Should We Have A Racist In Line For Presidency?

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Is this the kind of person we want at high levels of government and in line for the presidency? Time for Democrats to show us they really are against racists in high levels of government in succession to be president. I am calling on them to do the right thing.

Leonard Jeffries was criticized for comments he made in the 1990s about the slave trade and the involvement of “rich Jews.” He also said “a conspiracy, planned and plotted and programmed out of Hollywood” by Jewish movie executives was to blame for disparaging Black people in films. Farrakhan in the past called Judiasim “dirty religion.”

Hakeem Jeffries also compared Black conservatives to “House Negroes.”

Is this the kind of person we want at high levels of government and in line for the presidency? Time for Democrats to show us they really are against racists in high levels of government in succession to be president. I am calling on them to do the right thing.

Leonard Jeffries was criticized for comments he made in the 1990s about the slave trade and the involvement of “rich Jews.” He also said “a conspiracy, planned and plotted and programmed out of Hollywood” by Jewish movie executives was to blame for disparaging Black people in films. Farrakhan in the past called Judiasim “dirty religion.”

Hakeem Jeffries also compared Black conservatives to “House Negroes.”

Why is he wrong?


So if blacks don't agree with the proglodyte agenda, they are just house negroes to you?
Are Asians/Hispanics/Jews that vote for Repubs also no better than trained house slaves in your opinion?

Thank you for once again highlighting the hypocrisy & actual racism of the Dems.

If you are a rich hispanic and you vote GOP. I don't blame you. It just confirms my believe that the GOP is the party for rich people.

Even he's a Republican. Certainly not for their social policies.

Why do you think that is? Because he's got a lot of money you idiot!

But yes, Ben Carson and Katlyn Jenner are traitors to their groups.

And it's why 70% of American jews vote Democratic. They don't make enough to vote GOP. If one of them does vote GOP, they are imo Israeli Jews living in America. It'd be like me caring more what happens in Greece than America because my family is from Greece. And I pay my politicians (Adelson to Bush) to get him to invade Iraq. Remember Joe Lieberman practically changed parties to go along with that? That wasn't for his constituents here in America. He was serving Israel. Invading Iraq is what Israel wanted not America.
If you are a rich hispanic and you vote GOP. I don't blame you. It just confirms my believe that the GOP is the party for rich people.

Even he's a Republican. Certainly not for their social policies.

View attachment 776307Why do you think that is? Because he's got a lot of money you idiot!

But yes, Ben Carson and Katlyn Jenner are traitors to their groups.

And it's why 70% of American jews vote Democratic. They don't make enough to vote GOP. If one of them does vote GOP, they are imo Israeli Jews living in America. It'd be like me caring more what happens in Greece than America because my family is from Greece. And I pay my politicians (Adelson to Bush) to get him to invade Iraq. Remember Joe Lieberman practically changed parties to go along with that? That wasn't for his constituents here in America. He was serving Israel. Invading Iraq is what Israel wanted not America.
That's so stupid I can't believe you said it.
What "groups" are you talking about?
Basically, if the minorities defy your masters & don't vote the way you want, they should be dehumanized & ostracized from their own race/family...
It's good that you go & expose your own racism/ignorance on the boards for all to see.
I appreciate the assist
Identity politics only works on profoundly stupid people.

Intelligent people operate according to values and principles instead of identity, and so judge people based upon what they say and do instead of the tribe to which they belong.

I find it odd how the desire to become a color-blind society espoused by liberals in my day has been turned into a primitive and ugly complete turnabout in the hands of the benighted leftists of today who make EVERYTHING about color.
LOL. So, it's alright to call black conservatives "House Negroes"?
The house negro is smarter than the field negro lol. Irish politicians did the same to Irish Catholics back in the day.... You will always be shanty Irish never lace curtain.
Identity politics only works on profoundly stupid people.

Intelligent people operate according to values and principles instead of identity, and so judge people based upon what they say and do instead of the tribe to which they belong.

I find it odd how the desire to become a color-blind society espoused by liberals in my day has been turned into a primitive and ugly complete turnabout in the hands of the benighted leftists of today who make EVERYTHING about color.
By continually talking about racism nonstop, we get the most racism and divisiveness we have ever had.
If you are a rich hispanic and you vote GOP. I don't blame you. It just confirms my believe that the GOP is the party for rich people.
That's because reality has never been your forte.

These numbers reinforce the fact that America’s elite across the nation have powerful sympathies toward the Democratic Party. And the more elite their neighborhood is in America’s most powerful cities, the more strongly they lean Democrat.
  • Top 300 zip codes nationwide (representing the top 1.4 percent of socio-economic status):
Democrats $71 million
Republicans $47 million
(60 percent Democratic)

  • Big Four metropolitan areas’ zip codes in top 5 percent by socio-economic status:
Democrats $77 million
Republicans $42 million
(65 percent Democratic)

  • Big Four central-city zip codes in top 5 percent of socio-economic status:
Democrats $48 million
Republicans $21 million
(70 percent Democratic)

That's because reality has never been your forte.

These numbers reinforce the fact that America’s elite across the nation have powerful sympathies toward the Democratic Party. And the more elite their neighborhood is in America’s most powerful cities, the more strongly they lean Democrat.
  • Top 300 zip codes nationwide (representing the top 1.4 percent of socio-economic status):
Democrats $71 million
Republicans $47 million
(60 percent Democratic)

  • Big Four metropolitan areas’ zip codes in top 5 percent by socio-economic status:
Democrats $77 million
Republicans $42 million
(65 percent Democratic)

  • Big Four central-city zip codes in top 5 percent of socio-economic status:
Democrats $48 million
Republicans $21 million
(70 percent Democratic)

This reminds me of what my VP brother was telling me. He was telling me how the manufacturing company he worked for at the time didn't want to build plants in Indiana, because of how wacko Mike Pence is. So PERHAPS the rich and powerful must do business with rich Democrats because that's where all the jobs are.

Yes the rich in NY, MI and CA give a lot to the Democratic party. For example, Democrats finally after decades of gerrymandering, finally we control all three branches of MI gov. State House, State Senate and Governors office. So I suppose you are correct if you want to do business where business is being done, you have to work with Democrats.

Sorry, you are correct. If there were only more jobs in Ohio and Indiana. But living in unregulated free market capitalistic states come at a cost

RICHMOND, Ind. (AP) — An evacuation order affecting more than 1,000 people remained in place Wednesday night around a large industrial fire in an Indiana city near the Ohio border where crews worked to douse piles of burning plastics.
That's because reality has never been your forte.

These numbers reinforce the fact that America’s elite across the nation have powerful sympathies toward the Democratic Party. And the more elite their neighborhood is in America’s most powerful cities, the more strongly they lean Democrat.
  • Top 300 zip codes nationwide (representing the top 1.4 percent of socio-economic status):
Democrats $71 million
Republicans $47 million
(60 percent Democratic)

  • Big Four metropolitan areas’ zip codes in top 5 percent by socio-economic status:
Democrats $77 million
Republicans $42 million
(65 percent Democratic)

  • Big Four central-city zip codes in top 5 percent of socio-economic status:
Democrats $48 million
Republicans $21 million
(70 percent Democratic)

How come the rich don't help us by agreeing to raise their taxes? Why is it Republicans who won't raise their taxes?
That's because reality has never been your forte.

These numbers reinforce the fact that America’s elite across the nation have powerful sympathies toward the Democratic Party. And the more elite their neighborhood is in America’s most powerful cities, the more strongly they lean Democrat.
  • Top 300 zip codes nationwide (representing the top 1.4 percent of socio-economic status):
Democrats $71 million
Republicans $47 million
(60 percent Democratic)

  • Big Four metropolitan areas’ zip codes in top 5 percent by socio-economic status:
Democrats $77 million
Republicans $42 million
(65 percent Democratic)

  • Big Four central-city zip codes in top 5 percent of socio-economic status:
Democrats $48 million
Republicans $21 million
(70 percent Democratic)

Sam Bankman-Fried says he's secretly the "third-biggest Republican donor" thanks to "dark money"​

The FTX founder says he kept donations private because "reporters freak the f--k out if you donate to Republicans"​

Citizens United

Now you know why Republicans love the ruling.
How come the rich don't help us by agreeing to raise their taxes? Why is it Republicans who won't raise their taxes?

Why don't Democrats kill all the loopholes the rich use to avoid paying them? God knows they've had plenty of opportunity to do so. Why did they scream about capping the SALT deduction that raised taxes on the wealthiest people in the country?

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