trump is trying to rewrite history....Russia was trying to help Hillary in 2016.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Of course.....Russian stole the emails....sent them to Wikileaks to release and damage HIllary,,,,so that she would win... trump is the is the most dishonest POS in the world. The man is desperately trying to rewrite history. He has Barr removing the stench from Flynn. I am sure he has plans for Manafort and for Stone.

Anyone that supports this piece of garbage has to be brain dead.

Of course.....Russian stole the emails....sent them to Wikileaks to release and damage HIllary,,,,so that she would win... trump is the is the most dishonest POS in the world. The man is desperately trying to rewrite history. He has Barr removing the stench from Flynn. I am sure he has plans for Manafort and for Stone.

Anyone that supports this piece of garbage has to be brain dead.
will the TDS ever end????


Of course.....Russian stole the emails....sent them to Wikileaks to release and damage HIllary,,,,so that she would win... trump is the is the most dishonest POS in the world. The man is desperately trying to rewrite history. He has Barr removing the stench from Flynn. I am sure he has plans for Manafort and for Stone.

Anyone that supports this piece of garbage has to be brain dead.
Clinton pegged them right....they're deplorable.
Are you sure you want to cast the first stone?
Look at Hillary's illegal server, then her crooked Foundation, then her destroying subpoenaed evidence, then her mishandling of classified info, then her campaign hiring Russians to write the Steele Dossier, I could go on, but that's a start.
Then we get to Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, and the Operation Crossfire Hurricane Scandal. You know the list of crimes involved there.

Trump was illegally spied on by the intel agencies, Trump has 95% negative coverage by the "fake news" MSM, he beat the globalist Never-Trumpers, Wall Street, K-Street, the fake women's lib movement, the drug gangs, foreign influence. and had no way to win in 2016. Hillary had a 95% chance of winning. Trump won the biggest upset in US history.
Then after winning the sore losers launched their "insurance plan" to disrupt his 1st term. the illegal Mueller Investigation, that was a political hit job.
When Mueller was asked: What about FusionGPS, he said "what", "huh, I never heard of them, what do they have to do with Russian interference in 2016?"
Then he was asked, what about the Steele Dossier? "What's that?"

There are many books that detail the various crimes that democrats commit that are not prosecuted, and the perjury traps set for Republicans, like 33-year veteran General Flynn.

When Barr and Durham start with the indictments, don't start wailing.

Of course.....Russian stole the emails....sent them to Wikileaks to release and damage HIllary,,,,so that she would win... trump is the is the most dishonest POS in the world. The man is desperately trying to rewrite history. He has Barr removing the stench from Flynn. I am sure he has plans for Manafort and for Stone.

Anyone that supports this piece of garbage has to be brain dead.

While the President of Cloud Strike has come out and said they dont really know that Info was taken from the servers and he said they really dont know if it was the Russians, WE can be pretty sure that the Dossier was a piece of Russian Propaganda meant to help hurt Trump.
Why would Putin not want to have a Democrat in office? they draw lines in the sand they never back up, they don't back up allies on the Russian door step. Russia has a lot to love about a Democrat in Office.
Are you sure you want to cast the first stone?
Look at Hillary's illegal server, then her crooked Foundation, then her destroying subpoenaed evidence, then her mishandling of classified info, then her campaign hiring Russians to write the Steele Dossier, I could go on, but that's a start.
Then we get to Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, and the Operation Crossfire Hurricane Scandal. You know the list of crimes involved there.

Trump was illegally spied on by the intel agencies, Trump has 95% negative coverage by the "fake news" MSM, he beat the globalist Never-Trumpers, Wall Street, K-Street, the fake women's lib movement, the drug gangs, foreign influence. and had no way to win in 2016. Hillary had a 95% chance of winning. Trump won the biggest upset in US history.
Then after winning the sore losers launched their "insurance plan" to disrupt his 1st term. the illegal Mueller Investigation, that was a political hit job.
When Mueller was asked: What about FusionGPS, he said "what", "huh, I never heard of them, what do they have to do with Russian interference in 2016?"
Then he was asked, what about the Steele Dossier? "What's that?"

There are many books that detail the various crimes that democrats commit that are not prosecuted, and the perjury traps set for Republicans, like 33-year veteran General Flynn.

When Barr and Durham start with the indictments, don't start wailing.

Hillary dud not STEAL from her foundation. trump stole from his charity. There was NOTHING illegal about the Russian investigation. The trump campaign was communicating with Russia. Putin and the Kremlin celebrated after he won.....think about it....

trump is a lying piece of smelly are many of his brain dead cult members.

Of course.....Russian stole the emails....sent them to Wikileaks to release and damage HIllary,,,,so that she would win... trump is the is the most dishonest POS in the world. The man is desperately trying to rewrite history. He has Barr removing the stench from Flynn. I am sure he has plans for Manafort and for Stone.

Anyone that supports this piece of garbage has to be brain dead.

While the President of Cloud Strike has come out and said they dont really know that Info was taken from the servers and he said they really dont know if it was the Russians, WE can be pretty sure that the Dossier was a piece of Russian Propaganda meant to help hurt Trump.
Why would Putin not want to have a Democrat in office? they draw lines in the sand they never back up, they don't back up allies on the Russian door step. Russia has a lot to love about a Democrat in Office.

You cannot rewrite history. Putin helped elect trump....all the Intel Agencies and the Gop controlled Senate agreed. You are a your Dear Leader.

Of course.....Russian stole the emails....sent them to Wikileaks to release and damage HIllary,,,,so that she would win... trump is the is the most dishonest POS in the world. The man is desperately trying to rewrite history. He has Barr removing the stench from Flynn. I am sure he has plans for Manafort and for Stone.

Anyone that supports this piece of garbage has to be brain dead.

While the President of Cloud Strike has come out and said they dont really know that Info was taken from the servers and he said they really dont know if it was the Russians, WE can be pretty sure that the Dossier was a piece of Russian Propaganda meant to help hurt Trump.
Why would Putin not want to have a Democrat in office? they draw lines in the sand they never back up, they don't back up allies on the Russian door step. Russia has a lot to love about a Democrat in Office.

You cannot rewrite history. Putin helped elect trump....all the Intel Agencies and the Gop controlled Senate agreed. You are a your Dear Leader.

Tell that to the President of Crowdstrike dumb ass. Also ask yourself why there is all this evidence against Trump until people get under oath. then magically there is no evidence to convict of anything.

Of course.....Russian stole the emails....sent them to Wikileaks to release and damage HIllary,,,,so that she would win... trump is the is the most dishonest POS in the world. The man is desperately trying to rewrite history. He has Barr removing the stench from Flynn. I am sure he has plans for Manafort and for Stone.

Anyone that supports this piece of garbage has to be brain dead.
Personally I have STILL not seen any evidence that Russia did anything. I mean I've seen people say that various government entities said they did... But I've yet to see evidence.

I need that. I don't blindly believe or disbelieve things because someone/something else says so. To me... That seems like a "brain dead" thing to do.

Edit: If you do have a link to said evidence... PLEASE... Link me. Show me where I'm wrong.
Are you sure you want to cast the first stone?
Look at Hillary's illegal server, then her crooked Foundation, then her destroying subpoenaed evidence, then her mishandling of classified info, then her campaign hiring Russians to write the Steele Dossier, I could go on, but that's a start.
Then we get to Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, and the Operation Crossfire Hurricane Scandal. You know the list of crimes involved there.

Trump was illegally spied on by the intel agencies, Trump has 95% negative coverage by the "fake news" MSM, he beat the globalist Never-Trumpers, Wall Street, K-Street, the fake women's lib movement, the drug gangs, foreign influence. and had no way to win in 2016. Hillary had a 95% chance of winning. Trump won the biggest upset in US history.
Then after winning the sore losers launched their "insurance plan" to disrupt his 1st term. the illegal Mueller Investigation, that was a political hit job.
When Mueller was asked: What about FusionGPS, he said "what", "huh, I never heard of them, what do they have to do with Russian interference in 2016?"
Then he was asked, what about the Steele Dossier? "What's that?"

There are many books that detail the various crimes that democrats commit that are not prosecuted, and the perjury traps set for Republicans, like 33-year veteran General Flynn.

When Barr and Durham start with the indictments, don't start wailing.

Hillary dud not STEAL from her foundation. trump stole from his charity. There was NOTHING illegal about the Russian investigation. The trump campaign was communicating with Russia. Putin and the Kremlin celebrated after he won.....think about it....

trump is a lying piece of smelly are many of his brain dead cult members.
Read post #4 again, you have a lot more 'splainin to do than whining about Trump's charity.

IG Horowitz stated in a Senate hearing that he "could not rule out political bias as a possible motivation for the 17 errors the FBI made in applications for the Page surveillance
Operation Crossfire Hurricane was started legally, but quickly went off the rails into illegality. Just get ready for Barr and Durham, they will show you the truth.

Of course.....Russian stole the emails....sent them to Wikileaks to release and damage HIllary,,,,so that she would win... trump is the is the most dishonest POS in the world. The man is desperately trying to rewrite history. He has Barr removing the stench from Flynn. I am sure he has plans for Manafort and for Stone.

Anyone that supports this piece of garbage has to be brain dead.
You’ve spent four years telling us hildabeasts emails weren’t a national security issue. Now you’re telling us they were used to rig an election?

Which one was it?
The Senate review led by REPUBLICANS undercut allegations by Trump of Russian interference. This 3 year review by the Senate Intelligence Committee did unanimously find that the intelligence community assessment, pinning blame on Russia and outlining its goals to undercut American Democracy was correct and untainted by politics.

The committee of republicans found nothing to doubt intelligence assessment of Russian meddling which favored Trump

Report findings

The Intelligence community findings are not a "hoax." They are not in doubt because,. as Donald Trump stated, Vladimir Putin very strongly" denies them. Russian interference in the 2016 election is a fact and Donald Trump's deference to Putin only serves to further Russian disinformation and undermine efforts to defend the United States against ongoing attacks.

This report also provides additional evidence against Donald Trump s false assertions regarding Ukraine. For example, the Committee conducted an extensive examination of the intelligence demonstrating Russia's intrusions into DNC networks. That review, which confirmed the ICA's findings, is fundamentally incompatible with Trump's conspiracy theories about Ukrainian involvement, for which there is no supporting evidence of any kind.

The Committee found the ICA presents a coherent and well-constructed intelligence basis for the case of unprecedented Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. On the analytic lines of the ICA, the Committee concludes that all II analytic lines are supported with all-source intelligence, although with varying substantiation. The Committee did not discover any significant analytic tradecraft issues in the preparation or final presentation of the ICA.

a heavily redacted document but the findings are a slap in the face to Trump as he tries to distance himself from Russian involvement and his comrade Barr and associates blow smoke up everyone ass. This is the guy leading the justice department who has turned them into Trumps personal lawyers

If Trump was crossing the Delaware river with his supporters, it would sink immediately because they forgot to bring the paddles. Depending on trump blowing really hard to cross that river.

The only one trying to rewrite history is you. There was intrel that Putin wanted Trump to win but as we just found out there's other intel that may have been more serious suggesting that Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win, rather than balancing that out in the assessment they put out there in that assessment and set the narrative that Russia wanted Trump to win. It seems not shockingly I might add Putin and Russia were playing both sides yet that is not what Brennan and the intelligence put out they gave us half the story or to be more blunt they lied by omission
If Trump was crossing the Delaware river with his supporters, it would sink immediately because they forgot to bring the paddles. Depending on trump blowing really hard to cross that river.

That's not evidence. Well... It's evidence that a committee came to a conclusion. I don't trust that committee. I want the actual evidence. I mean you don't trust that committee either right? Why are you not asking for the direct evidence yourself? Why isn't everybody?

Of course.....Russian stole the emails....sent them to Wikileaks to release and damage HIllary,,,,so that she would win... trump is the is the most dishonest POS in the world. The man is desperately trying to rewrite history. He has Barr removing the stench from Flynn. I am sure he has plans for Manafort and for Stone.

Anyone that supports this piece of garbage has to be brain dead.
Personally I have STILL not seen any evidence that Russia did anything. I mean I've seen people say that various government entities said they did... But I've yet to see evidence.

I need that. I don't blindly believe or disbelieve things because someone/something else says so. To me... That seems like a "brain dead" thing to do.

Edit: If you do have a link to said evidence... PLEASE... Link me. Show me where I'm wrong.

You are an idiot....trumpettes cannot stand facts or truth. They wait to see what the Dear Leader says...which is a lie....and they obediently accept his lies. You are a Sheep. trump is leading you around by the nose like the neutered farm animals that you are. trump laughs at Sheep like you. And you bend over for him every day.

Of course.....Russian stole the emails....sent them to Wikileaks to release and damage HIllary,,,,so that she would win... trump is the is the most dishonest POS in the world. The man is desperately trying to rewrite history. He has Barr removing the stench from Flynn. I am sure he has plans for Manafort and for Stone.

Anyone that supports this piece of garbage has to be brain dead.
Clinton pegged them right....they're deplorable.
Good. I am Deplorable. You’re a race baiting asshole.

Of course.....Russian stole the emails....sent them to Wikileaks to release and damage HIllary,,,,so that she would win... trump is the is the most dishonest POS in the world. The man is desperately trying to rewrite history. He has Barr removing the stench from Flynn. I am sure he has plans for Manafort and for Stone.

Anyone that supports this piece of garbage has to be brain dead.
Another page out of the liberal play book

Of course.....Russian stole the emails....sent them to Wikileaks to release and damage HIllary,,,,so that she would win... trump is the is the most dishonest POS in the world. The man is desperately trying to rewrite history. He has Barr removing the stench from Flynn. I am sure he has plans for Manafort and for Stone.

Anyone that supports this piece of garbage has to be brain dead.
Personally I have STILL not seen any evidence that Russia did anything. I mean I've seen people say that various government entities said they did... But I've yet to see evidence.

I need that. I don't blindly believe or disbelieve things because someone/something else says so. To me... That seems like a "brain dead" thing to do.

Edit: If you do have a link to said evidence... PLEASE... Link me. Show me where I'm wrong.

You are an idiot....trumpettes cannot stand facts or truth. They wait to see what the Dear Leader says...which is a lie....and they obediently accept his lies. You are a Sheep. trump is leading you around by the nose like the neutered farm animals that you are. trump laughs at Sheep like you. And you bend over for him every day.
You should never call someone an idiot. You have a severe case of shaming those who disagree with you politically. That makes you a Fascist.

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