How did a civilized nation ever allow someone like Jim Jordan to ever even be considered for Speaker of the House?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Serious question: Are we not a civilized nation? There surely must be some honorable Republicans in the House, so why don't they stand up? Is is fear or cowardice of being primaried? Regardless, there is no excuse for allowing someone like Jim Jordan to even be considered for Speaker of the House! I know that Jordan was duly elected by his extremely gerrymandered state, but that's no excuse for giving him even more power. What do you think?

Jordan was obviously already highly incompetent when he was at Ohio State.
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Serious question: Are we not a civilized nation? There surely must be some honorable Republicans in the House, so why don't they stand up? Is is fear or cowardice of being primaried? Regardless, there is no excuse for allowing someone like Jim Jordan to even be considered for Speaker of the House! I know that Jordan was duly elected by his extremely gerrymandered state, but that's no excuse for giving him even more power. What do you think?
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Republicans are light weights compared to the corrupted Progs. Perhaps a collapse of this government and a rise of a 2nd Republic can happen. With most authoritarians from politics, law enforcement, judicial, security, spies, and anything else related removed from power and new people put in.

Jim Jordan’s allies tried strong-arming his GOP critics. It backfired.​

“The one thing that will never work with me — if you try to pressure me, if you try to threaten me, then I shut off,” GOP Rep. Mario Díaz-Balart said.

Jim Jordan’s allies attempted to badger House Republicans into making him speaker. Those tactics backfired on Tuesday, and could soon doom his speakership push outright.

The Ohio Republican’s most vocal GOP defectors during Tuesday’s failed speaker vote said they were pressured to back Jordan by party bosses back home and national conservatives with big megaphones. Most of those skeptics viewed it as a coordinated push with a threatening theme: Vote for Jordan — or else.

The arm-twisting campaign, which in many cases included veiled threats of primary challenges, was meant to help rally support behind Jordan’s candidacy. Instead, it has put the Judiciary chair’s bid on life support and threatened to plunge House Republicans deeper into turmoil with no clear way out.

Serious question: Are we not a civilized nation? There surely must be some honorable Republicans in the House, so why don't they stand up? Is is fear or cowardice of being primaried? Regardless, there is no excuse for allowing someone like Jim Jordan to even be considered for Speaker of the House! I know that Jordan was duly elected by his extremely gerrymandered state, but that's no excuse for giving him even more power. What do you think?

Serious question: Are we not a civilized nation? There surely must be some honorable Republicans in the House, so why don't they stand up? Is is fear or cowardice of being primaried? Regardless, there is no excuse for allowing someone like Jim Jordan to even be considered for Speaker of the House! I know that Jordan was duly elected by his extremely gerrymandered state, but that's no excuse for giving him even more power. What do you think?
Its the inevitable result of gerrymandering.
Serious question: Are we not a civilized nation? There surely must be some honorable Republicans in the House, so why don't they stand up? Is is fear or cowardice of being primaried? Regardless, there is no excuse for allowing someone like Jim Jordan to even be considered for Speaker of the House! I know that Jordan was duly elected by his extremely gerrymandered state, but that's no excuse for giving him even more power. What do you think?

Serious question: Are we not a civilized nation? There surely must be some honorable Republicans in the House, so why don't they stand up? Is is fear or cowardice of being primaried? Regardless, there is no excuse for allowing someone like Jim Jordan to even be considered for Speaker of the House! I know that Jordan was duly elected by his extremely gerrymandered state, but that's no excuse for giving him even more power. What do you think?

The same way nazi palousey could, he was nominated.

Serious question: Are we not a civilized nation? There surely must be some honorable Republicans in the House, so why don't they stand up? Is is fear or cowardice of being primaried? Regardless, there is no excuse for allowing someone like Jim Jordan to even be considered for Speaker of the House! I know that Jordan was duly elected by his extremely gerrymandered state, but that's no excuse for giving him even more power. What do you think?
Poor criticism, void of any substance. While I support your right to your opinion, I certainly can't agree with your baseless complaint. My opinion is that Jordan is the hardest working guy in the house, a great leader, he was great at everything he ever did and he will be a terrific speaker. MAGA
Serious question: Are we not a civilized nation?
There is the rub .
Not that long ago that question would have been almost universally seen as a silly and stupid rudeness .
But no longer .
And a good speaker might make the submission very difficult to sensibly defend.
Serious question: Are we not a civilized nation? There surely must be some honorable Republicans in the House, so why don't they stand up? Is is fear or cowardice of being primaried? Regardless, there is no excuse for allowing someone like Jim Jordan to even be considered for Speaker of the House! I know that Jordan was duly elected by his extremely gerrymandered state, but that's no excuse for giving him even more power. What do you think?


Yeah, talk about uncivilized.
I think he’s “civilized” enough not to physically harm anyone, but, he’s a silver spooned slob, that has no experience in life other than what his daddy gave him, so he believes that socialism is a natural end to the human existence…And he doesn’t care about norms, or protocol….He’s just a big, stupid dumb oaf….
Serious question: Are we not a civilized nation? There surely must be some honorable Republicans in the House, so why don't they stand up? Is is fear or cowardice of being primaried? Regardless, there is no excuse for allowing someone like Jim Jordan to even be considered for Speaker of the House! I know that Jordan was duly elected by his extremely gerrymandered state, but that's no excuse for giving him even more power. What do you think?
how did a civilized advanced nation allow a group of people with a horrendous approval rating to be running the country?....
Serious question: Are we not a civilized nation? There surely must be some honorable Republicans in the House, so why don't they stand up? Is is fear or cowardice of being primaried? Regardless, there is no excuse for allowing someone like Jim Jordan to even be considered for Speaker of the House! I know that Jordan was duly elected by his extremely gerrymandered state, but that's no excuse for giving him even more power. What do you think?

Why can't he be a crooked Insider trader like Pelosi???

What do you think?
This is just an extension of the 2016 elections. This is another demonstration of who we are.

This is not about politics. This is not about Trump. This is sociological. This is about US.

We didn't know. We had no idea that this many Americans had been so manipulated by talk radio and the internet and mal-information.

Now we know.

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