and deporting the hindrance for many other reasons. Also, I wasn't trying to degrade you. Just some of the things you talk about. Even a genius could probably be brainwashed. (But not me)

You would be dumbfounded, absolutely blown away by what people in European countries get that we don't.

A lower standard of living, smaller cars, smaller homes, a smaller economy.

They also have 8 bucks a gallon for gasoline.

But their societies weren't structures around the automobile. Unlike ours. Here, we have a lot of suburban sprawl. People live so way far out that if there was ever an EMP that killed cars, they would find it very difficult to get food.

You are putting the cart, in front of the horse.

The whole reason we have suburban sprawl.... is directly because Americans are wealthy enough to have a car, and desire to have a house farther away from the noisy crime infested inner city areas.

Yeah, their societies are less structured around automobiles....... because they couldn't afford to drive automobiles all the time.

If you take those people, and bring them to the US, where they earn more money, and pay less taxes, you what those people's from those cultures do?

They buy the biggest SUV they can, and buy a house in the suburbs.

They would do the same thing in Europe... they just can't. They can't afford it, because they are poor.

I had this couple from Laos. Escaped the communists in Laos. Talk about running through the woods, being shot at by police. Freaky stuff.

Made it to the US embassy, came to the US. Didn't know English. Had to learn English. Got training on how to do CNC work. Got jobs, making $100,000 a year. (combined).

This tiny Laos woman, bought herself, a Ford Excursion, and they bought a house in the suburbs.

I asked her if she would go back to Laos. She's wants to, because she loved the people, and the land, but if she went back, she'd be poor. The government takes all the money.

This is the reality throughout all Europe.

Why do you think the Yellow Vest protest happened? They have all that free stuff you mentioned. You know what they don't have? Money. Their poor. Because the government takes all the money. The thing that triggered the protest, was the tax hike by the government to improve social services.

They are poor. I've been there. I've seen them living in 600 sqft apartments with no air conditioning, and hanging cloths up on wires inside their 600 sqft apartment. I've seen it.

Yeah, their societies are not built around automobiles, because they can't afford automobiles. Even those that have them, can't afford to drive them.

Economically, (for instance) we ARE a third world country compared to Germany. Given their size, when it comes to the yearly value of their exports, they leave the U.S. in the dust. They have the ability to have anything they want and any size they want. But just from how their society functions, they apparently don't feel they need it.

As for the couple from Laos, who let them assholes into our country. I was watching some show one time where they were talking to people from Laos. Some of their cultural beliefs are pretty despicable compared to what White people believe. What our country should have done is leave them in the hell hole they created for themselves and train a White person to do CNC work. (Whatever that is)
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171

From what I have been seeing on the news, many states are reopening even though the cases of coronavirus is still increasing. Also, how many instances of coronavirus in this country did it take to get the whole ball rolling to begin with. 2 or 3?

Then why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
Its going down, with 1,417,350 US cases, how can it go down with so many active cases, not just 1 or 2?

Because of quarantine. With the 2 or 3 who got the whole plague rolling here, there was no quarantine.

Yes there most certainly was a quarantine here, for travelers from China, but not from Europe?!
Quarantine? Not all of the 1.4m are quarantined, so why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
You did not answer this question: What's a worse condition, 1.4m cases or a few?
We have the 1.4m now and the number of cases is going down, why? How can that be?

President Chump just didn't handle things well. And he still isn't.

Really? So what should he have done? I'll show you why he couldn't or didn't.

Well, president Chump could have started out by not calling the coronavirus a hoax at the beginning.

He didn't call it a hoax, he called what Democrats were trying to do with it another one of their hoaxes. Of course this was before we had any idea how this thing would impact us. But lets say he never made that statement. How would that have changed our current plight?

He called it a hoax. Next, it would have changed our current plight by taking it seriously from the beginning. And there would be over 30,000 fewer dead people.

President Trump is a former businessman, not a former scientist or medical expert. He took the advice from our various health agencies and his medical team to make decisions. Even in late February, Dr. Fauci made a public statement that this virus was nothing of great concern; go out and live life as you always have, and there is no need to use gloves or masks.

When the WHO made a public statement about their concern of this virus in late January, President Trump took action the next day. No, he didn't shutdown the country, but he did take a few precautionary measures, and increased those measures as new information because available, and his team and agencies were able to form a better opinion.

Today the CDC made an announcement that 35% of the Covid cases were with asymptomatic people. That means this virus likely has been with us much longer than we thought. Asymptomatic people have the virus and don't become ill because of it. However they are just as contagious as those that did get ill. That means these people were hugging their friends and family, shaking hands with strangers, drinking at bars and eating at restaurants, squeezing fruit and vegetables at their grocery store.

As for the non-asymptomatic people, the symptoms are similar to a bad cold or early flu, which a lot of people never seek medical attention for.

Therefore your theory about saving 30,000 people is your opinion, not fact.

Saving over 30,000 people with earlier action is what they said on the news last night. But admittedly, you can't always believe the news. For example, they say that Armaud Arbery was murdered. Though like it or not, president Chump started out by calling the whole thing a hoax. And it seems every step of the way, he has been dragging his feet. As for his "experts," they are on his payroll. They will basically say what they're told to say. Including the CDC. Don't believe it? Watch the documentary, "What lies upstream."

Your documentaries are not Gospel. They are trying to get you to watch their programming for profit.

Yes, if we started in September of last year, we could have saved tens of thousands of lives, but who knew what could happen back then? Trump didn't drag his feet. Our agencies are mired in red tape, and they practice these unnecessary prolonged actions that the President is not in control of.

In late February of this year, Cuomo was urging people to not worry about this silly virus. Go out, shop, dine, and carry on with your normal life. DeBlazio sent the same message to NYC residents around that same time. Piglosi was telling people to visit Chinatown. NOBODY KNEW!!!! The first two weeks of March, the House Democrats were trying to pass a bill stripping the President of his exclusive right to issue travel bans.

Bottom line is armchair quarterbacks like yourself can make any claim they desire. I always said if you want to hit todays lottery, buy tomorrows newspaper. Easier said than done.

Did you see any of those documentaries? Until you do, you can't have any kind of opinion about them. Next, nobody said anything about September. They were talking about early March.

You leftists always pull this stunt. So let me be clear up front: If I had to watch every documentary a leftists tells me to watch, watch every movie, read every book you people read, I wouldn't have time to come here and discuss politics. If you have a short article, sure, if I have time, I'll go through it. But I'm not going to spend hours and hours to reply to each and every leftist comment. You wouldn't read any book or watch any documentary I suggest either. Nobody has that kind of time.

You should listen to me. Your intellectual superior. I have no interest in steering you wrong. And you shouldn't assume I'm trying to do so. Take the documentary I mentioned called, "What lies upstream." I will tell you some of what you don't want to find out about yourself. First, companies aren't required to tell what the toxic effects of any chemical they make are. And the can lie about it! The CDC is fine with this because their leadership is appointed by the pro-business leadership of the government. Republican or democrat. Also, do you know how chemical companies get rid of their toxic waist? Basically, they flush it down the toilet! And it is perfectly legal!!! So what is the point of you having the time to say things here when all you have to speak about is shit to begin with.

Your intellectual superior.

Total fail. Right there.

Listen... A: No one listens to people who are arrogant, because if you actually were intellectually superior, you wouldn't be arrogant about it. People are actually smart, are smart enough to realize the limits of what they know, and thus are not arrogant.

Arrogance is universally reserved for the people who are dumb, and don't know it.

B: As a general rule of all human kind.... if you have tell everyone that you are superior... the fact you have to tell them "I am intellectually superior"... proves you are not.

If you were.... you wouldn't have to tell us. This is why only crap cars have "Sport" written on them. Because you would never know they were sporty, unless it said "Sport" on the side of the car.

No one needs "Sport" written on the side of a Porche Boxster or Chevy Corvette, or Audi R8. Just by looking... you know it's a sports car.

The very fact that you had to try and 'tell us' that you are "intellectually superior"... proves conclusively that you are not.

You just destroyed yourself in your own post. Now I know as fact, that I am dealing with an arrogant idiot.

You wouldn't believe (or maybe you would) all of the various kinds of insults I have received from many people at other forums. So as far as I'm concerned, they can all suck my ass. I will tell people up front what intellectual worms they are compared to me. And get banned as I go about proving it.

Given that we have been arguing with you based on facts constantly, and you keep repeating already proven false claims.... yeah I can kind of grasp why you would be insulted on every forum you have been on.

If you are hit with evidence constantly, and are just blindly pushing the same false claims.... yeah eventually people are just going to mock you.

Especially when you are arrogant about your ignorance. When you sit around trying to tell everyone you are "superior".... yeah that's going to get you mocked. I can see that yes.

And when you are confronted with truth, and all you can say is "suck my ass"..... yeah that will also add more mocking and insults.

If you are cool with having your ignorance thrown back in your face constantly, by all means. We'll amuse ourselves with you for a bit longer. Eventually we'll move on. You can't shine up a turd, or dress a pig so it isn't ugly. If you turn out to be like that, we'll eventually find other things to do.

Ok. Let's try it your way. What claims have I made that you think have been proven wrong.
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171

From what I have been seeing on the news, many states are reopening even though the cases of coronavirus is still increasing. Also, how many instances of coronavirus in this country did it take to get the whole ball rolling to begin with. 2 or 3?

Then why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
Its going down, with 1,417,350 US cases, how can it go down with so many active cases, not just 1 or 2?

Because of quarantine. With the 2 or 3 who got the whole plague rolling here, there was no quarantine.

Yes there most certainly was a quarantine here, for travelers from China, but not from Europe?!
Quarantine? Not all of the 1.4m are quarantined, so why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
You did not answer this question: What's a worse condition, 1.4m cases or a few?
We have the 1.4m now and the number of cases is going down, why? How can that be?

President Chump just didn't handle things well. And he still isn't.

Really? So what should he have done? I'll show you why he couldn't or didn't.

Well, president Chump could have started out by not calling the coronavirus a hoax at the beginning.

He didn't call it a hoax, he called what Democrats were trying to do with it another one of their hoaxes. Of course this was before we had any idea how this thing would impact us. But lets say he never made that statement. How would that have changed our current plight?

He called it a hoax. Next, it would have changed our current plight by taking it seriously from the beginning. And there would be over 30,000 fewer dead people.

President Trump is a former businessman, not a former scientist or medical expert. He took the advice from our various health agencies and his medical team to make decisions. Even in late February, Dr. Fauci made a public statement that this virus was nothing of great concern; go out and live life as you always have, and there is no need to use gloves or masks.

When the WHO made a public statement about their concern of this virus in late January, President Trump took action the next day. No, he didn't shutdown the country, but he did take a few precautionary measures, and increased those measures as new information because available, and his team and agencies were able to form a better opinion.

Today the CDC made an announcement that 35% of the Covid cases were with asymptomatic people. That means this virus likely has been with us much longer than we thought. Asymptomatic people have the virus and don't become ill because of it. However they are just as contagious as those that did get ill. That means these people were hugging their friends and family, shaking hands with strangers, drinking at bars and eating at restaurants, squeezing fruit and vegetables at their grocery store.

As for the non-asymptomatic people, the symptoms are similar to a bad cold or early flu, which a lot of people never seek medical attention for.

Therefore your theory about saving 30,000 people is your opinion, not fact.

Saving over 30,000 people with earlier action is what they said on the news last night. But admittedly, you can't always believe the news. For example, they say that Armaud Arbery was murdered. Though like it or not, president Chump started out by calling the whole thing a hoax. And it seems every step of the way, he has been dragging his feet. As for his "experts," they are on his payroll. They will basically say what they're told to say. Including the CDC. Don't believe it? Watch the documentary, "What lies upstream."

Your documentaries are not Gospel. They are trying to get you to watch their programming for profit.

Yes, if we started in September of last year, we could have saved tens of thousands of lives, but who knew what could happen back then? Trump didn't drag his feet. Our agencies are mired in red tape, and they practice these unnecessary prolonged actions that the President is not in control of.

In late February of this year, Cuomo was urging people to not worry about this silly virus. Go out, shop, dine, and carry on with your normal life. DeBlazio sent the same message to NYC residents around that same time. Piglosi was telling people to visit Chinatown. NOBODY KNEW!!!! The first two weeks of March, the House Democrats were trying to pass a bill stripping the President of his exclusive right to issue travel bans.

Bottom line is armchair quarterbacks like yourself can make any claim they desire. I always said if you want to hit todays lottery, buy tomorrows newspaper. Easier said than done.

Did you see any of those documentaries? Until you do, you can't have any kind of opinion about them. Next, nobody said anything about September. They were talking about early March.

You leftists always pull this stunt. So let me be clear up front: If I had to watch every documentary a leftists tells me to watch, watch every movie, read every book you people read, I wouldn't have time to come here and discuss politics. If you have a short article, sure, if I have time, I'll go through it. But I'm not going to spend hours and hours to reply to each and every leftist comment. You wouldn't read any book or watch any documentary I suggest either. Nobody has that kind of time.

You should listen to me. Your intellectual superior. I have no interest in steering you wrong. And you shouldn't assume I'm trying to do so. Take the documentary I mentioned called, "What lies upstream." I will tell you some of what you don't want to find out about yourself. First, companies aren't required to tell what the toxic effects of any chemical they make are. And the can lie about it! The CDC is fine with this because their leadership is appointed by the pro-business leadership of the government. Republican or democrat. Also, do you know how chemical companies get rid of their toxic waist? Basically, they flush it down the toilet! And it is perfectly legal!!! So what is the point of you having the time to say things here when all you have to speak about is shit to begin with.

Your intellectual superior.

Total fail. Right there.

Listen... A: No one listens to people who are arrogant, because if you actually were intellectually superior, you wouldn't be arrogant about it. People are actually smart, are smart enough to realize the limits of what they know, and thus are not arrogant.

Arrogance is universally reserved for the people who are dumb, and don't know it.

B: As a general rule of all human kind.... if you have tell everyone that you are superior... the fact you have to tell them "I am intellectually superior"... proves you are not.

If you were.... you wouldn't have to tell us. This is why only crap cars have "Sport" written on them. Because you would never know they were sporty, unless it said "Sport" on the side of the car.

No one needs "Sport" written on the side of a Porche Boxster or Chevy Corvette, or Audi R8. Just by looking... you know it's a sports car.

The very fact that you had to try and 'tell us' that you are "intellectually superior"... proves conclusively that you are not.

You just destroyed yourself in your own post. Now I know as fact, that I am dealing with an arrogant idiot.

In one post he insults me by professing his superior intellect to mine, and in another making claim how he never made any good money, and even referred to himself as poor, so to the point he used welfare at one time in his life.

I never claim to be superior to anybody, and I made a decent living, have investments that are now paying off, and never collected welfare. The closest I came to welfare was being on unemployment for four months over 30 years ago. Immediately after that, I secured my CDL, then upgraded that to a class A (tractor-trailer) and did okay with that given my lack of intellect.
There is nothing lacking in intelligence with you, Ray. I find your posts well informed and well thought out. Quarantine just happens to be self indulged with his delusional
political fantasies. I'm not sure he/her is even worth the effort.

Point out anything I said anywhere that is wrong. Willing to make the effort?
No, it's not worth the effort. Why respond to your drivel?
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171

From what I have been seeing on the news, many states are reopening even though the cases of coronavirus is still increasing. Also, how many instances of coronavirus in this country did it take to get the whole ball rolling to begin with. 2 or 3?

Then why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
Its going down, with 1,417,350 US cases, how can it go down with so many active cases, not just 1 or 2?

Because of quarantine. With the 2 or 3 who got the whole plague rolling here, there was no quarantine.

Yes there most certainly was a quarantine here, for travelers from China, but not from Europe?!
Quarantine? Not all of the 1.4m are quarantined, so why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
You did not answer this question: What's a worse condition, 1.4m cases or a few?
We have the 1.4m now and the number of cases is going down, why? How can that be?

President Chump just didn't handle things well. And he still isn't.

Really? So what should he have done? I'll show you why he couldn't or didn't.

Well, president Chump could have started out by not calling the coronavirus a hoax at the beginning.

He didn't call it a hoax, he called what Democrats were trying to do with it another one of their hoaxes. Of course this was before we had any idea how this thing would impact us. But lets say he never made that statement. How would that have changed our current plight?

He called it a hoax. Next, it would have changed our current plight by taking it seriously from the beginning. And there would be over 30,000 fewer dead people.

President Trump is a former businessman, not a former scientist or medical expert. He took the advice from our various health agencies and his medical team to make decisions. Even in late February, Dr. Fauci made a public statement that this virus was nothing of great concern; go out and live life as you always have, and there is no need to use gloves or masks.

When the WHO made a public statement about their concern of this virus in late January, President Trump took action the next day. No, he didn't shutdown the country, but he did take a few precautionary measures, and increased those measures as new information because available, and his team and agencies were able to form a better opinion.

Today the CDC made an announcement that 35% of the Covid cases were with asymptomatic people. That means this virus likely has been with us much longer than we thought. Asymptomatic people have the virus and don't become ill because of it. However they are just as contagious as those that did get ill. That means these people were hugging their friends and family, shaking hands with strangers, drinking at bars and eating at restaurants, squeezing fruit and vegetables at their grocery store.

As for the non-asymptomatic people, the symptoms are similar to a bad cold or early flu, which a lot of people never seek medical attention for.

Therefore your theory about saving 30,000 people is your opinion, not fact.

Saving over 30,000 people with earlier action is what they said on the news last night. But admittedly, you can't always believe the news. For example, they say that Armaud Arbery was murdered. Though like it or not, president Chump started out by calling the whole thing a hoax. And it seems every step of the way, he has been dragging his feet. As for his "experts," they are on his payroll. They will basically say what they're told to say. Including the CDC. Don't believe it? Watch the documentary, "What lies upstream."

Your documentaries are not Gospel. They are trying to get you to watch their programming for profit.

Yes, if we started in September of last year, we could have saved tens of thousands of lives, but who knew what could happen back then? Trump didn't drag his feet. Our agencies are mired in red tape, and they practice these unnecessary prolonged actions that the President is not in control of.

In late February of this year, Cuomo was urging people to not worry about this silly virus. Go out, shop, dine, and carry on with your normal life. DeBlazio sent the same message to NYC residents around that same time. Piglosi was telling people to visit Chinatown. NOBODY KNEW!!!! The first two weeks of March, the House Democrats were trying to pass a bill stripping the President of his exclusive right to issue travel bans.

Bottom line is armchair quarterbacks like yourself can make any claim they desire. I always said if you want to hit todays lottery, buy tomorrows newspaper. Easier said than done.

Did you see any of those documentaries? Until you do, you can't have any kind of opinion about them. Next, nobody said anything about September. They were talking about early March.

You leftists always pull this stunt. So let me be clear up front: If I had to watch every documentary a leftists tells me to watch, watch every movie, read every book you people read, I wouldn't have time to come here and discuss politics. If you have a short article, sure, if I have time, I'll go through it. But I'm not going to spend hours and hours to reply to each and every leftist comment. You wouldn't read any book or watch any documentary I suggest either. Nobody has that kind of time.

You should listen to me. Your intellectual superior. I have no interest in steering you wrong. And you shouldn't assume I'm trying to do so. Take the documentary I mentioned called, "What lies upstream." I will tell you some of what you don't want to find out about yourself. First, companies aren't required to tell what the toxic effects of any chemical they make are. And the can lie about it! The CDC is fine with this because their leadership is appointed by the pro-business leadership of the government. Republican or democrat. Also, do you know how chemical companies get rid of their toxic waist? Basically, they flush it down the toilet! And it is perfectly legal!!! So what is the point of you having the time to say things here when all you have to speak about is shit to begin with.

Oh please, so you watch these "documentaries" and conclude they are all Gospel? WTF would make you think that? I always question what's told to me from somebody trying to make money by getting my attention, even if it's something that leans towards my political persuasion.

Facebook is loaded with conspiracy theories that after enough attention, is proven false by another entity. And as my intellectual superior, you should know by now that what you call toxic waist is spelled W-A-S-T-E, not W-A-I-S-T. :auiqs.jpg:

Thanks for letting me know about a typo. But as far as I can see, correcting my grammar is the best you've got. As for the conspiracy angle, they talked to the experts. People with PhD's in their particular fields. Top experts. As in there being just about no other people on the planet that may know more. You may not think so. But such people are well worth listening to.

Another documentary I mentioned to you was, "Where to invade next." Here is a piece of information from it that you can consider to be bullshit at your leisure. Apparently, Norway has the most highly educated students in the world. At the very least, they are in the top three. You might find how they accomplished this to be interesting. They eliminated homework. It seems counterintuitive. But it is a reality. In school, how much homework did you do. I didn't do any. Maybe that explains my intelligence.

Since you studied it so intensely, tell me, does Norway have anything comparable to our teachers unions? Does Norway have three months of vacation from school every year?

Somebody being an expert does not mean they are not biased. We have scientist who believe in global warming, and others who believe it's BS. We have "experts" who believe there is life on other planets, and others who do not. We have engineers who said that 911 was an inside job. Others say those people are FOS.

Being an expert doesn't mean you are always right. Speaking of which, I was never a spellcheck cop. But when somebody tires to degrade me by claiming their intellectual superioriority, the least you can do is proofread your post.

You would be dumbfounded, absolutely blown away by what people in European countries get that we don't.

No, actually I wouldn't, because I know people who lived in Europe, and now in the US. I have been to Europe myself, and I have seen first hand how people live.

They live in small homes, a fraction the size of American homes. A fraction of the size. Not only are European homes tiny, but they have far fewer amenities than US homes.

This picture is from a hotel... HOTEL, not motel, from Sweden.

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Yes, that's right, the bathroom, is the same room, as the bedroom. Note the size of the toilet compared to the shower. That's right. Shower is about the same size as the toilet.

Most people in Europe in general, do not have Air Conditioning. Even to this day, Air Condition is reserved only for the elite and rich.

Most people simply can't afford to run air conditioning, even if they had it.

One lady who married a guy from France, wrote in her editorial, that she was laying on the couch in summer, drenched in sweat from it being 100ºF, and even then the husband wasn't sure if he could afford to turn on the A/C.

As I said, I've been to Europe. I've seen the clothes lines strung up inside homes, to let clothes dry, because they can't afford a clothes drier.

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Drying racks like these, are normal in Europe. People simply can't afford to actually dry their clothes.

Electricity is horrendously expensive in Europe. Denmark and Germany, both have costs that exceed 30¢ per/kWh. That's compared to the US, where in Ohio it is 9¢ per/kWh.

Also keep in mind, they lose more than half their income in taxes, and they earn less money than US employees do.

So they earn less, and keep less of what they earn, and then they pay many times higher prices.

This is why when one of our Chemical Engineers that went to our church, when he moved to Germany, between the pay cut, and the higher taxes, and the much higher cost of fuel, he and his wife, both ended up not being able to afford a car. She had to ride a bike to the store, and ended up dumping her purchases as few times trying to ride back home. He had to spend an extra half hour, commuting to work on a bicycle.

It wasn't because they enjoyed spending hours getting anywhere. It wasn't because they loved getting blown off the road by high wind, or rained on all the way to work and back.

It was because the cost $5.80 per gallon in Germany. And Germany has "cheap" gasoline. Norway was charging $7.30 per gallon. That was the last quarter of 2019, when prices had already fallen quite a bit.

Now prices are down to 'almost'.... $4 a gallon.

And by the way, the doesn't include the $20 eco-stickers required to drive on German roads.

Traveling in Germany has tolls all over the country. You want to take your family on a vacation, you could spend $100 to $200 just getting there, not including fuel costs.

This is why you see tiny 3-wheeled cars in Europe.
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Very common in Europe. I saw them when I was there. This isn't some clown car SNL skit... this is how people can afford to own a car, by buying one so tiny, you could almost walk faster than it.

Now that isn't to say that there are no really high quality cars in Europe... there are of course. They are just reserved for the rich. You don't see middle class people buying those cars in Europe. Can't afford it.

And I could go on and on. Most Europeans don't own Microwaves. Too expensive.

Many places like France, or the UK, most people only own one TV set, because you are taxed on how many TV sets you own. If you buy 3 TVs in the UK, they charge you three times the TV tax.

You have a family room, and a living room, and a bedroom? Cough up $200 per TV, per year.

Europeans are rich compared to 3rd world countries. Compared to most of South American, and Africa, and south east Asia.... Europe is a freakin dream world of wealth and bliss. No question about it.

But when you compare Europe to the US.... no sir. No. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Our poorest working people in this country, live a better life, than the middle class of Europe.

You can deny that, but that is the truth. I've seen it. The statistics show it. Everything supports that conclusion.

Well the U.S. is a much larger country than all of Europe. With far more natural resources. So I wouldn't go spouting off about American superiority in material goods. Also, if we gave people a free college education, free medical coverage, higher pay, paid vacations, etc etc etc, the sizes of houses here wouldn't shrink. Deny that, if you dare.

Yeah, of course housing sizes will shrink. There is (obviously), a direct connection between the cost of the house, and plot of land, and the price thereof.

If you give people free stuff, like everything you mentioned, people will have less money because of taxes. Much less money. And therefore they won't be able to afford larger homes.

The reason I saw a family of four, in the UK, living in a house that had a smaller Sq.Ft size to my first college apartment, of 900 sqft.... is because that's what they could afford.

And why could they only afford that? Because they are paying 50% to 60% of their income in taxes, and they earn less to start with. And by the way, they pay a 20% sales tax on top of that.

Yes, housing sizes will shrink.

It's so baffling to me, that you would think otherwise. If you earn less money for the same job.... and you lose half your income in taxes.... do you think you can afford the same size house or apartment you have today, on that much less money?

I know for a fact, that I could not. I would have to down size my living space.

You are wrong. As usual. I don't know how taxes work in Europe. But here, in reality, regular people hardly pay any taxes at all. The vast majority of what they pay in taxes they get back with their tax returns. Which enables them to buy things that they normally wouldn't be able to afford. In that regard, the government would be doing us a favor by raising taxes some. What we are actually paying for the most part is a short term loan to the government.

Well so I know people who work in Europe. So.... no, you are wrong. I've seen the tax statements. I know they pay nearly half their income in taxes.

In fact, the average marginal tax rate across Europe, is 49% on an income over $37,000.

On top of that, you earn less money in Europe.
The Washington Post had a great article on this, but it's behind a pay wall.

There are numerous other sources, but none as good. The bottom line is, in Europe you are going to earn significantly less money. And you are going to keep significantly less of that less money you earn.

And then contrary to your claim,

Which enables them to buy things that they normally wouldn't be able to afford.

The average national sales tax in Europe is 20%.

Let me show you this receipt from McDonald's in Germany.


What you are looking at, is a receipt for a 20p chicken nuggets, and 3 ice teas.

Total cost? $20. For 3 drinks... and 20p nuggets. Notice that 19% sales tax.

Here in the US, I would pay about $7 for the same thing.

It's not cheaper to buy stuff in Europe. It's vastly more expensive. That's why people ride a bicycle to work. It's not because they love getting rained on, or blown off the road by wind. It's because they are poor, and can't afford to drive.

These are the facts.

Ok. Let's try it your way. What claims have I made that you think have been proven wrong.

Start with that one above.

FYI, the above McDonald's receipt, came from a friend who grew up in Germany, and moved to the US. She was visiting family there, and said she'll never go back to Germany. She has a life here in the US, they couldn't dream of in Germany.

Again, I know people who live in Europe. I know what I'm talking about.
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171

From what I have been seeing on the news, many states are reopening even though the cases of coronavirus is still increasing. Also, how many instances of coronavirus in this country did it take to get the whole ball rolling to begin with. 2 or 3?

Then why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
Its going down, with 1,417,350 US cases, how can it go down with so many active cases, not just 1 or 2?

Because of quarantine. With the 2 or 3 who got the whole plague rolling here, there was no quarantine.

Yes there most certainly was a quarantine here, for travelers from China, but not from Europe?!
Quarantine? Not all of the 1.4m are quarantined, so why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
You did not answer this question: What's a worse condition, 1.4m cases or a few?
We have the 1.4m now and the number of cases is going down, why? How can that be?

President Chump just didn't handle things well. And he still isn't.

Really? So what should he have done? I'll show you why he couldn't or didn't.

Well, president Chump could have started out by not calling the coronavirus a hoax at the beginning.

He didn't call it a hoax, he called what Democrats were trying to do with it another one of their hoaxes. Of course this was before we had any idea how this thing would impact us. But lets say he never made that statement. How would that have changed our current plight?

He called it a hoax. Next, it would have changed our current plight by taking it seriously from the beginning. And there would be over 30,000 fewer dead people.

President Trump is a former businessman, not a former scientist or medical expert. He took the advice from our various health agencies and his medical team to make decisions. Even in late February, Dr. Fauci made a public statement that this virus was nothing of great concern; go out and live life as you always have, and there is no need to use gloves or masks.

When the WHO made a public statement about their concern of this virus in late January, President Trump took action the next day. No, he didn't shutdown the country, but he did take a few precautionary measures, and increased those measures as new information because available, and his team and agencies were able to form a better opinion.

Today the CDC made an announcement that 35% of the Covid cases were with asymptomatic people. That means this virus likely has been with us much longer than we thought. Asymptomatic people have the virus and don't become ill because of it. However they are just as contagious as those that did get ill. That means these people were hugging their friends and family, shaking hands with strangers, drinking at bars and eating at restaurants, squeezing fruit and vegetables at their grocery store.

As for the non-asymptomatic people, the symptoms are similar to a bad cold or early flu, which a lot of people never seek medical attention for.

Therefore your theory about saving 30,000 people is your opinion, not fact.

Saving over 30,000 people with earlier action is what they said on the news last night. But admittedly, you can't always believe the news. For example, they say that Armaud Arbery was murdered. Though like it or not, president Chump started out by calling the whole thing a hoax. And it seems every step of the way, he has been dragging his feet. As for his "experts," they are on his payroll. They will basically say what they're told to say. Including the CDC. Don't believe it? Watch the documentary, "What lies upstream."

Your documentaries are not Gospel. They are trying to get you to watch their programming for profit.

Yes, if we started in September of last year, we could have saved tens of thousands of lives, but who knew what could happen back then? Trump didn't drag his feet. Our agencies are mired in red tape, and they practice these unnecessary prolonged actions that the President is not in control of.

In late February of this year, Cuomo was urging people to not worry about this silly virus. Go out, shop, dine, and carry on with your normal life. DeBlazio sent the same message to NYC residents around that same time. Piglosi was telling people to visit Chinatown. NOBODY KNEW!!!! The first two weeks of March, the House Democrats were trying to pass a bill stripping the President of his exclusive right to issue travel bans.

Bottom line is armchair quarterbacks like yourself can make any claim they desire. I always said if you want to hit todays lottery, buy tomorrows newspaper. Easier said than done.

Did you see any of those documentaries? Until you do, you can't have any kind of opinion about them. Next, nobody said anything about September. They were talking about early March.

You leftists always pull this stunt. So let me be clear up front: If I had to watch every documentary a leftists tells me to watch, watch every movie, read every book you people read, I wouldn't have time to come here and discuss politics. If you have a short article, sure, if I have time, I'll go through it. But I'm not going to spend hours and hours to reply to each and every leftist comment. You wouldn't read any book or watch any documentary I suggest either. Nobody has that kind of time.

You should listen to me. Your intellectual superior. I have no interest in steering you wrong. And you shouldn't assume I'm trying to do so. Take the documentary I mentioned called, "What lies upstream." I will tell you some of what you don't want to find out about yourself. First, companies aren't required to tell what the toxic effects of any chemical they make are. And the can lie about it! The CDC is fine with this because their leadership is appointed by the pro-business leadership of the government. Republican or democrat. Also, do you know how chemical companies get rid of their toxic waist? Basically, they flush it down the toilet! And it is perfectly legal!!! So what is the point of you having the time to say things here when all you have to speak about is shit to begin with.

Oh please, so you watch these "documentaries" and conclude they are all Gospel? WTF would make you think that? I always question what's told to me from somebody trying to make money by getting my attention, even if it's something that leans towards my political persuasion.

Facebook is loaded with conspiracy theories that after enough attention, is proven false by another entity. And as my intellectual superior, you should know by now that what you call toxic waist is spelled W-A-S-T-E, not W-A-I-S-T. :auiqs.jpg:

Thanks for letting me know about a typo. But as far as I can see, correcting my grammar is the best you've got. As for the conspiracy angle, they talked to the experts. People with PhD's in their particular fields. Top experts. As in there being just about no other people on the planet that may know more. You may not think so. But such people are well worth listening to.

Another documentary I mentioned to you was, "Where to invade next." Here is a piece of information from it that you can consider to be bullshit at your leisure. Apparently, Norway has the most highly educated students in the world. At the very least, they are in the top three. You might find how they accomplished this to be interesting. They eliminated homework. It seems counterintuitive. But it is a reality. In school, how much homework did you do. I didn't do any. Maybe that explains my intelligence.

Since you studied it so intensely, tell me, does Norway have anything comparable to our teachers unions? Does Norway have three months of vacation from school every year?

Somebody being an expert does not mean they are not biased. We have scientist who believe in global warming, and others who believe it's BS. We have "experts" who believe there is life on other planets, and others who do not. We have engineers who said that 911 was an inside job. Others say those people are FOS.

Being an expert doesn't mean you are always right. Speaking of which, I was never a spellcheck cop. But when somebody tires to degrade me by claiming their intellectual superioriority, the least you can do is proofread your post.

Why not watch the documentary, "Where to invade next" and find out. You would be dumbfounded, absolutely blown away by what people in European countries get that we don't. Though as Michael Moore says, things over there aren't perfect. But he's there to pick the flowers. Not the weeds. He was there to invade those countries and take back to the U.S. the spoils of his invasion. As in the good ideas. The things that have been demonstrated to work. At least over there. But maybe with out large negro and mexican population, they wouldn't work here. But it would be well worth impaling and deporting the hindrance for many other reasons. Also, I wasn't trying to degrade you. Just some of the things you talk about. Even a genius could probably be brainwashed. (But not me)

You would be dumbfounded, absolutely blown away by what people in European countries get that we don't.

A lower standard of living, smaller cars, smaller homes, a smaller economy.

They also have 8 bucks a gallon for gasoline.

But their societies weren't structures around the automobile. Unlike ours. Here, we have a lot of suburban sprawl. People live so way far out that if there was ever an EMP that killed cars, they would find it very difficult to get food.

You are putting the cart, in front of the horse.

The whole reason we have suburban sprawl.... is directly because Americans are wealthy enough to have a car, and desire to have a house farther away from the noisy crime infested inner city areas.

Yeah, their societies are less structured around automobiles....... because they couldn't afford to drive automobiles all the time.

If you take those people, and bring them to the US, where they earn more money, and pay less taxes, you what those people's from those cultures do?

They buy the biggest SUV they can, and buy a house in the suburbs.

They would do the same thing in Europe... they just can't. They can't afford it, because they are poor.

I had this couple from Laos. Escaped the communists in Laos. Talk about running through the woods, being shot at by police. Freaky stuff.

Made it to the US embassy, came to the US. Didn't know English. Had to learn English. Got training on how to do CNC work. Got jobs, making $100,000 a year. (combined).

This tiny Laos woman, bought herself, a Ford Excursion, and they bought a house in the suburbs.

I asked her if she would go back to Laos. She's wants to, because she loved the people, and the land, but if she went back, she'd be poor. The government takes all the money.

This is the reality throughout all Europe.

Why do you think the Yellow Vest protest happened? They have all that free stuff you mentioned. You know what they don't have? Money. Their poor. Because the government takes all the money. The thing that triggered the protest, was the tax hike by the government to improve social services.

They are poor. I've been there. I've seen them living in 600 sqft apartments with no air conditioning, and hanging cloths up on wires inside their 600 sqft apartment. I've seen it.

Yeah, their societies are not built around automobiles, because they can't afford automobiles. Even those that have them, can't afford to drive them.

Economically, (for instance) we ARE a third world country compared to Germany. Given their size, when it comes to the yearly value of their exports, they leave the U.S. in the dust. They have the ability to have anything they want and any size they want. But just from how their society functions, they apparently don't feel they need it.

As for the couple from Laos, who let them assholes into our country. I was watching some show one time where they were talking to people from Laos. Some of their cultural beliefs are pretty despicable compared to what White people believe. What our country should have done is leave them in the hell hole they created for themselves and train a White person to do CNC work. (Whatever that is)
Economically, (for instance) we ARE a third world country compared to Germany.

The evidence I presented, proves that your claim is false.

As for the couple from Laos, who let them assholes into our country. I was watching some show one time where they were talking to people from Laos. Some of their cultural beliefs are pretty despicable compared to what White people believe. What our country should have done is leave them in the hell hole they created for themselves and train a White person to do CNC work. (Whatever that is)

Well... we disagree on that. I'm more like Trump, in that I'm all in favor of legal immigration.

Honestly, I'm sure that white people like you describe yourself exist in society somewhere, I can't say that I've ever met any white person with the views you described.

But then again, I'm conservative, from a family of conservatives, from a church of conservatives, with conservative relatives.

In short, we're good people. I don't know people like you. So.. I would be polite, but I don't associate with people like you. I only meet people like you described yourself, on the internet. I remember some guy spouted that crap on Facebook. Don't know how he was even on my friends list, but I fixed that pretty quick.

But we're good people. We hate criminals obviously. You come here legally... only.. But if you follow our laws, I'm all for it. My last roomate was a Muslim from Bangladesh. He wanted to rent an apartment until his wife arrived. We (me and my parents together) went to his citizenship ceremony. Of course entirely legal immigration.

So no, I don't identify with people like you at all.
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.
Where does the money come from????

The same place it comes from now. Pretend land. Our fiat currency is probably over 20 trillion in debt. It doesn't matter if it is 40 trillion. Though before the coronavirus thing hit, the U.S. was paying around 420 billion dollars a year just on the interest of our national debt. Which is basically money flushed down the toilet. And we just burrow more money to pay that. We need to just tell whoever we owe interest to to suck it! Apart from the national debt, we also have around 61 trillion worth of unfunded obligations. And I don't want to split the hair between a debt and an obligation.

We need to just tell whoever we owe interest to to suck it!

But you want to borrow more money for handouts to you?

You're not real bright, are you?
Usury is for suckers and slaves.

Well ok....

But understand that if you eliminate Usury, then you are not going to borrow anymore.

That means if you don't have money for a car, then you simply don't get a car.

And if there isn't money for Social Security, then there is no Social Security.

If you don't have money for education, then you simply don't get education.

If there is no money for Medicare, then you simply don't get Medicare.

I'm somewhat sympathetic to the concept of banning Usury. But you need to understand what that means. No credit cards. If you want to go out to eat, because some friends came into town unexpected, and you don't have money.... you don't go out to eat.

Are you ok with this?

You don't need usury to have any of that. When inflation heats up, the fed increases interests payments. If the economy is doing poorly, the fed nearly eliminates interest payments-usury.

Without Usury, it does not matter what the Fed does.... if you don't have the money to buy something... then you are not going to be able to buy it. No matter what the Fed does.

You don't make any sense.

If you want to buy a house.... and there is no Usury... why would anyone lend you the money to buy a house? They wouldn't.

Doesn't matter what the Fed does. Why would I loan you $100,000 to buy a house, if I can't earn a profit off of loaning you the money? Without Usury, I would get back $100,000 on my $100,000 loan.

Why would I do this? I wouldn't.

If I'm a bank, I'm not going to give you a mortgage, because why would I do something that earns me nothing? Has nothing to do with the Fed. Fed has zero influence on this choice.

I'm simply not going to loan you the money. It would be better for me to invest that $100,000 in stocks. At least with stocks I'll get a return on my investment.

No Usury, means no money for you. If you don't have the cash, you don't get the stuff.

If you are ok with that, so am I. I'm all for banning Usury. But you need to understand... no house unless you have cash. No car unless you have cash. Doesn't matter what the Fed does. No one is going to loan you money, if they can't make a profit.

Face it. Capitalism is a farce. Everything should be provided by the government. Taking care of the people is their job. (At least, it should be) Not kissing hands and shaking babies. Housing, health care, education and transportation should be free. Free Free FREEEEEEEEEE!!!! Healthcare should apply equally to anybody. But as far as everything else goes, it would have to depend on your station in life. Those who are doctors or scientists for example should have better housing and transportation than a laborer. In return, people give their labor to support society.

In my town they have a plan to make the bridges toll bridges. In other words, privatize them. But those people are in it to make a profit. If you want something done as cheaply as possible, providing companies with profit isn't the way to go. No doubt one way they would do it is by paying their workers less and giving them fewer benefits than a city worker would get. Which is a race to the bottom. Screw that.

Who would work? Why work? Why invent? Why produce? Why research? Why do anything but sit around?

Your opinion of humanity is delusional. People are inventive. Producing gives them a sense of pride and worth.

Nah, give me what I want, new car, new motorhome, new home, all the money I want, free healthcare, free food, free electric, free campsites when I travel. Hell, if you can get it why not me? I’ve worked hard all my life. The government owes me tons!

What if you were given all those things. But for a price. That price being that you do whatever part you can in seeing to it that everybody else can receive those things too. (Which wouldn't mean working people to death) Would you sign on for that? Or are you so brainwashed that you think that greed and accumulating as much as you can at any negative cost to society is the best option for society.
Greed goes both ways, you want to exploit people and tell them what they can make.
Given those things for a price? Sounds like you want slavery.

My point is, I have worked so in time I can retire and do what I want to do. I don't want government to give me a home, a job, I don't want free food, free campsites, that is not government's role in this country and never has been. You want government to set you up and when that happens, then you owe government, who is very greedy, in fact, probably greedier than most of corporate America.

I work long hours and I don't mind it, I find my job rewarding.

You are a slave. So am I. What I want is freedom from slavery. I also seem to recall letting you some real truth before. You weren't interested. There is no greater example of slavery than willing ignorance.

Aldous Huxley.png
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.
Where does the money come from????

The same place it comes from now. Pretend land. Our fiat currency is probably over 20 trillion in debt. It doesn't matter if it is 40 trillion. Though before the coronavirus thing hit, the U.S. was paying around 420 billion dollars a year just on the interest of our national debt. Which is basically money flushed down the toilet. And we just burrow more money to pay that. We need to just tell whoever we owe interest to to suck it! Apart from the national debt, we also have around 61 trillion worth of unfunded obligations. And I don't want to split the hair between a debt and an obligation.

We need to just tell whoever we owe interest to to suck it!

But you want to borrow more money for handouts to you?

You're not real bright, are you?
Usury is for suckers and slaves.

Well ok....

But understand that if you eliminate Usury, then you are not going to borrow anymore.

That means if you don't have money for a car, then you simply don't get a car.

And if there isn't money for Social Security, then there is no Social Security.

If you don't have money for education, then you simply don't get education.

If there is no money for Medicare, then you simply don't get Medicare.

I'm somewhat sympathetic to the concept of banning Usury. But you need to understand what that means. No credit cards. If you want to go out to eat, because some friends came into town unexpected, and you don't have money.... you don't go out to eat.

Are you ok with this?

You don't need usury to have any of that. When inflation heats up, the fed increases interests payments. If the economy is doing poorly, the fed nearly eliminates interest payments-usury.

Without Usury, it does not matter what the Fed does.... if you don't have the money to buy something... then you are not going to be able to buy it. No matter what the Fed does.

You don't make any sense.

If you want to buy a house.... and there is no Usury... why would anyone lend you the money to buy a house? They wouldn't.

Doesn't matter what the Fed does. Why would I loan you $100,000 to buy a house, if I can't earn a profit off of loaning you the money? Without Usury, I would get back $100,000 on my $100,000 loan.

Why would I do this? I wouldn't.

If I'm a bank, I'm not going to give you a mortgage, because why would I do something that earns me nothing? Has nothing to do with the Fed. Fed has zero influence on this choice.

I'm simply not going to loan you the money. It would be better for me to invest that $100,000 in stocks. At least with stocks I'll get a return on my investment.

No Usury, means no money for you. If you don't have the cash, you don't get the stuff.

If you are ok with that, so am I. I'm all for banning Usury. But you need to understand... no house unless you have cash. No car unless you have cash. Doesn't matter what the Fed does. No one is going to loan you money, if they can't make a profit.

Face it. Capitalism is a farce. Everything should be provided by the government. Taking care of the people is their job. (At least, it should be) Not kissing hands and shaking babies. Housing, health care, education and transportation should be free. Free Free FREEEEEEEEEE!!!! Healthcare should apply equally to anybody. But as far as everything else goes, it would have to depend on your station in life. Those who are doctors or scientists for example should have better housing and transportation than a laborer. In return, people give their labor to support society.

In my town they have a plan to make the bridges toll bridges. In other words, privatize them. But those people are in it to make a profit. If you want something done as cheaply as possible, providing companies with profit isn't the way to go. No doubt one way they would do it is by paying their workers less and giving them fewer benefits than a city worker would get. Which is a race to the bottom. Screw that.

Who would work? Why work? Why invent? Why produce? Why research? Why do anything but sit around?

Your opinion of humanity is delusional. People are inventive. Producing gives them a sense of pride and worth.

Nah, give me what I want, new car, new motorhome, new home, all the money I want, free healthcare, free food, free electric, free campsites when I travel. Hell, if you can get it why not me? I’ve worked hard all my life. The government owes me tons!

What if you were given all those things. But for a price. That price being that you do whatever part you can in seeing to it that everybody else can receive those things too. (Which wouldn't mean working people to death) Would you sign on for that? Or are you so brainwashed that you think that greed and accumulating as much as you can at any negative cost to society is the best option for society.
Greed goes both ways, you want to exploit people and tell them what they can make.
Given those things for a price? Sounds like you want slavery.

My point is, I have worked so in time I can retire and do what I want to do. I don't want government to give me a home, a job, I don't want free food, free campsites, that is not government's role in this country and never has been. You want government to set you up and when that happens, then you owe government, who is very greedy, in fact, probably greedier than most of corporate America.

I work long hours and I don't mind it, I find my job rewarding.

You are a slave. So am I. What I want is freedom from slavery. I also seem to recall letting you some real truth before. You weren't interested. There is no greater example of slavery than willing ignorance.

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I love how people with no support or evidence whatsoever, claim others are slaves.

NO, you are wrong. Thanks for stopping by.
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
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From what I have been seeing on the news, many states are reopening even though the cases of coronavirus is still increasing. Also, how many instances of coronavirus in this country did it take to get the whole ball rolling to begin with. 2 or 3?

Then why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
Its going down, with 1,417,350 US cases, how can it go down with so many active cases, not just 1 or 2?

Because of quarantine. With the 2 or 3 who got the whole plague rolling here, there was no quarantine.

Yes there most certainly was a quarantine here, for travelers from China, but not from Europe?!
Quarantine? Not all of the 1.4m are quarantined, so why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
You did not answer this question: What's a worse condition, 1.4m cases or a few?
We have the 1.4m now and the number of cases is going down, why? How can that be?

President Chump just didn't handle things well. And he still isn't.

Really? So what should he have done? I'll show you why he couldn't or didn't.

Well, president Chump could have started out by not calling the coronavirus a hoax at the beginning.

He didn't call it a hoax, he called what Democrats were trying to do with it another one of their hoaxes. Of course this was before we had any idea how this thing would impact us. But lets say he never made that statement. How would that have changed our current plight?

He called it a hoax. Next, it would have changed our current plight by taking it seriously from the beginning. And there would be over 30,000 fewer dead people.

President Trump is a former businessman, not a former scientist or medical expert. He took the advice from our various health agencies and his medical team to make decisions. Even in late February, Dr. Fauci made a public statement that this virus was nothing of great concern; go out and live life as you always have, and there is no need to use gloves or masks.

When the WHO made a public statement about their concern of this virus in late January, President Trump took action the next day. No, he didn't shutdown the country, but he did take a few precautionary measures, and increased those measures as new information because available, and his team and agencies were able to form a better opinion.

Today the CDC made an announcement that 35% of the Covid cases were with asymptomatic people. That means this virus likely has been with us much longer than we thought. Asymptomatic people have the virus and don't become ill because of it. However they are just as contagious as those that did get ill. That means these people were hugging their friends and family, shaking hands with strangers, drinking at bars and eating at restaurants, squeezing fruit and vegetables at their grocery store.

As for the non-asymptomatic people, the symptoms are similar to a bad cold or early flu, which a lot of people never seek medical attention for.

Therefore your theory about saving 30,000 people is your opinion, not fact.

Saving over 30,000 people with earlier action is what they said on the news last night. But admittedly, you can't always believe the news. For example, they say that Armaud Arbery was murdered. Though like it or not, president Chump started out by calling the whole thing a hoax. And it seems every step of the way, he has been dragging his feet. As for his "experts," they are on his payroll. They will basically say what they're told to say. Including the CDC. Don't believe it? Watch the documentary, "What lies upstream."

Your documentaries are not Gospel. They are trying to get you to watch their programming for profit.

Yes, if we started in September of last year, we could have saved tens of thousands of lives, but who knew what could happen back then? Trump didn't drag his feet. Our agencies are mired in red tape, and they practice these unnecessary prolonged actions that the President is not in control of.

In late February of this year, Cuomo was urging people to not worry about this silly virus. Go out, shop, dine, and carry on with your normal life. DeBlazio sent the same message to NYC residents around that same time. Piglosi was telling people to visit Chinatown. NOBODY KNEW!!!! The first two weeks of March, the House Democrats were trying to pass a bill stripping the President of his exclusive right to issue travel bans.

Bottom line is armchair quarterbacks like yourself can make any claim they desire. I always said if you want to hit todays lottery, buy tomorrows newspaper. Easier said than done.

Did you see any of those documentaries? Until you do, you can't have any kind of opinion about them. Next, nobody said anything about September. They were talking about early March.

You leftists always pull this stunt. So let me be clear up front: If I had to watch every documentary a leftists tells me to watch, watch every movie, read every book you people read, I wouldn't have time to come here and discuss politics. If you have a short article, sure, if I have time, I'll go through it. But I'm not going to spend hours and hours to reply to each and every leftist comment. You wouldn't read any book or watch any documentary I suggest either. Nobody has that kind of time.

You should listen to me. Your intellectual superior. I have no interest in steering you wrong. And you shouldn't assume I'm trying to do so. Take the documentary I mentioned called, "What lies upstream." I will tell you some of what you don't want to find out about yourself. First, companies aren't required to tell what the toxic effects of any chemical they make are. And the can lie about it! The CDC is fine with this because their leadership is appointed by the pro-business leadership of the government. Republican or democrat. Also, do you know how chemical companies get rid of their toxic waist? Basically, they flush it down the toilet! And it is perfectly legal!!! So what is the point of you having the time to say things here when all you have to speak about is shit to begin with.

Oh please, so you watch these "documentaries" and conclude they are all Gospel? WTF would make you think that? I always question what's told to me from somebody trying to make money by getting my attention, even if it's something that leans towards my political persuasion.

Facebook is loaded with conspiracy theories that after enough attention, is proven false by another entity. And as my intellectual superior, you should know by now that what you call toxic waist is spelled W-A-S-T-E, not W-A-I-S-T. :auiqs.jpg:

Thanks for letting me know about a typo. But as far as I can see, correcting my grammar is the best you've got. As for the conspiracy angle, they talked to the experts. People with PhD's in their particular fields. Top experts. As in there being just about no other people on the planet that may know more. You may not think so. But such people are well worth listening to.

Another documentary I mentioned to you was, "Where to invade next." Here is a piece of information from it that you can consider to be bullshit at your leisure. Apparently, Norway has the most highly educated students in the world. At the very least, they are in the top three. You might find how they accomplished this to be interesting. They eliminated homework. It seems counterintuitive. But it is a reality. In school, how much homework did you do. I didn't do any. Maybe that explains my intelligence.

Since you studied it so intensely, tell me, does Norway have anything comparable to our teachers unions? Does Norway have three months of vacation from school every year?

Somebody being an expert does not mean they are not biased. We have scientist who believe in global warming, and others who believe it's BS. We have "experts" who believe there is life on other planets, and others who do not. We have engineers who said that 911 was an inside job. Others say those people are FOS.

Being an expert doesn't mean you are always right. Speaking of which, I was never a spellcheck cop. But when somebody tires to degrade me by claiming their intellectual superioriority, the least you can do is proofread your post.

Why not watch the documentary, "Where to invade next" and find out. You would be dumbfounded, absolutely blown away by what people in European countries get that we don't. Though as Michael Moore says, things over there aren't perfect. But he's there to pick the flowers. Not the weeds. He was there to invade those countries and take back to the U.S. the spoils of his invasion. As in the good ideas. The things that have been demonstrated to work. At least over there. But maybe with out large negro and mexican population, they wouldn't work here. But it would be well worth impaling and deporting the hindrance for many other reasons. Also, I wasn't trying to degrade you. Just some of the things you talk about. Even a genius could probably be brainwashed. (But not me)

You would be dumbfounded, absolutely blown away by what people in European countries get that we don't.

A lower standard of living, smaller cars, smaller homes, a smaller economy.

They also have 8 bucks a gallon for gasoline.

But their societies weren't structures around the automobile. Unlike ours. Here, we have a lot of suburban sprawl. People live so way far out that if there was ever an EMP that killed cars, they would find it very difficult to get food.

You are putting the cart, in front of the horse.

The whole reason we have suburban sprawl.... is directly because Americans are wealthy enough to have a car, and desire to have a house farther away from the noisy crime infested inner city areas.

Yeah, their societies are less structured around automobiles....... because they couldn't afford to drive automobiles all the time.

If you take those people, and bring them to the US, where they earn more money, and pay less taxes, you what those people's from those cultures do?

They buy the biggest SUV they can, and buy a house in the suburbs.

They would do the same thing in Europe... they just can't. They can't afford it, because they are poor.

I had this couple from Laos. Escaped the communists in Laos. Talk about running through the woods, being shot at by police. Freaky stuff.

Made it to the US embassy, came to the US. Didn't know English. Had to learn English. Got training on how to do CNC work. Got jobs, making $100,000 a year. (combined).

This tiny Laos woman, bought herself, a Ford Excursion, and they bought a house in the suburbs.

I asked her if she would go back to Laos. She's wants to, because she loved the people, and the land, but if she went back, she'd be poor. The government takes all the money.

This is the reality throughout all Europe.

Why do you think the Yellow Vest protest happened? They have all that free stuff you mentioned. You know what they don't have? Money. Their poor. Because the government takes all the money. The thing that triggered the protest, was the tax hike by the government to improve social services.

They are poor. I've been there. I've seen them living in 600 sqft apartments with no air conditioning, and hanging cloths up on wires inside their 600 sqft apartment. I've seen it.

Yeah, their societies are not built around automobiles, because they can't afford automobiles. Even those that have them, can't afford to drive them.

Economically, (for instance) we ARE a third world country compared to Germany. Given their size, when it comes to the yearly value of their exports, they leave the U.S. in the dust. They have the ability to have anything they want and any size they want. But just from how their society functions, they apparently don't feel they need it.

As for the couple from Laos, who let them assholes into our country. I was watching some show one time where they were talking to people from Laos. Some of their cultural beliefs are pretty despicable compared to what White people believe. What our country should have done is leave them in the hell hole they created for themselves and train a White person to do CNC work. (Whatever that is)

Economically, (for instance) we ARE a third world country compared to Germany.

You're lying. Or stupid. Or both.
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171

From what I have been seeing on the news, many states are reopening even though the cases of coronavirus is still increasing. Also, how many instances of coronavirus in this country did it take to get the whole ball rolling to begin with. 2 or 3?

Then why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
Its going down, with 1,417,350 US cases, how can it go down with so many active cases, not just 1 or 2?

Because of quarantine. With the 2 or 3 who got the whole plague rolling here, there was no quarantine.

Yes there most certainly was a quarantine here, for travelers from China, but not from Europe?!
Quarantine? Not all of the 1.4m are quarantined, so why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
You did not answer this question: What's a worse condition, 1.4m cases or a few?
We have the 1.4m now and the number of cases is going down, why? How can that be?

President Chump just didn't handle things well. And he still isn't.

Really? So what should he have done? I'll show you why he couldn't or didn't.

Well, president Chump could have started out by not calling the coronavirus a hoax at the beginning.

He didn't call it a hoax, he called what Democrats were trying to do with it another one of their hoaxes. Of course this was before we had any idea how this thing would impact us. But lets say he never made that statement. How would that have changed our current plight?

He called it a hoax. Next, it would have changed our current plight by taking it seriously from the beginning. And there would be over 30,000 fewer dead people.

President Trump is a former businessman, not a former scientist or medical expert. He took the advice from our various health agencies and his medical team to make decisions. Even in late February, Dr. Fauci made a public statement that this virus was nothing of great concern; go out and live life as you always have, and there is no need to use gloves or masks.

When the WHO made a public statement about their concern of this virus in late January, President Trump took action the next day. No, he didn't shutdown the country, but he did take a few precautionary measures, and increased those measures as new information because available, and his team and agencies were able to form a better opinion.

Today the CDC made an announcement that 35% of the Covid cases were with asymptomatic people. That means this virus likely has been with us much longer than we thought. Asymptomatic people have the virus and don't become ill because of it. However they are just as contagious as those that did get ill. That means these people were hugging their friends and family, shaking hands with strangers, drinking at bars and eating at restaurants, squeezing fruit and vegetables at their grocery store.

As for the non-asymptomatic people, the symptoms are similar to a bad cold or early flu, which a lot of people never seek medical attention for.

Therefore your theory about saving 30,000 people is your opinion, not fact.

Saving over 30,000 people with earlier action is what they said on the news last night. But admittedly, you can't always believe the news. For example, they say that Armaud Arbery was murdered. Though like it or not, president Chump started out by calling the whole thing a hoax. And it seems every step of the way, he has been dragging his feet. As for his "experts," they are on his payroll. They will basically say what they're told to say. Including the CDC. Don't believe it? Watch the documentary, "What lies upstream."

Your documentaries are not Gospel. They are trying to get you to watch their programming for profit.

Yes, if we started in September of last year, we could have saved tens of thousands of lives, but who knew what could happen back then? Trump didn't drag his feet. Our agencies are mired in red tape, and they practice these unnecessary prolonged actions that the President is not in control of.

In late February of this year, Cuomo was urging people to not worry about this silly virus. Go out, shop, dine, and carry on with your normal life. DeBlazio sent the same message to NYC residents around that same time. Piglosi was telling people to visit Chinatown. NOBODY KNEW!!!! The first two weeks of March, the House Democrats were trying to pass a bill stripping the President of his exclusive right to issue travel bans.

Bottom line is armchair quarterbacks like yourself can make any claim they desire. I always said if you want to hit todays lottery, buy tomorrows newspaper. Easier said than done.

Did you see any of those documentaries? Until you do, you can't have any kind of opinion about them. Next, nobody said anything about September. They were talking about early March.

You leftists always pull this stunt. So let me be clear up front: If I had to watch every documentary a leftists tells me to watch, watch every movie, read every book you people read, I wouldn't have time to come here and discuss politics. If you have a short article, sure, if I have time, I'll go through it. But I'm not going to spend hours and hours to reply to each and every leftist comment. You wouldn't read any book or watch any documentary I suggest either. Nobody has that kind of time.

You should listen to me. Your intellectual superior. I have no interest in steering you wrong. And you shouldn't assume I'm trying to do so. Take the documentary I mentioned called, "What lies upstream." I will tell you some of what you don't want to find out about yourself. First, companies aren't required to tell what the toxic effects of any chemical they make are. And the can lie about it! The CDC is fine with this because their leadership is appointed by the pro-business leadership of the government. Republican or democrat. Also, do you know how chemical companies get rid of their toxic waist? Basically, they flush it down the toilet! And it is perfectly legal!!! So what is the point of you having the time to say things here when all you have to speak about is shit to begin with.

Oh please, so you watch these "documentaries" and conclude they are all Gospel? WTF would make you think that? I always question what's told to me from somebody trying to make money by getting my attention, even if it's something that leans towards my political persuasion.

Facebook is loaded with conspiracy theories that after enough attention, is proven false by another entity. And as my intellectual superior, you should know by now that what you call toxic waist is spelled W-A-S-T-E, not W-A-I-S-T. :auiqs.jpg:

Thanks for letting me know about a typo. But as far as I can see, correcting my grammar is the best you've got. As for the conspiracy angle, they talked to the experts. People with PhD's in their particular fields. Top experts. As in there being just about no other people on the planet that may know more. You may not think so. But such people are well worth listening to.

Another documentary I mentioned to you was, "Where to invade next." Here is a piece of information from it that you can consider to be bullshit at your leisure. Apparently, Norway has the most highly educated students in the world. At the very least, they are in the top three. You might find how they accomplished this to be interesting. They eliminated homework. It seems counterintuitive. But it is a reality. In school, how much homework did you do. I didn't do any. Maybe that explains my intelligence.

Since you studied it so intensely, tell me, does Norway have anything comparable to our teachers unions? Does Norway have three months of vacation from school every year?

Somebody being an expert does not mean they are not biased. We have scientist who believe in global warming, and others who believe it's BS. We have "experts" who believe there is life on other planets, and others who do not. We have engineers who said that 911 was an inside job. Others say those people are FOS.

Being an expert doesn't mean you are always right. Speaking of which, I was never a spellcheck cop. But when somebody tires to degrade me by claiming their intellectual superioriority, the least you can do is proofread your post.

You would be dumbfounded, absolutely blown away by what people in European countries get that we don't.

No, actually I wouldn't, because I know people who lived in Europe, and now in the US. I have been to Europe myself, and I have seen first hand how people live.

They live in small homes, a fraction the size of American homes. A fraction of the size. Not only are European homes tiny, but they have far fewer amenities than US homes.

This picture is from a hotel... HOTEL, not motel, from Sweden.

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Yes, that's right, the bathroom, is the same room, as the bedroom. Note the size of the toilet compared to the shower. That's right. Shower is about the same size as the toilet.

Most people in Europe in general, do not have Air Conditioning. Even to this day, Air Condition is reserved only for the elite and rich.

Most people simply can't afford to run air conditioning, even if they had it.

One lady who married a guy from France, wrote in her editorial, that she was laying on the couch in summer, drenched in sweat from it being 100ºF, and even then the husband wasn't sure if he could afford to turn on the A/C.

As I said, I've been to Europe. I've seen the clothes lines strung up inside homes, to let clothes dry, because they can't afford a clothes drier.

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Drying racks like these, are normal in Europe. People simply can't afford to actually dry their clothes.

Electricity is horrendously expensive in Europe. Denmark and Germany, both have costs that exceed 30¢ per/kWh. That's compared to the US, where in Ohio it is 9¢ per/kWh.

Also keep in mind, they lose more than half their income in taxes, and they earn less money than US employees do.

So they earn less, and keep less of what they earn, and then they pay many times higher prices.

This is why when one of our Chemical Engineers that went to our church, when he moved to Germany, between the pay cut, and the higher taxes, and the much higher cost of fuel, he and his wife, both ended up not being able to afford a car. She had to ride a bike to the store, and ended up dumping her purchases as few times trying to ride back home. He had to spend an extra half hour, commuting to work on a bicycle.

It wasn't because they enjoyed spending hours getting anywhere. It wasn't because they loved getting blown off the road by high wind, or rained on all the way to work and back.

It was because the cost $5.80 per gallon in Germany. And Germany has "cheap" gasoline. Norway was charging $7.30 per gallon. That was the last quarter of 2019, when prices had already fallen quite a bit.

Now prices are down to 'almost'.... $4 a gallon.

And by the way, the doesn't include the $20 eco-stickers required to drive on German roads.

Traveling in Germany has tolls all over the country. You want to take your family on a vacation, you could spend $100 to $200 just getting there, not including fuel costs.

This is why you see tiny 3-wheeled cars in Europe.
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Very common in Europe. I saw them when I was there. This isn't some clown car SNL skit... this is how people can afford to own a car, by buying one so tiny, you could almost walk faster than it.

Now that isn't to say that there are no really high quality cars in Europe... there are of course. They are just reserved for the rich. You don't see middle class people buying those cars in Europe. Can't afford it.

And I could go on and on. Most Europeans don't own Microwaves. Too expensive.

Many places like France, or the UK, most people only own one TV set, because you are taxed on how many TV sets you own. If you buy 3 TVs in the UK, they charge you three times the TV tax.

You have a family room, and a living room, and a bedroom? Cough up $200 per TV, per year.

Europeans are rich compared to 3rd world countries. Compared to most of South American, and Africa, and south east Asia.... Europe is a freakin dream world of wealth and bliss. No question about it.

But when you compare Europe to the US.... no sir. No. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Our poorest working people in this country, live a better life, than the middle class of Europe.

You can deny that, but that is the truth. I've seen it. The statistics show it. Everything supports that conclusion.

Well the U.S. is a much larger country than all of Europe. With far more natural resources. So I wouldn't go spouting off about American superiority in material goods. Also, if we gave people a free college education, free medical coverage, higher pay, paid vacations, etc etc etc, the sizes of houses here wouldn't shrink. Deny that, if you dare.

Yeah, of course housing sizes will shrink. There is (obviously), a direct connection between the cost of the house, and plot of land, and the price thereof.

If you give people free stuff, like everything you mentioned, people will have less money because of taxes. Much less money. And therefore they won't be able to afford larger homes.

The reason I saw a family of four, in the UK, living in a house that had a smaller Sq.Ft size to my first college apartment, of 900 sqft.... is because that's what they could afford.

And why could they only afford that? Because they are paying 50% to 60% of their income in taxes, and they earn less to start with. And by the way, they pay a 20% sales tax on top of that.

Yes, housing sizes will shrink.

It's so baffling to me, that you would think otherwise. If you earn less money for the same job.... and you lose half your income in taxes.... do you think you can afford the same size house or apartment you have today, on that much less money?

I know for a fact, that I could not. I would have to down size my living space.

You are wrong. As usual. I don't know how taxes work in Europe. But here, in reality, regular people hardly pay any taxes at all. The vast majority of what they pay in taxes they get back with their tax returns. Which enables them to buy things that they normally wouldn't be able to afford. In that regard, the government would be doing us a favor by raising taxes some. What we are actually paying for the most part is a short term loan to the government.

Well so I know people who work in Europe. So.... no, you are wrong. I've seen the tax statements. I know they pay nearly half their income in taxes.

In fact, the average marginal tax rate across Europe, is 49% on an income over $37,000.

On top of that, you earn less money in Europe.
The Washington Post had a great article on this, but it's behind a pay wall.

There are numerous other sources, but none as good. The bottom line is, in Europe you are going to earn significantly less money. And you are going to keep significantly less of that less money you earn.

And then contrary to your claim,

Which enables them to buy things that they normally wouldn't be able to afford.

The average national sales tax in Europe is 20%.

Let me show you this receipt from McDonald's in Germany.


What you are looking at, is a receipt for a 20p chicken nuggets, and 3 ice teas.

Total cost? $20. For 3 drinks... and 20p nuggets. Notice that 19% sales tax.

Here in the US, I would pay about $7 for the same thing.

It's not cheaper to buy stuff in Europe. It's vastly more expensive. That's why people ride a bicycle to work. It's not because they love getting rained on, or blown off the road by wind. It's because they are poor, and can't afford to drive.

These are the facts.

Ok. Let's try it your way. What claims have I made that you think have been proven wrong.

Start with that one above.

FYI, the above McDonald's receipt, came from a friend who grew up in Germany, and moved to the US. She was visiting family there, and said she'll never go back to Germany. She has a life here in the US, they couldn't dream of in Germany.

Again, I know people who live in Europe. I know what I'm talking about.

Wrong about what. I said I didn't know how taxes worked in Europe. That's the end of the story. The point is how taxes work here. Next, if you make over $37,000 a year, maybe over there that is simply considered to be a higher tax bracket. Next, I don't know what a decent hourly wage on average is in Europe. But I know what it is here. Nearly nonexistent. I heard once that in California, to live an average middle class lifestyle, you would need to earn $50.00 an hour. And I don't imagine it's a hell of a lot different in the rest of the states. But most people don't make anywhere near that. Most people live from paycheck to paycheck.

At least in Europe and Canada, people don't become homeless, bankrupt or die because they can't afford their medical expenses. In most of Europe at least, they don't go deep into debt to pay for a college education. Poverty is rife here in the U.S. I doubt if it is in most of Europe. More babies die here. They have longer lifespans. These things are facts. All you have to offer is some crap about some German person why prefers to live here. That isn't good enough.
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171

From what I have been seeing on the news, many states are reopening even though the cases of coronavirus is still increasing. Also, how many instances of coronavirus in this country did it take to get the whole ball rolling to begin with. 2 or 3?

Then why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
Its going down, with 1,417,350 US cases, how can it go down with so many active cases, not just 1 or 2?

Because of quarantine. With the 2 or 3 who got the whole plague rolling here, there was no quarantine.

Yes there most certainly was a quarantine here, for travelers from China, but not from Europe?!
Quarantine? Not all of the 1.4m are quarantined, so why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
You did not answer this question: What's a worse condition, 1.4m cases or a few?
We have the 1.4m now and the number of cases is going down, why? How can that be?

President Chump just didn't handle things well. And he still isn't.

Really? So what should he have done? I'll show you why he couldn't or didn't.

Well, president Chump could have started out by not calling the coronavirus a hoax at the beginning.

He didn't call it a hoax, he called what Democrats were trying to do with it another one of their hoaxes. Of course this was before we had any idea how this thing would impact us. But lets say he never made that statement. How would that have changed our current plight?

He called it a hoax. Next, it would have changed our current plight by taking it seriously from the beginning. And there would be over 30,000 fewer dead people.

President Trump is a former businessman, not a former scientist or medical expert. He took the advice from our various health agencies and his medical team to make decisions. Even in late February, Dr. Fauci made a public statement that this virus was nothing of great concern; go out and live life as you always have, and there is no need to use gloves or masks.

When the WHO made a public statement about their concern of this virus in late January, President Trump took action the next day. No, he didn't shutdown the country, but he did take a few precautionary measures, and increased those measures as new information because available, and his team and agencies were able to form a better opinion.

Today the CDC made an announcement that 35% of the Covid cases were with asymptomatic people. That means this virus likely has been with us much longer than we thought. Asymptomatic people have the virus and don't become ill because of it. However they are just as contagious as those that did get ill. That means these people were hugging their friends and family, shaking hands with strangers, drinking at bars and eating at restaurants, squeezing fruit and vegetables at their grocery store.

As for the non-asymptomatic people, the symptoms are similar to a bad cold or early flu, which a lot of people never seek medical attention for.

Therefore your theory about saving 30,000 people is your opinion, not fact.

Saving over 30,000 people with earlier action is what they said on the news last night. But admittedly, you can't always believe the news. For example, they say that Armaud Arbery was murdered. Though like it or not, president Chump started out by calling the whole thing a hoax. And it seems every step of the way, he has been dragging his feet. As for his "experts," they are on his payroll. They will basically say what they're told to say. Including the CDC. Don't believe it? Watch the documentary, "What lies upstream."

Your documentaries are not Gospel. They are trying to get you to watch their programming for profit.

Yes, if we started in September of last year, we could have saved tens of thousands of lives, but who knew what could happen back then? Trump didn't drag his feet. Our agencies are mired in red tape, and they practice these unnecessary prolonged actions that the President is not in control of.

In late February of this year, Cuomo was urging people to not worry about this silly virus. Go out, shop, dine, and carry on with your normal life. DeBlazio sent the same message to NYC residents around that same time. Piglosi was telling people to visit Chinatown. NOBODY KNEW!!!! The first two weeks of March, the House Democrats were trying to pass a bill stripping the President of his exclusive right to issue travel bans.

Bottom line is armchair quarterbacks like yourself can make any claim they desire. I always said if you want to hit todays lottery, buy tomorrows newspaper. Easier said than done.

Did you see any of those documentaries? Until you do, you can't have any kind of opinion about them. Next, nobody said anything about September. They were talking about early March.

You leftists always pull this stunt. So let me be clear up front: If I had to watch every documentary a leftists tells me to watch, watch every movie, read every book you people read, I wouldn't have time to come here and discuss politics. If you have a short article, sure, if I have time, I'll go through it. But I'm not going to spend hours and hours to reply to each and every leftist comment. You wouldn't read any book or watch any documentary I suggest either. Nobody has that kind of time.

You should listen to me. Your intellectual superior. I have no interest in steering you wrong. And you shouldn't assume I'm trying to do so. Take the documentary I mentioned called, "What lies upstream." I will tell you some of what you don't want to find out about yourself. First, companies aren't required to tell what the toxic effects of any chemical they make are. And the can lie about it! The CDC is fine with this because their leadership is appointed by the pro-business leadership of the government. Republican or democrat. Also, do you know how chemical companies get rid of their toxic waist? Basically, they flush it down the toilet! And it is perfectly legal!!! So what is the point of you having the time to say things here when all you have to speak about is shit to begin with.

Oh please, so you watch these "documentaries" and conclude they are all Gospel? WTF would make you think that? I always question what's told to me from somebody trying to make money by getting my attention, even if it's something that leans towards my political persuasion.

Facebook is loaded with conspiracy theories that after enough attention, is proven false by another entity. And as my intellectual superior, you should know by now that what you call toxic waist is spelled W-A-S-T-E, not W-A-I-S-T. :auiqs.jpg:

Thanks for letting me know about a typo. But as far as I can see, correcting my grammar is the best you've got. As for the conspiracy angle, they talked to the experts. People with PhD's in their particular fields. Top experts. As in there being just about no other people on the planet that may know more. You may not think so. But such people are well worth listening to.

Another documentary I mentioned to you was, "Where to invade next." Here is a piece of information from it that you can consider to be bullshit at your leisure. Apparently, Norway has the most highly educated students in the world. At the very least, they are in the top three. You might find how they accomplished this to be interesting. They eliminated homework. It seems counterintuitive. But it is a reality. In school, how much homework did you do. I didn't do any. Maybe that explains my intelligence.

Since you studied it so intensely, tell me, does Norway have anything comparable to our teachers unions? Does Norway have three months of vacation from school every year?

Somebody being an expert does not mean they are not biased. We have scientist who believe in global warming, and others who believe it's BS. We have "experts" who believe there is life on other planets, and others who do not. We have engineers who said that 911 was an inside job. Others say those people are FOS.

Being an expert doesn't mean you are always right. Speaking of which, I was never a spellcheck cop. But when somebody tires to degrade me by claiming their intellectual superioriority, the least you can do is proofread your post.

Why not watch the documentary, "Where to invade next" and find out. You would be dumbfounded, absolutely blown away by what people in European countries get that we don't. Though as Michael Moore says, things over there aren't perfect. But he's there to pick the flowers. Not the weeds. He was there to invade those countries and take back to the U.S. the spoils of his invasion. As in the good ideas. The things that have been demonstrated to work. At least over there. But maybe with out large negro and mexican population, they wouldn't work here. But it would be well worth impaling and deporting the hindrance for many other reasons. Also, I wasn't trying to degrade you. Just some of the things you talk about. Even a genius could probably be brainwashed. (But not me)

You would be dumbfounded, absolutely blown away by what people in European countries get that we don't.

A lower standard of living, smaller cars, smaller homes, a smaller economy.

They also have 8 bucks a gallon for gasoline.

But their societies weren't structures around the automobile. Unlike ours. Here, we have a lot of suburban sprawl. People live so way far out that if there was ever an EMP that killed cars, they would find it very difficult to get food.

You are putting the cart, in front of the horse.

The whole reason we have suburban sprawl.... is directly because Americans are wealthy enough to have a car, and desire to have a house farther away from the noisy crime infested inner city areas.

Yeah, their societies are less structured around automobiles....... because they couldn't afford to drive automobiles all the time.

If you take those people, and bring them to the US, where they earn more money, and pay less taxes, you what those people's from those cultures do?

They buy the biggest SUV they can, and buy a house in the suburbs.

They would do the same thing in Europe... they just can't. They can't afford it, because they are poor.

I had this couple from Laos. Escaped the communists in Laos. Talk about running through the woods, being shot at by police. Freaky stuff.

Made it to the US embassy, came to the US. Didn't know English. Had to learn English. Got training on how to do CNC work. Got jobs, making $100,000 a year. (combined).

This tiny Laos woman, bought herself, a Ford Excursion, and they bought a house in the suburbs.

I asked her if she would go back to Laos. She's wants to, because she loved the people, and the land, but if she went back, she'd be poor. The government takes all the money.

This is the reality throughout all Europe.

Why do you think the Yellow Vest protest happened? They have all that free stuff you mentioned. You know what they don't have? Money. Their poor. Because the government takes all the money. The thing that triggered the protest, was the tax hike by the government to improve social services.

They are poor. I've been there. I've seen them living in 600 sqft apartments with no air conditioning, and hanging cloths up on wires inside their 600 sqft apartment. I've seen it.

Yeah, their societies are not built around automobiles, because they can't afford automobiles. Even those that have them, can't afford to drive them.

Economically, (for instance) we ARE a third world country compared to Germany. Given their size, when it comes to the yearly value of their exports, they leave the U.S. in the dust. They have the ability to have anything they want and any size they want. But just from how their society functions, they apparently don't feel they need it.

As for the couple from Laos, who let them assholes into our country. I was watching some show one time where they were talking to people from Laos. Some of their cultural beliefs are pretty despicable compared to what White people believe. What our country should have done is leave them in the hell hole they created for themselves and train a White person to do CNC work. (Whatever that is)
Economically, (for instance) we ARE a third world country compared to Germany.

The evidence I presented, proves that your claim is false.

As for the couple from Laos, who let them assholes into our country. I was watching some show one time where they were talking to people from Laos. Some of their cultural beliefs are pretty despicable compared to what White people believe. What our country should have done is leave them in the hell hole they created for themselves and train a White person to do CNC work. (Whatever that is)

Well... we disagree on that. I'm more like Trump, in that I'm all in favor of legal immigration.

Honestly, I'm sure that white people like you describe yourself exist in society somewhere, I can't say that I've ever met any white person with the views you described.

But then again, I'm conservative, from a family of conservatives, from a church of conservatives, with conservative relatives.

In short, we're good people. I don't know people like you. So.. I would be polite, but I don't associate with people like you. I only meet people like you described yourself, on the internet. I remember some guy spouted that crap on Facebook. Don't know how he was even on my friends list, but I fixed that pretty quick.

But we're good people. We hate criminals obviously. You come here legally... only.. But if you follow our laws, I'm all for it. My last roomate was a Muslim from Bangladesh. He wanted to rent an apartment until his wife arrived. We (me and my parents together) went to his citizenship ceremony. Of course entirely legal immigration.

So no, I don't identify with people like you at all.

And I presented evidence to the contrary of yours. I told somebody around here about something I came across once. It had to do with the yearly value of the exports of the U.S. compared to Germany. Germany is a much smaller country with few natural resources. Their population is also around 81 million. The U.S. is a far larger country with a lot of arable land and many natural resources. Our population is also around 319 million people. The value of our exports for one particular year was around 1 trillion, 600 billion. For Germany it was 1 trillion, 400 million. So I am right.

You also say you support foreign scab scum. Just like president Chump. In that, you are outright evil. I have a book to suggest to you. But I doubt if you would ever read it.
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171

From what I have been seeing on the news, many states are reopening even though the cases of coronavirus is still increasing. Also, how many instances of coronavirus in this country did it take to get the whole ball rolling to begin with. 2 or 3?

Then why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
Its going down, with 1,417,350 US cases, how can it go down with so many active cases, not just 1 or 2?

Because of quarantine. With the 2 or 3 who got the whole plague rolling here, there was no quarantine.

Yes there most certainly was a quarantine here, for travelers from China, but not from Europe?!
Quarantine? Not all of the 1.4m are quarantined, so why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
You did not answer this question: What's a worse condition, 1.4m cases or a few?
We have the 1.4m now and the number of cases is going down, why? How can that be?

President Chump just didn't handle things well. And he still isn't.

Really? So what should he have done? I'll show you why he couldn't or didn't.

Well, president Chump could have started out by not calling the coronavirus a hoax at the beginning.

He didn't call it a hoax, he called what Democrats were trying to do with it another one of their hoaxes. Of course this was before we had any idea how this thing would impact us. But lets say he never made that statement. How would that have changed our current plight?

He called it a hoax. Next, it would have changed our current plight by taking it seriously from the beginning. And there would be over 30,000 fewer dead people.

President Trump is a former businessman, not a former scientist or medical expert. He took the advice from our various health agencies and his medical team to make decisions. Even in late February, Dr. Fauci made a public statement that this virus was nothing of great concern; go out and live life as you always have, and there is no need to use gloves or masks.

When the WHO made a public statement about their concern of this virus in late January, President Trump took action the next day. No, he didn't shutdown the country, but he did take a few precautionary measures, and increased those measures as new information because available, and his team and agencies were able to form a better opinion.

Today the CDC made an announcement that 35% of the Covid cases were with asymptomatic people. That means this virus likely has been with us much longer than we thought. Asymptomatic people have the virus and don't become ill because of it. However they are just as contagious as those that did get ill. That means these people were hugging their friends and family, shaking hands with strangers, drinking at bars and eating at restaurants, squeezing fruit and vegetables at their grocery store.

As for the non-asymptomatic people, the symptoms are similar to a bad cold or early flu, which a lot of people never seek medical attention for.

Therefore your theory about saving 30,000 people is your opinion, not fact.

Saving over 30,000 people with earlier action is what they said on the news last night. But admittedly, you can't always believe the news. For example, they say that Armaud Arbery was murdered. Though like it or not, president Chump started out by calling the whole thing a hoax. And it seems every step of the way, he has been dragging his feet. As for his "experts," they are on his payroll. They will basically say what they're told to say. Including the CDC. Don't believe it? Watch the documentary, "What lies upstream."

Your documentaries are not Gospel. They are trying to get you to watch their programming for profit.

Yes, if we started in September of last year, we could have saved tens of thousands of lives, but who knew what could happen back then? Trump didn't drag his feet. Our agencies are mired in red tape, and they practice these unnecessary prolonged actions that the President is not in control of.

In late February of this year, Cuomo was urging people to not worry about this silly virus. Go out, shop, dine, and carry on with your normal life. DeBlazio sent the same message to NYC residents around that same time. Piglosi was telling people to visit Chinatown. NOBODY KNEW!!!! The first two weeks of March, the House Democrats were trying to pass a bill stripping the President of his exclusive right to issue travel bans.

Bottom line is armchair quarterbacks like yourself can make any claim they desire. I always said if you want to hit todays lottery, buy tomorrows newspaper. Easier said than done.

Did you see any of those documentaries? Until you do, you can't have any kind of opinion about them. Next, nobody said anything about September. They were talking about early March.

You leftists always pull this stunt. So let me be clear up front: If I had to watch every documentary a leftists tells me to watch, watch every movie, read every book you people read, I wouldn't have time to come here and discuss politics. If you have a short article, sure, if I have time, I'll go through it. But I'm not going to spend hours and hours to reply to each and every leftist comment. You wouldn't read any book or watch any documentary I suggest either. Nobody has that kind of time.

You should listen to me. Your intellectual superior. I have no interest in steering you wrong. And you shouldn't assume I'm trying to do so. Take the documentary I mentioned called, "What lies upstream." I will tell you some of what you don't want to find out about yourself. First, companies aren't required to tell what the toxic effects of any chemical they make are. And the can lie about it! The CDC is fine with this because their leadership is appointed by the pro-business leadership of the government. Republican or democrat. Also, do you know how chemical companies get rid of their toxic waist? Basically, they flush it down the toilet! And it is perfectly legal!!! So what is the point of you having the time to say things here when all you have to speak about is shit to begin with.

Oh please, so you watch these "documentaries" and conclude they are all Gospel? WTF would make you think that? I always question what's told to me from somebody trying to make money by getting my attention, even if it's something that leans towards my political persuasion.

Facebook is loaded with conspiracy theories that after enough attention, is proven false by another entity. And as my intellectual superior, you should know by now that what you call toxic waist is spelled W-A-S-T-E, not W-A-I-S-T. :auiqs.jpg:

Thanks for letting me know about a typo. But as far as I can see, correcting my grammar is the best you've got. As for the conspiracy angle, they talked to the experts. People with PhD's in their particular fields. Top experts. As in there being just about no other people on the planet that may know more. You may not think so. But such people are well worth listening to.

Another documentary I mentioned to you was, "Where to invade next." Here is a piece of information from it that you can consider to be bullshit at your leisure. Apparently, Norway has the most highly educated students in the world. At the very least, they are in the top three. You might find how they accomplished this to be interesting. They eliminated homework. It seems counterintuitive. But it is a reality. In school, how much homework did you do. I didn't do any. Maybe that explains my intelligence.

Since you studied it so intensely, tell me, does Norway have anything comparable to our teachers unions? Does Norway have three months of vacation from school every year?

Somebody being an expert does not mean they are not biased. We have scientist who believe in global warming, and others who believe it's BS. We have "experts" who believe there is life on other planets, and others who do not. We have engineers who said that 911 was an inside job. Others say those people are FOS.

Being an expert doesn't mean you are always right. Speaking of which, I was never a spellcheck cop. But when somebody tires to degrade me by claiming their intellectual superioriority, the least you can do is proofread your post.

Why not watch the documentary, "Where to invade next" and find out. You would be dumbfounded, absolutely blown away by what people in European countries get that we don't. Though as Michael Moore says, things over there aren't perfect. But he's there to pick the flowers. Not the weeds. He was there to invade those countries and take back to the U.S. the spoils of his invasion. As in the good ideas. The things that have been demonstrated to work. At least over there. But maybe with out large negro and mexican population, they wouldn't work here. But it would be well worth impaling and deporting the hindrance for many other reasons. Also, I wasn't trying to degrade you. Just some of the things you talk about. Even a genius could probably be brainwashed. (But not me)

You would be dumbfounded, absolutely blown away by what people in European countries get that we don't.

A lower standard of living, smaller cars, smaller homes, a smaller economy.

They also have 8 bucks a gallon for gasoline.

But their societies weren't structures around the automobile. Unlike ours. Here, we have a lot of suburban sprawl. People live so way far out that if there was ever an EMP that killed cars, they would find it very difficult to get food.

You are putting the cart, in front of the horse.

The whole reason we have suburban sprawl.... is directly because Americans are wealthy enough to have a car, and desire to have a house farther away from the noisy crime infested inner city areas.

Yeah, their societies are less structured around automobiles....... because they couldn't afford to drive automobiles all the time.

If you take those people, and bring them to the US, where they earn more money, and pay less taxes, you what those people's from those cultures do?

They buy the biggest SUV they can, and buy a house in the suburbs.

They would do the same thing in Europe... they just can't. They can't afford it, because they are poor.

I had this couple from Laos. Escaped the communists in Laos. Talk about running through the woods, being shot at by police. Freaky stuff.

Made it to the US embassy, came to the US. Didn't know English. Had to learn English. Got training on how to do CNC work. Got jobs, making $100,000 a year. (combined).

This tiny Laos woman, bought herself, a Ford Excursion, and they bought a house in the suburbs.

I asked her if she would go back to Laos. She's wants to, because she loved the people, and the land, but if she went back, she'd be poor. The government takes all the money.

This is the reality throughout all Europe.

Why do you think the Yellow Vest protest happened? They have all that free stuff you mentioned. You know what they don't have? Money. Their poor. Because the government takes all the money. The thing that triggered the protest, was the tax hike by the government to improve social services.

They are poor. I've been there. I've seen them living in 600 sqft apartments with no air conditioning, and hanging cloths up on wires inside their 600 sqft apartment. I've seen it.

Yeah, their societies are not built around automobiles, because they can't afford automobiles. Even those that have them, can't afford to drive them.

Economically, (for instance) we ARE a third world country compared to Germany. Given their size, when it comes to the yearly value of their exports, they leave the U.S. in the dust. They have the ability to have anything they want and any size they want. But just from how their society functions, they apparently don't feel they need it.

As for the couple from Laos, who let them assholes into our country. I was watching some show one time where they were talking to people from Laos. Some of their cultural beliefs are pretty despicable compared to what White people believe. What our country should have done is leave them in the hell hole they created for themselves and train a White person to do CNC work. (Whatever that is)

Economically, (for instance) we ARE a third world country compared to Germany.

You're lying. Or stupid. Or both.

Look at posts #374, #375.
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171

From what I have been seeing on the news, many states are reopening even though the cases of coronavirus is still increasing. Also, how many instances of coronavirus in this country did it take to get the whole ball rolling to begin with. 2 or 3?

Then why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
Its going down, with 1,417,350 US cases, how can it go down with so many active cases, not just 1 or 2?

Because of quarantine. With the 2 or 3 who got the whole plague rolling here, there was no quarantine.

Yes there most certainly was a quarantine here, for travelers from China, but not from Europe?!
Quarantine? Not all of the 1.4m are quarantined, so why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
You did not answer this question: What's a worse condition, 1.4m cases or a few?
We have the 1.4m now and the number of cases is going down, why? How can that be?

President Chump just didn't handle things well. And he still isn't.

Really? So what should he have done? I'll show you why he couldn't or didn't.

Well, president Chump could have started out by not calling the coronavirus a hoax at the beginning.

He didn't call it a hoax, he called what Democrats were trying to do with it another one of their hoaxes. Of course this was before we had any idea how this thing would impact us. But lets say he never made that statement. How would that have changed our current plight?

He called it a hoax. Next, it would have changed our current plight by taking it seriously from the beginning. And there would be over 30,000 fewer dead people.

President Trump is a former businessman, not a former scientist or medical expert. He took the advice from our various health agencies and his medical team to make decisions. Even in late February, Dr. Fauci made a public statement that this virus was nothing of great concern; go out and live life as you always have, and there is no need to use gloves or masks.

When the WHO made a public statement about their concern of this virus in late January, President Trump took action the next day. No, he didn't shutdown the country, but he did take a few precautionary measures, and increased those measures as new information because available, and his team and agencies were able to form a better opinion.

Today the CDC made an announcement that 35% of the Covid cases were with asymptomatic people. That means this virus likely has been with us much longer than we thought. Asymptomatic people have the virus and don't become ill because of it. However they are just as contagious as those that did get ill. That means these people were hugging their friends and family, shaking hands with strangers, drinking at bars and eating at restaurants, squeezing fruit and vegetables at their grocery store.

As for the non-asymptomatic people, the symptoms are similar to a bad cold or early flu, which a lot of people never seek medical attention for.

Therefore your theory about saving 30,000 people is your opinion, not fact.

Saving over 30,000 people with earlier action is what they said on the news last night. But admittedly, you can't always believe the news. For example, they say that Armaud Arbery was murdered. Though like it or not, president Chump started out by calling the whole thing a hoax. And it seems every step of the way, he has been dragging his feet. As for his "experts," they are on his payroll. They will basically say what they're told to say. Including the CDC. Don't believe it? Watch the documentary, "What lies upstream."

Your documentaries are not Gospel. They are trying to get you to watch their programming for profit.

Yes, if we started in September of last year, we could have saved tens of thousands of lives, but who knew what could happen back then? Trump didn't drag his feet. Our agencies are mired in red tape, and they practice these unnecessary prolonged actions that the President is not in control of.

In late February of this year, Cuomo was urging people to not worry about this silly virus. Go out, shop, dine, and carry on with your normal life. DeBlazio sent the same message to NYC residents around that same time. Piglosi was telling people to visit Chinatown. NOBODY KNEW!!!! The first two weeks of March, the House Democrats were trying to pass a bill stripping the President of his exclusive right to issue travel bans.

Bottom line is armchair quarterbacks like yourself can make any claim they desire. I always said if you want to hit todays lottery, buy tomorrows newspaper. Easier said than done.

Did you see any of those documentaries? Until you do, you can't have any kind of opinion about them. Next, nobody said anything about September. They were talking about early March.

You leftists always pull this stunt. So let me be clear up front: If I had to watch every documentary a leftists tells me to watch, watch every movie, read every book you people read, I wouldn't have time to come here and discuss politics. If you have a short article, sure, if I have time, I'll go through it. But I'm not going to spend hours and hours to reply to each and every leftist comment. You wouldn't read any book or watch any documentary I suggest either. Nobody has that kind of time.

You should listen to me. Your intellectual superior. I have no interest in steering you wrong. And you shouldn't assume I'm trying to do so. Take the documentary I mentioned called, "What lies upstream." I will tell you some of what you don't want to find out about yourself. First, companies aren't required to tell what the toxic effects of any chemical they make are. And the can lie about it! The CDC is fine with this because their leadership is appointed by the pro-business leadership of the government. Republican or democrat. Also, do you know how chemical companies get rid of their toxic waist? Basically, they flush it down the toilet! And it is perfectly legal!!! So what is the point of you having the time to say things here when all you have to speak about is shit to begin with.

Oh please, so you watch these "documentaries" and conclude they are all Gospel? WTF would make you think that? I always question what's told to me from somebody trying to make money by getting my attention, even if it's something that leans towards my political persuasion.

Facebook is loaded with conspiracy theories that after enough attention, is proven false by another entity. And as my intellectual superior, you should know by now that what you call toxic waist is spelled W-A-S-T-E, not W-A-I-S-T. :auiqs.jpg:

Thanks for letting me know about a typo. But as far as I can see, correcting my grammar is the best you've got. As for the conspiracy angle, they talked to the experts. People with PhD's in their particular fields. Top experts. As in there being just about no other people on the planet that may know more. You may not think so. But such people are well worth listening to.

Another documentary I mentioned to you was, "Where to invade next." Here is a piece of information from it that you can consider to be bullshit at your leisure. Apparently, Norway has the most highly educated students in the world. At the very least, they are in the top three. You might find how they accomplished this to be interesting. They eliminated homework. It seems counterintuitive. But it is a reality. In school, how much homework did you do. I didn't do any. Maybe that explains my intelligence.

Since you studied it so intensely, tell me, does Norway have anything comparable to our teachers unions? Does Norway have three months of vacation from school every year?

Somebody being an expert does not mean they are not biased. We have scientist who believe in global warming, and others who believe it's BS. We have "experts" who believe there is life on other planets, and others who do not. We have engineers who said that 911 was an inside job. Others say those people are FOS.

Being an expert doesn't mean you are always right. Speaking of which, I was never a spellcheck cop. But when somebody tires to degrade me by claiming their intellectual superioriority, the least you can do is proofread your post.

Why not watch the documentary, "Where to invade next" and find out. You would be dumbfounded, absolutely blown away by what people in European countries get that we don't. Though as Michael Moore says, things over there aren't perfect. But he's there to pick the flowers. Not the weeds. He was there to invade those countries and take back to the U.S. the spoils of his invasion. As in the good ideas. The things that have been demonstrated to work. At least over there. But maybe with out large negro and mexican population, they wouldn't work here. But it would be well worth impaling and deporting the hindrance for many other reasons. Also, I wasn't trying to degrade you. Just some of the things you talk about. Even a genius could probably be brainwashed. (But not me)

You would be dumbfounded, absolutely blown away by what people in European countries get that we don't.

A lower standard of living, smaller cars, smaller homes, a smaller economy.

They also have 8 bucks a gallon for gasoline.

But their societies weren't structures around the automobile. Unlike ours. Here, we have a lot of suburban sprawl. People live so way far out that if there was ever an EMP that killed cars, they would find it very difficult to get food.

You are putting the cart, in front of the horse.

The whole reason we have suburban sprawl.... is directly because Americans are wealthy enough to have a car, and desire to have a house farther away from the noisy crime infested inner city areas.

Yeah, their societies are less structured around automobiles....... because they couldn't afford to drive automobiles all the time.

If you take those people, and bring them to the US, where they earn more money, and pay less taxes, you what those people's from those cultures do?

They buy the biggest SUV they can, and buy a house in the suburbs.

They would do the same thing in Europe... they just can't. They can't afford it, because they are poor.

I had this couple from Laos. Escaped the communists in Laos. Talk about running through the woods, being shot at by police. Freaky stuff.

Made it to the US embassy, came to the US. Didn't know English. Had to learn English. Got training on how to do CNC work. Got jobs, making $100,000 a year. (combined).

This tiny Laos woman, bought herself, a Ford Excursion, and they bought a house in the suburbs.

I asked her if she would go back to Laos. She's wants to, because she loved the people, and the land, but if she went back, she'd be poor. The government takes all the money.

This is the reality throughout all Europe.

Why do you think the Yellow Vest protest happened? They have all that free stuff you mentioned. You know what they don't have? Money. Their poor. Because the government takes all the money. The thing that triggered the protest, was the tax hike by the government to improve social services.

They are poor. I've been there. I've seen them living in 600 sqft apartments with no air conditioning, and hanging cloths up on wires inside their 600 sqft apartment. I've seen it.

Yeah, their societies are not built around automobiles, because they can't afford automobiles. Even those that have them, can't afford to drive them.

Economically, (for instance) we ARE a third world country compared to Germany. Given their size, when it comes to the yearly value of their exports, they leave the U.S. in the dust. They have the ability to have anything they want and any size they want. But just from how their society functions, they apparently don't feel they need it.

As for the couple from Laos, who let them assholes into our country. I was watching some show one time where they were talking to people from Laos. Some of their cultural beliefs are pretty despicable compared to what White people believe. What our country should have done is leave them in the hell hole they created for themselves and train a White person to do CNC work. (Whatever that is)
Economically, (for instance) we ARE a third world country compared to Germany.

The evidence I presented, proves that your claim is false.

As for the couple from Laos, who let them assholes into our country. I was watching some show one time where they were talking to people from Laos. Some of their cultural beliefs are pretty despicable compared to what White people believe. What our country should have done is leave them in the hell hole they created for themselves and train a White person to do CNC work. (Whatever that is)

Well... we disagree on that. I'm more like Trump, in that I'm all in favor of legal immigration.

Honestly, I'm sure that white people like you describe yourself exist in society somewhere, I can't say that I've ever met any white person with the views you described.

But then again, I'm conservative, from a family of conservatives, from a church of conservatives, with conservative relatives.

In short, we're good people. I don't know people like you. So.. I would be polite, but I don't associate with people like you. I only meet people like you described yourself, on the internet. I remember some guy spouted that crap on Facebook. Don't know how he was even on my friends list, but I fixed that pretty quick.

But we're good people. We hate criminals obviously. You come here legally... only.. But if you follow our laws, I'm all for it. My last roomate was a Muslim from Bangladesh. He wanted to rent an apartment until his wife arrived. We (me and my parents together) went to his citizenship ceremony. Of course entirely legal immigration.

So no, I don't identify with people like you at all.

And I presented evidence to the contrary of yours. I told somebody around here about something I came across once. It had to do with the yearly value of the exports of the U.S. compared to Germany. Germany is a much smaller country with few natural resources. Their population is also around 81 million. The U.S. is a far larger country with a lot of arable land and many natural resources. Our population is also around 319 million people. The value of our exports for one particular year was around 1 trillion, 600 billion. For Germany it was 1 trillion, 400 million. So I am right.

You also say you support foreign scab scum. Just like president Chump. In that, you are outright evil. I have a book to suggest to you. But I doubt if you would ever read it.

We exported about $2.5 trillion last year, Germany exported $1.5 trillion.
Why does Germany suck so much?
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171

From what I have been seeing on the news, many states are reopening even though the cases of coronavirus is still increasing. Also, how many instances of coronavirus in this country did it take to get the whole ball rolling to begin with. 2 or 3?

Then why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
Its going down, with 1,417,350 US cases, how can it go down with so many active cases, not just 1 or 2?

Because of quarantine. With the 2 or 3 who got the whole plague rolling here, there was no quarantine.

Yes there most certainly was a quarantine here, for travelers from China, but not from Europe?!
Quarantine? Not all of the 1.4m are quarantined, so why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
You did not answer this question: What's a worse condition, 1.4m cases or a few?
We have the 1.4m now and the number of cases is going down, why? How can that be?

President Chump just didn't handle things well. And he still isn't.

Really? So what should he have done? I'll show you why he couldn't or didn't.

Well, president Chump could have started out by not calling the coronavirus a hoax at the beginning.

He didn't call it a hoax, he called what Democrats were trying to do with it another one of their hoaxes. Of course this was before we had any idea how this thing would impact us. But lets say he never made that statement. How would that have changed our current plight?

He called it a hoax. Next, it would have changed our current plight by taking it seriously from the beginning. And there would be over 30,000 fewer dead people.

President Trump is a former businessman, not a former scientist or medical expert. He took the advice from our various health agencies and his medical team to make decisions. Even in late February, Dr. Fauci made a public statement that this virus was nothing of great concern; go out and live life as you always have, and there is no need to use gloves or masks.

When the WHO made a public statement about their concern of this virus in late January, President Trump took action the next day. No, he didn't shutdown the country, but he did take a few precautionary measures, and increased those measures as new information because available, and his team and agencies were able to form a better opinion.

Today the CDC made an announcement that 35% of the Covid cases were with asymptomatic people. That means this virus likely has been with us much longer than we thought. Asymptomatic people have the virus and don't become ill because of it. However they are just as contagious as those that did get ill. That means these people were hugging their friends and family, shaking hands with strangers, drinking at bars and eating at restaurants, squeezing fruit and vegetables at their grocery store.

As for the non-asymptomatic people, the symptoms are similar to a bad cold or early flu, which a lot of people never seek medical attention for.

Therefore your theory about saving 30,000 people is your opinion, not fact.

Saving over 30,000 people with earlier action is what they said on the news last night. But admittedly, you can't always believe the news. For example, they say that Armaud Arbery was murdered. Though like it or not, president Chump started out by calling the whole thing a hoax. And it seems every step of the way, he has been dragging his feet. As for his "experts," they are on his payroll. They will basically say what they're told to say. Including the CDC. Don't believe it? Watch the documentary, "What lies upstream."

Your documentaries are not Gospel. They are trying to get you to watch their programming for profit.

Yes, if we started in September of last year, we could have saved tens of thousands of lives, but who knew what could happen back then? Trump didn't drag his feet. Our agencies are mired in red tape, and they practice these unnecessary prolonged actions that the President is not in control of.

In late February of this year, Cuomo was urging people to not worry about this silly virus. Go out, shop, dine, and carry on with your normal life. DeBlazio sent the same message to NYC residents around that same time. Piglosi was telling people to visit Chinatown. NOBODY KNEW!!!! The first two weeks of March, the House Democrats were trying to pass a bill stripping the President of his exclusive right to issue travel bans.

Bottom line is armchair quarterbacks like yourself can make any claim they desire. I always said if you want to hit todays lottery, buy tomorrows newspaper. Easier said than done.

Did you see any of those documentaries? Until you do, you can't have any kind of opinion about them. Next, nobody said anything about September. They were talking about early March.

You leftists always pull this stunt. So let me be clear up front: If I had to watch every documentary a leftists tells me to watch, watch every movie, read every book you people read, I wouldn't have time to come here and discuss politics. If you have a short article, sure, if I have time, I'll go through it. But I'm not going to spend hours and hours to reply to each and every leftist comment. You wouldn't read any book or watch any documentary I suggest either. Nobody has that kind of time.

You should listen to me. Your intellectual superior. I have no interest in steering you wrong. And you shouldn't assume I'm trying to do so. Take the documentary I mentioned called, "What lies upstream." I will tell you some of what you don't want to find out about yourself. First, companies aren't required to tell what the toxic effects of any chemical they make are. And the can lie about it! The CDC is fine with this because their leadership is appointed by the pro-business leadership of the government. Republican or democrat. Also, do you know how chemical companies get rid of their toxic waist? Basically, they flush it down the toilet! And it is perfectly legal!!! So what is the point of you having the time to say things here when all you have to speak about is shit to begin with.

Oh please, so you watch these "documentaries" and conclude they are all Gospel? WTF would make you think that? I always question what's told to me from somebody trying to make money by getting my attention, even if it's something that leans towards my political persuasion.

Facebook is loaded with conspiracy theories that after enough attention, is proven false by another entity. And as my intellectual superior, you should know by now that what you call toxic waist is spelled W-A-S-T-E, not W-A-I-S-T. :auiqs.jpg:

Thanks for letting me know about a typo. But as far as I can see, correcting my grammar is the best you've got. As for the conspiracy angle, they talked to the experts. People with PhD's in their particular fields. Top experts. As in there being just about no other people on the planet that may know more. You may not think so. But such people are well worth listening to.

Another documentary I mentioned to you was, "Where to invade next." Here is a piece of information from it that you can consider to be bullshit at your leisure. Apparently, Norway has the most highly educated students in the world. At the very least, they are in the top three. You might find how they accomplished this to be interesting. They eliminated homework. It seems counterintuitive. But it is a reality. In school, how much homework did you do. I didn't do any. Maybe that explains my intelligence.

Since you studied it so intensely, tell me, does Norway have anything comparable to our teachers unions? Does Norway have three months of vacation from school every year?

Somebody being an expert does not mean they are not biased. We have scientist who believe in global warming, and others who believe it's BS. We have "experts" who believe there is life on other planets, and others who do not. We have engineers who said that 911 was an inside job. Others say those people are FOS.

Being an expert doesn't mean you are always right. Speaking of which, I was never a spellcheck cop. But when somebody tires to degrade me by claiming their intellectual superioriority, the least you can do is proofread your post.

Why not watch the documentary, "Where to invade next" and find out. You would be dumbfounded, absolutely blown away by what people in European countries get that we don't. Though as Michael Moore says, things over there aren't perfect. But he's there to pick the flowers. Not the weeds. He was there to invade those countries and take back to the U.S. the spoils of his invasion. As in the good ideas. The things that have been demonstrated to work. At least over there. But maybe with out large negro and mexican population, they wouldn't work here. But it would be well worth impaling and deporting the hindrance for many other reasons. Also, I wasn't trying to degrade you. Just some of the things you talk about. Even a genius could probably be brainwashed. (But not me)

You would be dumbfounded, absolutely blown away by what people in European countries get that we don't.

A lower standard of living, smaller cars, smaller homes, a smaller economy.

They also have 8 bucks a gallon for gasoline.

But their societies weren't structures around the automobile. Unlike ours. Here, we have a lot of suburban sprawl. People live so way far out that if there was ever an EMP that killed cars, they would find it very difficult to get food.

You are putting the cart, in front of the horse.

The whole reason we have suburban sprawl.... is directly because Americans are wealthy enough to have a car, and desire to have a house farther away from the noisy crime infested inner city areas.

Yeah, their societies are less structured around automobiles....... because they couldn't afford to drive automobiles all the time.

If you take those people, and bring them to the US, where they earn more money, and pay less taxes, you what those people's from those cultures do?

They buy the biggest SUV they can, and buy a house in the suburbs.

They would do the same thing in Europe... they just can't. They can't afford it, because they are poor.

I had this couple from Laos. Escaped the communists in Laos. Talk about running through the woods, being shot at by police. Freaky stuff.

Made it to the US embassy, came to the US. Didn't know English. Had to learn English. Got training on how to do CNC work. Got jobs, making $100,000 a year. (combined).

This tiny Laos woman, bought herself, a Ford Excursion, and they bought a house in the suburbs.

I asked her if she would go back to Laos. She's wants to, because she loved the people, and the land, but if she went back, she'd be poor. The government takes all the money.

This is the reality throughout all Europe.

Why do you think the Yellow Vest protest happened? They have all that free stuff you mentioned. You know what they don't have? Money. Their poor. Because the government takes all the money. The thing that triggered the protest, was the tax hike by the government to improve social services.

They are poor. I've been there. I've seen them living in 600 sqft apartments with no air conditioning, and hanging cloths up on wires inside their 600 sqft apartment. I've seen it.

Yeah, their societies are not built around automobiles, because they can't afford automobiles. Even those that have them, can't afford to drive them.

Economically, (for instance) we ARE a third world country compared to Germany. Given their size, when it comes to the yearly value of their exports, they leave the U.S. in the dust. They have the ability to have anything they want and any size they want. But just from how their society functions, they apparently don't feel they need it.

As for the couple from Laos, who let them assholes into our country. I was watching some show one time where they were talking to people from Laos. Some of their cultural beliefs are pretty despicable compared to what White people believe. What our country should have done is leave them in the hell hole they created for themselves and train a White person to do CNC work. (Whatever that is)

Economically, (for instance) we ARE a third world country compared to Germany.

You're lying. Or stupid. Or both.

Look at posts #374, #375.

Look at #377
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171

From what I have been seeing on the news, many states are reopening even though the cases of coronavirus is still increasing. Also, how many instances of coronavirus in this country did it take to get the whole ball rolling to begin with. 2 or 3?

Then why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
Its going down, with 1,417,350 US cases, how can it go down with so many active cases, not just 1 or 2?

Because of quarantine. With the 2 or 3 who got the whole plague rolling here, there was no quarantine.

Yes there most certainly was a quarantine here, for travelers from China, but not from Europe?!
Quarantine? Not all of the 1.4m are quarantined, so why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
You did not answer this question: What's a worse condition, 1.4m cases or a few?
We have the 1.4m now and the number of cases is going down, why? How can that be?

President Chump just didn't handle things well. And he still isn't.

Really? So what should he have done? I'll show you why he couldn't or didn't.

Well, president Chump could have started out by not calling the coronavirus a hoax at the beginning.

He didn't call it a hoax, he called what Democrats were trying to do with it another one of their hoaxes. Of course this was before we had any idea how this thing would impact us. But lets say he never made that statement. How would that have changed our current plight?

He called it a hoax. Next, it would have changed our current plight by taking it seriously from the beginning. And there would be over 30,000 fewer dead people.

President Trump is a former businessman, not a former scientist or medical expert. He took the advice from our various health agencies and his medical team to make decisions. Even in late February, Dr. Fauci made a public statement that this virus was nothing of great concern; go out and live life as you always have, and there is no need to use gloves or masks.

When the WHO made a public statement about their concern of this virus in late January, President Trump took action the next day. No, he didn't shutdown the country, but he did take a few precautionary measures, and increased those measures as new information because available, and his team and agencies were able to form a better opinion.

Today the CDC made an announcement that 35% of the Covid cases were with asymptomatic people. That means this virus likely has been with us much longer than we thought. Asymptomatic people have the virus and don't become ill because of it. However they are just as contagious as those that did get ill. That means these people were hugging their friends and family, shaking hands with strangers, drinking at bars and eating at restaurants, squeezing fruit and vegetables at their grocery store.

As for the non-asymptomatic people, the symptoms are similar to a bad cold or early flu, which a lot of people never seek medical attention for.

Therefore your theory about saving 30,000 people is your opinion, not fact.

Saving over 30,000 people with earlier action is what they said on the news last night. But admittedly, you can't always believe the news. For example, they say that Armaud Arbery was murdered. Though like it or not, president Chump started out by calling the whole thing a hoax. And it seems every step of the way, he has been dragging his feet. As for his "experts," they are on his payroll. They will basically say what they're told to say. Including the CDC. Don't believe it? Watch the documentary, "What lies upstream."

Your documentaries are not Gospel. They are trying to get you to watch their programming for profit.

Yes, if we started in September of last year, we could have saved tens of thousands of lives, but who knew what could happen back then? Trump didn't drag his feet. Our agencies are mired in red tape, and they practice these unnecessary prolonged actions that the President is not in control of.

In late February of this year, Cuomo was urging people to not worry about this silly virus. Go out, shop, dine, and carry on with your normal life. DeBlazio sent the same message to NYC residents around that same time. Piglosi was telling people to visit Chinatown. NOBODY KNEW!!!! The first two weeks of March, the House Democrats were trying to pass a bill stripping the President of his exclusive right to issue travel bans.

Bottom line is armchair quarterbacks like yourself can make any claim they desire. I always said if you want to hit todays lottery, buy tomorrows newspaper. Easier said than done.

Did you see any of those documentaries? Until you do, you can't have any kind of opinion about them. Next, nobody said anything about September. They were talking about early March.

You leftists always pull this stunt. So let me be clear up front: If I had to watch every documentary a leftists tells me to watch, watch every movie, read every book you people read, I wouldn't have time to come here and discuss politics. If you have a short article, sure, if I have time, I'll go through it. But I'm not going to spend hours and hours to reply to each and every leftist comment. You wouldn't read any book or watch any documentary I suggest either. Nobody has that kind of time.

You should listen to me. Your intellectual superior. I have no interest in steering you wrong. And you shouldn't assume I'm trying to do so. Take the documentary I mentioned called, "What lies upstream." I will tell you some of what you don't want to find out about yourself. First, companies aren't required to tell what the toxic effects of any chemical they make are. And the can lie about it! The CDC is fine with this because their leadership is appointed by the pro-business leadership of the government. Republican or democrat. Also, do you know how chemical companies get rid of their toxic waist? Basically, they flush it down the toilet! And it is perfectly legal!!! So what is the point of you having the time to say things here when all you have to speak about is shit to begin with.

Oh please, so you watch these "documentaries" and conclude they are all Gospel? WTF would make you think that? I always question what's told to me from somebody trying to make money by getting my attention, even if it's something that leans towards my political persuasion.

Facebook is loaded with conspiracy theories that after enough attention, is proven false by another entity. And as my intellectual superior, you should know by now that what you call toxic waist is spelled W-A-S-T-E, not W-A-I-S-T. :auiqs.jpg:

Thanks for letting me know about a typo. But as far as I can see, correcting my grammar is the best you've got. As for the conspiracy angle, they talked to the experts. People with PhD's in their particular fields. Top experts. As in there being just about no other people on the planet that may know more. You may not think so. But such people are well worth listening to.

Another documentary I mentioned to you was, "Where to invade next." Here is a piece of information from it that you can consider to be bullshit at your leisure. Apparently, Norway has the most highly educated students in the world. At the very least, they are in the top three. You might find how they accomplished this to be interesting. They eliminated homework. It seems counterintuitive. But it is a reality. In school, how much homework did you do. I didn't do any. Maybe that explains my intelligence.

Since you studied it so intensely, tell me, does Norway have anything comparable to our teachers unions? Does Norway have three months of vacation from school every year?

Somebody being an expert does not mean they are not biased. We have scientist who believe in global warming, and others who believe it's BS. We have "experts" who believe there is life on other planets, and others who do not. We have engineers who said that 911 was an inside job. Others say those people are FOS.

Being an expert doesn't mean you are always right. Speaking of which, I was never a spellcheck cop. But when somebody tires to degrade me by claiming their intellectual superioriority, the least you can do is proofread your post.

Why not watch the documentary, "Where to invade next" and find out. You would be dumbfounded, absolutely blown away by what people in European countries get that we don't. Though as Michael Moore says, things over there aren't perfect. But he's there to pick the flowers. Not the weeds. He was there to invade those countries and take back to the U.S. the spoils of his invasion. As in the good ideas. The things that have been demonstrated to work. At least over there. But maybe with out large negro and mexican population, they wouldn't work here. But it would be well worth impaling and deporting the hindrance for many other reasons. Also, I wasn't trying to degrade you. Just some of the things you talk about. Even a genius could probably be brainwashed. (But not me)

You would be dumbfounded, absolutely blown away by what people in European countries get that we don't.

A lower standard of living, smaller cars, smaller homes, a smaller economy.
Last year's happiness report shows most of the top countries are in Europe.

USA is 19th; you dont get out much do you.

My grandparents were poor and happy too...….
is that supposed to sell me on the lower European standard of living?
The happiness index is from 2019, not from 70 years ago.

The Happiness index is ridiculous and stupid.

Interestingly, if people actually read the report, they admit in their own report, that it is a "subjective measure of well-being".

Happiness is subjective. Nothing in this world can "MAKE" you happy. Happiness is on your part. You chose to make the best of life. Because the reality is, people in Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, all face the same troubles in this world, that all of us do. They just make a choice as human beings, to be happy in the face of adversity that is ubiquitous in all human life.

Now that doesn't mean there are not some things to learn from this, it's just that typically the lesson that should be learned, is the exact opposite of what the left-wingers claim.

Let's take "Perceptions of Corruption". Now I love this one, because right in the name, it says this isn't data based, just perception based. Denmark is 3rd place behind Singapore and Rwanda, on lowest levels of Perceived corruption.

Now interesting is the fact, that the Danish government just had a huge multi-level scandal.

The not only did officials embezzle 111 Million Krone, but the tax agency was warned of the embezzlement, and simply chose to not investigate.

But.... the perception.... the PERCEPTION of corruption is low.

Meanwhile in the US, we had a clearly, and empirically proven false claims of corruption between Trump and the Russians, but simply because the media hounded this false notion throughout the country, there is a PERCEPTION of corruption.

Now you may ask yourself, why is it that the Danish media is acting so differently than the US media, and why is the perception so different between countries.

Well Canada may have the answer from a recent article.

What they found is that multiculturalism and ethnic diversity, leads to distrust, and distrust leads to the perception of corruption.

On the cultural diversity index, Denmark Finland, Netherlands and so on, are ranked 9th through 17th, as least culturally diverse. While the US, is 75th, or much more culturally diverse.

The lesson here, is that cultural homogeneity is beneficial to society. The exact opposite of what left-wing people push.

The next statistical crap used for the Happiness Index, is generosity.

How do I know it's crap? Just look at the top 5, highest rated countries according to their data.


Do tell: Which of these gleaming examples of generosity would you like the US to be more like?

Let's take the 1# winner, top of the list, Myanmar.

Even generally left-wing media outlets, look in disbelief at the claim. Myanmar, where have had on and off, civil wars going for years. Military rule, child soldiers, human trafficking, enslavement, roughly 300K dead, lists of human rights violations, and just recently attempted a complete extermination and genocide of a Muslim sect. So much for the eternally peaceful Buddhists.

Yet somehow according to the Happiness Index, the US is ranked 20th, and the genocidal civil war ravaged Myanmar... is number 1.

Utter garbage. Any other non-politically motivated ranking, finds Americans are the most generous of all people on Earth.
United States #1.

The next is Social Support.

Now in this, you see that Iceland is ranked #1 with most of the Nordic countries in the top slots, and the United States is ranked 37th.

But is that really all that accurate?

Iceland has moved away from welfare, into programs similar to the US. In that, they require you to work.

In fact, many people on the left would be shocked to know that nearly all Nordic countries do not have welfare programs. They have unemployment insurance. If you work for a full year at least, and are not fired with cause, then you can collect unemployment insurance. But even then that is limited, and if you decline a job offer, your benefits are reduced or even canceled.

Denmark in particular, if you refuse to relocate to a new town or city, where a job is offered, then you lose you unemployment benefits.

Finland ended their 'living wage' plan after 2 years, for exactly the same reason Conservatives like myself were against them. Because people simply didn't work. Why work, if you are paid to stay home? And that's exactly what the government of Finland found.

If you want the US to adopt some of the policies of Finland, then I'm all for it. Let's end all welfare immediately, to be more like Finland, and Iceland, and all these Nordic countries.

And that by the way, leads me to question the validity of the stats used, because Iceland doesn't have people who have been living off of government welfare, and food stamps, and public housing their entire lives. We do. So based on what, are they saying Iceland has more social support?

Again, the lesson that should be learned, is the exact opposite of what left-wingers claim.

Now let's look at life expectancy.

This is dumb for a couple of reasons. One, is because it has to do with life expectancy. And I know this might come as a complete shock, but biology has something to do with that.

Japan, has some of the lowest rates of cancer on Earth. Then simply have less incidences of cancer.

It's not because they detect cancer early, it's that they simply have cancer at a much much lower rate.

Statistically, the US has the 5th highest in a list of 50 nations, while Japan is 43rd. Your life span has something to do with your biology. Doesn't matter what nation you are in.

In fact, if you look at Singapore, they have numbers based on ethnicity and some ethnic groups have higher rates, and some have lower rates. Your biology has a large factor on how long you live.

So making a comparison on a factor no country has control of, is dumb.

Second, the factors we can control, are factors like crime. Murder, and drug use, are major factors in "Healthy life expectancy".

Now the irony here is, that the left-wing stands against everything that would improve those factors.

There is a reason that Singapore is number one on the list. They kill criminals. That's why Singapore is routinely rated in the top 5, if not number one, safest city in the world for travelers.

The last execution as a guy who brought drugs into Singapore in 2014, was convicted 2016 (roughly), and executed 2018.

That's how you control a drug problem.

The last murderer I read up on, was a guy who kidnapped a young girl at a mall, raped her, and murdered her. Two years from the crime, he was convicted. Two years from the conviction, he was executed.

That's how you control crime. You name any city in the US, with 5.7 Million people, that records fewer than 10 murders a year, and sometimes zero? Can you?

Last execution that was supposed to happen in Ohio, on the 15th of April got a repreive. The guy was seen at the crime, where a mother and daughter were murdered together, and his blood was found with the bodies. That was 1999. It's now 2020, and they still have not executed this guy. Singapore, 4 years tops. United States, 20 years later, still no justice.

But the left-wing wants to do the exact opposite. They oppose the death penalty, they oppose incarceration screaming about private prisons and 'incarceration nation', and they want to legalize drug use which clearly results in more crime.

Every single thing we should learn from the stats used in the Happiness Index, are the exact opposite of what the left-wing stands for.
wow, of course happiness is subjective, but its influenced greatly by your environment.
Myanmar is actually 131st on the list, not very happy. But it gets high rating on generosity because of large participation in theravda buddism, which is very generous.
Rwanda likewise is practically the least happiest at 152nd. But it makes considerable effort in rooting out corruption

There are 14 different metrics of happiness, and corruption and generosity are only two of them.

Corruption in US is objective. One example is congressional oversight of bailout loans, or lack thereof.
Perhaps the best example of corruption is Trump's pardoning of corrupt officials, normalizing corruption.
Another example is Trump accusing mail-in-voting as corrupt, when it actually is not.
Emoluments violations, etc.

United States happiness ranking
2016: 13th
2017: 14th
2018: 18th
2019: 19th
Certainly was happier under Obama.

I was happy in 1980, married and loved life, I was poor but that didn’t matter, neither did it matter who was the president. The last 4 years is the happiest I have been in my life, still married to the same wonderful woman, love my job, health is fair, I don’t give a crap who the president is and I can’t see how anyone could let a president decide if they are happy or not. If the left hates Trump so much that it effects their happiness? They are just plain stupid.

Happiness Comes from within, not from outside events. No one can make you happy, only you can. Contentment is a key factor, wanting more and more makes for unhappy people. If you don’t like yourself, your life situation, your situation in life, if you it’s on you. You are 100% responsible, no one else. Not a president that is a total chicken crap, and irresponsible thinking.

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