Should police unions be abolished?


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2021
Police unions have a long history of actively protecting dirty cops.

Officers with long histories of bribery, planting evidence, excessive force, and even sexual harassment, have retained their jobs for years despite multiple attempts of firing them.

This is because the union contracts in many cities make it nearly impossible for an officer to be fired for any reason.

Some cities have outright abolished their police unions fired all unionized police officers, and hired a new non-union police force, and crime in those cities have gone down as has the cost of maintaining the police force without having to pay fees to the union.

Some former police officers have even said that you need officials didn't care if an officer was corrupt or not they saw it as their duty to protect officers regardless of their actions, and that Union officials had winter's far as threatening to withhold assistance to officers who cooperate with internal affairs investigations into their fellow officers. police unions have gotten to the point where they see it as their job to cover up for the crimes of dirty cops and punish any police officers who refuse to do that
Please cite an example of a city that abolished a police union. Seriously.

It has been recognized by rational humans for DECADES that collective bargaining and the right to strike are TOTALLY INCOMPATIBLE with public sector employment, and that is true whether you are talking about police, teachers, skilled workers or floor sweepers. President Franklin Roosevelt wrote that the process of collective bargaining had “insurmountable limitations when applied to public personnel management.”

The reason why unions are incompatible with public sector employment is because there can be no true adversarial relationship between government negotiators and government employees. Whether you believe this or not, the unconscionable level of pay, benefits, pensions, etc., that government employees have won nationwide are proof of it.

THere is a guaranteed Constitutional Right for interested people to gather and talk, and the same applies to police. But collective bargaining goes too far.
Police unions have a long history of actively protecting dirty cops.

Officers with long histories of bribery, planting evidence, excessive force, and even sexual harassment, have retained their jobs for years despite multiple attempts of firing them.

This is because the union contracts in many cities make it nearly impossible for an officer to be fired for any reason.

Some cities have outright abolished their police unions fired all unionized police officers, and hired a new non-union police force, and crime in those cities have gone down as has the cost of maintaining the police force without having to pay fees to the union.

Some former police officers have even said that you need officials didn't care if an officer was corrupt or not they saw it as their duty to protect officers regardless of their actions, and that Union officials had winter's far as threatening to withhold assistance to officers who cooperate with internal affairs investigations into their fellow officers. police unions have gotten to the point where they see it as their job to cover up for the crimes of dirty cops and punish any police officers who refuse to do that
Yes. They should be abolished.
Police unions have a long history of actively protecting dirty cops.

Officers with long histories of bribery, planting evidence, excessive force, and even sexual harassment, have retained their jobs for years despite multiple attempts of firing them.

This is because the union contracts in many cities make it nearly impossible for an officer to be fired for any reason.

Some cities have outright abolished their police unions fired all unionized police officers, and hired a new non-union police force, and crime in those cities have gone down as has the cost of maintaining the police force without having to pay fees to the union.

Some former police officers have even said that you need officials didn't care if an officer was corrupt or not they saw it as their duty to protect officers regardless of their actions, and that Union officials had winter's far as threatening to withhold assistance to officers who cooperate with internal affairs investigations into their fellow officers. police unions have gotten to the point where they see it as their job to cover up for the crimes of dirty cops and punish any police officers who refuse to do that
Well, maybe. I'd say the same goes for teacher's unions, and for much of the same reasons.
The Right of Free Assembly is in the Constitution, so you can "abolish" police unions.

However, you can , if you wish, abolish collective bargaining for police forces. Just pay the fellows and rule over them like any other civil servants who don't have collective bargaining.

But as far as cops voicing their opinions over public concerns, they are allowed to do that, and will continue even if they are the only people the libs don't want to pay Union dues.
Police unions have a long history of actively protecting dirty cops.

Officers with long histories of bribery, planting evidence, excessive force, and even sexual harassment, have retained their jobs for years despite multiple attempts of firing them.

This is because the union contracts in many cities make it nearly impossible for an officer to be fired for any reason.

Some cities have outright abolished their police unions fired all unionized police officers, and hired a new non-union police force, and crime in those cities have gone down as has the cost of maintaining the police force without having to pay fees to the union.

Some former police officers have even said that you need officials didn't care if an officer was corrupt or not they saw it as their duty to protect officers regardless of their actions, and that Union officials had winter's far as threatening to withhold assistance to officers who cooperate with internal affairs investigations into their fellow officers. police unions have gotten to the point where they see it as their job to cover up for the crimes of dirty cops and punish any police officers who refuse to do that
Yes. They should be abolished.

So if a city government wants to pay police officer $5 an hour, no vacation, 12 hours a day, that should be encouraged?
All unions should be abolished, You are basically paying a union for your right to work. In the real world it is called a kickback, another deduction on your paycheck
Police unions have a long history of actively protecting dirty cops.
True. And democrat mayors, city councils, DAs, police chiefs, and judges let the bad cops get away with misconduct. Public unions should not be allowed IMHO, but I believe that should be a state issue. If the people in a state want public unions and the misconduct that goes with it, then so be it.
Police unions have a long history of actively protecting dirty cops.

Officers with long histories of bribery, planting evidence, excessive force, and even sexual harassment, have retained their jobs for years despite multiple attempts of firing them.

This is because the union contracts in many cities make it nearly impossible for an officer to be fired for any reason.

Some cities have outright abolished their police unions fired all unionized police officers, and hired a new non-union police force, and crime in those cities have gone down as has the cost of maintaining the police force without having to pay fees to the union.

Some former police officers have even said that you need officials didn't care if an officer was corrupt or not they saw it as their duty to protect officers regardless of their actions, and that Union officials had winter's far as threatening to withhold assistance to officers who cooperate with internal affairs investigations into their fellow officers. police unions have gotten to the point where they see it as their job to cover up for the crimes of dirty cops and punish any police officers who refuse to do that
first get rid of teachers unions...they are a massive fail
I agree that there should be no collective bargaining for police and all other public employees.

But there will always be a civil service code for these folks, who aren't supposed to be fired for reasons other that misconduct and certainly not for politics, and they'll always have lawyers representing them if they get jerked around by a politician in their hearings.
Police unions have a long history of actively protecting dirty cops.

Officers with long histories of bribery, planting evidence, excessive force, and even sexual harassment, have retained their jobs for years despite multiple attempts of firing them.

This is because the union contracts in many cities make it nearly impossible for an officer to be fired for any reason.

Some cities have outright abolished their police unions fired all unionized police officers, and hired a new non-union police force, and crime in those cities have gone down as has the cost of maintaining the police force without having to pay fees to the union.

Some former police officers have even said that you need officials didn't care if an officer was corrupt or not they saw it as their duty to protect officers regardless of their actions, and that Union officials had winter's far as threatening to withhold assistance to officers who cooperate with internal affairs investigations into their fellow officers. police unions have gotten to the point where they see it as their job to cover up for the crimes of dirty cops and punish any police officers who refuse to do that
Please provide one example. You claim there are multiple. Not accusations, but convictions. Chauvin has been fired. I don't know if he was in a union, but as DGS49 and Polishprince said, it is a fundamental American right to assemble.

Abolishing police unions might have some implications for qualified immunity protection. It would require (implore) officers to buy their own professional liability insurance, which is considerably more expensive than personal liability insurance.

Quit these #DefundThePolice initiatives. Most LEOs have incredible backgrounds, above-average intelligence, and serve with honor and integrity.

Please watch this video. "Poiliceman" by Paul Harvey. Well-worth two minutes.

God bless all those who serve. I am indebted to them for helping ensure I have a relatively safe community to raise my family and go about my own business without having to constantly worry about my family's safety like many have to do in Dem cities.


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