So much for the Salvation Army - another victory for cultural Marxism

I can't afford a lot but I usually drop 20 to 25 bucks in their donation things at stores during the holidays.

Never again after this. I refuse to support anyone who uses racism as a tool.

Fuck the salvation army for calling me racist just for being white and fuck them for even hinting at we owe blacks anything.

The salvation army can go bankrupt for all I care and not be able to afford to run their racist and pandering orginzation. Fuck them.

Donors withdraw support after US Salvation Army embraces ‘woke ideology’​

Sky News host Rita Panahi says some long-time donors are withdrawing their support from the Salvation Army in the United States because it has embraced “woke ideology”.
“They essentially want to you to hand over your money and also apologise for your white privilege,” she said.
"This is just bizarre stuff for a group that relies on the generosity of its donors.”

My comment: Go Woke Go Broke. They went woke and now they will go broke. How sad, There are plenty of other ways to give and to help.


Every orginzation should be called out for being racist, woke or whatever and support for them stopped.

I used to throw some money here and there in their buckets during the holidays but I won't as long as they do this stupid shit. They won't get a penny from me this year and next year.
Tell them to not be in front of the stores. Its bad enough the stores go begging for donations when paying for food.
My two companies have been regular donors locally.

I'm going to have some folks look into this on Monday. I've no interest in giving money to anyone who would promote that kind of hatred...
They want people to apologize for their racism? Good luck with that.

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