Sioux Nation Will Go To Court To Stop Keystone XL.

It doesn't cross the rez. Rosebud has no standing. Check the maps that are out there.

Look at the map of the Sioux Nation and you will see how wrong...repeat wrong your are.

With credit to G5000

Just some of the pipelines in the good old USofA. Looks to me that the NAs missed the boat in stopping them on tribal land.


I've been asking for quite a while now where the heck were all the protestors when all these other pipelines were being built.

Keystone XL has just sadly turned into a political circus. Big money in donations to many people on both sides of the border to pay for environmental activists.
Just some of the pipelines in the good old USofA. Looks to me that the NAs missed the boat in stopping them on tribal land.


I've been asking for quite a while now where the heck were all the protestors when all these other pipelines were being built.

Keystone XL has just sadly turned into a political circus. Big money in donations to many people on both sides of the border to pay for environmental activists.

Here is the deal. The American people by a big margin rejected the democrat party on Tuesday. Even that does not stop the democrats. On every single topic they draw lines in the sand and they never cross them. The left will NEVER budge on abortion, but they want those who oppose the barbaric procedure to change their views. They will never see the side of those protecting marriage, never. This pipeline will join all the other pipelines that cross the country. The opposition is just because democrats can never admit to being wrong and will never have anything other then their own way.
"This was indian land....for as long as the wind blows, the grass grows, and the sky is blue".
Much later... "the wind don't blow, the grass don't grow, and the sky ain't blue"~Little Big Man.
Just some of the pipelines in the good old USofA. Looks to me that the NAs missed the boat in stopping them on tribal land.


I've been asking for quite a while now where the heck were all the protestors when all these other pipelines were being built.

Keystone XL has just sadly turned into a political circus. Big money in donations to many people on both sides of the border to pay for environmental activists.

Here is the deal. The American people by a big margin rejected the democrat party on Tuesday. Even that does not stop the democrats. On every single topic they draw lines in the sand and they never cross them. The left will NEVER budge on abortion, but they want those who oppose the barbaric procedure to change their views. They will never see the side of those protecting marriage, never. This pipeline will join all the other pipelines that cross the country. The opposition is just because democrats can never admit to being wrong and will never have anything other then their own way.

The XL is a foreign profit making venture forcing eminent domain on Americans.
Just some of the pipelines in the good old USofA. Looks to me that the NAs missed the boat in stopping them on tribal land.


I've been asking for quite a while now where the heck were all the protestors when all these other pipelines were being built.

Keystone XL has just sadly turned into a political circus. Big money in donations to many people on both sides of the border to pay for environmental activists.

Here is the deal. The American people by a big margin rejected the democrat party on Tuesday. Even that does not stop the democrats. On every single topic they draw lines in the sand and they never cross them. The left will NEVER budge on abortion, but they want those who oppose the barbaric procedure to change their views. They will never see the side of those protecting marriage, never. This pipeline will join all the other pipelines that cross the country. The opposition is just because democrats can never admit to being wrong and will never have anything other then their own way.

Abortion again. What a woman does with her body is her own business, not yours.
Just some of the pipelines in the good old USofA. Looks to me that the NAs missed the boat in stopping them on tribal land.


I've been asking for quite a while now where the heck were all the protestors when all these other pipelines were being built.

Keystone XL has just sadly turned into a political circus. Big money in donations to many people on both sides of the border to pay for environmental activists.

Here is the deal. The American people by a big margin rejected the democrat party on Tuesday. Even that does not stop the democrats. On every single topic they draw lines in the sand and they never cross them. The left will NEVER budge on abortion, but they want those who oppose the barbaric procedure to change their views. They will never see the side of those protecting marriage, never. This pipeline will join all the other pipelines that cross the country. The opposition is just because democrats can never admit to being wrong and will never have anything other then their own way.

The XL is a foreign profit making venture forcing eminent domain on Americans.

You don't get it at all do you?

Your refineries take in the oil. Canada is your number one supplier. And will be for decades to come. XL is just the shipper.

That oil is going to come to the Gulf whether by rail or truck or by pipeline.

You import from Mexico. You import from Venezuela.

What your refineries do with their finished product has nothing to do with Trans Canada's XL.

Read and learn:

Will refined products from Keystone XL be exported?

It should be noted that Keystone XL transports crude oil, not refined products. TransCanada is an energy infrastructure company. We build energy infrastructure like pipelines, natural gas-fired power plants and wind farms. We don’t actually extract or own a single molecule of oil or natural gas that we transport. We are contracted to build the infrastructure to safely deliver those molecules to their destination. We don’t own the oil we transport, much like a moving company doesn’t own your bed during a move.

Myths Facts Keystone XL Pipeline
Just some of the pipelines in the good old USofA. Looks to me that the NAs missed the boat in stopping them on tribal land.


I've been asking for quite a while now where the heck were all the protestors when all these other pipelines were being built.

Keystone XL has just sadly turned into a political circus. Big money in donations to many people on both sides of the border to pay for environmental activists.

Here is the deal. The American people by a big margin rejected the democrat party on Tuesday. Even that does not stop the democrats. On every single topic they draw lines in the sand and they never cross them. The left will NEVER budge on abortion, but they want those who oppose the barbaric procedure to change their views. They will never see the side of those protecting marriage, never. This pipeline will join all the other pipelines that cross the country. The opposition is just because democrats can never admit to being wrong and will never have anything other then their own way.

Abortion again. What a woman does with her body is her own business, not yours.

That may be true, now only if the unborn child was part of her body you would be on to something.
Just some of the pipelines in the good old USofA. Looks to me that the NAs missed the boat in stopping them on tribal land.


I've been asking for quite a while now where the heck were all the protestors when all these other pipelines were being built.

Keystone XL has just sadly turned into a political circus. Big money in donations to many people on both sides of the border to pay for environmental activists.

Here is the deal. The American people by a big margin rejected the democrat party on Tuesday. Even that does not stop the democrats. On every single topic they draw lines in the sand and they never cross them. The left will NEVER budge on abortion, but they want those who oppose the barbaric procedure to change their views. They will never see the side of those protecting marriage, never. This pipeline will join all the other pipelines that cross the country. The opposition is just because democrats can never admit to being wrong and will never have anything other then their own way.

The XL is a foreign profit making venture forcing eminent domain on Americans.

I will agree, that unless there is some overriding great benefit to the US citizens then no I don't think they should use eminent domain. In the last 5 years I have seen fracking wells drilled all over where I live. Then they dug and buried miles of gas pipeline. I didn't hear of one case of using eminent domain. I didn't even hear of anyone really complaining about a pipeline that could rupture and explode.

So if the pipeline can be built without eniment domain then you are OK with it?
The Sioux Nation has the Right to Decide what can and cannot be built on Reservation says SCOUTS.

All these so-called "Small Government" RePugs seem all ready to push their version of of their "Small Government" down the throats of people who do not what "Big Government" building on their land....nice bit hypocrisy there RePugs....nice to see your do damn dedicated your core political philosophy.

Male or not, you still fit the dubious profile of a tremendous C U N T
By using vile, disgusting, profane language you only prove you have no valid, logical, cogent argument to make.

Thank you for proving that like any all and ConJobs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists on this forum that you have a room temperature IQ and live in your Mother's Basement.
Another gambling casino or defacing the Grand Canyon with a stupid walkway doesn't seem to bother the Indians but they take offense that the rest of us would like jobs and cheaper energy. They will get their day in court and we will see what happens.

And therein lies the rub.

The GOP is suppose to all about State's Rights and "Small Government". Which means they are by their own political philosophy bound to respect the of the Native Americans to prevent KXL from being built on their land. There is also the issue of Nebraska Cattle Ranchers. Who while being Conservative, don't want KXL built on their land.

RePugs will either stand up for their political beliefs (which mean supporting the Native Americans and the Ranchers) support their big oil buddies.

The KXL misses the Sioux reservation by 19 miles.
The Sioux Nation has the Right to Decide what can and cannot be built on Reservation says SCOUTS.

All these so-called "Small Government" RePugs seem all ready to push their version of of their "Small Government" down the throats of people who do not what "Big Government" building on their land....nice bit hypocrisy there RePugs....nice to see your do damn dedicated your core political philosophy.


But it misses the reservation by 19 miles.

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