Zone1 Republicans Freed the Slaves And Paid Slave Owners Reparations.

It would be for slave owners to compensate slaves. The 5th amendment settles the issue as far as government exchanging value for property, as onerous as the concept of owning people is.
Feelings and law don't always conform well.
You have to admire the cleverness, though not the morality, of the Democratic elites. They’ve got black people eagerly voting for their own self-destruction. The Democrats offer minorities poverty, dependence, corruption, abortion, gangs, bad schools, welfare, drugs - and many minority group members accept the offer! A fake friend can be your worst enemy.
The former slaves got free time-travel from the monkey-meat-eating Stone Age, the Victorian era.

Let’s see a show of hands from the black community who would prefer to give up running water, toilets, indoor heating, and industrialization? Any takers? That’s what your ancestors got, stop being ungrateful spoiled brats. On behalf of the hundreds of thousands of white people who gave their lives to free your ancestors, YOU ARE WELCOME!
It would be for slave owners to compensate slaves. The 5th amendment settles the issue as far as government exchanging value for property, as onerous as the concept of owning people is.
Feelings and law don't always conform well.
Feelings? Whites got reparations for slavery, so whites can shut up about getting reparations now. Law and feelings.
You have to admire the cleverness, though not the morality, of the Democratic elites. They’ve got black people eagerly voting for their own self-destruction. The Democrats offer minorities poverty, dependence, corruption, abortion, gangs, bad schools, welfare, drugs - and many minority group members accept the offer! A fake friend can be your worst enemy.
That's what the Republican party offers. You right wingers need to stop lying to yourselves.
That's what the Republican party offers. You right wingers need to stop lying to yourselves.
Who runs the big cities? Who runs the public schools in these cities? Who runs the police departments in these cities? Who loves abortion?

The Democratic Party establishment lures black people down the path of destruction. Don’t you get it?

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That's what the Republican party offers. You right wingers need to stop lying to yourselves.
Keep worshiping white liberals. Vote for them every chance you get. They need your support to fight endless brutal wars that don’t even serve American interests.

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