Socialist Florida Mayor Calls For Assault Weapons Ban: "My Prayers Aren't Working"


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Clearwater mayor calls for assault weapons ban: ‘My prayers aren’t working’

So some socialist mayor in Clearwater, Fl is calling for a ban on assault weapons in his city -- a city that is a very decent sized city. Clearwater Mayor George Cretekos, has asked for a City Council vote on a resolution asking congress for gun control measures. It is mostly a symbolic gesture that will fail but this is still troubling.

"Cretekos, a devout member of the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Clearwater, said leaders in Washington need to address the ongoing crisis. Cretekos went on to say “I’ve gone to church, I’ve prayed,” Cretekos said. “My prayers aren’t working.”

Perhaps he needs to reconsider the church he attends -- instead of going to some foreign strange Greek church -- he should go to an American church with American values and an American Jesus. Gun control is not only against the Constitution, it is against the Bible -- so anyone who is willing to give the government any say over what weapon they can have or not have, those people betray what this country is all about...

Just look at this geek......these libs will stop at nothing to try to make us as weak and pathetic as they are..
prayers are not an answer. it's a coping mechanism and show of support.

stop attacking people and attack the problem.
I always get such a kick out of people who first off want to get rid of a scary hunting rifle.
Why is it that everyone seems to think that banning guns will fix a human problem? A gun can not kill anyone it is the human that picks up the gun.
Over 3,000 deaths in one day on 9/11 and not a single gun was used. Timothy McVeigh blow up a federal building and killed 169 not one of them was shot by a gun. Almost twice as many die due to invest each year, not one of them are shot out of a gun.
When will people learn that no matter what you outlaw it will still be there. In fact it creates a higher price. 65% of all juvenile offenders had 3 or more illegal guns in their possession.

But the usual way crazy people want to fix things is make it harder for those within the law and easier on crimminals.
The guy is an idiot loser. Besides, my prayers for God to grant me more guns are cancelling out his prayers for someone to take away mine.

God ignores communist bed wetters because they either don't have souls at all, or their souls already belong to lucifer.
God ignores communist bed wetters because they either don't have souls at all, or their souls already belong to lucifer.

Idiot Mayor would be surprised if he woke up one morning, found that his prayers were answered, and his police department had no AR-15 rifles to protect his sorry ass.
God ignores communist bed wetters because they either don't have souls at all, or their souls already belong to lucifer.

Idiot Mayor would be surprised if he woke up one morning, found that his prayers were answered, and his police department had no AR-15 rifles to protect his sorry ass.

I know I wouldn't take the job.

The City of Austin is some of the highest LEO pay in the country, I wouldn't take the job if they increased the pay tenfold. These pieces of shit do not deserve to be protected.

I always get such a kick out of people who first off want to get rid of a scary hunting rifle.
Why is it that everyone seems to think that banning guns will fix a human problem? A gun can not kill anyone it is the human that picks up the gun.
Over 3,000 deaths in one day on 9/11 and not a single gun was used. Timothy McVeigh blow up a federal building and killed 169 not one of them was shot by a gun. Almost twice as many die due to invest each year, not one of them are shot out of a gun.
When will people learn that no matter what you outlaw it will still be there. In fact it creates a higher price. 65% of all juvenile offenders had 3 or more illegal guns in their possession.

But the usual way crazy people want to fix things is make it harder for those within the law and easier on crimminals.
Who said that banning guns will fix a human problem? You said "everyone" but I don`t know of a single (1) person who ever said that. I would be happy if gun fondlers would stop helping the crazies, criminals and terrorists acquire guns.
I always get such a kick out of people who first off want to get rid of a scary hunting rifle.
Why is it that everyone seems to think that banning guns will fix a human problem? A gun can not kill anyone it is the human that picks up the gun.
Over 3,000 deaths in one day on 9/11 and not a single gun was used. Timothy McVeigh blow up a federal building and killed 169 not one of them was shot by a gun. Almost twice as many die due to invest each year, not one of them are shot out of a gun.
When will people learn that no matter what you outlaw it will still be there. In fact it creates a higher price. 65% of all juvenile offenders had 3 or more illegal guns in their possession.

But the usual way crazy people want to fix things is make it harder for those within the law and easier on crimminals.
Who said that banning guns will fix a human problem? You said "everyone" but I don`t know of a single (1) person who ever said that. I would be happy if gun fondlers would stop helping the crazies, criminals and terrorists acquire guns.
Would you be happier if I said leftist crazies?

Hard to take anyone serious that talks about "gun fondlers".
Look I get that for some of hey are afraid of guns.
Those people you denegrate over guns use them form uniting for food, to keep themselves and perhaps the livestock they rely on alive. Some realize that since people have taken over so much land animals that relied on that land must be culled or die of starvation. Others do things like competition shooting or just target practice for fun and family bonding.

But as usual we have people that would rather make fun of people and try to remove people's freedoms then actually think about the real problem.
I always get such a kick out of people who first off want to get rid of a scary hunting rifle.
Why is it that everyone seems to think that banning guns will fix a human problem? A gun can not kill anyone it is the human that picks up the gun.
Over 3,000 deaths in one day on 9/11 and not a single gun was used. Timothy McVeigh blow up a federal building and killed 169 not one of them was shot by a gun. Almost twice as many die due to invest each year, not one of them are shot out of a gun.
When will people learn that no matter what you outlaw it will still be there. In fact it creates a higher price. 65% of all juvenile offenders had 3 or more illegal guns in their possession.

But the usual way crazy people want to fix things is make it harder for those within the law and easier on crimminals.
Who said that banning guns will fix a human problem? You said "everyone" but I don`t know of a single (1) person who ever said that. I would be happy if gun fondlers would stop helping the crazies, criminals and terrorists acquire guns.
Would you be happier if I said leftist crazies?

Hard to take anyone serious that talks about "gun fondlers".
Look I get that for some of hey are afraid of guns.
Those people you denegrate over guns use them form uniting for food, to keep themselves and perhaps the livestock they rely on alive. Some realize that since people have taken over so much land animals that relied on that land must be culled or die of starvation. Others do things like competition shooting or just target practice for fun and family bonding.

But as usual we have people that would rather make fun of people and try to remove people's freedoms then actually think about the real problem.
Some people are afraid of being Walmart, church, movie theaters, schools, bowling alleys, etc. What don`t you understand? Guns have taken away our freedom.
I always get such a kick out of people who first off want to get rid of a scary hunting rifle.
Why is it that everyone seems to think that banning guns will fix a human problem? A gun can not kill anyone it is the human that picks up the gun.
Over 3,000 deaths in one day on 9/11 and not a single gun was used. Timothy McVeigh blow up a federal building and killed 169 not one of them was shot by a gun. Almost twice as many die due to invest each year, not one of them are shot out of a gun.
When will people learn that no matter what you outlaw it will still be there. In fact it creates a higher price. 65% of all juvenile offenders had 3 or more illegal guns in their possession.

But the usual way crazy people want to fix things is make it harder for those within the law and easier on crimminals.
Who said that banning guns will fix a human problem? You said "everyone" but I don`t know of a single (1) person who ever said that. I would be happy if gun fondlers would stop helping the crazies, criminals and terrorists acquire guns.
Would you be happier if I said leftist crazies?

Hard to take anyone serious that talks about "gun fondlers".
Look I get that for some of hey are afraid of guns.
Those people you denegrate over guns use them form uniting for food, to keep themselves and perhaps the livestock they rely on alive. Some realize that since people have taken over so much land animals that relied on that land must be culled or die of starvation. Others do things like competition shooting or just target practice for fun and family bonding.

But as usual we have people that would rather make fun of people and try to remove people's freedoms then actually think about the real problem.
Some people are afraid of being Walmart, church, movie theaters, schools, bowling alleys, etc. What don`t you understand? Guns have taken away our freedom.
I I guess all the guns I own are just extremely well behaved. I have put ammunition right next to them and they have never killed anyone. I have even left them fully loaded on a table for hours and still nothing.

I find that guns are unable to do anything on their own. What part of it is people do you not understand? Bombs, knives, rocks have all been used. IF you could somehow throw away the bill of rights AND somehow take all guns out of the hands of the people do you really think that no one would ever be killed? Be serious. People are going to be killed by any means possible. Guns are still going to be brought into this country. The only thing is you are saying that law abiding people can't have them.

Chicago has very strict gun laws yet people are murdered by guns. We have gun free zones yet people are still shot in those areas. Sweden is supposed to have very restrictive gun laws yet has seen a very sharp jump in fully automatic weapons and even hand grenades. In China less then a year ago a man stabbed 20 people. London has banded kniv s on city streets when it's murder rate rivaled New York. All of f these are to point out that restrictive gun laws will do nothing but harm the law abiding.

If you live in fear of being shot I feel sorry for you and suggest you seek mental help. To live your life in fear is a terrible way to go through life.
I always get such a kick out of people who first off want to get rid of a scary hunting rifle.
Why is it that everyone seems to think that banning guns will fix a human problem? A gun can not kill anyone it is the human that picks up the gun.
Over 3,000 deaths in one day on 9/11 and not a single gun was used. Timothy McVeigh blow up a federal building and killed 169 not one of them was shot by a gun. Almost twice as many die due to invest each year, not one of them are shot out of a gun.
When will people learn that no matter what you outlaw it will still be there. In fact it creates a higher price. 65% of all juvenile offenders had 3 or more illegal guns in their possession.

But the usual way crazy people want to fix things is make it harder for those within the law and easier on crimminals.
Who said that banning guns will fix a human problem? You said "everyone" but I don`t know of a single (1) person who ever said that. I would be happy if gun fondlers would stop helping the crazies, criminals and terrorists acquire guns.
Would you be happier if I said leftist crazies?

Hard to take anyone serious that talks about "gun fondlers".
Look I get that for some of hey are afraid of guns.
Those people you denegrate over guns use them form uniting for food, to keep themselves and perhaps the livestock they rely on alive. Some realize that since people have taken over so much land animals that relied on that land must be culled or die of starvation. Others do things like competition shooting or just target practice for fun and family bonding.

But as usual we have people that would rather make fun of people and try to remove people's freedoms then actually think about the real problem.
Some people are afraid of being Walmart, church, movie theaters, schools, bowling alleys, etc. What don`t you understand? Guns have taken away our freedom.
Your agendas have taken away our freedom. Bigga government...Bigga fascism...Those cops in blue areas are in neutral right now. But all the laws are in place to expand on the totalitarian future that is close. Get rid of many of the laws that arrest us. Including laws that demand we pay fees and fines for their services.
I always get such a kick out of people who first off want to get rid of a scary hunting rifle.
Why is it that everyone seems to think that banning guns will fix a human problem? A gun can not kill anyone it is the human that picks up the gun.
Over 3,000 deaths in one day on 9/11 and not a single gun was used. Timothy McVeigh blow up a federal building and killed 169 not one of them was shot by a gun. Almost twice as many die due to invest each year, not one of them are shot out of a gun.
When will people learn that no matter what you outlaw it will still be there. In fact it creates a higher price. 65% of all juvenile offenders had 3 or more illegal guns in their possession.

But the usual way crazy people want to fix things is make it harder for those within the law and easier on crimminals.
Who said that banning guns will fix a human problem? You said "everyone" but I don`t know of a single (1) person who ever said that. I would be happy if gun fondlers would stop helping the crazies, criminals and terrorists acquire guns.
Would you be happier if I said leftist crazies?

Hard to take anyone serious that talks about "gun fondlers".
Look I get that for some of hey are afraid of guns.
Those people you denegrate over guns use them form uniting for food, to keep themselves and perhaps the livestock they rely on alive. Some realize that since people have taken over so much land animals that relied on that land must be culled or die of starvation. Others do things like competition shooting or just target practice for fun and family bonding.

But as usual we have people that would rather make fun of people and try to remove people's freedoms then actually think about the real problem.
Some people are afraid of being Walmart, church, movie theaters, schools, bowling alleys, etc. What don`t you understand? Guns have taken away our freedom.
I I guess all the guns I own are just extremely well behaved. I have put ammunition right next to them and they have never killed anyone. I have even left them fully loaded on a table for hours and still nothing.

I find that guns are unable to do anything on their own. What part of it is people do you not understand? Bombs, knives, rocks have all been used. IF you could somehow throw away the bill of rights AND somehow take all guns out of the hands of the people do you really think that no one would ever be killed? Be serious. People are going to be killed by any means possible. Guns are still going to be brought into this country. The only thing is you are saying that law abiding people can't have them.

Chicago has very strict gun laws yet people are murdered by guns. We have gun free zones yet people are still shot in those areas. Sweden is supposed to have very restrictive gun laws yet has seen a very sharp jump in fully automatic weapons and even hand grenades. In China less then a year ago a man stabbed 20 people. London has banded kniv s on city streets when it's murder rate rivaled New York. All of f these are to point out that restrictive gun laws will do nothing but harm the law abiding.

If you live in fear of being shot I feel sorry for you and suggest you seek mental help. To live your life in fear is a terrible way to go through life.
Chicago...your guns haven`t hurt anybody.....gun free zone goofiness, 20 people in China were stabbed, etc. That`s a pathetic defense of what firearms have done to this country. 9th grader stuff.
It's a shame that republicans allow this guy to call himself a republican and voted for this guy....

Any day now I am sure his republican base will be demanding his resignation or signing a recall petition.....
I always get such a kick out of people who first off want to get rid of a scary hunting rifle.
Why is it that everyone seems to think that banning guns will fix a human problem? A gun can not kill anyone it is the human that picks up the gun.
Over 3,000 deaths in one day on 9/11 and not a single gun was used. Timothy McVeigh blow up a federal building and killed 169 not one of them was shot by a gun. Almost twice as many die due to invest each year, not one of them are shot out of a gun.
When will people learn that no matter what you outlaw it will still be there. In fact it creates a higher price. 65% of all juvenile offenders had 3 or more illegal guns in their possession.

But the usual way crazy people want to fix things is make it harder for those within the law and easier on crimminals.
Who said that banning guns will fix a human problem? You said "everyone" but I don`t know of a single (1) person who ever said that. I would be happy if gun fondlers would stop helping the crazies, criminals and terrorists acquire guns.
Would you be happier if I said leftist crazies?

Hard to take anyone serious that talks about "gun fondlers".
Look I get that for some of hey are afraid of guns.
Those people you denegrate over guns use them form uniting for food, to keep themselves and perhaps the livestock they rely on alive. Some realize that since people have taken over so much land animals that relied on that land must be culled or die of starvation. Others do things like competition shooting or just target practice for fun and family bonding.

But as usual we have people that would rather make fun of people and try to remove people's freedoms then actually think about the real problem.
Some people are afraid of being Walmart, church, movie theaters, schools, bowling alleys, etc. What don`t you understand? Guns have taken away our freedom.
I I guess all the guns I own are just extremely well behaved. I have put ammunition right next to them and they have never killed anyone. I have even left them fully loaded on a table for hours and still nothing.

I find that guns are unable to do anything on their own. What part of it is people do you not understand? Bombs, knives, rocks have all been used. IF you could somehow throw away the bill of rights AND somehow take all guns out of the hands of the people do you really think that no one would ever be killed? Be serious. People are going to be killed by any means possible. Guns are still going to be brought into this country. The only thing is you are saying that law abiding people can't have them.

Chicago has very strict gun laws yet people are murdered by guns. We have gun free zones yet people are still shot in those areas. Sweden is supposed to have very restrictive gun laws yet has seen a very sharp jump in fully automatic weapons and even hand grenades. In China less then a year ago a man stabbed 20 people. London has banded kniv s on city streets when it's murder rate rivaled New York. All of f these are to point out that restrictive gun laws will do nothing but harm the law abiding.

If you live in fear of being shot I feel sorry for you and suggest you seek mental help. To live your life in fear is a terrible way to go through life.
Chicago...your guns haven`t hurt anybody.....gun free zone goofiness, 20 people in China were stabbed, etc. That`s a pathetic defense of what firearms have done to this country. 9th grader stuff.
I am so sorry that your emotions and fear have made it so hard to talk and think about the subject.
Waaa waaa people are still defending themselves and not getting killed in robberies. This has got to stop. Make white people victims again.
The problem actually is not this Mayor OR Guns.....

The problem is the fact that proclaiming America "must" become gun free is becoming more common and mainstream.
Whether we like it or not, it's a trend that sets the tone for the future. May not happen today, or tomorrow....but one day it will.

This is because "All that is required for evil men to render you helpless, is for you to do nothing".

Now you go back to Facebook, Starbucks and watch a Netflix move and support your own oppression.
You have the shackles....put them on.

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