Should they call themselves Christian?


Platinum Member
Jun 19, 2009
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Term Christians:
The first recorded use of the term (or its cognates in other languages) is in the New Testament, in Acts 11:26, after Barnabas brought Saul (Paul) to Antioch where they taught the disciples for about a year, the text says: "[...] 'the disciples' were called Christians first in Antioch."

1)is this the term used in earliest copies, since later text is found corrupt, do we know if this is true before the Forger Eusebius and compiler of Religions with Constantine?
2)Since Paul is a compiled persona liken to the compiled christ then how can anyone trust any texts using the character without considering the possibility of a compiling blanket term like Christian would be similarly created as well.
3)The word " Christian" was very rarely used in the new testament to refer to those that trust/believed on Jesus.
4)Acts is said to be written in 80-90 ad and by that time many christs and personas with similar names or attributed titles were confused for each other already.
5)this includes Krishna called Christos which is the term which Christians comes from, therefore the apostles are Krishnas according to people who claim the word Christians existed in the time of their christ. Otherwise they have to admit it's a later created blanket term for followers of a christ figure (which stretches across many offshoot Judaic cults and other culture's religions).
Before the blanket compiled term there was:
Followers of Yeshu of 100bc called Hanotzrim, Followers of Yehuda the Galilean called Yehudites, Followers of the AD era Christ Theudas (called Nazarenes?), followers of Benjamin the Egyptian (called?), followers of Christos(Krishna) (called Christian?), Followers of Mithra(called Christian in Rome?), followers of Esus the tri god, followers of Dagon (the fish)and Baal (sons of day/priests of bel),
and now present day Followers of Cheech and Chong called Coloradans.
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Maybe Chrestusians.
What an stroke of luck for 3rd century "forger" Eusebius that in 66 Emperor Nero was documented as persecuting followers of a Jewish mystic schooled in Kabbalah, who 30 years prior, appeared to his several hundred eyewitnesses 3 days after his public execution.

Or did Eusebius invent Nero as well?
Which figure, John, a christ figure?
When speaking of lores as history then try actually discussing history with specific names in their culture's language.
In other words, which damn christ figure are you talking about and why will most of you guys never come up with a name & discuss that INDIVIDUAL'S HISTORICAL ACCOUNTS.
That's what this topic is all about, seperating the compiled mythology and getting to recognize you don't know what the hell you are following.
Remember Christians themselves say 1/3 will fall for the imposter false prophet that Rome will (but already did create) in Rome's ONE WORLD COMPILED RELIGION).=CHRISTIANITY
John of Patmos was a Jew supposedly, not a Christian. He said in his day this was taking place, that Rome already was selling the anti anointed character.
If Rome the Harlot Church favored the half Roman Yeshu son of Mary the Harlot,gave him stories of Baal and Biblical chatacters and image of Mithra on the cross and John's christ was Yehuda or Theudas then they did what you guys warn will happen in our day=the one world religion worshiping false prophets and mythologies.
think... intent of the law, not letter of the law....

Believers and followers of Christ were originally know as "The Way"
Which christ and please support with resources. Thanks.
Which christ and please support with resources. Thanks.

Christians(so called) show up on Sunday mornings in their SUV's wearing their best attire and go through a ritual which is totally self serving while over 900,000,000 in the world, mostly children, starve to death. Everything they put into the collection plate goes to support local programs and a small portion to the religious organization. At the same time churches own more real property than any other organization in the world. If I were one(I don't believe in fairy tales) I would simply resign and send my money to a rated children's charity group.
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Which christ and please support with resources. Thanks.

Christians(so called) show up on Sunday mornings in their SUV's wearing their best attire and go through a ritual which is totally self serving while over 900,000,000 in the world, mostly children, starve to death. Everything they put into the collection plate goes to support local programs and a small portion to the religious organization. At the same time churches own more real property than any other organization in the world. If I were one(I don't believe in fairy tales) I would simply resign and send my money to a rated children's charity group.

Do you actually practice what you preach and send your money to a rated children's charity group or are you simply attempting to dictate what others should do?
See read the tenses correctly, Campbell suggested by saying "I would" not dictating saying "you should." Which actually would also be just a suggestion.
Personally I like doing the deeds directly to the people or directly assisting because most charities administration cost and abuse of funds leaves only 10% to the actual intended target.
2)Since Paul is a compiled persona liken to the compiled christ
I never heard this before and it contradicts everything I know about either man. Do you have any evidence or is this just your speculations stated as fact?
Many stories about each man circulated for a very long time before they were written down. Historical accuracy was not the point of the stories, theology was.
In our day it has been Pres. Reagan who is treated in a very similar way. Stories about him are not always historically accurate because the tellers are more concerned with making political points than accuracy.
See read the tenses correctly, Campbell suggested by saying "I would" not dictating saying "you should." Which actually would also be just a suggestion.
Personally I like doing the deeds directly to the people or directly assisting because most charities administration cost and abuse of funds leaves only 10% to the actual intended target.

And I asked him if he actually did that.
2)Since Paul is a compiled persona liken to the compiled christ
I never heard this before and it contradicts everything I know about either man. Do you have any evidence or is this just your speculations stated as fact?
Many stories about each man circulated for a very long time before they were written down. Historical accuracy was not the point of the stories, theology was.
In our day it has been Pres. Reagan who is treated in a very similar way. Stories about him are not always historically accurate because the tellers are more concerned with making political points than accuracy.

alang, be wary of HaShev. He hates Christ, and wants you to too.
Ha Shev is awaiting on the arrival of the Anti-Christ to appear. He will deem the Anti-Christ to be the Savior and follow him.
2)Since Paul is a compiled persona liken to the compiled christ
I never heard this before and it contradicts everything I know about either man. Do you have any evidence or is this just your speculations stated as fact?
Many stories about each man circulated for a very long time before they were written down. Historical accuracy was not the point of the stories, theology was.
In our day it has been Pres. Reagan who is treated in a very similar way. Stories about him are not always historically accurate because the tellers are more concerned with making political points than accuracy.

I deduce the compiled Paul through the obvious: name change which occurs when compiling figures.
His accounts match that of Apollonius of Tyana called Pol who lived in Tarsus, had the humping out the window story, went to Syria,etc..
Another figure; In acts Saul supposedly met Sergius Paulus called Paul who's friend was a "maggis" (alymas) called Bar(son)Jesus who Saul called the son of the devil.
Obviously Paul is not Saul, but to defeat Saul and convert Jews Rome simply makes Saul Paul as a tactic to swallow your enemies.
Sort of like the trick in this forum to post claimed Jewish conversions from people with non Jewish names, heritages, or features=suspect not all who claimed to be Jews were actually Jews, we call them liars for Jesus. The same people who teach their kids not to succumb to peer pressure, use that tactic in proselytizing to people who they claim have the same God already-oops an admission that it isn't the same God. If Saul or any Jew has to convert from Yhwh to Jesus then that is admission they are stealing from God.
Ha Shev is awaiting on the arrival of the Anti-Christ to appear. He will deem the Anti-Christ to be the Savior and follow him.

See you have no rebuttle, so you come back with ad hominom posts that break forum rules.
You break scriptural rules of engagement, forum rules of engagement, society and local laws of engagement. Your anarchy never works, because you and your offspring has to live in that same hell you create. Way to go, everytime you complain about how messed up society you can look in the mirror and your offspring can look upon you and say: we chose to follow the curse-Genius!

Deuteronomy\Devarim: 30:19 I call heaven
and earth to witness against you this
day,That I have set before you life and
death, the blessing and the curse;Therefore
choose life, that you may live, you and your
2)Since Paul is a compiled persona liken to the compiled christ
I never heard this before and it contradicts everything I know about either man. Do you have any evidence or is this just your speculations stated as fact?
Many stories about each man circulated for a very long time before they were written down. Historical accuracy was not the point of the stories, theology was.
In our day it has been Pres. Reagan who is treated in a very similar way. Stories about him are not always historically accurate because the tellers are more concerned with making political points than accuracy.

alang, be wary of HaShev. He hates Christ, and wants you to too.

You are baring false testimony, you mean hate Lucifer the image made perfect to deceive. Which Christ are you calling Jesus then back your statement with my comments about that specific individual christ. It is not hateful to get to historical accuracy and truth, it's loving, especially when clearing the name of historical figures abused by being compiled.
If you yourself was being compiled with Penelope I'm sure you'd want someone to speak up in your behalf and address the real you not the mistaken or spiteful blending with an anti Israel propagandist.
As I said before, the one they hung on the cross that defeated death and returned 3 days later. There is only one. The one Nicodemus referred to in his transcripts of the trials of Jesus, the Christ. The one who is to come to the Mt. of Olives in Israel's defense.
The goyim never knew of the law or were taught the law as it was forbidden to teach any goy to begin with, The law was never given to the goyim in the first place. So when paul the con man came along the goyim ate his fables up, not knowing any better

Nowhere in the Bible (Tanakh) are Gentiles (goyim) ever condemned for not keeping the law of Moses
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