Let's take a step back and really get a good look at the rabbit hole the GOP have thrown themselves down


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021

Let's take a step back and really get a good look at the rabbit hole the GOP have thrown themselves down​

The Republican front-runner for the 2024 presidential election is a twice-impeached one-term loser who is now under criminal indictment for a scandal involving the coverup of hush money payments to a porn star that he cheated on his wife with.

That same front-runner also stands a good chance of facing other criminal charges -- for stealing top secret government documents, trying to coerce state officials into fixing the results of an election, and instigating a violent attack on the U.S. Capitol.

And not only is the entire Republican party NOT denouncing this person, they're rushing out to defend him, and attacking the criminal justice system.

Imagine going back in time 10, 15, 20 years and telling Republicans that this would be the state of their party in 2023. They'd think you were insane.

Yet here we are.
This is so sad and scary. I hope this follows the rule,s but if not then you can transfer it into the badlands. But I just wanted people to consider the reality of what Trump is and this summarises it nicely. He is not a good person and not good for our countries future. :( Please for the love of god choose someone besides this criminal that has no respect for this country.

Let's take a step back and really get a good look at the rabbit hole the GOP have thrown themselves down​

This is so sad and scary. I hope this follows the rule,s but if not then you can transfer it into the badlands. But I just wanted people to consider the reality of what Trump is and this summarises it nicely. He is not a good person and not good for our countries future. :( Please for the love of god choose someone besides this criminal that has no respect for this country.




This is the hole you trannies have dug for yourself
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Let's take a step back and really get a good look at the rabbit hole the GOP have thrown themselves down​

This is so sad and scary. I hope this follows the rule,s but if not then you can transfer it into the badlands. But I just wanted people to consider the reality of what Trump is and this summarises it nicely. He is not a good person and not good for our countries future. :( Please for the love of god choose someone besides this criminal that has no respect for this country.
Are you related to Stormy Daniels?

Let's take a step back and really get a good look at the rabbit hole the GOP have thrown themselves down​

This is so sad and scary. I hope this follows the rule,s but if not then you can transfer it into the badlands. But I just wanted people to consider the reality of what Trump is and this summarises it nicely. He is not a good person and not good for our countries future. :( Please for the love of god choose someone besides this criminal that has no respect for this country.
How about you first rid the nation of the senile child groper that is currently masquerading as "president"?

Let's take a step back and really get a good look at the rabbit hole the GOP have thrown themselves down​

This is so sad and scary. I hope this follows the rule,s but if not then you can transfer it into the badlands. But I just wanted people to consider the reality of what Trump is and this summarises it nicely. He is not a good person and not good for our countries future. :( Please for the love of god choose someone besides this criminal that has no respect for this country.
This was totally the work of Dim criminals. It says far more about them than Trump.
Considering what one of yours just did to children in a religious school, the evil and satanic hate is all on YOUR side.
Considering that 99% of us would never ever do such a thing to anyone and the same could be said about any group of people. How is this fair to broad brush us?

Let's take a step back and really get a good look at the rabbit hole the GOP have thrown themselves down​

This is so sad and scary. I hope this follows the rule,s but if not then you can transfer it into the badlands. But I just wanted people to consider the reality of what Trump is and this summarises it nicely. He is not a good person and not good for our countries future. :( Please for the love of god choose someone besides this criminal that has no respect for this country.

Your president, who took showers with his underage daughter, just nodded his approval to trans killing christians.
Considering that 99% of us would never ever do such a thing to anyone and the same could be said about any group of people. How is this fair to broad brush us?
Well, the next time a pro-gun advocate uses that your argument, then you have no room to squawk. When a lunatic uses a gun in a criminal manner ... don't blame the NRA or the responsible gun owners of the world -- because "99%" of us would never commit a mass murder.
Considering that 99% of us would never ever do such a thing to anyone and the same could be said about any group of people. How is this fair to broad brush us?
Like you leftist broad brush Christians, white people, Republicans, trump supporters

Boo fucking hoo

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