Zone1 Republicans Freed the Slaves And Paid Slave Owners Reparations.


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Mar 11, 2015
Yep Abe Lincoln, Republican, freed the slaves. But due to the outcry of white slaveowners about lost property, Lincoln gave slaveowners reparations for their lost property, but the slaves got nothiing.

When Slaveowners Got Reparations​

On April 16, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed a bill emancipating enslaved people in Washington, the end of a long struggle. But to ease slaveowners’ pain, the District of Columbia Emancipation Act(Link is external) (Link opens in new window) paid those loyal to the Union up to $300 for every enslaved person freed.

That’s right, slaveowners got reparations. Enslaved African-Americans got nothing for their generations of stolen bodies, snatched children and expropriated labor other than their mere release from legal bondage.

The compensation clause is not likely to be celebrated today. But as the debate about reparations for slavery intensifies, it is important to remember that slaveowners, far more than enslaved people, were always the primary beneficiaries of public largess.

The act is notable because it was the first time that the federal government authorized abolition of slavery, which hastened its demise in Virginia and Maryland as runaways from these states fled to Washington. It offered concrete proof to enslaved people and their allies that the federal government might facilitate the destruction of slavery everywhere. And it confirmed the worst fears of their foes about an interloping tyrannical president.

Abraham Lincoln, however, was anxious to preserve his fragile alliance with loyal slaveholders. He had advocated abolition of slavery in Washington in 1849 as a congressman, to no avail. As president, he encouraged the border states to voluntarily end slavery. He chose Delaware as an ideal place to take the lead in late 1861. But it became clear that Union slaveowners could not be so easily persuaded. This reinforced the need to make congressional emancipation conditioned on compensating them, which put abolitionists in a bind.

They welcomed the end of slavery in the capital, but chafed at payments that validated the right to own property in the form of human beings. “If compensation is to be given at all,” the abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison said at the National Anti-Slavery Convention in Philadelphia in 1833, “it should be given to the outraged and guiltless slaves, and not to those who have plundered and abused them.”

Moderate antislavery advocates like Lincoln did not agree. To the contrary, they believed that any manumission plan had to placate property rights that were buttressed by the Fifth Amendment, which required “just compensation” for government seizure of private assets.

In 1862, 300 dollars was the equivalent of just over 9,000 dollars.

So slave owners got the equivalent of over 9,000 dollars for each slave they owned from the Government under REPUBLICAN President Abraham Lincoln. The largest amount paid to slaveowners by REPUBLICAN Abe Lincoln was 18,000 dollars, which is the equivalent to over 550 thousand dollars today. The freed slaves got nothing. So you see Republicans, you really need to stop the disingenuous claims and tactics.
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Yep Abe Lincoln Republican, freed the slaves. But due to the outcry of white slaveowners about lost property, Lincoln gave slaveowners reparations for their lost property, but the slaves got nothiing.

When Slaveowners Got Reparations​

On April 16, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed a bill emancipating enslaved people in Washington, the end of a long struggle. But to ease slaveowners’ pain, the District of Columbia Emancipation Act(Link is external) (Link opens in new window) paid those loyal to the Union up to $300 for every enslaved person freed.

That’s right, slaveowners got reparations. Enslaved African-Americans got nothing for their generations of stolen bodies, snatched children and expropriated labor other than their mere release from legal bondage.

The compensation clause is not likely to be celebrated today. But as the debate about reparations for slavery intensifies, it is important to remember that slaveowners, far more than enslaved people, were always the primary beneficiaries of public largess.

The act is notable because it was the first time that the federal government authorized abolition of slavery, which hastened its demise in Virginia and Maryland as runaways from these states fled to Washington. It offered concrete proof to enslaved people and their allies that the federal government might facilitate the destruction of slavery everywhere. And it confirmed the worst fears of their foes about an interloping tyrannical president.

Abraham Lincoln, however, was anxious to preserve his fragile alliance with loyal slaveholders. He had advocated abolition of slavery in Washington in 1849 as a congressman, to no avail. As president, he encouraged the border states to voluntarily end slavery. He chose Delaware as an ideal place to take the lead in late 1861. But it became clear that Union slaveowners could not be so easily persuaded. This reinforced the need to make congressional emancipation conditioned on compensating them, which put abolitionists in a bind.

They welcomed the end of slavery in the capital, but chafed at payments that validated the right to own property in the form of human beings. “If compensation is to be given at all,” the abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison said at the National Anti-Slavery Convention in Philadelphia in 1833, “it should be given to the outraged and guiltless slaves, and not to those who have plundered and abused them.”

Moderate antislavery advocates like Lincoln did not agree. To the contrary, they believed that any manumission plan had to placate property rights that were buttressed by the Fifth Amendment, which required “just compensation” for government seizure of private assets.

In 1862, 300 dollars was the equivalent of just over 9,000 dollars.

So slave owners got the equivalent of over 9,000 dollars for each slave they owned from the Government under REPUBLICAN President Abraham Lincoln. The largest amount paid to slaveowners by REPUBLICAN Abe Lincoln was 18,000 dollars, whichis the equivalent to over 550 thousand dollars today. The freed slaves got nothing. So you see Republicans, you really need to stop the disingenuous claims and tactics.
I know all about this story and explain this is part of why I do not like Abe Lincoln. But how many blacks hate him? Why do they focus on freedom? If they despise Abe, talk about him. Abe came in as president thinking he would buy slaves using bonds. And pay off the bonds in a number of years. And ship them to other lands. Where somebody might want them. But Democrats try to tell me Abe was their hero. Sadly he was not mine.
So you see right wingers, we have evidence that supports our call for reparations. The race hustlers on the right that feed you guys the garbage you repeat do not.
Not true. America created Liberia in Africa for them to go back to.

But most of the former slaves refused to go. They much preferred being in White America and wanted to continue living as white Americans did.
Wrong answer racist. Slaves got nothing amd this is not white anything. Those slaves were born here. Those slaves busted their asses here producing wealth for the lazy whites who didn't want to do the work. So they refused to be moved since they felt they had as much right to be here as the white man.

Understand this white man, your ancestors ran away from white land and came here to brown land. Brown skinned people watched your ancestors float their wretched asses over here. So erase that delusion you have about this being white America. It never was that, nor will it ever be.
Your Version Robert.

Short Version IMO:

Blacks were ripped from Africa to serve as Slaves for Whites in the USA.

This is a step by step version Robert.
Agree or disagree with what is in BLUE.
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I know all about this story and explain this is part of why I do not like Abe Lincoln. But how many blacks hate him? Why do they focus on freedom? If they despise Abe, talk about him. Abe came in as president thinking he would buy slaves using bonds. And pay off the bonds in a number of years. And ship them to other lands. Where somebody might want them. But Democrats try to tell me Abe was their hero. Sadly he was not mine.
No, it is Republicans that try telling us how Abe freed us.
The plan of Democratic, and some Republican, elites to render black people powerless:

1) Lure them down a path toward poverty, dependence, crime, drugs, single-parent families.
2) Get them to hate working class whites.
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Understand this white man, your ancestors ran away from white land and came here to brown land. Brown skinned people watched your ancestors float their wretched asses over here. So erase that delusion you have about this being white America. It never was that, nor will it ever be.
Wrong. It was founded as a colony by white English speaking people. Then we decided to free ourselves when that government became a tyranny. The “browns” were savages with no laws and no borders. They weren’t one people, they were hundreds of different tribes often at war with each other, just like Africa’s tribes.
I stopped reading after the first sentence because it is wrong. I could only imagine the rest of the OP was BS
The plan of Democratic, and some Republican, elites to render black people powerless:

1) Lure them down a path toward poverty, dependence, crime, drugs, single-parent families.
2) Get them to hate working class whites.
That's a bunch of white racist malarkey.

Did all the gvernment assistance whites have received lurethem down a path of poverty, dependenc, crime, drugs, single parent families? Because whites have been given the most from the government. In fact it can be said that whites really have nothing if not for the government.
Wrong. It was founded as a colony by white English speaking people. Then we decided to free ourselves when that government became a tyranny. The “browns” were savages with no laws and no borders. They weren’t one people, they were hundreds of different tribes often at war with each other, just like Africa’s tribes.
It was not founded by anyone white. Get that through your head son. Native Americans were looking at your white asses float in here. The nations here had laws and they did have borders. Europe was hundreds of dfferent tribes often at war with each other and are responsible for 2 gobal wars in the last century. Man, you really need to driop yur delusion of white supremacy.
Not true. America created Liberia in Africa for them to go back to.

But most of the former slaves refused to go. They much preferred being in White America and wanted to continue living as white Americans did.
Russia wants white south africans to come to Russia but they refuse.
Yep Abe Lincoln, Republican, freed the slaves. But due to the outcry of white slaveowners about lost property, Lincoln gave slaveowners reparations for their lost property, but the slaves got nothiing.

When Slaveowners Got Reparations​

On April 16, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed a bill emancipating enslaved people in Washington, the end of a long struggle. But to ease slaveowners’ pain, the District of Columbia Emancipation Act(Link is external) (Link opens in new window) paid those loyal to the Union up to $300 for every enslaved person freed.

That’s right, slaveowners got reparations. Enslaved African-Americans got nothing for their generations of stolen bodies, snatched children and expropriated labor other than their mere release from legal bondage.

The compensation clause is not likely to be celebrated today. But as the debate about reparations for slavery intensifies, it is important to remember that slaveowners, far more than enslaved people, were always the primary beneficiaries of public largess.

The act is notable because it was the first time that the federal government authorized abolition of slavery, which hastened its demise in Virginia and Maryland as runaways from these states fled to Washington. It offered concrete proof to enslaved people and their allies that the federal government might facilitate the destruction of slavery everywhere. And it confirmed the worst fears of their foes about an interloping tyrannical president.

Abraham Lincoln, however, was anxious to preserve his fragile alliance with loyal slaveholders. He had advocated abolition of slavery in Washington in 1849 as a congressman, to no avail. As president, he encouraged the border states to voluntarily end slavery. He chose Delaware as an ideal place to take the lead in late 1861. But it became clear that Union slaveowners could not be so easily persuaded. This reinforced the need to make congressional emancipation conditioned on compensating them, which put abolitionists in a bind.

They welcomed the end of slavery in the capital, but chafed at payments that validated the right to own property in the form of human beings. “If compensation is to be given at all,” the abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison said at the National Anti-Slavery Convention in Philadelphia in 1833, “it should be given to the outraged and guiltless slaves, and not to those who have plundered and abused them.”

Moderate antislavery advocates like Lincoln did not agree. To the contrary, they believed that any manumission plan had to placate property rights that were buttressed by the Fifth Amendment, which required “just compensation” for government seizure of private assets.

In 1862, 300 dollars was the equivalent of just over 9,000 dollars.

So slave owners got the equivalent of over 9,000 dollars for each slave they owned from the Government under REPUBLICAN President Abraham Lincoln. The largest amount paid to slaveowners by REPUBLICAN Abe Lincoln was 18,000 dollars, which is the equivalent to over 550 thousand dollars today. The freed slaves got nothing. So you see Republicans, you really need to stop the disingenuous claims and tactics.
I think the bill called for deportation of the slaves back to africa

That idiot doesn't seem to mention how many whites have left so calle white countries to go live in Africa.
Europe for the Europeans. Everywhere else also for the Europeans.
It was not founded by anyone white. Get that through your head son. Native Americans were looking at your white asses float in here. The nations here had laws and they did have borders. Europe was hundreds of dfferent tribes often at war with each other and are responsible for 2 gobal wars in the last century. Man, you really need to driop yur delusion of white supremacy.
So if the nation was not founded as white, why do you always claim it was racist?

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