Should they call themselves Christian?

See you totally butcher the Bible and history. YOU seem to comprehend what 1/3 is yet oblivious to the fact that Christianity is 1/3 of the population who fell with the morning star=the first fallen messiah we were all warned not to be deceived by his created image by the adversary Rome.
The 1/3 fish in "the sea" (Rome), 1/3 who became wormwood (bitter & poisonous herb) by the fallen star(messenger).

Do you even read the Bible or forum pists before you spout off?
Posted recently as last night:
The bible says they will come to the Jews as seen today, and that the 2 sticks will come together as one.
You need to understand the 2 messiahs story and recognize the 2 cherubs on the ark of the covenant as representing the 2 guardians
Moshiach ben joseph the failed fallen one then Moshiach
ben David the Triumphant arch strategist.
That story even sits in the legend of the name of the holy city, the city alone is like a cliff note to the whole process so even if you were to destroy all bible references you'd still know the morning star (Lucifer Jesus) people will be over turned by the Evening Star people (those of the Liberator/redeemer/restorer).

This is why Lucifer is allowed to exist, in order to bring people half way to Torah, see what life is without the Shiloh, then find their full way grafted into Their Judaic roots thus fully Teshuva and find their peace and purpose.

If Christians scoff at becoming Jewish then they lose, because in order for Jesus to be Messiah it's required they come to the Torah(in Matt it commands also).
In order for Bible to be validated which they need for their arguments then Christians have to take hold off the garb of a Jew/ Rabbi snd ask us about our ideology (define)on God (source and power of life). They(the gentile) also have not yet seen the face of God according to
Isaiah 66:19, and they have to bring themselves into Judaism (2 sticks into 1).

1/3 of the population of the Jews are wiped out according to Revelation, and then 1/3 of what is left are wiped out before Christ's return. Sealing the 144,000 Messianic Jews from the tribes ensures God's promise to Abraham.

Israel is in for a really rough future. We are seeing prophesy of it today. All Nations ARE coming against Israel. They are surrounded by their enemies. Nukes will be heading to and from Israel. Not touching the debris, but flaging it for professionals to come and remove it is described in Revelation.
Wormwood is a description of nuclear waste. Chernobyl is Russian for wormwood. Nukes will contaminate the water here on earth during the tribulation. Nothing would make it out alive in this next war we are gearing up for if it were not for the return of Christ to stop it.

Posting does not make something so, no matter what the time frame. Post it again tomorrow and it will still be incorrect.
Christians that scoff at becoming Jewish don't understand the Bible. Christians were grafted into the Jewish line. Christ came to the Jews first, then the Gentile. The difference is that Christians believe that a Jewish carpenter replaced Jewish Law with grace, and put us under a new covenant.

I can see by your avoidance reply and your comment about wormwood that you are one of those people who have to look up words online and use other peoples thoughts by stealing them. If you are gonna steal definitions of Biblical terms then do not use opinions of those not knowing the era or context and are Biblically illiterate.
Wormwood was a herb and it was seriously bitter, poisonous= deadly. The teachings of the fallen star(messenger) have caused over thousands of wars and over 50 million murders and I can show you the library of dated posts of a huge amount of vile bitter Christians who don't know how to have Biblical discussions without being crude, rude and enraged in behavior.
It's due to the fallen one causes pride in the group (gang behavior) and animosity(towards outside gangs) and maybe feelings of inadequacy(in comparison to other gangs)?

I am not the pup that you are. I don't get my insight from online. Wisdom is one of the promises God is glad to fulfill for anyone who asks. My reply avoided nothing, I just don't read alot of the crap you post. I respond to what might be considered relevant to others lest they be diverted from the truth. Speaking of avoidance, how do you reconcile saying that what John described was what was happening during the time of his writings with the fact that the things John described didn't happen in his time.
John made it quite clear what was going to cause the destruction, (never once mentioning an herb) and was even more specific about what it would impact. (no humans. WATER.) then told us how much water would be effected. You just grasp at whatever straw may help your case and instead get caught up in your own understanding which is lacking. NO HERBS!!! JOHN SAID WATER!!!

Since John wrote that 1/3 of the WATER was poisoned, give me evidence from any where in antiquity that 1/3 of the earth's water supply was poisoned during John's life.

caught lying: quote:"I don't get my insight from online."
That Chernobyl correlation is a well known internet rant, it did not come from you and never should you admit their ignorance came from you.

Knowledgeable preachers are who made the correlation wayyy back in the 80's. And I take nothing they say for granted. I always check to make sure. :)
But I bet you YOU didn't know what Chernobyl meant until I told you what it meant. In fact I bet you looked it up online to see if I was right! You are not as clever as you think.
At any rate, now you know. wormwood, water, and no herbs.
Soo, back to the issue of avoidance:
How do you reconcile your stance that the things John described were happening during his life time, when you now have proof to the contrary. Give me proof from any country anywhere that between let's say 3AD-100AD that 1/3 of the earths water and everything in it was destroyed. Start there and we'll move on to the other predictions that have yet to happen, like a 3 1/2 year peace treaty that the Jews will enter into only to be shattered when the one world leader sat in their newly rebuilt Temple. Show me the New Temple that was built in John's time. All I see is a Dome. What treaty did John witness? When did it end and how?

And just for the record there is no need for insults. The last person that called me a liar here, got his nose rubbed in it. I didn't have to call you an asshole to quote John. So, no need for your personal attacks. Just say what you have to say and I'll refute it for ya.
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I deduce the compiled Paul through the obvious: name change which occurs when compiling figures.
His accounts match that of Apollonius of Tyana called Pol who lived in Tarsus, had the humping out the window story, went to Syria,etc..
Another figure; In acts Saul supposedly met Sergius Paulus called Paul who's friend was a "maggis" (alymas) called Bar(son)Jesus who Saul called the son of the devil.
Obviously Paul is not Saul, but to defeat Saul and convert Jews Rome simply makes Saul Paul as a tactic to swallow your enemies.
Sort of like the trick in this forum to post claimed Jewish conversions from people with non Jewish names, heritages, or features=suspect not all who claimed to be Jews were actually Jews, we call them liars for Jesus. The same people who teach their kids not to succumb to peer pressure, use that tactic in proselytizing to people who they claim have the same God already-oops an admission that it isn't the same God. If Saul or any Jew has to convert from Yhwh to Jesus then that is admission they are stealing from God.
History is not what we wish it to be.

Your evidence seems pretty flimsy to me. Paul seems to me to be a solid historical figure, probably one of the most important in Western civilization. I'm convinced Jesus was also a historical figure about whom many stories were written. Many to make a theological point and not concerned with historical fact. To use the stories about him to uncover his true identity and mission is no easy task.

You have no sources nor actual refutation or elaborate backing for your statement, and we see by your prior post that you bare false testimony and have ill intentions(folly).
Failed reply. Try again using research and not subjective game play. You are not a politician, stop talking around the subject and list examples and sources and get some substance.

You have no proof that God gave Moses anything. Yet you believe He did.

He gave Moses his staff (HaShevet).
The HaShevet was placed in the ark of the covenant with the 10 commandments.

17:25 Vayomer Adonay el-Moshe HASHEV et-mateh Aharon lifney ha'edut lemishmeret le'ot
livney-Meri utechal telunotam me'alay velo yamutu.
God said to Moses, "Put Aaron's staff back there before
the [Ark of] Testimony as a keepsake. Let it be a sign for anyone who wants to rebel.
This should put an end to their complaints to Me, and then they will not die."

What staff? What ark? Just because some old dude said he wandered around in the desert for 40 years doesn't make it so. Or that God gave him some tablets... Proof shev, show me the ark..... Moses may well be as phony as you profess Paul to be.
And you need not ask which Christ again. The one the Pharisees illegally tried, and hung on a cross that returned 3 days later. THAT ONE.

Irish Ram, how on earth can you follow anything Ha Shiev says? I consider myself a fairly educated person but Ha Shiev appears to get a whole lot of his information from Jewish folklore. I simply cannot make sense of what he says most of the time. I watch a few Jewish broadcasts on television and I've never heard such wild explanations and conjecture in my entire life. I have concluded that Ha Shiev is a mite touched in the head.
Ha reminds me of a some others here (love ya Hob) that have taken a few verses from the Bible and conjured up a whole new religion out of it. We had the "Gospel of Brad" last year. But there are also people here who look for answers, so when I see answers from left field, I don't want folks to be lead astray. That's why were are told not to add to or take away from the word. It is self explanatory. Like John saying water, not herbs... ;)
See you totally butcher the Bible and history. YOU seem to comprehend what 1/3 is yet oblivious to the fact that Christianity is 1/3 of the population who fell with the morning star=the first fallen messiah we were all warned not to be deceived by his created image by the adversary Rome.
The 1/3 fish in "the sea" (Rome), 1/3 who became wormwood (bitter & poisonous herb) by the fallen star(messenger).

Do you even read the Bible or forum pists before you spout off?
Posted recently as last night:
The bible says they will come to the Jews as seen today, and that the 2 sticks will come together as one.
You need to understand the 2 messiahs story and recognize the 2 cherubs on the ark of the covenant as representing the 2 guardians
Moshiach ben joseph the failed fallen one then Moshiach
ben David the Triumphant arch strategist.
That story even sits in the legend of the name of the holy city, the city alone is like a cliff note to the whole process so even if you were to destroy all bible references you'd still know the morning star (Lucifer Jesus) people will be over turned by the Evening Star people (those of the Liberator/redeemer/restorer).

This is why Lucifer is allowed to exist, in order to bring people half way to Torah, see what life is without the Shiloh, then find their full way grafted into Their Judaic roots thus fully Teshuva and find their peace and purpose.

If Christians scoff at becoming Jewish then they lose, because in order for Jesus to be Messiah it's required they come to the Torah(in Matt it commands also).
In order for Bible to be validated which they need for their arguments then Christians have to take hold off the garb of a Jew/ Rabbi snd ask us about our ideology (define)on God (source and power of life). They(the gentile) also have not yet seen the face of God according to
Isaiah 66:19, and they have to bring themselves into Judaism (2 sticks into 1).

1/3 of the population of the Jews are wiped out according to Revelation, and then 1/3 of what is left are wiped out before Christ's return. Sealing the 144,000 Messianic Jews from the tribes ensures God's promise to Abraham.

Israel is in for a really rough future. We are seeing prophesy of it today. All Nations ARE coming against Israel. They are surrounded by their enemies. Nukes will be heading to and from Israel. Not touching the debris, but flaging it for professionals to come and remove it is described in Revelation.
Wormwood is a description of nuclear waste. Chernobyl is Russian for wormwood. Nukes will contaminate the water here on earth during the tribulation. Nothing would make it out alive in this next war we are gearing up for if it were not for the return of Christ to stop it.

Posting does not make something so, no matter what the time frame. Post it again tomorrow and it will still be incorrect.
Christians that scoff at becoming Jewish don't understand the Bible. Christians were grafted into the Jewish line. Christ came to the Jews first, then the Gentile. The difference is that Christians believe that a Jewish carpenter replaced Jewish Law with grace, and put us under a new covenant.

I can see by your avoidance reply and your comment about wormwood that you are one of those people who have to look up words online and use other peoples thoughts by stealing them. If you are gonna steal definitions of Biblical terms then do not use opinions of those not knowing the era or context and are Biblically illiterate.
Wormwood was a herb and it was seriously bitter, poisonous= deadly. The teachings of the fallen star(messenger) have caused over thousands of wars and over 50 million murders and I can show you the library of dated posts of a huge amount of vile bitter Christians who don't know how to have Biblical discussions without being crude, rude and enraged in behavior.
It's due to the fallen one causes pride in the group (gang behavior) and animosity(towards outside gangs) and maybe feelings of inadequacy(in comparison to other gangs)?

I am not the pup that you are. I don't get my insight from online. Wisdom is one of the promises God is glad to fulfill for anyone who asks. My reply avoided nothing, I just don't read alot of the crap you post. I respond to what might be considered relevant to others lest they be diverted from the truth. Speaking of avoidance, how do you reconcile saying that what John described was what was happening during the time of his writings with the fact that the things John described didn't happen in his time.
John made it quite clear what was going to cause the destruction, (never once mentioning an herb) and was even more specific about what it would impact. (no humans. WATER.) then told us how much water would be effected. You just grasp at whatever straw may help your case and instead get caught up in your own understanding which is lacking. NO HERBS!!! JOHN SAID WATER!!!

Since John wrote that 1/3 of the WATER was poisoned, give me evidence from any where in antiquity that 1/3 of the earth's water supply was poisoned during John's life.

caught lying: quote:"I don't get my insight from online."
That Chernobyl correlation is a well known internet rant, it did not come from you and never should you admit their ignorance came from you.

Knowledgeable preachers are who made the correlation wayyy back in the 80's. And I take nothing they say for granted. I always check to make sure. :)
But I bet you YOU didn't know what Chernobyl meant until I told you what it meant. In fact I bet you looked it up online to see if I was right! You are not as clever as you think.
At any rate, now you know. wormwood, water, and no herbs.
Soo, back to the issue of avoidance:
How do you reconcile your stance that the things John described were happening during his life time, when you now have proof to the contrary. Give me proof from any country anywhere that between let's say 3AD-100AD that 1/3 of the earths water and everything in it was destroyed. Start there and we'll move on to the other predictions that have yet to happen, like a 3 1/2 year peace treaty that the Jews will enter into only to be shattered when the one world leader sat in their newly rebuilt Temple. Show me the New Temple that was built in John's time. All I see is a Dome. What treaty did John witness? When did it end and how?

And just for the record there is no need for insults. The last person that called me a liar here, got his nose rubbed in it. I didn't have to call you an asshole to quote John. So, no need for your personal attacks. Just say what you have to say and I'll refute it for ya.

I stopped reading when you said knowledgable. You mean to tell me they didn't know wormwood was a herb?
You didn't either right?
Now your pride remains in the error too embarassed to admit you listened to ramblings of not so smart as they think they are men. Knowledgable in what? If they had knowledge then why would they be Satanist Priests following Lucifer?
One person best knows
these things-read Dan 10:21

To address your other foible: he never said the water was wormwood and a nuclear accident can't be a fallen prophet which is what every preacher teaches is the fallen star in that verse. Meaning you are calling almost every preacher an idiot except the 2 that fooled you.(just to save face= pride)
Worse is that you are saying Jesus in 2 Peter 3:10 is admitting being the fallen star who brought the disaster in Chernobyl. ;-o
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History is not what we wish it to be.

Your evidence seems pretty flimsy to me. Paul seems to me to be a solid historical figure, probably one of the most important in Western civilization. I'm convinced Jesus was also a historical figure about whom many stories were written. Many to make a theological point and not concerned with historical fact. To use the stories about him to uncover his true identity and mission is no easy task.

You have no sources nor actual refutation or elaborate backing for your statement, and we see by your prior post that you bare false testimony and have ill intentions(folly).
Failed reply. Try again using research and not subjective game play. You are not a politician, stop talking around the subject and list examples and sources and get some substance.

You have no proof that God gave Moses anything. Yet you believe He did.

He gave Moses his staff (HaShevet).
The HaShevet was placed in the ark of the covenant with the 10 commandments.

17:25 Vayomer Adonay el-Moshe HASHEV et-mateh Aharon lifney ha'edut lemishmeret le'ot
livney-Meri utechal telunotam me'alay velo yamutu.
God said to Moses, "Put Aaron's staff back there before
the [Ark of] Testimony as a keepsake. Let it be a sign for anyone who wants to rebel.
This should put an end to their complaints to Me, and then they will not die."

What staff? What ark? Just because some old dude said he wandered around in the desert for 40 years doesn't make it so. Or that God gave him some tablets... Proof shev, show me the ark..... Moses may well be as phony as you profess Paul to be.
And you need not ask which Christ again. The one the Pharisees illegally tried, and hung on a cross that returned 3 days later. THAT ONE.

Irish Ram, how on earth can you follow anything Ha Shiev says? I consider myself a fairly educated person but Ha Shiev appears to get a whole lot of his information from Jewish folklore. I simply cannot make sense of what he says most of the time. I watch a few Jewish broadcasts on television and I've never heard such wild explanations and conjecture in my entire life. I have concluded that Ha Shiev is a mite touched in the head.

You just called the Jewish Bible Folklore which means your beliefs in Jesus is folklore=Brilliant! *Lol*
You have no sources nor actual refutation or elaborate backing for your statement, and we see by your prior post that you bare false testimony and have ill intentions(folly).
Failed reply. Try again using research and not subjective game play. You are not a politician, stop talking around the subject and list examples and sources and get some substance.

You have no proof that God gave Moses anything. Yet you believe He did.

He gave Moses his staff (HaShevet).
The HaShevet was placed in the ark of the covenant with the 10 commandments.

17:25 Vayomer Adonay el-Moshe HASHEV et-mateh Aharon lifney ha'edut lemishmeret le'ot
livney-Meri utechal telunotam me'alay velo yamutu.
God said to Moses, "Put Aaron's staff back there before
the [Ark of] Testimony as a keepsake. Let it be a sign for anyone who wants to rebel.
This should put an end to their complaints to Me, and then they will not die."

What staff? What ark? Just because some old dude said he wandered around in the desert for 40 years doesn't make it so. Or that God gave him some tablets... Proof shev, show me the ark..... Moses may well be as phony as you profess Paul to be.
And you need not ask which Christ again. The one the Pharisees illegally tried, and hung on a cross that returned 3 days later. THAT ONE.
your spin on what the
Irish Ram, how on earth can you follow anything Ha Shiev says? I consider myself a fairly educated person but Ha Shiev appears to get a whole lot of his information from Jewish folklore. I simply cannot make sense of what he says most of the time. I watch a few Jewish broadcasts on television and I've never heard such wild explanations and conjecture in my entire life. I have concluded that Ha Shiev is a mite touched in the head.

You just called the Jewish Bible Folklore which means your beliefs in Jesus is folklore=Brilliant! *Lol*

No. I question your insane spins on what the Bible actually says. You make it a fable.
You have no sources nor actual refutation or elaborate backing for your statement, and we see by your prior post that you bare false testimony and have ill intentions(folly).
Failed reply. Try again using research and not subjective game play. You are not a politician, stop talking around the subject and list examples and sources and get some substance.
I've read numerous sources but first and foremost is Bart Ehrman. I'll give you an example of his logic. Jesus was almost certainly crucified on a cross of wood (tree), hence he would have been seen by the Jews as cursed by God. If that story was made up by later Christians they certainly would have come up with a better story, one more acceptable to the Jews they wished to convert.
You have no proof that God gave Moses anything. Yet you believe He did.

He gave Moses his staff (HaShevet).
The HaShevet was placed in the ark of the covenant with the 10 commandments.

17:25 Vayomer Adonay el-Moshe HASHEV et-mateh Aharon lifney ha'edut lemishmeret le'ot
livney-Meri utechal telunotam me'alay velo yamutu.
God said to Moses, "Put Aaron's staff back there before
the [Ark of] Testimony as a keepsake. Let it be a sign for anyone who wants to rebel.
This should put an end to their complaints to Me, and then they will not die."

What staff? What ark? Just because some old dude said he wandered around in the desert for 40 years doesn't make it so. Or that God gave him some tablets... Proof shev, show me the ark..... Moses may well be as phony as you profess Paul to be.
And you need not ask which Christ again. The one the Pharisees illegally tried, and hung on a cross that returned 3 days later. THAT ONE.
your spin on what the
Irish Ram, how on earth can you follow anything Ha Shiev says? I consider myself a fairly educated person but Ha Shiev appears to get a whole lot of his information from Jewish folklore. I simply cannot make sense of what he says most of the time. I watch a few Jewish broadcasts on television and I've never heard such wild explanations and conjecture in my entire life. I have concluded that Ha Shiev is a mite touched in the head.

You just called the Jewish Bible Folklore which means your beliefs in Jesus is folklore=Brilliant! *Lol*

No. I question your insane spins on what the Bible actually says. You make it a fable.

You are always welcome to refute and rebuttle my posts instead of your ad hominem responses you should give examples of your accusations and use sources. Instead of being the accuser(satan) and making me a despised suffering servant why not address the message instead of the messenger?
You have no sources nor actual refutation or elaborate backing for your statement, and we see by your prior post that you bare false testimony and have ill intentions(folly).
Failed reply. Try again using research and not subjective game play. You are not a politician, stop talking around the subject and list examples and sources and get some substance.
I've read numerous sources but first and foremost is Bart Ehrman. I'll give you an example of his logic. Jesus was almost certainly crucified on a cross of wood (tree), hence he would have been seen by the Jews as cursed by God. If that story was made up by later Christians they certainly would have come up with a better story, one more acceptable to the Jews they wished to convert.
I can help you there:
Research this bascilica:
When they converted the discovered Mithraic temples into their bascilica churches like the Basilica of San Clemente, they found there Mithraic relics like a sickly man on the cross at the altar. A Mithraic idol predating Christianity and thus reused by the church even though their character is said to be stoned and hanged on a tree.
There was also a celtic find I believe in Ireland, a predated mithraic cross with skinny sickly man the one the Pope John Paul ll and others used to carry.
Mithra was popular in Tarsus where Paul and Pol (Appollonius used for the character Paul is from). I think it was Roman
soldier ironically named Lucius who brought it there to popularity.
Lastly the cross was the sign given to Constantine (who like Pol had a love & library of many cultures beliefs) who made decisions on the compiled religion including that sign to conquer with.

The one crucified was Yehuda the Galilean and his 2 sons, also the AD figure Theudas by the Jordan was probably crucified in 45ad. his apostles were the martyrs in the story.
Sources for Yehuda and Theudas besides the book of acts confusing their death sequence.
Book of Antiquities
book (17) talks about the 2 Yehudas of Galilee. The Galilean and confused for Galionite who ransacked the temple thus probably used for the Overturning the Temple table story and Jesus Barabas accounts.

Yehuda the Galilean tax revolter's sons are crucified: Book 20 CHAPTER 5.

the sons of Judas of Galilee were now slain; I mean of that Judas who caused the people to revolt, when Cyrenius came to take an account of the estates of the Jews, as we have showed in a foregoing book. The names of those sons were James and Simon, whom (TIBERIUS)Alexander commanded to be crucified.

Of course in Acts 5: 36Some time ago Theudas appeared, claiming to be somebody, and about four hundred men rallied to him. He was killed, all his followers were dispersed, and it all came to nothing. 37After him, Judas the Galilean appeared in the days of the census and led a band of people in revolt. He too was killed, and all his followers were scattered.
So Book of Acts speaks of his being crucified (Killed)around 6 or & bc time of census for his revolt just as his sons were taken by Rome.
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You have no sources nor actual refutation or elaborate backing for your statement, and we see by your prior post that you bare false testimony and have ill intentions(folly).
Failed reply. Try again using research and not subjective game play. You are not a politician, stop talking around the subject and list examples and sources and get some substance.
I've read numerous sources but first and foremost is Bart Ehrman. I'll give you an example of his logic. Jesus was almost certainly crucified on a cross of wood (tree), hence he would have been seen by the Jews as cursed by God. If that story was made up by later Christians they certainly would have come up with a better story, one more acceptable to the Jews they wished to convert.
I can help you there:
Research this bascilica:
When they converted the discovered Mithraic temples into their bascilica churches like the Basilica of San Clemente, they found there Mithraic relics like a sickly man on the cross at the altar. A Mithraic idol predating Christianity and thus reused by the church even though their character is said to be stoned and hanged on a tree.
There was also a celtic find I believe in Ireland, a predated mithraic cross with skinny sickly man the one the Pope John Paul ll and others used to carry.
Mithra was popular in Tarsus where Paul and Pol (Appollonius used for the character Paul is from). I think it was Roman
soldier ironically named Lucius who brought it there to popularity.
Lastly the cross was the sign given to Constantine (who like Pol had a love & library of many cultures beliefs) who made decisions on the compiled religion including that sign to conquer with.

The one crucified was Yehuda the Galilean and his 2 sons, also the AD figure Theudas by the Jordan was probably crucified in 45ad. his apostles were the martyrs in the story.
Sources for Yehuda and Theudas besides the book of acts confusing their death sequence.
Book of Antiquities
book (17) talks about the 2 Yehudas of Galilee. The Galilean and confused for Galionite who ransacked the temple thus probably used for the Overturning the Temple table story and Jesus Barabas accounts.

Yehuda the Galilean tax revolter's sons are crucified: Book 20 CHAPTER 5.

the sons of Judas of Galilee were now slain; I mean of that Judas who caused the people to revolt, when Cyrenius came to take an account of the estates of the Jews, as we have showed in a foregoing book. The names of those sons were James and Simon, whom (TIBERIUS)Alexander commanded to be crucified.

Of course in Acts 5: 36Some time ago Theudas appeared, claiming to be somebody, and about four hundred men rallied to him. He was killed, all his followers were dispersed, and it all came to nothing. 37After him, Judas the Galilean appeared in the days of the census and led a band of people in revolt. He too was killed, and all his followers were scattered.
So Book of Acts speaks of his being crucified (Killed)around 6 or & bc time of census for his revolt just as his sons were taken by Rome.
Crucifixion appears to have been both extreme and rather common so it is not surprising it is pictured often.

As for Christians repurposing older stories, that was likely a very common practice. After all, when Jesus began to compete for followers from the pagan ranks, he needed some miracles to show his power. Jews likely did it too as the story of Moses in the basket was previously used before being incorporated in the folklore of the Jews.
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