So How Did Repubs Lose A House Race In A District They Gerrymandered To Be Democrat-Proof???

If the Dem ran as a Dem on Dem policies and positions on the issues and won THEN there might be a point to this election. The fact is the Dem ran as a Trump Republican so if the Dem ends up winning this race congrats you proved Trump Republicans are still popular.

Nope, not at all. Look at Lambs positions. He is quite the liberal Democrat.
If the Dem ran as a Dem on Dem policies and positions on the issues and won THEN there might be a point to this election. The fact is the Dem ran as a Trump Republican so if the Dem ends up winning this race congrats you proved Trump Republicans are still popular.

Nope, not at all. Look at Lambs positions. He is quite the liberal Democrat.

Please the guy ran on a bunch of Trump positions. :eusa_hand:
I noticed that these special elections are being created in key states so that Democrats can steal House and Senate seats. They're being spread out over several months so that the Dems can focus all of their energies in each race instead of having to blanket the country. This makes it easier for them to create votes out of thin-air. I noticed that every election seems to have an accusation of sexual impropriety involved. That's how this last seat came open

Tim Murphy admitted to having an affair. It didn’t help that the super pro-life Congressman was pressuring his mistress to get an abortion after a pregnancy scare. He’s a raging hypocrite and I am glad he’s gone.
Yes.....and thanks to Obama and the NSA they were able to target him and discover all of this.
Notice how this rarely becomes an issue with Democrats. Unless they're stupid enough to get their pictures taken doing it, like Al Franken, it never seems to bother anyone.....especially the media.

It wasn’t Obama or the NSA. It was the local media that started digging after the husband of his mistress suddenly filed for divorce. I am pretty sure she is the one that released the text messages to the press. Hell hath no fury...
Oh please. You only wish this had anything to do with Trump. And wouldn't the answer to your question be that gerrymandering isn't why you people lose elections?

The Republicans barely lost to a DINO. If he ran on the Republican ticket, he would have been considered your standard Republican.

Keep projecting. It's what you did before you lost Congress, the Senate, the White House, and most of the governorships across the country. In spite of all the MSM brainwashing, our country has never been better. Lower taxes, most wage earners bringing home more in their paychecks, unemployment at the lowest levels in almost a half-century, Raises and bonuses being handed out, consumer and corporate confidence at record levels, NK begging for relief and ISIS out of Iraq that DumBama Fd up. WTF would people have to vote against when it comes to Republicans?

Republicans spent $10 million saying that Lamb was a Pelosi liberal. Now that he won, they say he is a Republican. He is not pro-life. He opposed the tax cuts for the rich. He supports fixing Obamacare and lays blame for the skyrocketing health insurance costs. A standard Republican? You are the one spinning.

If things are so great then Trump's approval should be at least 50% not around 40%. Voters say Trump is dishonest, untrustworthy, sexist and racist. They oppose his handling of nearly every major issue and even on the economy his positives are only 2 or 3 points above his negatives.

And there is a reason for that:

Opinion | Study: 91 percent of recent network Trump coverage has been negative

The problem in this country is brainwashing. The second problem is the people that do the brainwashing are an extension of the Democrat party.

If Hil-Liar were President today and had half of Trump's accomplishments, her approval rating would be in the 80's at least.

As long as we allow the MSM to control our minds, we will surly be a communist country in the next 30 years.

Oh why don't you shut up. You can't stand the fact that voters see Trump for what he truly is. The fact is that Trump does more damage with his tweets than the MSM. You can brainwash yourself into believing that pile of excrement but voters are not as stupid as you think they are.

Yes, many voters are exactly that--stupid.

"Oh, but I don't like Trump's tweets!" WTF would anybody be stupid enough to vote against a guy because of his tweets?

Let me ask, if you had 100K to invest in the market today, would you choose to invest in a company based on the owners Tweets or how successful he's running the business? This is the exact same thing. Trump is doing a fantastic job with the country, but because some don't like his demeanor, they are going to vote against his great accomplishments.

Don't tell me voters aren't stupid.

I am telling you that. You have a ready excuse for everything. Nothing is Trump's fault. If anyone is stupid, it is Trump voters. The Presidency is far different than being a business owner. The President can launch nuclear missiles, a business owner cannot. Putin doesn't care about what a business owner says, he cares about what the President says. Reagan defeated the Soviet Union, a business owner cannot. Trump is not doing a fantastic job and there are no great accomplishments.
If the Dem ran as a Dem on Dem policies and positions on the issues and won THEN there might be a point to this election. The fact is the Dem ran as a Trump Republican so if the Dem ends up winning this race congrats you proved Trump Republicans are still popular.

Nope, not at all. Look at Lambs positions. He is quite the liberal Democrat.

Please the guy ran on a bunch of Trump positions. :eusa_hand:

He was against tax cuts for the rich. He ran against repealing Obamacare and blamed Republicans for skyrocketing health insurance rates. Trump has changed his positions so many times. What he is is not a far-right extremist. Republicans spent $10 million saying he was a Pelosi liberal. Now that he's won, he's one of us. You follow the meme like a little puppy dog.
Oh please. You only wish this had anything to do with Trump. And wouldn't the answer to your question be that gerrymandering isn't why you people lose elections?

The Republicans barely lost to a DINO. If he ran on the Republican ticket, he would have been considered your standard Republican.

Keep projecting. It's what you did before you lost Congress, the Senate, the White House, and most of the governorships across the country. In spite of all the MSM brainwashing, our country has never been better. Lower taxes, most wage earners bringing home more in their paychecks, unemployment at the lowest levels in almost a half-century, Raises and bonuses being handed out, consumer and corporate confidence at record levels, NK begging for relief and ISIS out of Iraq that DumBama Fd up. WTF would people have to vote against when it comes to Republicans?

So you're denying that Repugs gerrymandered this district, goober? Even though the Pennsylvania Supreme Court said they did?

How did Repugs lose a district that they gerrymandered to GUARANTEE victory???

Lamb a "standard Republican". LOL, what an idiot.
Are you brain dead?

The Democrats ran a conservative, more so than the Republican, and outspent the republican significantly.

The then won a district that at the end of the year, won't exist anymore and the money they tossed at that race won't be available for other, real races for Congress.

So, who looks fucking stupid now?

Lamb was heavily outspent by outside Republican groups. You are either a liar or just stupid.

Why did those outside Republican groups spend all that money for a district that won't be there? Why are the Republicans talking about a lawsuit?

I will tell you who looks stupid. You and the Republicans.
I noticed that these special elections are being created in key states so that Democrats can steal House and Senate seats. They're being spread out over several months so that the Dems can focus all of their energies in each race instead of having to blanket the country. This makes it easier for them to create votes out of thin-air. I noticed that every election seems to have an accusation of sexual impropriety involved. That's how this last seat came open

Tim Murphy admitted to having an affair. It didn’t help that the super pro-life Congressman was pressuring his mistress to get an abortion after a pregnancy scare. He’s a raging hypocrite and I am glad he’s gone.
Yes.....and thanks to Obama and the NSA they were able to target him and discover all of this.
Notice how this rarely becomes an issue with Democrats. Unless they're stupid enough to get their pictures taken doing it, like Al Franken, it never seems to bother anyone.....especially the media.

It wasn’t Obama or the NSA. It was the local media that started digging after the husband of his mistress suddenly filed for divorce. I am pretty sure she is the one that released the text messages to the press. Hell hath no fury...

That excuses it?
I noticed that these special elections are being created in key states so that Democrats can steal House and Senate seats. They're being spread out over several months so that the Dems can focus all of their energies in each race instead of having to blanket the country. This makes it easier for them to create votes out of thin-air. I noticed that every election seems to have an accusation of sexual impropriety involved. That's how this last seat came open

Tim Murphy admitted to having an affair. It didn’t help that the super pro-life Congressman was pressuring his mistress to get an abortion after a pregnancy scare. He’s a raging hypocrite and I am glad he’s gone.
Yes.....and thanks to Obama and the NSA they were able to target him and discover all of this.
Notice how this rarely becomes an issue with Democrats. Unless they're stupid enough to get their pictures taken doing it, like Al Franken, it never seems to bother anyone.....especially the media.

You blame Obama if you stub your toe don't you?
It's hilarious and quite surprising. Repugs have cheated in Pennsylvania by using gerrymandering for years, which is why the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled recently that the House districts in the state must be redrawn. However, Repugs STILL lost district PA-18 to Democrat Conor Lamb, despite it being one of the reddest districts in the state. Trump won this district by 20% in 2016.

Repugs have got to be very nervous about the 2018 election. Even "safe" red districts could be up for grabs. They better get Putin on the phone quickly and get more help.
well that is quite simple. the republican ran against a democrat a party that fixes elections. We know this.
Oh please. You only wish this had anything to do with Trump. And wouldn't the answer to your question be that gerrymandering isn't why you people lose elections?

The Republicans barely lost to a DINO. If he ran on the Republican ticket, he would have been considered your standard Republican.

Keep projecting. It's what you did before you lost Congress, the Senate, the White House, and most of the governorships across the country. In spite of all the MSM brainwashing, our country has never been better. Lower taxes, most wage earners bringing home more in their paychecks, unemployment at the lowest levels in almost a half-century, Raises and bonuses being handed out, consumer and corporate confidence at record levels, NK begging for relief and ISIS out of Iraq that DumBama Fd up. WTF would people have to vote against when it comes to Republicans?

Republicans spent $10 million saying that Lamb was a Pelosi liberal. Now that he won, they say he is a Republican. He is not pro-life. He opposed the tax cuts for the rich. He supports fixing Obamacare and lays blame for the skyrocketing health insurance costs. A standard Republican? You are the one spinning.

If things are so great then Trump's approval should be at least 50% not around 40%. Voters say Trump is dishonest, untrustworthy, sexist and racist. They oppose his handling of nearly every major issue and even on the economy his positives are only 2 or 3 points above his negatives.

And there is a reason for that:

Opinion | Study: 91 percent of recent network Trump coverage has been negative

The problem in this country is brainwashing. The second problem is the people that do the brainwashing are an extension of the Democrat party.

If Hil-Liar were President today and had half of Trump's accomplishments, her approval rating would be in the 80's at least.

As long as we allow the MSM to control our minds, we will surly be a communist country in the next 30 years.

Oh why don't you shut up. You can't stand the fact that voters see Trump for what he truly is. The fact is that Trump does more damage with his tweets than the MSM. You can brainwash yourself into believing that pile of excrement but voters are not as stupid as you think they are.

Yes, many voters are exactly that--stupid.

"Oh, but I don't like Trump's tweets!" WTF would anybody be stupid enough to vote against a guy because of his tweets?

Let me ask, if you had 100K to invest in the market today, would you choose to invest in a company based on the owners Tweets or how successful he's running the business? This is the exact same thing. Trump is doing a fantastic job with the country, but because some don't like his demeanor, they are going to vote against his great accomplishments.

Don't tell me voters aren't stupid.

Yep, voters are stupid...and you're one of them.

Forget Trump, I don't know how there are any Repugs left after 8 years of Bush. 2 disastrous wars, a total crap economy for 8 years, massive government debt due to massive, pointless tax cuts for the rich, Hurricane Katrina, destruction of the EPA, a disastrous financial collapse in 2008....why would anyone in there right mind STILL be a Repug after all of that??

And then you Repugs cry because Obama didn't clean up Bush's fuck-ups quickly enough.

You simply do not have good political judgement because you don't read and you aren't very knowledgeable or smart. Hence, your opinions simply do not matter.
It's hilarious and quite surprising. Repugs have cheated in Pennsylvania by using gerrymandering for years, which is why the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled recently that the House districts in the state must be redrawn. However, Repugs STILL lost district PA-18 to Democrat Conor Lamb, despite it being one of the reddest districts in the state. Trump won this district by 20% in 2016.

Repugs have got to be very nervous about the 2018 election. Even "safe" red districts could be up for grabs. They better get Putin on the phone quickly and get more help.

You are aware that there are 70,000 more registered Democrats in that district, aren't you? What you should be asking is how did the Democrat only get 627 more votes???? Oh, and the Democrat ran in a way that agreed with Trump on most issues and never attacked Trump.

It’s official: Democrat Conor Lamb wins Pennsylvania special election in major upset
It's hilarious and quite surprising. Repugs have cheated in Pennsylvania by using gerrymandering for years, which is why the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled recently that the House districts in the state must be redrawn. However, Repugs STILL lost district PA-18 to Democrat Conor Lamb, despite it being one of the reddest districts in the state. Trump won this district by 20% in 2016.

Repugs have got to be very nervous about the 2018 election. Even "safe" red districts could be up for grabs. They better get Putin on the phone quickly and get more help.

There are about 40,000 more registered dems than republicans in PA 18 and Trump won the district by 19 points. They just aren't hard leftist dems there, that why the district dems had picked a candidate and didn't have a primary. So other than being totally wrong, you might have a point.


According to, there are 70,000 more registered Democrats than Republicans. It’s official: Democrat Conor Lamb wins Pennsylvania special election in major upset
Because the Dem candidate ran away from Nancy Pelosi and the Dem platform on many issues. Because the Dem candidate said several nice things about Trump and proclaimed he supported gun rights. That's how.
Oh please. You only wish this had anything to do with Trump. And wouldn't the answer to your question be that gerrymandering isn't why you people lose elections?

The Republicans barely lost to a DINO. If he ran on the Republican ticket, he would have been considered your standard Republican.

Keep projecting. It's what you did before you lost Congress, the Senate, the White House, and most of the governorships across the country. In spite of all the MSM brainwashing, our country has never been better. Lower taxes, most wage earners bringing home more in their paychecks, unemployment at the lowest levels in almost a half-century, Raises and bonuses being handed out, consumer and corporate confidence at record levels, NK begging for relief and ISIS out of Iraq that DumBama Fd up. WTF would people have to vote against when it comes to Republicans?

So you're denying that Repugs gerrymandered this district, goober? Even though the Pennsylvania Supreme Court said they did?

How did Repugs lose a district that they gerrymandered to GUARANTEE victory???

Lamb a "standard Republican". LOL, what an idiot.
Are you brain dead?

The Democrats ran a conservative, more so than the Republican, and outspent the republican significantly.

The then won a district that at the end of the year, won't exist anymore and the money they tossed at that race won't be available for other, real races for Congress.

So, who looks fucking stupid now?

You do, goober. Claiming Lamb is more conservative than that nut the Repugs ran is laughable, it just shows how stupid and dishonest your are.

You're trying to pretend that Repugs losing a Democrat-proof district that was gerrymandered beyond all recognition is not a bad sign for your worthless party. It's a very bad sign, but you're too stupid to understand that.
It's hilarious and quite surprising. Repugs have cheated in Pennsylvania by using gerrymandering for years, which is why the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled recently that the House districts in the state must be redrawn. However, Repugs STILL lost district PA-18 to Democrat Conor Lamb, despite it being one of the reddest districts in the state. Trump won this district by 20% in 2016.

Repugs have got to be very nervous about the 2018 election. Even "safe" red districts could be up for grabs. They better get Putin on the phone quickly and get more help.

By nominating a poor candidate. Of course dem districts are far more bullet proof than a number of GOP districts, just look at some of democrat morons in Congress.
If this were a one-off, the Republicans might have a point. But this is just the latest in a long line of losses.

Some are sounding the alarm, but the rest are pretending everything is fine.

Aren't you ignoring the long line of wins? Rep's won 4 in a row after Trump won and hell Dem's threw $50 million at one house race and still lost. Don't take a simpleton view on these elections.

First off this latest so called win, the margin was .002% and that's IF the count holds up. And the Dem opponent, yeah LIED has damn ass off pretending to be a Republican so the choice was a republican or another guy who also claimed to be a republican. We all know once the Dem gets to the House he will be forced to vote as Pelosi tells him to vote.

They were all Repug districts, dumb ass. The Repugs were supposed to win, but barely did. That is an alarming trend for the Repug Party.

Just like if a Democrat barely won a district in Los Angeles by 3 points. That would be alarming for Democrats. Do you simply not understand that basic concept, you unsophisticated goober?
It's hilarious and quite surprising. Repugs have cheated in Pennsylvania by using gerrymandering for years, which is why the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled recently that the House districts in the state must be redrawn. However, Repugs STILL lost district PA-18 to Democrat Conor Lamb, despite it being one of the reddest districts in the state. Trump won this district by 20% in 2016.

Repugs have got to be very nervous about the 2018 election. Even "safe" red districts could be up for grabs. They better get Putin on the phone quickly and get more help.

By nominating a poor candidate. Of course dem districts are far more bullet proof than a number of GOP districts, just look at some of democrat morons in Congress.

Wrong again, dumb ass. The Repug gerrymandering in Pennsylvania is as egregious as it gets, which is why the Penn Supreme Court is forcing the state to redraw their districts.
If the Dem ran as a Dem on Dem policies and positions on the issues and won THEN there might be a point to this election. The fact is the Dem ran as a Trump Republican so if the Dem ends up winning this race congrats you proved Trump Republicans are still popular.

Keep telling yourself that, Repug goober. Whatever helps you sleep better at night.
If the Dem ran as a Dem on Dem policies and positions on the issues and won THEN there might be a point to this election. The fact is the Dem ran as a Trump Republican so if the Dem ends up winning this race congrats you proved Trump Republicans are still popular.

Nope, not at all. Look at Lambs positions. He is quite the liberal Democrat.

Please the guy ran on a bunch of Trump positions. :eusa_hand:

Please, dumb ass. Repugs spent a bunch of money trying to characterize Lamb as a Pelosi liberal. You're full of shit. No surprise there. You are a Repug, after all.

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