Show your abortion pride!

Actress declares that her ‘first abortion’ at age 19 was ‘my best one.’ And the audience loves it.

Here we see an actress celebrating her first abortion at age 19 saying it was her "best one!", assuming she had many other afterwards. She was in Seattle and applauded and cheered.

So let the feminists come out of the wood work and share their wonderful abortion experience.
Can you imagine what the world would be like if those 33,000 an month abortions never happened? All those liberals would of grown up, become well indoctrinated by the liberal parents, and then allowed to be voters in the last election? Hillary would of won by a landslide with 10 of millions of more votes. So come on people, thank a liberal for doing US a favor by preventing the Dimocrap party for ever again getting into power in the US. Liberals I salute you for your sacrifice to make America Great Again.


I'm pro-choice (in that I believe it's the woman's body) but... this is just disgusting. Seriously WTF is the thought process behind this woman and her statement? Abortion is not something that should be celebrated by anyone :/
Actress declares that her ‘first abortion’ at age 19 was ‘my best one.’ And the audience loves it.

Here we see an actress celebrating her first abortion at age 19 saying it was her "best one!", assuming she had many other afterwards. She was in Seattle and applauded and cheered.

So let the feminists come out of the wood work and share their wonderful abortion experience.
Can you imagine what the world would be like if those 33,000 an month abortions never happened? All those liberals would of grown up, become well indoctrinated by the liberal parents, and then allowed to be voters in the last election? Hillary would of won by a landslide with 10 of millions of more votes. So come on people, thank a liberal for doing US a favor by preventing the Dimocrap party for ever again getting into power in the US. Liberals I salute you for your sacrifice to make America Great Again.


What a boon it would be to the corporate for profit prison industry.
So let the feminists come out of the wood work and share their wonderful abortion experience.

If there was free and open access to birth control and contraception, as well as sex education in schools, there would be fewer abortions. But who opposes those things? The same folks who oppose abortion. So they are perpetuating a problem they caused. What a bunch of assholes.
Dred Scott decision of our time. Women being allowed to value the worth of a human and a man's child by virtue of her gender. Dred Scott decision reaffirmed the value of blacks based on the opinion of whites' views of race.
This c#nt celebrates the equivalent of pre-Civil War social norms. How progressive!
Can you imagine what the world would be like if those 33,000 an month abortions never happened? All those liberals would of grown up, become well indoctrinated by the liberal parents, and then allowed to be voters in the last election? Hillary would of won by a landslide with 10 of millions of more votes. So come on people, thank a liberal for doing US a favor by preventing the Dimocrap party for ever again getting into power in the US. Liberals I salute you for your sacrifice to make America Great Again.

Conservatives don't give a shit about babies...they only give a shit about people having sex for fun.
So let the feminists come out of the wood work and share their wonderful abortion experience.

If there was free and open access to birth control and contraception, as well as sex education in schools, there would be fewer abortions. But who opposes those things? The same folks who oppose abortion. So they are perpetuating a problem they caused. What a bunch of assholes.

"If there was free and open access to birth control and contraception,.."

It is free, moron. Any state public health office
Dred Scott decision of our time. Women being allowed to value the worth of a human and a man's child by virtue of her gender. Dred Scott decision reaffirmed the value of blacks based on the opinion of whites' views of race.
This c#nt celebrates the equivalent of pre-Civil War social norms. How progressive!
How "conservative" to want govt involved.
It is free, moron. Any state public health office

Ah yes, of course...the ambiguous "state public health office" whose funding you guys cut, which forces those clinics to shut down, thus denying access to free contraception/birth control.

So again, you are the cause of the problem you complain about.

Which would make you the equivalent of a monkey touching itself in the corner of its pen at the zoo.
It is free, moron. Any state public health office

Ah yes, of course...the ambiguous "state public health office" whose funding you guys cut, which forces those clinics to shut down, thus denying access to free contraception/birth control.

So again, you are the cause of the problem you complain about.

Which would make you the equivalent of a monkey touching itself in the corner of its pen at the zoo.

It's still free you blubbering jackass
medical jargon...any miscarriage is referred to as an abortion

bortion: In medicine, an abortion is the premature exit of the products of conception (the fetus, fetal membranes, and placenta) from the uterus. It is the loss of a pregnancy and does not refer to why that pregnancy was lost.
Medical Definition of Abortion - MedicineNet

this thread could be very painful for women who have suffered miscarriage...alas i know you just want to shame women but you really should think about the whole thing
this thread could be very painful for women who have suffered miscarriage...alas i know you just want to shame women but you really should think about the whole thing

That is exactly what they want to do...shame women. Conservatives don't think women and men are equal, and that a woman should be punished for having sex for any reason other than procreation. By prohibiting abortion, Conservatives want women to bear children they didn't want or plan for as "punishment" for having sex for fun.
It's free...walk in and get it, ya blubbering jackass.

Not if it's closed down because you morons cut its funding. So how are you supposed to get something when you walk in if the place you walk into is now closed?

Did you think about that? No. You don't think.

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