So, the GOP wants a loyalty pledge. Really???


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
I'm not even sure where to begin with this. The GOP and head stooge, Reince Priebus want to have Donald Trump sign a loyalty pledge. First of all, what would the GOP know about loyalty? Nothing! All they do is lie to their voting base, then stab them in the back after the election. The only loyalty I see with the GOP is to the Chamber of Commerce and other special interests they're in the tank for.

So, let's say Trump signs and follows through with this elementary school level stupidity. Let's say the establishment pulls enough strings to get some establishment RINO like Bush, Christi or Kasich the nomination - do they really think if Trump doesn't run 3rd party, this will help them defeat the Democratic candidate? No, it won't because too many 3rd party people like me, and conservative Republicans just won't vote for a RINO.

So in conclusion, if the establishment gets their RINO nominated, it won't matter if Trump goes 3rd party or not, the Democrat will win in a landslide.
That "loyalty pledge" crap is a trick to get Trump over a barrel. If he agrees, they railroad him and he has no leverage to fight back. He's not gonna fall for that.
I'm not even sure where to begin with this. The GOP and head stooge, Reince Priebus want to have Donald Trump sign a loyalty pledge. First of all, what would the GOP know about loyalty? Nothing! All they do is lie to their voting base, then stab them in the back after the election. The only loyalty I see with the GOP is to the Chamber of Commerce and other special interests they're in the tank for.

So, let's say Trump signs and follows through with this elementary school level stupidity. Let's say the establishment pulls enough strings to get some establishment RINO like Bush, Christi or Kasich the nomination - do they really think if Trump doesn't run 3rd party, this will help them defeat the Democratic candidate? No, it won't because too many 3rd party people like me, and conservative Republicans just won't vote for a RINO.

So in conclusion, if the establishment gets their RINO nominated, it won't matter if Trump goes 3rd party or not, the Democrat will win in a landslide.

Of course it does. It's a political party. Political parties exist for one purpose: to amass power collectively. As the Prime Directive, that will dominate everything it does including certainly any ideology that gets in the way.

--which is why your allusion to "RINOs" is puzzling, because that's blatant support for exactly that same institutional system. In order to believe in RINOs or DINOs, you have to believe that party comes before policy, and that elected legislators or leaders owe their allegiance to their party rather than their constituents. So you're in effect perpetuating the same system of institutional monopoly that you claim to abhor.

Can't have it both ways my friend.
That "loyalty pledge" crap is a trick to get Trump over a barrel. If he agrees, they railroad him and he has no leverage to fight back. He's not gonna fall for that.
Someone has a theory that the establishment is putting up all these candidates to split the conservative vote so Jeb can squeeze by them. The plan appears to be failing miserably.
That "loyalty pledge" crap is a trick to get Trump over a barrel. If he agrees, they railroad him and he has no leverage to fight back. He's not gonna fall for that.
Someone has a theory that the establishment is putting up all these candidates to split the conservative vote so Jeb can squeeze by them. The plan appears to be failing miserably.
And it would have worked if it weren't for Trump. That's why they're struggling so hard to eliminate him any way they can.
For once, I agree with you both. There is no doubt it's aimed at Trump. But one really has to wonder about the mentality of the GOP to circulate a "loyalty oath" at this point in the contest. Especially in 2016 when the attacks on your opponent's character are almost the only real way to distinguish yourself from your opponent and, in some cases, its the best. Once someone attacks your character, I cannot blame you for not wanting to personally endorse that person publicly.

I'm not speaking of character in the most basic sense of the word like being unfaithful to your wife or being dishonest with finances etc... I mean character traits like toughness; like real concern for the average American, like fundamental understanding of the position and what comes along with it--power--and how you would utilize the power. I always said that the X factor with Bush is whether or not he wanted to run for President; not if he could raise money or had the credentials. Watching him campaign and give speeches, I have to cringe sometimes thinking that this guy may be our next President. I don't think he's a wimp but I do think he questions whether or not he's the right guy for the job. Rubio is perhaps the biggest joke I've seen on either side. It's a wonder he ever got elected; musta been a low point in Florida politics.

Carly Fiorina, however, leaves little doubt that she is at the crest of the wave when it comes to some of the necessary qualities to be POTUS. She seems to have an active mind, a mental toughness, a firm grasp of the scope of the position. I'm not sure she is well served by her Party and the stances she is forced to adopt as a Republican; it's an ill fitting suit.
Say, Democrats really oughta be on Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky's ass for a loyalty pledge 'cause they the only place she's going at the convention is straight under the bus.
Say, Democrats really oughta be on Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky's ass for a loyalty pledge 'cause they the only place she's going at the convention is straight under the bus.

Is that before or after she goes to the big house?
I'm not even sure where to begin with this. The GOP and head stooge, Reince Priebus want to have Donald Trump sign a loyalty pledge. First of all, what would the GOP know about loyalty? Nothing! All they do is lie to their voting base, then stab them in the back after the election. The only loyalty I see with the GOP is to the Chamber of Commerce and other special interests they're in the tank for.

So, let's say Trump signs and follows through with this elementary school level stupidity. Let's say the establishment pulls enough strings to get some establishment RINO like Bush, Christi or Kasich the nomination - do they really think if Trump doesn't run 3rd party, this will help them defeat the Democratic candidate? No, it won't because too many 3rd party people like me, and conservative Republicans just won't vote for a RINO.

So in conclusion, if the establishment gets their RINO nominated, it won't matter if Trump goes 3rd party or not, the Democrat will win in a landslide.

It's the same thing that democrats did to each other in 2004. It's a trick of some kind.
Yawn.....that is what Trump will do, as shows Priebus the door.

Look at these numbers from the Breitbart poll -

Donald Trump: 38.7% Ted Cruz: 26.6% Ben Carson: 10.0% Carly Fiorina: 5.6% Rand Paul: 5.0% Scott Walker: 3.8% Marco Rubio: 2.9% John Kasich: 1.9% Mitt Romney: 1.1% Mike Huckabee: 0.90% Jeb Bush: 0.90% Rick Perry: 0.4% Bobby Jindal: 0.5% Chris Christie: 0.2% Rick Santorum: 0.2% George Pataki: 0.10% Lindsey Graham: 0.08%

He doesn't need to agree to anything.
lol, The Democrat party doesn't have to ask for a loyalty pledge from their candidates or base. they know they have them chained to their plantation.

The nerve of the Republican establishment. They expect Donald Trump to sign a pledge not to go 3rd party, but they can't even keep to their pledge of not raising taxes. How about their promise to defund Obamacare?

The push is to back Trump into a corner and force him to promise not to run as an Independent. But does this mean that if he continues to lead and possibly win the nomination, the Republican establishment promises to back Donald Trump in the election? Hmmmmmm?

This be a two-way agreement. You can trust Trump to keep his word, but will Republicans? Anyone remember the pledge they signed several years ago not to ever raise taxes. Instead, they pushed through the highest tax increase in U.S. history, over $600 billion dollars. It's the primary reason Obama doesn't have a trillion dollar deficit.

I think before Republicans start expecting anyone to keep their word, they should learn how to keep their own.


GOP circulates loyalty pledge to box Trump in

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I guess I was wrong when I assumed the GOP had learned that "pledges" only lead to absolutism that damages the party.


ok Mac. how many years have we heard this same BS at every election time? It's the same ole same ole
I'm not even sure where to begin with this. The GOP and head stooge, Reince Priebus want to have Donald Trump sign a loyalty pledge. First of all, what would the GOP know about loyalty? Nothing! All they do is lie to their voting base, then stab them in the back after the election. The only loyalty I see with the GOP is to the Chamber of Commerce and other special interests they're in the tank for.

So, let's say Trump signs and follows through with this elementary school level stupidity. Let's say the establishment pulls enough strings to get some establishment RINO like Bush, Christi or Kasich the nomination - do they really think if Trump doesn't run 3rd party, this will help them defeat the Democratic candidate? No, it won't because too many 3rd party people like me, and conservative Republicans just won't vote for a RINO.

So in conclusion, if the establishment gets their RINO nominated, it won't matter if Trump goes 3rd party or not, the Democrat will win in a landslide.

Of course it does. It's a political party. Political parties exist for one purpose: to amass power collectively. As the Prime Directive, that will dominate everything it does including certainly any ideology that gets in the way.

--which is why your allusion to "RINOs" is puzzling, because that's blatant support for exactly that same institutional system. In order to believe in RINOs or DINOs, you have to believe that party comes before policy, and that elected legislators or leaders owe their allegiance to their party rather than their constituents. So you're in effect perpetuating the same system of institutional monopoly that you claim to abhor.

Can't have it both ways my friend.

YOu miss the fact that the times that the "RINOS" come to the fore, they are NOT motivated by the desires of their constituents and generally are SABOTAGING policies that are popular with those voters.

Technically you have a point, but only "semantically" speaking.

Conservatives tend to use the term RINO, when they really mean Conservative in Name Only, or CINO.
I'm not even sure where to begin with this. The GOP and head stooge, Reince Priebus want to have Donald Trump sign a loyalty pledge. First of all, what would the GOP know about loyalty? Nothing! All they do is lie to their voting base, then stab them in the back after the election. The only loyalty I see with the GOP is to the Chamber of Commerce and other special interests they're in the tank for.

So, let's say Trump signs and follows through with this elementary school level stupidity. Let's say the establishment pulls enough strings to get some establishment RINO like Bush, Christi or Kasich the nomination - do they really think if Trump doesn't run 3rd party, this will help them defeat the Democratic candidate? No, it won't because too many 3rd party people like me, and conservative Republicans just won't vote for a RINO.

So in conclusion, if the establishment gets their RINO nominated, it won't matter if Trump goes 3rd party or not, the Democrat will win in a landslide.

Of course it does. It's a political party. Political parties exist for one purpose: to amass power collectively. As the Prime Directive, that will dominate everything it does including certainly any ideology that gets in the way.

--which is why your allusion to "RINOs" is puzzling, because that's blatant support for exactly that same institutional system. In order to believe in RINOs or DINOs, you have to believe that party comes before policy, and that elected legislators or leaders owe their allegiance to their party rather than their constituents. So you're in effect perpetuating the same system of institutional monopoly that you claim to abhor.

Can't have it both ways my friend.

Yes and if the Republicans don't get that they will cease to be a party.
Conservatives will form their own party.
I'm not even sure where to begin with this. The GOP and head stooge, Reince Priebus want to have Donald Trump sign a loyalty pledge. First of all, what would the GOP know about loyalty? Nothing! All they do is lie to their voting base, then stab them in the back after the election. The only loyalty I see with the GOP is to the Chamber of Commerce and other special interests they're in the tank for.

So, let's say Trump signs and follows through with this elementary school level stupidity. Let's say the establishment pulls enough strings to get some establishment RINO like Bush, Christi or Kasich the nomination - do they really think if Trump doesn't run 3rd party, this will help them defeat the Democratic candidate? No, it won't because too many 3rd party people like me, and conservative Republicans just won't vote for a RINO.

So in conclusion, if the establishment gets their RINO nominated, it won't matter if Trump goes 3rd party or not, the Democrat will win in a landslide.

Of course it does. It's a political party. Political parties exist for one purpose: to amass power collectively. As the Prime Directive, that will dominate everything it does including certainly any ideology that gets in the way.

--which is why your allusion to "RINOs" is puzzling, because that's blatant support for exactly that same institutional system. In order to believe in RINOs or DINOs, you have to believe that party comes before policy, and that elected legislators or leaders owe their allegiance to their party rather than their constituents. So you're in effect perpetuating the same system of institutional monopoly that you claim to abhor.

Can't have it both ways my friend.

Yes and if the Republicans don't get that they will cease to be a party.
Conservatives will form their own party.

It's time. I'm now registering Independent. Both the Democrat and Republicans, can go to hell
I'm not even sure where to begin with this. The GOP and head stooge, Reince Priebus want to have Donald Trump sign a loyalty pledge. First of all, what would the GOP know about loyalty? Nothing! All they do is lie to their voting base, then stab them in the back after the election. The only loyalty I see with the GOP is to the Chamber of Commerce and other special interests they're in the tank for.

So, let's say Trump signs and follows through with this elementary school level stupidity. Let's say the establishment pulls enough strings to get some establishment RINO like Bush, Christi or Kasich the nomination - do they really think if Trump doesn't run 3rd party, this will help them defeat the Democratic candidate? No, it won't because too many 3rd party people like me, and conservative Republicans just won't vote for a RINO.

So in conclusion, if the establishment gets their RINO nominated, it won't matter if Trump goes 3rd party or not, the Democrat will win in a landslide.

Of course it does. It's a political party. Political parties exist for one purpose: to amass power collectively. As the Prime Directive, that will dominate everything it does including certainly any ideology that gets in the way.

--which is why your allusion to "RINOs" is puzzling, because that's blatant support for exactly that same institutional system. In order to believe in RINOs or DINOs, you have to believe that party comes before policy, and that elected legislators or leaders owe their allegiance to their party rather than their constituents. So you're in effect perpetuating the same system of institutional monopoly that you claim to abhor.

Can't have it both ways my friend.

YOu miss the fact that the times that the "RINOS" come to the fore, they are NOT motivated by the desires of their constituents and generally are SABOTAGING policies that are popular with those voters.

Technically you have a point, but only "semantically" speaking.

Conservatives tend to use the term RINO, when they really mean Conservative in Name Only, or CINO.

But it also means Republicans in name only because they vote too much for liberal polices and won't stand up for conservative ideology or take that ideology in the long run like the libs do.
Libs will shut down the government as much as they want to in order to get their policies passed and looks at their goals as- we will get it passed even if it takes 100 years. Republicans lack that.
They refuse to take the lead when they are elected as the leaders. They always play defense rather than offense when they are in control and their voters are sick and tired of it.

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