Socialism explained to simpletons

Trickle down economics is just a nonsense.

Not bad, but the video fails to expose the biggest problem with billionaires and income inequality. Which is the billionaires use their money to buy influence and control of government. They use this bought political power to make sure to protect their businesses from competition, attain sweetheart deals from Uncle Sam, and get bailed out by Uncle should things go terribly bad.

Hence they have socialism, while the rest of us have capitalism.

It would be a protection racket subject to RICO laws, were it not carrying the alleged legitimacy of The State.

Exactly. It is a protection racket the Mafia can only dream of.

Amazingly, many Americans fail to see the racket and it’s many harmful consequences.

Rich capitalists love socialism.

You mean Nazi sympathizer George Soros
Socialism works 100 percent of the time. The leaders become billionaires and the people who thought surrendering their weapons, freedoms and property to the government was a good idea end up selling their kids and eating their pets.

Trickle down economics is just a nonsense.


Yeah, those royals really are trickling down their riches, in their kingly way.
Trickle down economics is just a nonsense.

Trickle down isn't economics at all. Rather, it is a theory of power masquerading as economics. To be more precise, it's a theory how to create a (global) ruling elite, a plutocracy, while leaving everyone else to fight on their own and telling them the resulting growth will so enormous, they'll all be millionaires. It's always just around the corner. Believe me! It's all the rage in Rightardia - also known as UpIsDownistan - and socialism is the most formidable obstacle to the paradise otherwise undoubtedly created by the trickle.

Trickle down economics is just a nonsense.

Not bad, but the video fails to expose the biggest problem with billionaires and income inequality. Which is the billionaires use their money to buy influence and control of government. They use this bought political power to make sure to protect their businesses from competition, attain sweetheart deals from Uncle Sam, and get bailed out by Uncle should things go terribly bad.

Hence they have socialism, while the rest of us have capitalism.

It would be a protection racket subject to RICO laws, were it not carrying the alleged legitimacy of The State.

Exactly. It is a protection racket the Mafia can only dream of.

Amazingly, many Americans fail to see the racket and it’s many harmful consequences.

Rich capitalists love socialism.

That's kinda hard to swollow when there are no rich socalist.

Go ahead, put your foot right in it, idiot.
Trickle down economics is just a nonsense.

Trickle down isn't economics at all. Rather, it is a theory of power masquerading as economics. To be more precise, it's a theory how to create a (global) ruling elite, a plutocracy, while leaving everyone else to fight on their own and telling them the resulting growth will so enormous, they'll all be millionaires. It's always just around the corner. Believe me! It's all the rage in Rightardia - also known as UpIsDownistan - and socialism is the most formidable obstacle to the paradise otherwise undoubtedly created by the trickle.
These chimps have bought it 100%.I suspect that very few of these characters is educated or has a well paid job. And yet they defend to the death those who enslave them. Its the Stockholm syndrome in a different context.

Trickle down economics is just a nonsense.

Not bad, but the video fails to expose the biggest problem with billionaires and income inequality. Which is the billionaires use their money to buy influence and control of government. They use this bought political power to make sure to protect their businesses from competition, attain sweetheart deals from Uncle Sam, and get bailed out by Uncle should things go terribly bad.

Hence they have socialism, while the rest of us have capitalism.

It would be a protection racket subject to RICO laws, were it not carrying the alleged legitimacy of The State.

Exactly. It is a protection racket the Mafia can only dream of.

Amazingly, many Americans fail to see the racket and it’s many harmful consequences.

Rich capitalists love socialism.

the irony being rich capitalists are on the gub'mit dole , despite the fools who laud them as the icon of it

Trickle down economics is just a nonsense.

Trickle down isn't economics at all. Rather, it is a theory of power masquerading as economics. To be more precise, it's a theory how to create a (global) ruling elite, a plutocracy, while leaving everyone else to fight on their own and telling them the resulting growth will so enormous, they'll all be millionaires. It's always just around the corner. Believe me! It's all the rage in Rightardia - also known as UpIsDownistan - and socialism is the most formidable obstacle to the paradise otherwise undoubtedly created by the trickle.
These chimps have bought it 100%.I suspect that very few of these characters is educated or has a well paid job. And yet they defend to the death those who enslave them. Its the Stockholm syndrome in a different context.
And yet they defend to the death those who enslave them.
How is the queen lately?

Trickle down economics is just a nonsense.


I remember during the penn central bailout in the '70s, an old timer said 'socialism for the rich, and capitalism for the rest of us'. How true that turned out to be and I've seen many bailouts of corporations since then. Link below.
History of U.S. Gov't Bailouts — ProPublica
Socialism stands up for the working class
Capitalism only concerns itself with the needs of the rich

The way to stand up for the working class would be to let them keep the fruits of their labors. Socialism is the opposite of that. Socialism only stands up for, and benefits, the parasite class. It's no secret why you would support socialism. I very much doubt that you've contributed as much to society in the whole of your failed and worthless life, as I do on a good day at my job. If you did, you wouldn't be so eager to have Big Brother take a big share of your earnings, and give it to some worthless parasite such as you surely are.
Socialism stands up for the working class
Capitalism only concerns itself with the needs of the rich

The way to stand up for the working class would be to let them keep the fruits of their labors. Socialism is the opposite of that. Socialism only stands up for, and benefits, the parasite class. It's no secret why you would support socialism. I very much doubt that you've contributed as much to society in the whole of your failed and worthless life, as I do on a good day at my job. If you did, you wouldn't be so eager to have Big Brother take a big share of your earnings, and give it to some worthless parasite such as you surely are.
The rich are too rich to fail.

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