See you totally butcher the Bible and history. YOU seem to comprehend what 1/3 is yet oblivious to the fact that Christianity is 1/3 of the population who fell with the morning star=the first fallen messiah we were all warned not to be deceived by his created image by the adversary Rome.
The 1/3 fish in "the sea" (Rome), 1/3 who became wormwood (bitter & poisonous herb) by the fallen star(messenger).
Do you even read the Bible or forum pists before you spout off?
Posted recently as last night:
The bible says they will come to the Jews as seen today, and that the 2 sticks will come together as one.
You need to understand the 2 messiahs story and recognize the 2 cherubs on the ark of the covenant as representing the 2 guardians
Moshiach ben joseph the failed fallen one then Moshiach
ben David the Triumphant arch strategist.
That story even sits in the legend of the name of the holy city, the city alone is like a cliff note to the whole process so even if you were to destroy all bible references you'd still know the morning star (Lucifer Jesus) people will be over turned by the Evening Star people (those of the Liberator/redeemer/restorer).
This is why Lucifer is allowed to exist, in order to bring people half way to Torah, see what life is without the Shiloh, then find their full way grafted into Their Judaic roots thus fully Teshuva and find their peace and purpose.
If Christians scoff at becoming Jewish then they lose, because in order for Jesus to be Messiah it's required they come to the Torah(in Matt it commands also).
In order for Bible to be validated which they need for their arguments then Christians have to take hold off the garb of a Jew/ Rabbi snd ask us about our ideology (define)on God (source and power of life). They(the gentile) also have not yet seen the face of God according to
Isaiah 66:19, and they have to bring themselves into Judaism (2 sticks into 1).
1/3 of the population of the Jews are wiped out according to Revelation, and then 1/3 of what is left are wiped out before Christ's return. Sealing the 144,000 Messianic Jews from the tribes ensures God's promise to Abraham.
Israel is in for a really rough future. We are seeing prophesy of it today. All Nations ARE coming against Israel. They are surrounded by their enemies. Nukes will be heading to and from Israel. Not touching the debris, but flaging it for professionals to come and remove it is described in Revelation.
Wormwood is a description of nuclear waste. Chernobyl is Russian for wormwood. Nukes will contaminate the water here on earth during the tribulation. Nothing would make it out alive in this next war we are gearing up for if it were not for the return of Christ to stop it.
Posting does not make something so, no matter what the time frame. Post it again tomorrow and it will still be incorrect.
Christians that scoff at becoming Jewish don't understand the Bible. Christians were grafted into the Jewish line. Christ came to the Jews first, then the Gentile. The difference is that Christians believe that a Jewish carpenter replaced Jewish Law with grace, and put us under a new covenant.