Social Security Expert Says Biden Bill Will Cause Cuts in SS for People Who Paid Into It, to Pay Government Workers Who Didn't


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
I have been waiting for this common sense article. It is a gift to government workers, who are overwhelmingly Democrat, at the very real expense of everyone else.

"On Jan. 5, U.S. President Joe Biden signed the Social Security Fairness Act into law. The bill is designed to bolster Social Security benefits for a portion of American workers.

"By signing this bill, we're extending Social Security benefits for millions of teachers, nurses and other public employees and their spouses and survivors," Biden said.

The Social Security Fairness Act makes it possible for those who opted out of Social Security at some point during their career to receive more retirement benefits. It does this in two ways.

First, it gets rid of the Windfall Elimination Provision, which could reduce benefits for workers who get pension or disability benefits from an employer that doesn't collect Social Security taxes — such as public service employees. The act also eliminates the Government Pension Offset, which could reduce spousal benefits if you get retirement or disability income from government-based work that doesn't require you to pay Social Security taxes.

Smith explained that around 4% of employees contribute to non-covered pensions instead of Social Security. Some of these workers also at one point had jobs that did pay into the system or are married to people who do pay Social Security taxes. Under the new rule changes, these workers could receive "overly generous" benefit checks, Smith claims, partly funded by those who regularly paid into Social Security."
I have been waiting for this common sense article. It is a gift to government workers, who are overwhelmingly Democrat, at the very real expense of everyone else.

"On Jan. 5, U.S. President Joe Biden signed the Social Security Fairness Act into law. The bill is designed to bolster Social Security benefits for a portion of American workers.

"By signing this bill, we're extending Social Security benefits for millions of teachers, nurses and other public employees and their spouses and survivors," Biden said.

The Social Security Fairness Act makes it possible for those who opted out of Social Security at some point during their career to receive more retirement benefits. It does this in two ways.

First, it gets rid of the Windfall Elimination Provision, which could reduce benefits for workers who get pension or disability benefits from an employer that doesn't collect Social Security taxes — such as public service employees. The act also eliminates the Government Pension Offset, which could reduce spousal benefits if you get retirement or disability income from government-based work that doesn't require you to pay Social Security taxes.

Smith explained that around 4% of employees contribute to non-covered pensions instead of Social Security. Some of these workers also at one point had jobs that did pay into the system or are married to people who do pay Social Security taxes. Under the new rule changes, these workers could receive "overly generous" benefit checks, Smith claims, partly funded by those who regularly paid into Social Security."
I put your lie in red text so you can correct yourself. Recipients only get the SS benefits they would normally be entitled to receive if they had not been penalized by having another retirement income. All it eliminates is the penalty. They only get what they should have received.
Now people who have paid into the program and also have a pension... government or private sector... won't be penalized and have their SS payments cut...
This has been in the works for years due to it being double taxation... and they finally fixed it...
I have been waiting for this common sense article. It is a gift to government workers, who are overwhelmingly Democrat, at the very real expense of everyone else.

"On Jan. 5, U.S. President Joe Biden signed the Social Security Fairness Act into law. The bill is designed to bolster Social Security benefits for a portion of American workers.

"By signing this bill, we're extending Social Security benefits for millions of teachers, nurses and other public employees and their spouses and survivors," Biden said.

The Social Security Fairness Act makes it possible for those who opted out of Social Security at some point during their career to receive more retirement benefits. It does this in two ways.

First, it gets rid of the Windfall Elimination Provision, which could reduce benefits for workers who get pension or disability benefits from an employer that doesn't collect Social Security taxes — such as public service employees. The act also eliminates the Government Pension Offset, which could reduce spousal benefits if you get retirement or disability income from government-based work that doesn't require you to pay Social Security taxes.

Smith explained that around 4% of employees contribute to non-covered pensions instead of Social Security. Some of these workers also at one point had jobs that did pay into the system or are married to people who do pay Social Security taxes. Under the new rule changes, these workers could receive "overly generous" benefit checks, Smith claims, partly funded by those who regularly paid into Social Security."
Illegals hit hardest
I put your lie in red text so you can correct yourself. Recipients only get the SS benefits they would normally be entitled to receive if they had not been penalized by having another retirement income. All it eliminates is the penalty. They only get what they should have received.
The lie is yours

These freeloaders did not pay into SS for a period of time and do not deserve higher benefits
Government workers who do not pay into Social Security cannot get it unless they have a spouse who paid into it. Biden signed a law making it okay in such situations for the person to get spousal payments off their spouses' record. Of the 3 million affected by this... less than a million them will be qualified to take advantage of it.

Teachers still do not get Social Security if they do not pay into it. Biden signed something to where they can get the spousal part if their spouse paid into it. The spouse part has always been available to those who do not pay into Social Security like women years ago who did not work outside of the house.

The Windfall was in place to block teachers and other government employees from getting 100% of their Social Security they paid to Social Security if they did not have 35 years of payments in. It was to prevent double dipping. Now no one's Social Security amount will be lowered/deducted based on the Windfall provision, but will still be low based on the amount they have in.

Most teachers will still put into TRS - Teacher Retirement System for their retirements. TRS by law MUST automatically take out about $200-$600 from each employee pay period (administrator and board members make so much more-more comes out of theirs) Some times that is twice a month or three times a month. TRS is well funded. If a teacher never marries and never puts into social security they get nothing out of it. There is no spousal pipeline for them.
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I have been waiting for this common sense article. It is a gift to government workers, who are overwhelmingly Democrat, at the very real expense of everyone else.

"On Jan. 5, U.S. President Joe Biden signed the Social Security Fairness Act into law. The bill is designed to bolster Social Security benefits for a portion of American workers.

"By signing this bill, we're extending Social Security benefits for millions of teachers, nurses and other public employees and their spouses and survivors," Biden said.

The Social Security Fairness Act makes it possible for those who opted out of Social Security at some point during their career to receive more retirement benefits. It does this in two ways.

First, it gets rid of the Windfall Elimination Provision, which could reduce benefits for workers who get pension or disability benefits from an employer that doesn't collect Social Security taxes — such as public service employees. The act also eliminates the Government Pension Offset, which could reduce spousal benefits if you get retirement or disability income from government-based work that doesn't require you to pay Social Security taxes.

Smith explained that around 4% of employees contribute to non-covered pensions instead of Social Security. Some of these workers also at one point had jobs that did pay into the system or are married to people who do pay Social Security taxes. Under the new rule changes, these workers could receive "overly generous" benefit checks, Smith claims, partly funded by those who regularly paid into Social Security."
First there is the false branding... Notice how the OP dodesn't have any proof for his : "government workers, who are overwhelmingly Democrat,"
Actually there seems very little support either way.

This is the MAGA way, divide, slice out from the herd and target.

Next it is you they will be targeting...
The lie is yours

These freeloaders did not pay into SS for a period of time and do not deserve higher benefits
There are no higher benefits. dumbass! They just remove the f-ing penalty that reduces their SS. They are not getting a dime more than what anyone else is getting who does not have a non-SS pension plan where they did not contribute to SS for that period. Their SS is based on their contributions, nothing more.

I can't Barney it down for you any more.
There are no higher benefits. dumbass! They just remove the f-ing penalty that reduces their SS. They are not getting a dime more than what anyone else is getting who does not have a non-SS pension plan where they did not contribute to SS for that period. Their SS is based on their contributions, nothing more.

I can't Barney it down for you any more.
Will the government treasury collect the pension funds or will it be the retired teachers?
Dems are all about the mooching government worker class. I use the word 'worker' loosely.
What the hell are you jabbering about? How is collecting benefits that we paid into mooching? I'll tell you is mooching, It's the high end earners- those pulling down more that 175K who do not pay their fair share into the system because the graduated payroll deduction is capped at that amount. Many seniors would be living in poverty if it were not for social security
I have been waiting for this common sense article. It is a gift to government workers, who are overwhelmingly Democrat, at the very real expense of everyone else.

"On Jan. 5, U.S. President Joe Biden signed the Social Security Fairness Act into law. The bill is designed to bolster Social Security benefits for a portion of American workers.

"By signing this bill, we're extending Social Security benefits for millions of teachers, nurses and other public employees and their spouses and survivors," Biden said.

The Social Security Fairness Act makes it possible for those who opted out of Social Security at some point during their career to receive more retirement benefits. It does this in two ways.

First, it gets rid of the Windfall Elimination Provision, which could reduce benefits for workers who get pension or disability benefits from an employer that doesn't collect Social Security taxes — such as public service employees. The act also eliminates the Government Pension Offset, which could reduce spousal benefits if you get retirement or disability income from government-based work that doesn't require you to pay Social Security taxes.

Smith explained that around 4% of employees contribute to non-covered pensions instead of Social Security. Some of these workers also at one point had jobs that did pay into the system or are married to people who do pay Social Security taxes. Under the new rule changes, these workers could receive "overly generous" benefit checks, Smith claims, partly funded by those who regularly paid into Social Security."
I think that this so called expert may be full of shit. I never heard of anyone being able to opt out of paying into social security. I worked in local and state government all of my adult life. I paid into SS and a pension plan was well. And yes , I now collect both because I earned it
What the hell are you jabbering about? How is collecting benefits that we paid into mooching? I'll tell you is mooching, It's the high end earners- those pulling down more that 175K who do not pay their fair share into the system because the graduated payroll deduction is capped at that amount. Many seniors would be living in poverty if it were not for social security
Wait, are YOU a mooching deadbeat government worker Dem taxpayer mooch?

AND having earned multiple times $175k I can tell you first hand I pay WAY more than my fair share assholes! F off home with your fair share BS you welfare sucking deadbeats.
1. Only one-half of Social Security (SS) taxes are paid by individuals, from their after-tax earnings. This is like making contributions to a Roth IRA, where withdrawals can be made tax free.

2. The other half of SS taxes are paid by employers, as pre-tax expenses. This is like employer-funded 401k programs, where taxes have to be paid on withdrawals.

3. Therefore, one-half of SS benefits should be tax-free, while the other half should be subject to income taxes.

Unfortunately, politicians have corrupted these basic concepts by using SS as a hidden wealth transfer program by diverting benefits from high income contributors to low income contributors
This is what the Windfall Elimination Provision was all about. Now, people can avoid paying SS taxes for most of their working lives, retire on a government pension, then pay SS taxes for only 10 years and receive the same bonus that was intended for low income people who had paid SS taxes their whole working lives.

Like the Inflation Reduction Act, the Social Security Fairness Act accomplishes the opposite of its title. In reality, it is nothing more than another gift to bribe unionized government employees into voting for Democrats.

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