Show your abortion pride!

So what are these "state clinics" the SassyIrishNazi is talking about? It's talking about Planned Parenthood...which is what Conservatives are trying to defund. "State health clinics" is something a Conservative says when they don't know what the hell they're talking about.
It's free...walk in and get it, ya blubbering jackass.

Not if it's closed down because you morons cut its funding. So how are you supposed to get something when you walk in if the place you walk into is now closed?

Did you think about that? No. You don't think.

Public health offices are not closed....blubbering jackass.

Stop being an annoying lying jack wad
So what are these "state clinics" the SassyIrishNazi is talking about? It's talking about Planned Parenthood...which is what Conservatives are trying to defund. "State health clinics" is something a Conservative says when they don't know what the hell they're talking about.

You don't even know there are public health clinics, you think PP is all the game.

You jackwad, you're trying to argue something you're clueless about. Fucking retard
Public health offices are not closed....blubbering jackass.

Uhhh, yes they are you stupid idiot. In fact, you folks are the ones who claimed Obamacare closed them. "Public health offices" are Planned Parenthood. Which is something you want to shut down. Because you're a fucking idiot.

Stop being an annoying lying jack wad

You're not even smart enough to just spout off random shit off the top of your head because you're too lazy to do the work yourself.
Public health offices are not closed....blubbering jackass.

Uhhh, yes they are you stupid idiot. In fact, you folks are the ones who claimed Obamacare closed them. "Public health offices" are Planned Parenthood. Which is something you want to shut down. Because you're a fucking idiot.

Stop being an annoying lying jack wad

You're not even smart enough to just spout off random shit off the top of your head because you're too lazy to do the work yourself.

You're the one that didn't know public offices existed.

Fucking loser. Go to another thread, you look ridiculous on this one
You don't even know there are public health clinics, you think PP is all the game.

It's most of the game for most people. And in most states, those offices have been reduced that it puts an undue burden on the poor and lower-class to access them, because they shut down the offices in those low-income neighborhoods first.

Secondly, there's the whole sex education thing that you haven't even touched upon...that would go a long way to reducing abortions if children were sufficiently educated in reproductive health. But you oppose that. Because you're a fucking idiot.
You don't even know there are public health clinics, you think PP is all the game.

It's most of the game for most people. And in most states, those offices have been reduced that it puts an undue burden on the poor and lower-class to access them, because they shut down the offices in those low-income neighborhoods first.

Secondly, there's the whole sex education thing that you haven't even touched upon...that would go a long way to reducing abortions if children were sufficiently educated in reproductive health. But you oppose that. Because you're a fucking idiot.

You shut up
You shut up

Nah, you're just a coward who can't admit you're wrong when it comes to everything. We've seen you do this in thread after thread. Are you really serious about the shit you post here, or is it because you get paid to do this?
Dred Scott decision of our time. Women being allowed to value the worth of a human and a man's child by virtue of her gender. Dred Scott decision reaffirmed the value of blacks based on the opinion of whites' views of race.
This c#nt celebrates the equivalent of pre-Civil War social norms. How progressive!
How "conservative" to want govt involved.
Government's role is to protect people. If someone wants to kill your child gov has a role in prevention.
this thread could be very painful for women who have suffered miscarriage...alas i know you just want to shame women but you really should think about the whole thing

That is exactly what they want to do...shame women. Conservatives don't think women and men are equal, and that a woman should be punished for having sex for any reason other than procreation. By prohibiting abortion, Conservatives want women to bear children they didn't want or plan for as "punishment" for having sex for fun.
lost hope.jpg
You shut up

Nah, you're just a coward who can't admit you're wrong when it comes to everything. We've seen you do this in thread after thread. Are you really serious about the shit you post here, or is it because you get paid to do this?

Listen very carefully, child. YOU stated there was no free and accessible birth control, there is, at any public health office.

You lied, you got caught and accusing me of what you got caught at doesn't mean you won.

Now think very befuddled blubbering jackass
Listen very carefully, child. YOU stated there was no free and accessible birth control, there is, at any public health office.

I did say there wasn't free and open access. You said it was free, but then dropped the access part of the statement. So what I said what wholly true, what you said was not.

You lied, you got caught and accusing me of what you got caught at doesn't mean you won.

I lied about nothing, you just don't know what the fuck you're talking about because you make shit up off the top of your head as you go.
Can you imagine what the world would be like if those 33,000 an month abortions never happened? All those liberals would of grown up, become well indoctrinated by the liberal parents, and then allowed to be voters in the last election? Hillary would of won by a landslide with 10 of millions of more votes. So come on people, thank a liberal for doing US a favor by preventing the Dimocrap party for ever again getting into power in the US. Liberals I salute you for your sacrifice to make America Great Again.

Conservatives don't give a shit about babies...they only give a shit about people having sex for fun.

Nailed it! Not only do Conservatives want dirty air and water, they hate sex for fun!
Yes, it is a sad state of affairs that a woman can have control of her own body. We need to go back before Roe Vs. Wade. There was never any abortion before that! What this country needs is more imprisoned doctors!

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