So How Did Repubs Lose A House Race In A District They Gerrymandered To Be Democrat-Proof???

It's hilarious and quite surprising. Repugs have cheated in Pennsylvania by using gerrymandering for years, which is why the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled recently that the House districts in the state must be redrawn. However, Repugs STILL lost district PA-18 to Democrat Conor Lamb, despite it being one of the reddest districts in the state. Trump won this district by 20% in 2016.

Repugs have got to be very nervous about the 2018 election. Even "safe" red districts could be up for grabs. They better get Putin on the phone quickly and get more help.

You are aware that there are 70,000 more registered Democrats in that district, aren't you? What you should be asking is how did the Democrat only get 627 more votes???? Oh, and the Democrat ran in a way that agreed with Trump on most issues and never attacked Trump.

It’s official: Democrat Conor Lamb wins Pennsylvania special election in major upset

Then why did Trump win it by 20% if it's such a liberal district. This district was gerrymandered to be Democrat-proof.

Lamb doesn't agree with Trump on ANY issues. This is just wishful thinking by your stupid goober ass. Repugs spent a ton of money in the district comparing Lamb to Nancy Pelosi. You're full of shit.
Because the Dem candidate ran away from Nancy Pelosi and the Dem platform on many issues. Because the Dem candidate said several nice things about Trump and proclaimed he supported gun rights. That's how.

Keep telling yourself that, goober. You'll have to come up with a bunch of new bullshit Repug rationalizations in Nov 2018.
Yep, voters are stupid...and you're one of them.

Forget Trump, I don't know how there are any Repugs left after 8 years of Bush. 2 disastrous wars, a total crap economy for 8 years, massive government debt due to massive, pointless tax cuts for the rich, Hurricane Katrina, destruction of the EPA, a disastrous financial collapse in 2008....why would anyone in there right mind STILL be a Repug after all of that??

Because we seen the tragedy of a Democrat run government, that's how.

Our economy was fantastic for most of the Bush's years. In fact, our economy was so great it sparked a worldwide economic growth. Pretty amazing stunt given we suffered our worst domestic attack in history.

What happened is that Bush didn't do enough to stop Clinton's housing scam. People were buying houses for 0% down and no credit checks to increase minority home ownership. Bush's problem is that he wanted to take credit for that accomplishment even though it was Clinton that started it. He ended up with a mess. He should have stuck to conservative values and stopped the tragedy before it showed signs of rearing it's ugly head.

If not for the housing collapse, we would have enjoyed a great economy right into the McCain years.

And then you Repugs cry because Obama didn't clean up Bush's fuck-ups quickly enough.

Who cried for that?

You simply do not have good political judgement because you don't read and you aren't very knowledgeable or smart. Hence, your opinions simply do not matter.

I guess you're not familiar with the phrase People In Glass Houses.................
Because the Dem candidate ran away from Nancy Pelosi and the Dem platform on many issues. Because the Dem candidate said several nice things about Trump and proclaimed he supported gun rights. That's how.

So I guess you're saying the millions of dollars that the Repug Party spent trying to link Lamb to Nancy Pelosi was totally ineffective and simply did not matter.

Wow, the Repug Party really sucks! Glad I ain't a member. Trump is so horrible that Repugs can't even win districts that they create in order to cheat.
Oh please. You only wish this had anything to do with Trump. And wouldn't the answer to your question be that gerrymandering isn't why you people lose elections?

The Republicans barely lost to a DINO. If he ran on the Republican ticket, he would have been considered your standard Republican.

Keep projecting. It's what you did before you lost Congress, the Senate, the White House, and most of the governorships across the country. In spite of all the MSM brainwashing, our country has never been better. Lower taxes, most wage earners bringing home more in their paychecks, unemployment at the lowest levels in almost a half-century, Raises and bonuses being handed out, consumer and corporate confidence at record levels, NK begging for relief and ISIS out of Iraq that DumBama Fd up. WTF would people have to vote against when it comes to Republicans?

Republicans spent $10 million saying that Lamb was a Pelosi liberal. Now that he won, they say he is a Republican. He is not pro-life. He opposed the tax cuts for the rich. He supports fixing Obamacare and lays blame for the skyrocketing health insurance costs. A standard Republican? You are the one spinning.

If things are so great then Trump's approval should be at least 50% not around 40%. Voters say Trump is dishonest, untrustworthy, sexist and racist. They oppose his handling of nearly every major issue and even on the economy his positives are only 2 or 3 points above his negatives.

And there is a reason for that:

Opinion | Study: 91 percent of recent network Trump coverage has been negative

The problem in this country is brainwashing. The second problem is the people that do the brainwashing are an extension of the Democrat party.

If Hil-Liar were President today and had half of Trump's accomplishments, her approval rating would be in the 80's at least.

As long as we allow the MSM to control our minds, we will surly be a communist country in the next 30 years.

Oh why don't you shut up. You can't stand the fact that voters see Trump for what he truly is. The fact is that Trump does more damage with his tweets than the MSM. You can brainwash yourself into believing that pile of excrement but voters are not as stupid as you think they are.

Yes, many voters are exactly that--stupid.

"Oh, but I don't like Trump's tweets!" WTF would anybody be stupid enough to vote against a guy because of his tweets?

Let me ask, if you had 100K to invest in the market today, would you choose to invest in a company based on the owners Tweets or how successful he's running the business? This is the exact same thing. Trump is doing a fantastic job with the country, but because some don't like his demeanor, they are going to vote against his great accomplishments.

Don't tell me voters aren't stupid.

I am telling you that. You have a ready excuse for everything. Nothing is Trump's fault. If anyone is stupid, it is Trump voters. The Presidency is far different than being a business owner. The President can launch nuclear missiles, a business owner cannot. Putin doesn't care about what a business owner says, he cares about what the President says. Reagan defeated the Soviet Union, a business owner cannot. Trump is not doing a fantastic job and there are no great accomplishments.

Trump has many great accomplishments. Would you like me to list them?

And what "excuse" are you talking about? What is Trump's fault that we are making excuses for?

And I see you failed to answer my question; I can't blame you. But one more time: If you had 100K to invest, would you invest in a company where the owner makes outrageous tweets, but is making outstanding profits, or would you invest in a company that's doing crappy but the owner is politically correct?
Yep, voters are stupid...and you're one of them.

Forget Trump, I don't know how there are any Repugs left after 8 years of Bush. 2 disastrous wars, a total crap economy for 8 years, massive government debt due to massive, pointless tax cuts for the rich, Hurricane Katrina, destruction of the EPA, a disastrous financial collapse in 2008....why would anyone in there right mind STILL be a Repug after all of that??

Because we seen the tragedy of a Democrat run government, that's how.

Our economy was fantastic for most of the Bush's years. In fact, our economy was so great it sparked a worldwide economic growth. Pretty amazing stunt given we suffered our worst domestic attack in history.

What happened is that Bush didn't do enough to stop Clinton's housing scam. People were buying houses for 0% down and no credit checks to increase minority home ownership. Bush's problem is that he wanted to take credit for that accomplishment even though it was Clinton that started it. He ended up with a mess. He should have stuck to conservative values and stopped the tragedy before it showed signs of rearing it's ugly head.

If not for the housing collapse, we would have enjoyed a great economy right into the McCain years.

And then you Repugs cry because Obama didn't clean up Bush's fuck-ups quickly enough.

Who cried for that?

You simply do not have good political judgement because you don't read and you aren't very knowledgeable or smart. Hence, your opinions simply do not matter.

I guess you're not familiar with the phrase People In Glass Houses.................

Yeah, what "tragedy" is that, dumb ass? Please don't try to tell me the Bush economy was better than the Clinton economy. Not even you are that stupid....well, I take that back. You are that fucking stupid and dishonest.

You want to try to argue only about the economy, because Bush was such a disaster regarding all of my other points that you can't even attempt to defend him. Well, and you don't know fucking anything. That's it, too.
Republicans spent $10 million saying that Lamb was a Pelosi liberal. Now that he won, they say he is a Republican. He is not pro-life. He opposed the tax cuts for the rich. He supports fixing Obamacare and lays blame for the skyrocketing health insurance costs. A standard Republican? You are the one spinning.

If things are so great then Trump's approval should be at least 50% not around 40%. Voters say Trump is dishonest, untrustworthy, sexist and racist. They oppose his handling of nearly every major issue and even on the economy his positives are only 2 or 3 points above his negatives.

And there is a reason for that:

Opinion | Study: 91 percent of recent network Trump coverage has been negative

The problem in this country is brainwashing. The second problem is the people that do the brainwashing are an extension of the Democrat party.

If Hil-Liar were President today and had half of Trump's accomplishments, her approval rating would be in the 80's at least.

As long as we allow the MSM to control our minds, we will surly be a communist country in the next 30 years.

Oh why don't you shut up. You can't stand the fact that voters see Trump for what he truly is. The fact is that Trump does more damage with his tweets than the MSM. You can brainwash yourself into believing that pile of excrement but voters are not as stupid as you think they are.

Yes, many voters are exactly that--stupid.

"Oh, but I don't like Trump's tweets!" WTF would anybody be stupid enough to vote against a guy because of his tweets?

Let me ask, if you had 100K to invest in the market today, would you choose to invest in a company based on the owners Tweets or how successful he's running the business? This is the exact same thing. Trump is doing a fantastic job with the country, but because some don't like his demeanor, they are going to vote against his great accomplishments.

Don't tell me voters aren't stupid.

I am telling you that. You have a ready excuse for everything. Nothing is Trump's fault. If anyone is stupid, it is Trump voters. The Presidency is far different than being a business owner. The President can launch nuclear missiles, a business owner cannot. Putin doesn't care about what a business owner says, he cares about what the President says. Reagan defeated the Soviet Union, a business owner cannot. Trump is not doing a fantastic job and there are no great accomplishments.

Trump has many great accomplishments. Would you like me to list them?

And what "excuse" are you talking about? What is Trump's fault that we are making excuses for?

And I see you failed to answer my question; I can't blame you. But one more time: If you had 100K to invest, would you invest in a company where the owner makes outrageous tweets, but is making outstanding profits, or would you invest in a company that's doing crappy but the owner is politically correct?

Like I told you before....Trump is a total embarrassment to all thinking Americans. It's not that liberals dislike him, he simply cannot be taken seriously. Trump is the alcoholic uncle who shows up at parties and embarrasses the fuck out of everyone.

Since you are an unsophisticated Repug goober who is not embarrassed by him, you simply cannot be taken seriously. So you may kindly fuck off now.
Yep, voters are stupid...and you're one of them.

Forget Trump, I don't know how there are any Repugs left after 8 years of Bush. 2 disastrous wars, a total crap economy for 8 years, massive government debt due to massive, pointless tax cuts for the rich, Hurricane Katrina, destruction of the EPA, a disastrous financial collapse in 2008....why would anyone in there right mind STILL be a Repug after all of that??

Because we seen the tragedy of a Democrat run government, that's how.

Our economy was fantastic for most of the Bush's years. In fact, our economy was so great it sparked a worldwide economic growth. Pretty amazing stunt given we suffered our worst domestic attack in history.

What happened is that Bush didn't do enough to stop Clinton's housing scam. People were buying houses for 0% down and no credit checks to increase minority home ownership. Bush's problem is that he wanted to take credit for that accomplishment even though it was Clinton that started it. He ended up with a mess. He should have stuck to conservative values and stopped the tragedy before it showed signs of rearing it's ugly head.

If not for the housing collapse, we would have enjoyed a great economy right into the McCain years.

And then you Repugs cry because Obama didn't clean up Bush's fuck-ups quickly enough.

Who cried for that?

You simply do not have good political judgement because you don't read and you aren't very knowledgeable or smart. Hence, your opinions simply do not matter.

I guess you're not familiar with the phrase People In Glass Houses.................

Yeah, what "tragedy" is that, dumb ass? Please don't try to tell me the Bush economy was better than the Clinton economy. Not even you are that stupid....well, I take that back. You are that fucking stupid and dishonest.

You want to try to argue only about the economy, because Bush was such a disaster regarding all of my other points that you can't even attempt to defend him. Well, and you don't know fucking anything. That's it, too.

When did I compare Bush's economy to Clinton's? Nobody could beat Clinton's because he fell into the tech era. However considering the environment, Bush did a fantastic job with the economy using tax breaks for businesses.

Spending? DumBama spent twice as much as Bush. As for the EPA, it was the Bush administration that gave tax cuts to oil companies that invested in alternative energy. Bush is the reason you can't buy a normal light bulb today; he outlawed the sale of them. Under Bush, the transportation industry got hit with huge losses because of new EPA requirements on all trucks manufactured during his second term. Anything else you'd like to discuss about the EPA?
And there is a reason for that:

Opinion | Study: 91 percent of recent network Trump coverage has been negative

The problem in this country is brainwashing. The second problem is the people that do the brainwashing are an extension of the Democrat party.

If Hil-Liar were President today and had half of Trump's accomplishments, her approval rating would be in the 80's at least.

As long as we allow the MSM to control our minds, we will surly be a communist country in the next 30 years.

Oh why don't you shut up. You can't stand the fact that voters see Trump for what he truly is. The fact is that Trump does more damage with his tweets than the MSM. You can brainwash yourself into believing that pile of excrement but voters are not as stupid as you think they are.

Yes, many voters are exactly that--stupid.

"Oh, but I don't like Trump's tweets!" WTF would anybody be stupid enough to vote against a guy because of his tweets?

Let me ask, if you had 100K to invest in the market today, would you choose to invest in a company based on the owners Tweets or how successful he's running the business? This is the exact same thing. Trump is doing a fantastic job with the country, but because some don't like his demeanor, they are going to vote against his great accomplishments.

Don't tell me voters aren't stupid.

I am telling you that. You have a ready excuse for everything. Nothing is Trump's fault. If anyone is stupid, it is Trump voters. The Presidency is far different than being a business owner. The President can launch nuclear missiles, a business owner cannot. Putin doesn't care about what a business owner says, he cares about what the President says. Reagan defeated the Soviet Union, a business owner cannot. Trump is not doing a fantastic job and there are no great accomplishments.

Trump has many great accomplishments. Would you like me to list them?

And what "excuse" are you talking about? What is Trump's fault that we are making excuses for?

And I see you failed to answer my question; I can't blame you. But one more time: If you had 100K to invest, would you invest in a company where the owner makes outrageous tweets, but is making outstanding profits, or would you invest in a company that's doing crappy but the owner is politically correct?

Like I told you before....Trump is a total embarrassment to all thinking Americans. It's not that liberals dislike him, he simply cannot be taken seriously. Trump is the alcoholic uncle who shows up at parties and embarrasses the fuck out of everyone.

Since you are an unsophisticated Repug goober who is not embarrassed by him, you simply cannot be taken seriously. So you may kindly fuck off now.

I'll take that as a compliment coming from a troll lie you.

Trump never touched a drop of alcohol in his life. No recreational drugs either unlike your big-eared idiot who admitted using the hard stuff. And he inhaled as well. :21:
Yep, voters are stupid...and you're one of them.

Forget Trump, I don't know how there are any Repugs left after 8 years of Bush. 2 disastrous wars, a total crap economy for 8 years, massive government debt due to massive, pointless tax cuts for the rich, Hurricane Katrina, destruction of the EPA, a disastrous financial collapse in 2008....why would anyone in there right mind STILL be a Repug after all of that??

Because we seen the tragedy of a Democrat run government, that's how.

Our economy was fantastic for most of the Bush's years. In fact, our economy was so great it sparked a worldwide economic growth. Pretty amazing stunt given we suffered our worst domestic attack in history.

What happened is that Bush didn't do enough to stop Clinton's housing scam. People were buying houses for 0% down and no credit checks to increase minority home ownership. Bush's problem is that he wanted to take credit for that accomplishment even though it was Clinton that started it. He ended up with a mess. He should have stuck to conservative values and stopped the tragedy before it showed signs of rearing it's ugly head.

If not for the housing collapse, we would have enjoyed a great economy right into the McCain years.

And then you Repugs cry because Obama didn't clean up Bush's fuck-ups quickly enough.

Who cried for that?

You simply do not have good political judgement because you don't read and you aren't very knowledgeable or smart. Hence, your opinions simply do not matter.

I guess you're not familiar with the phrase People In Glass Houses.................

Yeah, what "tragedy" is that, dumb ass? Please don't try to tell me the Bush economy was better than the Clinton economy. Not even you are that stupid....well, I take that back. You are that fucking stupid and dishonest.

You want to try to argue only about the economy, because Bush was such a disaster regarding all of my other points that you can't even attempt to defend him. Well, and you don't know fucking anything. That's it, too.

When did I compare Bush's economy to Clinton's? Nobody could beat Clinton's because he fell into the tech era. However considering the environment, Bush did a fantastic job with the economy using tax breaks for businesses.

Spending? DumBama spent twice as much as Bush. As for the EPA, it was the Bush administration that gave tax cuts to oil companies that invested in alternative energy. Bush is the reason you can't buy a normal light bulb today; he outlawed the sale of them. Under Bush, the transportation industry got hit with huge losses because of new EPA requirements on all trucks manufactured during his second term. Anything else you'd like to discuss about the EPA?

Just read Crimes Against Nature by Robert Kennedy Jr, you unsophisticated Repug lump of shit. Bush was the worst President this country ever had when it came to the environment (until Trump, anyway). You choose to be a Repug after 8 years of the Bush disaster. You choose to take Trump seriously even though any decent American is completely embarrassed and ashamed of him. Therefore, you're an unsophisticated, morally vacant Repug who simply cannot be taken seriously.

I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but that's the truth. Well, yeah...I do mean to hurt your feelings. Dumb ass goober.
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It's hilarious and quite surprising. Repugs have cheated in Pennsylvania by using gerrymandering for years, which is why the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled recently that the House districts in the state must be redrawn. However, Repugs STILL lost district PA-18 to Democrat Conor Lamb, despite it being one of the reddest districts in the state. Trump won this district by 20% in 2016.

Repugs have got to be very nervous about the 2018 election. Even "safe" red districts could be up for grabs. They better get Putin on the phone quickly and get more help.

You are aware that there are 70,000 more registered Democrats in that district, aren't you? What you should be asking is how did the Democrat only get 627 more votes???? Oh, and the Democrat ran in a way that agreed with Trump on most issues and never attacked Trump.

It’s official: Democrat Conor Lamb wins Pennsylvania special election in major upset

It is a area that Trump won by 20 points. He disagreed with Trump on tax cuts for the rich, Obamacare and abortion. Again you are trying to spin.
Because the Dem candidate ran away from Nancy Pelosi and the Dem platform on many issues. Because the Dem candidate said several nice things about Trump and proclaimed he supported gun rights. That's how.

Are you Paul Ryan's sock puppet? He never said anything about Trump. He is not pro-life. He supports Obamacare and opposes tax cuts for the rich. Why don't you get a clue.
Republicans spent $10 million saying that Lamb was a Pelosi liberal. Now that he won, they say he is a Republican. He is not pro-life. He opposed the tax cuts for the rich. He supports fixing Obamacare and lays blame for the skyrocketing health insurance costs. A standard Republican? You are the one spinning.

If things are so great then Trump's approval should be at least 50% not around 40%. Voters say Trump is dishonest, untrustworthy, sexist and racist. They oppose his handling of nearly every major issue and even on the economy his positives are only 2 or 3 points above his negatives.

And there is a reason for that:

Opinion | Study: 91 percent of recent network Trump coverage has been negative

The problem in this country is brainwashing. The second problem is the people that do the brainwashing are an extension of the Democrat party.

If Hil-Liar were President today and had half of Trump's accomplishments, her approval rating would be in the 80's at least.

As long as we allow the MSM to control our minds, we will surly be a communist country in the next 30 years.

Oh why don't you shut up. You can't stand the fact that voters see Trump for what he truly is. The fact is that Trump does more damage with his tweets than the MSM. You can brainwash yourself into believing that pile of excrement but voters are not as stupid as you think they are.

Yes, many voters are exactly that--stupid.

"Oh, but I don't like Trump's tweets!" WTF would anybody be stupid enough to vote against a guy because of his tweets?

Let me ask, if you had 100K to invest in the market today, would you choose to invest in a company based on the owners Tweets or how successful he's running the business? This is the exact same thing. Trump is doing a fantastic job with the country, but because some don't like his demeanor, they are going to vote against his great accomplishments.

Don't tell me voters aren't stupid.

I am telling you that. You have a ready excuse for everything. Nothing is Trump's fault. If anyone is stupid, it is Trump voters. The Presidency is far different than being a business owner. The President can launch nuclear missiles, a business owner cannot. Putin doesn't care about what a business owner says, he cares about what the President says. Reagan defeated the Soviet Union, a business owner cannot. Trump is not doing a fantastic job and there are no great accomplishments.

Trump has many great accomplishments. Would you like me to list them?

And what "excuse" are you talking about? What is Trump's fault that we are making excuses for?

And I see you failed to answer my question; I can't blame you. But one more time: If you had 100K to invest, would you invest in a company where the owner makes outrageous tweets, but is making outstanding profits, or would you invest in a company that's doing crappy but the owner is politically correct?

Your question is inane. A President and a businessman are 2 different things. A President has to have discipline in their tweets because they can send a message to the bad guys. Trump's failure to call out Putin personally has consequences.
And there is a reason for that:

Opinion | Study: 91 percent of recent network Trump coverage has been negative

The problem in this country is brainwashing. The second problem is the people that do the brainwashing are an extension of the Democrat party.

If Hil-Liar were President today and had half of Trump's accomplishments, her approval rating would be in the 80's at least.

As long as we allow the MSM to control our minds, we will surly be a communist country in the next 30 years.

Oh why don't you shut up. You can't stand the fact that voters see Trump for what he truly is. The fact is that Trump does more damage with his tweets than the MSM. You can brainwash yourself into believing that pile of excrement but voters are not as stupid as you think they are.

Yes, many voters are exactly that--stupid.

"Oh, but I don't like Trump's tweets!" WTF would anybody be stupid enough to vote against a guy because of his tweets?

Let me ask, if you had 100K to invest in the market today, would you choose to invest in a company based on the owners Tweets or how successful he's running the business? This is the exact same thing. Trump is doing a fantastic job with the country, but because some don't like his demeanor, they are going to vote against his great accomplishments.

Don't tell me voters aren't stupid.

I am telling you that. You have a ready excuse for everything. Nothing is Trump's fault. If anyone is stupid, it is Trump voters. The Presidency is far different than being a business owner. The President can launch nuclear missiles, a business owner cannot. Putin doesn't care about what a business owner says, he cares about what the President says. Reagan defeated the Soviet Union, a business owner cannot. Trump is not doing a fantastic job and there are no great accomplishments.

Trump has many great accomplishments. Would you like me to list them?

And what "excuse" are you talking about? What is Trump's fault that we are making excuses for?

And I see you failed to answer my question; I can't blame you. But one more time: If you had 100K to invest, would you invest in a company where the owner makes outrageous tweets, but is making outstanding profits, or would you invest in a company that's doing crappy but the owner is politically correct?

Your question is inane. A President and a businessman are 2 different things. A President has to have discipline in their tweets because they can send a message to the bad guys. Trump's failure to call out Putin personally has consequences.

Well if you weren't watching MSM, you'd realize Trump just placed a bunch of sanctions on Russia. Iran was making nukes, and what did DumBama do? He gave them billions of dollars back and sign an agreement that they would slack off until his presidency was done. What did Ears do with NK? Think they just developed long range missiles when Trump took office?

As far as a presidency and business person, if businesses were run like government, all businesses would fail. If government were run like a business, we would have a more successful government, and that's what we have now. We have a businessman running the country like a business for a change.

Yes, Trump's Tweets are reaching the bad guys. His message is he's not taking any shit from anybody. That's why Kim Dung is asking for a meeting with this President. He knows he's messing with a very dangerous guy.
Oh please. You only wish this had anything to do with Trump. And wouldn't the answer to your question be that gerrymandering isn't why you people lose elections?

The Republicans barely lost to a DINO. If he ran on the Republican ticket, he would have been considered your standard Republican.

Keep projecting. It's what you did before you lost Congress, the Senate, the White House, and most of the governorships across the country. In spite of all the MSM brainwashing, our country has never been better. Lower taxes, most wage earners bringing home more in their paychecks, unemployment at the lowest levels in almost a half-century, Raises and bonuses being handed out, consumer and corporate confidence at record levels, NK begging for relief and ISIS out of Iraq that DumBama Fd up. WTF would people have to vote against when it comes to Republicans?

So you're denying that Repugs gerrymandered this district, goober? Even though the Pennsylvania Supreme Court said they did?

How did Repugs lose a district that they gerrymandered to GUARANTEE victory???

Lamb a "standard Republican". LOL, what an idiot.
Are you brain dead?

The Democrats ran a conservative, more so than the Republican, and outspent the republican significantly.

The then won a district that at the end of the year, won't exist anymore and the money they tossed at that race won't be available for other, real races for Congress.

So, who looks fucking stupid now?

You do, goober. Claiming Lamb is more conservative than that nut the Repugs ran is laughable, it just shows how stupid and dishonest your are.

You're trying to pretend that Repugs losing a Democrat-proof district that was gerrymandered beyond all recognition is not a bad sign for your worthless party. It's a very bad sign, but you're too stupid to understand that.
Repeating dishonest talking points won't make them true, no matter how often you want to type it.

A person who is as mentally challenged as yourself should never question others. It reflects badly on people who had a hand in educating you.

You losers could barely win with a conservative candidate and five times the money. You wasted it in a district that will be going away at the end of the year, so thank you for that. Your boi won't even get out of the primaries when next he runs.

Face it, your concepts and ideology is bankrupt and lacks any moral standing, and that is why you clowns have been regulated to nothing more than a 'regional' political party.
The democrat ran as a republican, the Republican was a bad, dopey candidate.....and if Trump was running he would have won by 20 points...but the republicans ran a dope....and he lost....

Trump is popular, the establishment republicans are not. And the democrat ran as a Trump supporter....
Well if you weren't watching MSM, you'd realize Trump just placed a bunch of sanctions on Russia. Iran was making nukes, and what did DumBama do? He gave them billions of dollars back and sign an agreement that they would slack off until his presidency was done. What did Ears do with NK? Think they just developed long range missiles when Trump took office?

North Korea and Iran aren't really threats to the US. Russia is. That's what makes Russia's interference in our election so noxious.

As far as a presidency and business person, if businesses were run like government, all businesses would fail. If government were run like a business, we would have a more successful government, and that's what we have now. We have a businessman running the country like a business for a change.

Again, says the guy who doesn't have health insurance because his boss doesn't consider him worth insuring. Battered housewife republicans, everyone. They deserve it when the One Percent beats them.

Yes, Trump's Tweets are reaching the bad guys. His message is he's not taking any shit from anybody. That's why Kim Dung is asking for a meeting with this President. He knows he's messing with a very dangerous guy.

Oh, I'll agree that Trump is dangerous. He's so dangerous the South Koreans are willing to give Kim Jong Um anything he wants so they don't get caught in the middle of a crossfire between him and Trump.

You do get that there's a reason why all of Trump's predecessors never gave the NK Dictator a personal meeting, right?
North Korea and Iran aren't really threats to the US. Russia is. That's what makes Russia's interference in our election so noxious.

Yes, they interfered with our elections when Ears was President. They weren't able to hack the RNC computers (they tried) but they were able to successfully hack the DNC's under DumBama.

Which country has made threats to the US the last five times threats were made?

Again, says the guy who doesn't have health insurance because his boss doesn't consider him worth insuring. Battered housewife republicans, everyone. They deserve it when the One Percent beats them.

What does this conversation have to do with the one percent or my insurance? Oh, that's right, you just woke up. Probably dreamt of my insurance all night as usual. Did you wake up screaming? Did the neighbors call the police again?

You know Joe, if they ever did make a law about mentally unstable people not being able to buy a gun, you wouldn't even be allowed to look at one yet alone buy it.

Oh, I'll agree that Trump is dangerous. He's so dangerous the South Koreans are willing to give Kim Jong Um anything he wants so they don't get caught in the middle of a crossfire between him and Trump.

You do get that there's a reason why all of Trump's predecessors never gave the NK Dictator a personal meeting, right?

Yes I do, because Trump is the only one they ever asked. The SK"s are doing whatever they can to avoid conflict with NK. It has nothing to do with the US. Yes, our enemies think Trump is a dangerous person, just like they thought Reagan was a dangerous person. That's a good thing.

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