Solution To End White Privilege


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Solution to end White Privilege
Lately there's been a lot of talk in the Media about this power white people have called 'white privilege' and how its unfair to blacks. Heres a solution to end it:

We need to give part of our income to blacks in the form of social programs that will benefit them. Programs we'll call Welfare, Section 8 housing, Food stamps.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need to allow blacks to come to our white schools so they can have a better education and once they do they'll become equal to us.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need give our jobs to blacks so they can have more income than we'll all be equal, we'll call this Affirmative action.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need to pay for them to go to college for free and get accepted ahead of whites.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need more black actors and singers to promote black culture in order to end racism.
Oh wait, we already did that.

Oh'wait, the only way to end it is to either KILL all the whites or separate!. Whites value civilization, education and knowledge to much to bend down to the level of the negro!!!
I am curious, I am white, I don't have any clue what the hell you are talking about. Blacks insult and harass me, illegal aliens continue to take jobs I could do and ignore English speaking culture. White privilege? Are you kidding? That is dead dead dead.Your post proves that.
Solution to end White Privilege
Lately there's been a lot of talk in the Media about this power white people have called 'white privilege' and how its unfair to blacks. Heres a solution to end it:

We need to give part of our income to blacks in the form of social programs that will benefit them. Programs we'll call Welfare, Section 8 housing, Food stamps.
Oh wait, we already did that.

There are more white people receiving government benefits than any other minority group

We need to allow blacks to come to our white schools so they can have a better education and once they do they'll become equal to us.
Oh wait, we already did that.

You don't allow anything, when Black people work hard , get an education and are upwardly mobile, they can send their children to the school where they live. Too bad you aren't aware of Brown v. Board of Education.
We don't have to become equal to you we already are, we simply require equal access.

We need give our jobs to blacks so they can have more income than we'll all be equal, we'll call this Affirmative action.
Oh wait, we already did that.

Please name these people who "gave" their jobs to Black people. This should be entertaining.
Let's not mislabel your lie as affirmative action. The "ole boys" network is still alive and kicking.

We need to pay for them to go to college for free and get accepted ahead of whites.
Oh wait, we already did that.

Please list these imaginary Black people that go to college for "free", I have yet to meet a single one, or is this simply more of your embellishment?
If a Black person or any minority scores well enough to be accepted ahead of a white person, that's life.
Oh wait, in your narrative of reality, this is impossible and White folk should always naturally be at the front of any given line. Gotcha!!

We need more black actors and singers to promote black culture in order to end racism.
Oh wait, we already did that.

Wrong again bucko. We need decent, moral and sane human beings to end racism, we have already counted you out.

Oh'wait, the only way to end it is to either KILL all the whites or separate!. Whites value civilization, education and knowledge to much to bend down to the level of the negro!!!

It's ironic that your abysmal concept of reality requires you to believe the most stupid of stereotypes.
May I visit the land where all White people value education, knowledge and civilization??
Will the unicorns be running free on that day??
All the White people are being killed???...please point me in that direction so that I can help them defend themselves against this ethnic cleansing??
Oh yeah, it's another lie on your part.

Can you people please stop with the same worn out rhetoric, can't the wizards over at stupid front give you all some fresh talking points???
White privilege doesn't exist anymore, it's more a money thing. And I am tired of being trashed because I am White, I am not getting any leverage over fairness here what so ever, and neither are most whites. I am tired of the pedantic lectures. Racism my ass.
Solution to end White Privilege
Lately there's been a lot of talk in the Media about this power white people have called 'white privilege' and how its unfair to blacks. Heres a solution to end it:

We need to give part of our income to blacks in the form of social programs that will benefit them. Programs we'll call Welfare, Section 8 housing, Food stamps.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need to allow blacks to come to our white schools so they can have a better education and once they do they'll become equal to us.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need give our jobs to blacks so they can have more income than we'll all be equal, we'll call this Affirmative action.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need to pay for them to go to college for free and get accepted ahead of whites.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need more black actors and singers to promote black culture in order to end racism.
Oh wait, we already did that.

Oh'wait, the only way to end it is to either KILL all the whites or separate!. Whites value civilization, education and knowledge to much to bend down to the level of the negro!!!

Do some research Casper.The welfare system was initially created to support destitute white people, primarily white females, while working blacks were taxed to pay into a system that they were not even allowed access to. So whites are not "giving" blacks anything.

As far as schools, there are no specifically "white schools". The era of legalized segregation ended in the 1960's.

As far as Affirmative Action, look in your own household, if there is a working white female or college student there, it is more likely than not that she has been the beneficiary of Affirmative Action, since white females have benefitted from this program more than any one gender, racial or ethnic group in America.

Lastly, it is certainly not necessary or even wishful thinking that killing all whites is any type of viable solution to anything.

But wait!

However, it will be a part of the natural order that those who dwell at the lower end of the gene pool, or are incapable of existing in a multi ethnic society, and advancing based on individual merit as opposed to being part of a collective that the laws of the land are structured to
benefit, will fail and decend to the bottom of they should.
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Solution to end White Privilege
Lately there's been a lot of talk in the Media about this power white people have called 'white privilege' and how its unfair to blacks. Heres a solution to end it:

We need to give part of our income to blacks in the form of social programs that will benefit them. Programs we'll call Welfare, Section 8 housing, Food stamps.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need to allow blacks to come to our white schools so they can have a better education and once they do they'll become equal to us.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need give our jobs to blacks so they can have more income than we'll all be equal, we'll call this Affirmative action.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need to pay for them to go to college for free and get accepted ahead of whites.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need more black actors and singers to promote black culture in order to end racism.
Oh wait, we already did that.

Oh'wait, the only way to end it is to either KILL all the whites or separate!. Whites value civilization, education and knowledge to much to bend down to the level of the negro!!!

The solution to end white privilege was reneged on by whites after the civil war so please stop your crying. Now the only solution would be a wealth and resource redistribution. Once we own the systems that give us opportunity we will leave you white people in the dust as a group. Of that I am certain.
There is no such thing as white privilege. It's made up wholly by the left.

"White Privilege" is nothing more than a new slogan designed to influence the upcoming election. It will be replaced by another slogan when the focus groups tire of it, just as Global Warming was replaced by Climate Change.
Solution to end White Privilege
Lately there's been a lot of talk in the Media about this power white people have called 'white privilege' and how its unfair to blacks. Heres a solution to end it:

We need to give part of our income to blacks in the form of social programs that will benefit them. Programs we'll call Welfare, Section 8 housing, Food stamps.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need to allow blacks to come to our white schools so they can have a better education and once they do they'll become equal to us.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need give our jobs to blacks so they can have more income than we'll all be equal, we'll call this Affirmative action.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need to pay for them to go to college for free and get accepted ahead of whites.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need more black actors and singers to promote black culture in order to end racism.
Oh wait, we already did that.

Oh'wait, the only way to end it is to either KILL all the whites or separate!. Whites value civilization, education and knowledge to much to bend down to the level of the negro!!!

Do some research Casper.The welfare system was initially created to support destitute white people, primarily white females, while working blacks were taxed to pay into a system that they were not even allowed access to. So whites are not "giving" blacks anything.

As far as schools, there are no specifically "white schools". The era of legalized segregation ended in the 1960's.

As far as Affirmative Action, look in your own household, if there is a working white female or college student there, it is more likely than not that she has been the beneficiary of Affirmative Action, since white females have benefitted from this program more than any one gender, racial or ethnic group in America.

Lastly, it is certainly not necessary or even wishful thinking that killing all whites is any type of viable solution to anything.

But wait!

However, it will be a part of the natural order that those who dwell at the lower end of the gene pool, or are incapable of existing in a multi ethnic society, and advancing based on individual merit as opposed to being part of a collective that the laws of the land are structured to
benefit, will fail and decend to the bottom of they should.

You had my attention until you said "working Blacks". Those two words discredited your entire post.
Solution to end White Privilege
Lately there's been a lot of talk in the Media about this power white people have called 'white privilege' and how its unfair to blacks. Heres a solution to end it:

We need to give part of our income to blacks in the form of social programs that will benefit them. Programs we'll call Welfare, Section 8 housing, Food stamps.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need to allow blacks to come to our white schools so they can have a better education and once they do they'll become equal to us.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need give our jobs to blacks so they can have more income than we'll all be equal, we'll call this Affirmative action.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need to pay for them to go to college for free and get accepted ahead of whites.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need more black actors and singers to promote black culture in order to end racism.
Oh wait, we already did that.

Oh'wait, the only way to end it is to either KILL all the whites or separate!. Whites value civilization, education and knowledge to much to bend down to the level of the negro!!!

The solution to end white privilege was reneged on by whites after the civil war so please stop your crying. Now the only solution would be a wealth and resource redistribution. Once we own the systems that give us opportunity we will leave you white people in the dust as a group. Of that I am certain.

Do you mean to say that we will have to mobilize two boy scout troops to put down your rebellion? MY MY!! Hope we can have them back home for supper.
Whites make it because we value education and hold our people to a high standard.Someone does something wrong = they go to jail.

Blacks don't generally value education and defends thugs that trash corner stores as somehow these people were racist.
I went on the internet and searched for Black accomplishments in the fields of science, architecture, medicine, space exploration, physics, and engineering in the last 20 years. I guess there were so many in each field that it overloaded the search engine because I received no returns.
Solution to end White Privilege
Lately there's been a lot of talk in the Media about this power white people have called 'white privilege' and how its unfair to blacks. Heres a solution to end it:

We need to give part of our income to blacks in the form of social programs that will benefit them. Programs we'll call Welfare, Section 8 housing, Food stamps.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need to allow blacks to come to our white schools so they can have a better education and once they do they'll become equal to us.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need give our jobs to blacks so they can have more income than we'll all be equal, we'll call this Affirmative action.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need to pay for them to go to college for free and get accepted ahead of whites.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need more black actors and singers to promote black culture in order to end racism.
Oh wait, we already did that.

Oh'wait, the only way to end it is to either KILL all the whites or separate!. Whites value civilization, education and knowledge to much to bend down to the level of the negro!!!

Do some research Casper.The welfare system was initially created to support destitute white people, primarily white females, while working blacks were taxed to pay into a system that they were not even allowed access to. So whites are not "giving" blacks anything.

As far as schools, there are no specifically "white schools". The era of legalized segregation ended in the 1960's.

As far as Affirmative Action, look in your own household, if there is a working white female or college student there, it is more likely than not that she has been the beneficiary of Affirmative Action, since white females have benefitted from this program more than any one gender, racial or ethnic group in America.

Lastly, it is certainly not necessary or even wishful thinking that killing all whites is any type of viable solution to anything.

But wait!

However, it will be a part of the natural order that those who dwell at the lower end of the gene pool, or are incapable of existing in a multi ethnic society, and advancing based on individual merit as opposed to being part of a collective that the laws of the land are structured to
benefit, will fail and decend to the bottom of they should.

You had my attention until you said "working Blacks". Those two words discredited your entire post.

Discredited only in the eyes of the misinformed. Surely you are not ignorant enough to imply that there are no working black citizens in Americ?
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I went on the internet and searched for Black accomplishments in the fields of science, architecture, medicine, space exploration, physics, and engineering in the last 20 years. I guess there were so many in each field that it overloaded the search engine because I received no returns.
Thats funny because I found a whole slew of hits. You probably cant spell so that would explain your issues.
I went on the internet and searched for Black accomplishments in the fields of science, architecture, medicine, space exploration, physics, and engineering in the last 20 years. I guess there were so many in each field that it overloaded the search engine because I received no returns.
Thats funny because I found a whole slew of hits. You probably cant spell so that would explain your issues.

Maybe. I am accustomed to having my house boy do these medial tasks.
I went on the internet and searched for Black accomplishments in the fields of science, architecture, medicine, space exploration, physics, and engineering in the last 20 years. I guess there were so many in each field that it overloaded the search engine because I received no returns.
Thats funny because I found a whole slew of hits. You probably cant spell so that would explain your issues.

Maybe. I am accustomed to having my house boy do these medial tasks.

Stay on topic. I dont care about your fantasies.
Solution to end White Privilege
Lately there's been a lot of talk in the Media about this power white people have called 'white privilege' and how its unfair to blacks. Heres a solution to end it:

We need to give part of our income to blacks in the form of social programs that will benefit them. Programs we'll call Welfare, Section 8 housing, Food stamps.
Oh wait, we already did that.

There are more white people receiving government benefits than any other minority group

We need to allow blacks to come to our white schools so they can have a better education and once they do they'll become equal to us.
Oh wait, we already did that.

You don't allow anything, when Black people work hard , get an education and are upwardly mobile, they can send their children to the school where they live. Too bad you aren't aware of Brown v. Board of Education.
We don't have to become equal to you we already are, we simply reCe equal access.

We need give our jobs to blacks so they can have more income than we'll all be equal, we'll call this Affirmative action.
Oh wait, we already did that.

Please name these people who "gave" their jobs to Black people. This should be entertaining.
Let's not mislabel your lie as affirmative action. The "ole boys" network is still alive and kicking.

We need to pay for them to go to college for free and get accepted ahead of whites.
Oh wait, we already did that.

Please list these imaginary Black people that go to college for "free", I have yet to meet a single one, or is this simply more of your embellishment?
If a Black person or any minority scores well enough to be accepted ahead of a white person, that's life.
Oh wait, in your narrative of reality, this is impossible and White folk should always naturally be at the front of any given line. Gotcha!!

We need more black actors and singers to promote black culture in order to end racism.
Oh wait, we already did that.

Wrong again bucko. We need decent, moral and sane human beings to end racism, we have already counted you out.

Oh'wait, the only way to end it is to either KILL all the whites or separate!. Whites value civilization, education and knowledge to much to bend down to the level of the negro!!!

It's ironic that your abysmal concept of reality requires you to believe the most stupid of stereotypes.
May I visit the land where all White people value education, knowledge and civilization??
Will the unicorns be running free on that day??
All the White people are being killed???...please point me in that direction so that I can help them defend themselves against this ethnic cleansing??
Oh yeah, it's another lie on your part.

Can you people please stop with the same worn out rhetoric, can't the wizards over at stupid front give you all some fresh talking points???

Yes please. And thank you.
Solution to end White Privilege
Lately there's been a lot of talk in the Media about this power white people have called 'white privilege' and how its unfair to blacks. Heres a solution to end it:

We need to give part of our income to blacks in the form of social programs that will benefit them. Programs we'll call Welfare, Section 8 housing, Food stamps.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need to allow blacks to come to our white schools so they can have a better education and once they do they'll become equal to us.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need give our jobs to blacks so they can have more income than we'll all be equal, we'll call this Affirmative action.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need to pay for them to go to college for free and get accepted ahead of whites.
Oh wait, we already did that.

We need more black actors and singers to promote black culture in order to end racism.
Oh wait, we already did that.

Oh'wait, the only way to end it is to either KILL all the whites or separate!. Whites value civilization, education and knowledge to much to bend down to the level of the negro!!!

More bogus racist "wisdom" from the white wingers.

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