Slavery Reparations??

No, you are conveniently forgetting that it was AFRICANS who built the slave trade, nimrod.

Oh, yes the other white argument.It was Blacks that started slavery.Well, that was all part of tribal culture,that does not include Europeans coming in
and trying to copy what Africans were doing as part of Tribal rituals and intertribal settlements for thousands of years before whites arrived on the continent .As trading among Africans was not really considered
slavery,in the context that white Europeans,who are not form any indigenous African Tribe,converted slavery into.Slavery was used to settle many inter tribal disputes.But White Europeans came in and perverted the entire process.
Slaves were not brutalized and butchered , and raped indiscriminatly, as many white Europeans were known to do.
Many people slave away for years at their job and social security might not be there for them at the end of the road. Why should reparations be granted to anyone else? :badgrin:
Do you people keep missing the fact that the only people who talk about reparations hate Black people?

I don't hear anyone serious on the liberal wing demanding reparations.

What I see is racists telling you folks that liberals and blacks are demanding reparations, and some of you fools falling for this crap.
This is such a silly debate.

there is NO movement to pay reparations, folks. Not on the left, not in mainstream civil rights movement, either.

the only time this ever comes up, is when right wing racists claim that all Blacks and liberals want reparations paid.

This is a straw man argument from the getgo.
I'm 1/4 Hungarian. My grandmother walked from Hungary to Austria, pregnant, at the turn of the century when Hungary was taken over by commies.

I can't decide if I want reparation from the communists..or if we should go further back and get reparations from the Turks who continually invaded and slaughtered willy-nilly. Who has more money? After all, if it weren't for the commies, we'd never have come to America in the first place. I know very well there are people here who profited off the cheap immigrant labor my family provided, and no doubt treated them like shit while they were at it.

I demand some money!
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Does Vlad Tepses have any descendants? Because I'm pretty sure they owe me money too....
Crap, I forgot all about that! I should have billions pouring in! Where do I sign up for the perennial victim funds?
We are getting you White Cracker Devils all over the World.You White Honky
asshole homos are headed for minority status all over the World by 2042!

Let me know when I can apply for Affirmative Action assistance. You'll know when because y'all will be losing it.
it doesn't really matter what Obama or anyone else thinks because if there was any attempt to do this you will see open warfare in the streets. That is where white american will stand up and start fighting back.
You never know. I never dreamed we'd wuss out after the towers went down. It makes me sick to listen to alleged American patriots piss and moan about how we've mistreated the assholes who try to kill us repeatedly, and with fairly high efficiency.
Yes, that explains it alright, and Slavery is still the open wound that the White race continues to pour Salt into of every Black man , woman and Child,
Today!.Whites continue to convieniently say,oh,"We owe you nothing"While
America became very wealthy during the period of Slavery,as compared to many other countries at that time in history.
And is still today the Richest country on Earth.
What race is benefiting still to this day from all those years of free labour.?
The White Race , not Blacks who worked for Free.
When are Whites going to realize this?!.

Yea yea yea so if what you are saying is true then I guess every race on earth is guilty then, right? Tell me did black people ever enslave white people? How about did black people ever enslave the spanish? Why don't you try and think about this from a realistic point of view. I don't think any white people in this country right now own slaves. I don't think any race should be held over the fire for something their race did long before they were ever born. And let me say one more thing, the day whites are forced to pay blacks for what happened long before they were born is the day you will see warfare in the street of the U.S.
You never know. I never dreamed we'd wuss out after the towers went down. It makes me sick to listen to alleged American patriots piss and moan about how we've mistreated the assholes who try to kill us repeatedly, and with fairly high efficiency.

LOL well you are right. He is something else to consider. My family only came over in 1930. Now should I have to pay even though my family wasn't ever here during the slave era? This really hasn't been thought out to much, lol! This will never happen and I can say that and know its true.
I believe that reparations already have been paid via the massive programs and entitlements enacted in the 70's. Billions and billions of dollars thrown into it. A black nowadays doesn't have to pay for college and companies are falling all over themselves to hire graduating blacks to fill their quotas.

All such talk about reparations to me is just people trying to get free money.
All I know is , untill Slavery reparations are paid to all Black men women,and children in America,White people in Ameirca will be viewed as a race of,lying
Murderous,Rapist thieves, who feel they have done nothing wrong, when a crime againsts humanity has been commited againsts Black people on this land.So all whites are viewed by Blacks as Criminals who have not been punished , and who have not paid any restitution to the victims of the Crime.

Hate to break it too you, but even if whites begin paying reparations to blacks, they'll still view whites as ---all of the above---.
You seriously need to squash this argument until after the election. If you care about the Democrats winning, shut the fuck up!

But what I propose is a free 2 year associate degree to any/all black people for 10 years at any community college in the nation. After that, quit complaining. We all have it tough. It's a good old boys network out there. I'm not getting hired because they don't know me, or because I'm Greek, or because I'm a female (i'm not actually), or because I'm jewish, or because I'm not jewish, or because I'm NOT black.

Giving someone a two year associates degree is a very generous offer to anyone who truly wants to better themselves.

Or, give 1% lower interest on their home mortgage if they already went to college.

We should not be having this conversation though during an election year where one of the candidates is black. It will turn normal people into foolish racists.

You're not a female (actually)? You just dress up like one?:lol:

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