Michael Cohen Gets Destroyed During Cross Examination, Leaving Anderson Cooper Stunned

THAT'S why Trump and his cult want the trial shut down.
They know, they're dead meat.
Especially................ if Trump testifies.
do you think it's helping the prosecution to let their witnesses like Daniels and Cohen speak?
I said from the beginning, that Trump will be found guilty in this sham of a trial. It's New York, where someone like Trump will be led away in leg irons, and at the same time violent street criminals are coddled and left to do as they please.

Now having said that, after I've read many opinions on Cohen's disastrous testimony, I could see where Trump may actually have a chance now.
Just depends on if the jury refuses to see the truth or not.
Braggs case isn’t looking good for you but I believe the DEI Fanni case will finally satisfy your TDS. It’s a slam dunk!
I'm more hoping the documents case goes to trial so that Trump can spend the rest of his miserable life in prison.

Lucky for him he got a partisan hack judge who's throwing the case in his favor.
I said from the beginning, that Trump will be found guilty in this sham of a trial. It's New York, where someone like Trump will be led away in leg irons, and at the same time violent street criminals are coddled and left to do as they please.

Now having said that, after I've read many opinions on Cohen's disastrous testimony, I could see where Trump may actually have a chance now.
Just depends on if the jury refuses to see the truth or not.
The jury sees that Conspired to Break the Law. Do they have the courage to convict him.
Hey, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. You made a blanket statement. You just don't like that I exposed your hypocrisy
Keep pumping up the conspiracy theories. I have plenty of popcorn.

A billionaire that pays fixers to silence people? Buy up unsavory stories? She’s not the only one he cheated on his wives with.
Nothing illegal about any of your rant but the DEI Fanni case is looking really good.
So you got that going for you.
Is adultery illegal again?

Not according to the party that claims to represent morals and family values.

There is no discernible difference between Trump, Cohen and Daniel’s.

It’s pretty funny.
Not according to the party that claims to represent morals and family values.

There is no discernible difference between Trump, Cohen and Daniel’s.

It’s pretty funny.
So....yes or no. Is adultery illegal again?
Does that law apply to everyone, including witnesses in a trial?
Whether trump fuck stormy, or any other slut, has no bearing on a trial concerning bookkeeping.
It does show something interesting. Stormy is labeled a slut…Trump….just a guy who did “nothing illegal”.
It does show something interesting. Stormy is labeled a slut…Trump….just a guy who did “nothing illegal”.
What would you call a pornstar? Would it make you feel better to call her a professional slut?

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