Should immigrants who refuse to follow our laws be deported or denied entrance?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Should immigrants who refuse to follow our laws be deported or denied entrance?

Why are we bringing in people who refuse to abide by our laws? A high percent of Muslims here want to follow sharia law over our laws. Fuck them. They have no business being here. We keep seeing Muslims in Germany, France and Great Britain continuing to follow their own laws and culture and are downright hostile to the host countries.

Raping boys is their culture. Marrying little girls is their culture. Sympathizing and supporting terrorism is part of their culture. Female genital mutilation is a big part of their culture. Denying women's rights is a main part of their culture. Why are we doing this to ourselves? The media goes out of it's way to ignore stories of radical Muslims who follow their fucked up sharia law and continue to live with their barbaric rules. And they think all people should follow sharia.

If any Muslim wants to immigrate here, they must denounce sharia and vow to follow our constitution. If they refuse, then out they go. For those here who continue to engage in the mistreatment of women and children, they can get deported back to the shithole they crawled out of.

Seems like every time a Muslim is arrested for wanting to join ISIS or mistreating women, the Muslim community has a collective shitfit and accuses the host countries of attacking them. Sorry, but terrorists should be attacked, not invited to live among us.

Fucking inbred idiots believe the crap they are taught from birth. Seriously, anyone who goes on a suicide mission because he believes 72 virgins await him is a complete moron. And anyone who thinks women are property, little boys are for sex or little girls are for marrying should be dropped into an active volcano.

"Trial of 10 Minnesota Jihadis Returns Guilty Verdicts Ignored by Media

"They have spent a great deal of time over the past year trying to get to Syria to fight for ISIL," U.S. Attorney Andrew Luger said at a press conference in April when the charges were unsealed.

Originally ten local young Muslim men of Somali descent were hit with terror charges, but six of those charged pleaded guilty and waived a trail. Now, the remaining three, Mohamed Abdihamid Farah, 21; Abdurahman Yasin Daud, 21; and Guled Ali Omar, 20, were all found guilty after a three-week trial. A fourth Minnesota Muslim, Abdirahman Bashir, turned state’s witness and provided key evidence to convict the three.

The guilty verdicts all carry a possible life sentence.

But according to Scott W. Johnson, writing for City Journal, the atmosphere around the trial needs to be reported on, too, because it seemed from his firsthand experience that the local Muslim community did not blame the convicted jihadis for the charges. Instead, they acted as if these young men were just being persecuted by an out-of-control government intent on sending innocent Muslims to jail.

Johnson described the intense security the government had arranged for the safety of all concerned, yet even with the high level of security, the brother of one of the defendants was caught trying to smuggle six-inch-long scissors into the courtroom. The same man was also seen apparently casing the exits and elevators of the courthouse. Officials eventually banned him from the building until the trial was over.

This young man was not the only person to be banished from the courthouse as authorities had to take that measure with others who showed a desire to disrupt the proceedings.

Johnson also witnessed the hijab-wearing girlfriend of one of the defendants attempting to beat up her boyfriend’s mother because he was cooperating with authorities.

But the sentiment of these few disruptors was far from unusual as Johnson found a shocking attitude of suspicion emanating from the whole Somali community.

Perhaps most shocking to me was what utterly ordinary members of the Minnesota Somali community the defendants and their friends appeared to be. So far as I can tell, Somali culture is alien and hostile to the United States. Many among the local Somali community considered the defendants to be persecuted innocents entrapped by the government. It would be unduly charitable to characterize the attitude as willful blindness.

Indeed, last year, a video made the rounds showing Somalis in Minnesota insisting they’d rather live under strict sharia law than under American jurisprudence. And just as bad has been the weak coverage in the old media establishment of the trial and the community that spawned it.

As Johnson notes, much of the coverage has been woefully inadequate with almost none of it focusing on how the Somali community has viewed the proceedings.

With an estimated 100,000 plus Somali immigrants settled in Minnesota, brought there by the federal government, this mentality isn’t surprising. And in fact, the government has noticed at least a dozen young Somali men missing from the region over the past decade or so and has even previously arrested several others all suspected of trying to travel to Syria or Africa to join the jihad."

Female Genital Mutilation Cases Increase Due to Migrants

Cases of female genital mutilation (FGM) have increased in Germany, largely due to migrants who practice the tradition. There are said to have been over 35,000 cases recently.

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a 5,000 year old practice that is mainly performed in countries in Africa and the Middle East. Due to the large influx of migrants from these areas the German government is now finding that they will have to tackle the issue with reports of tens of thousands of cases, Die Welt reports.

FGM is a worldwide crisis that sees young girls’ genitals partially removed at a rate of one girl every 11 seconds. While Europe for the most part has never had to deal with large scale cases of FGM, the migrant crisis may be changing that.

According to Terre des Femmes, cases in Germany have already reached 35,000 and although this is small compared to the estimated 140 million young girls and women who are subjected to the procedure, they say the trend in Germany is growing rapidly.

Hamburg social worker Gwlayds Awo is spearheading a fight against FGM in Germany. Ms. Awo said that the African community in Germany sees push back on FGM from the German government as an affront to their culture. According to Ms. Awo, Africans believe a simplified narrative that Europeans have destroyed their home continent of Africa and stolen its resources; so opposition to FGM is simply another attack on them.

This sentiment echoes comments from a UK lecturer at Goldsmiths University who said: "We will reform the condition of our women, but we’ll do it once we’ve got independence. It is not for the colonisers to tell us how we should be treating our women."

Ms. Awo says that FGM needs to be abolished as soon as possible and the only way to go about doing it is to make sure migrants are integrated into German society and taught that the practice is cruel and wrong, rather than have them hang on to the procedure simply for the sake of cultural reasons.

While some have argued that FGM is part of cultural identity, others have outright supported the practise maintaining there are health benefits.

A Facebook community page called "Islamic Female Circumcision" posted an article entitled: "Female Circumcision – The Hidden Truth: How Misogynists and Feminists are feeding upon each other to denigrate an Islamic practice that brings untold benefits to women," which tries to explain how FGM prevents the spread of HPV and that it is the duty of all Muslims to practise it.
“Should immigrants who refuse to follow our laws be deported or denied entrance?”

A truly ignorant, hateful, and ridiculous question.

Anyone who violates the law is subject to criminal prosecution, afforded due process rights, and subject to the appropriate punishment in accordance with the law, whether one is a citizen, LPRA, or undocumented immigrant.

The notion of ‘singling out’ immigrants for some sort of ‘special punishment’ simply because they’re immigrants is typical of the fear, nativism, bigotry, and stupidity common to most on the right.
The black shyster just gave you the reason this country is fucked up on this subject...As a lawyer, he and his friends stand to make BILLIONS off the federal gov't DEFENDING this shit....Shoot them as soon as they put an illegal foot in the country! Who was it that said "First thing we do, let's KILL ALL THE LAWYERS?" Don't worry Shyster I KNOW who wrote that!
“Should immigrants who refuse to follow our laws be deported or denied entrance?”

A truly ignorant, hateful, and ridiculous question.

Anyone who violates the law is subject to criminal prosecution, afforded due process rights, and subject to the appropriate punishment in accordance with the law, whether one is a citizen, LPRA, or undocumented immigrant.

The notion of ‘singling out’ immigrants for some sort of ‘special punishment’ simply because they’re immigrants is typical of the fear, nativism, bigotry, and stupidity common to most on the right.

Only citizens have a right to be in this country.

As a sovereign nation, we have every right to exclude any foreign nationals from our land for any reason. Those that we choose to allow into our country, are being extended a privilege which we, as a nation, have every right to revoke at any time, for any reason.

Refusal to obey our laws is most certainly a very legitimate reason to revoke this privilege. There is nothing the least bit ignorant, hateful, or bigoted about reserving this privilege only to those who, while here, will conduct themselves in a manner acceptable to our laws.
Why are we doing this to ourselves?
We aren't! Obama is doing it to us. It's the main part of his goal to "fundamentally transform" the United he promised when first elected.

Obama is a Muslim-sympathizer. He refuses even to use the term radical Islamic terrorism for fear of offending other Muslims. He has surrounded himself with Muslims. He puts on a cloak of political correctness by claiming only to be promoting the Muslim's constitutional right to freedom of religion. Quite obviously, we should not offer freedom of religion to a cult of theocratic misfits whose 'religion' tells them to kill all that do not believe as they do and whose major 'religious' beliefs include Sharia Law that is diametrically opposed to the civil rights guaranteed each US citizen by or Constitution. We should not allow Muslim communities to replace our laws with their own laws.

I totally agree. If immigrants do not want to assimilate to the American culture and live under American laws, they should be deported. End of story.

Obama has already done more damage to this country than we can correct in a generation. He should be impeached and deported to a Muslim country and forced to live under Sharia Law.
Here are just a few links to Obama's transformation of our government into a Muslim enclave.

Sharia Advisors – Barack Obama's Muslim Appointees in High Security Positions - Freedom Outpost
EXPOSED! Obama Is Filling White House With Muslim Brotherhood Appointees • Now The End Begins
Obama Surrounds Himself with the Most Extreme Appointees in American History
Muslims Appointed to Homeland Security
All of A Sudden....Seven Short Years Have Passed!"

Before Obama there was virtually no outlandish presence of Islam in America.

• All of a sudden, Islam is taught in schools. Christianity and the bible are banned in schools.

• All of a sudden we must allow prayer rugs everywhere and allow for Islamic prayer in schools, airports and businesses.

• All of a sudden we must stop serving pork in prisons.

• All of a sudden we are inundated with law suits by Muslims who are offended by American culture.

• All of a sudden we must allow burkas to be worn everywhere even though you have no idea who or what is covered up under them.

• All of a sudden Muslims are suing employers and refusing to do their jobs if they personally deem it conflicts with Sharia Law.

• All of a sudden the Attorney General of the United States vows to prosecute anyone who engages in “anti-Muslim speech”.

• All of a sudden, Jihadists who engage in terrorism and openly admit they acted in the name of Islam and ISIS, are emphatically declared they are NOT Islamic by our leaders and/or their actions are determined NOT to be terrorism, but other nebulous terms like ‘workplace violence."

• All of a sudden, it becomes Policy that Secular Middle East dictators that were benign or friendly to the West, must be replaced by Islamists and the Muslim Brotherhood.

• All of a sudden our troops are withdrawn from Iraq and the middle east, giving rise to ISIS.

• All of a sudden, America has reduced it’s nuclear stockpiles to 1950 levels, as Obama’s stated goal of a nuke-free America by the time he leaves office continues uninterrupted.

• All of a sudden, a deal with Iran must be made at any cost, with a pathway to nuclear weapons and HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of dollars handed over to fund their programs.

• All of a sudden America APOLOGIZES to Muslim states and sponsors of terror worldwide for acts of aggression, war and sabotage THEY perpetrate against our soldiers.

• All of a sudden, the American Navy is diminished to 1917 Pre-World War I levels of only 300 ships. The Army is at pre-1940 levels. The Air Force scraps 500 planes and planned to retire the use of the A-10 Thunderbolt close air support fighter. A further draw down of another 40,000 military personnel is in progress.

• All of a sudden half of our aircraft carriers are recalled for maintenance by Obama rendering the Atlantic unguarded, NONE are in the Middle East.

• All of a sudden Obama has to empty Guantanamo Bay of captured Jihadists and let them loose in Jihad-friendly Islamic states. He demands to close the facility.

• All of a sudden America will negotiate with terrorists and trade FIVE Taliban commanders for a deserter and Jihad sympathizer.

• All of a sudden there is no money for American poor, disabled veterans, jobless Americans, hungry Americans, or displaced Americans but there is endless money for Obama’s “Syrian refugee” resettlement programs.

• All of sudden there is an ammunition shortage in the USA.

• All of a sudden, the most important thing for Obama to do after a mass shooting by two Jihadists, is disarm American Citizens.

* All of a sudden, the President of the United States can not attend the Christian Funerals of a Supreme Court Justice and a former First Lady because of previous (seemingly unimportant) commitments.

... "By his fruits you will know him."

All of a sudden, I am sick to my stomach!
Why are we doing this to ourselves?
We aren't! Obama is doing it to us. It's the main part of his goal to "fundamentally transform" the United he promised when first elected.

Obama is a Muslim-sympathizer. He refuses even to use the term radical Islamic terrorism for fear of offending other Muslims. He has surrounded himself with Muslims. He puts on a cloak of political correctness by claiming only to be promoting the Muslim's constitutional right to freedom of religion. Quite obviously, we should not offer freedom of religion to a cult of theocratic misfits whose 'religion' tells them to kill all that do not believe as they do and whose major 'religious' beliefs include Sharia Law that is diametrically opposed to the civil rights guaranteed each US citizen by or Constitution. We should not allow Muslim communities to replace our laws with their own laws.

I totally agree. If immigrants do not want to assimilate to the American culture and live under American laws, they should be deported. End of story.

Obama has already done more damage to this country than we can correct in a generation. He should be impeached and deported to a Muslim country and forced to live under Sharia Law.

Hard to figure how letting these refugee's into America is good for Americans since we taxpayers will be supporting them for decades. They are uneducated and don't speak the language and disease has already been found among them.

Fifty three percent of Americans don't want them here and thirty one States have refused to allow them in yet douchebag in the WH is bringing them in anyway and forcing States to take them.

Gotta wonder just who's welfare that douchebag is catering to.

I say we adopt Switzerland's stance on immigration.

In Switzerland, integration of foreigners higher priority than religious freedom.

So, if you want to immigrate to Switzerland, you are expected to assimilate and respect their customs. If you don't, you're out. They are putting their own people and their own culture first. I think it's great that they aren't willing to allow immigrants to take over and demand that the host country change to suit them. I am so sick of those who want to create their own country within a country, complete with their own constitution and laws. They take advantage of the things that benefit them, but don't show an ounce of respect for local people, their culture or the laws.

"Two Muslim girls have been refused a Swiss passport because the state has judged their naturalisation into society to have failed.

The refusal of a passport for the two sisters aged 12 and 14 is based upon their refusal to engage fully with the Swiss education system, in which educational class trips and swimming lessons are mandatory.

The girls, who speak German to an appropriate standard but allowed their faith to stand between themselves and becoming properly integrated, live in the city of Basel, which refused to issue the passports last year. The episode has only just come to light in Swiss press.

President of the local Naturalisation Commission Stefan Wehrle spoke to Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen this week and said that in making judgements on whether to grant passports to foreign nationals the board speaks to schools, who have the most complete picture of any government body over how well children are fitting in. Remarking that swimming lessons and school trips are compulsory in Switzerland, Mr. Wehrle said: "When this is not fulfilled, it violates the law and [applicants] are therefore not naturalised".

The government official said his decision had set a precedent and that his legal case was "waterproof", remarking "we are on the safe side". He said: "The non-participation in education is an indication that someone is poorly integrated".

Despite his confidence that the decision of the board was entirely in keeping with Swiss law, a local immigration lawyer lashed out. Stefanie Kurt from the University of Neuchâtel said Basel had "punished the wrong people", as "it is the parents who are responsible for the religious education of children".

The fact that the girls are reported to have also refused to shake hands with their teachers, a daily tradition in Swiss schools, suggests similarities with another recent case, also in Basel. Breitbart London reported in May about two Muslim brothers who refused to shake hands with their teachers for religious reasons, a state of affairs that initially left the headmaster of the school giving the pair a special exemption from the rules.

But the school board intervened, stating pupils were expected to shake hands with their teacher as a mark of respect, stating that integration of foreigners was higher priority than religious freedom."
Obama and Hillary both want to increase the number of economic refugees from Pakistan and other places. Most are not affected by war and just want better financial circumstances. The U.N. admitted that already. We are not getting the women and children running from danger. We are getting mostly young males from radical countries and they not only refuse to assimilate, but countries actually have to explain to them why it's not right to rape boys and mistreat women. If you have to tell them, it's pointless. They bring their own backwards culture with them and continue to practice their own ways. We see increases in rapes and harassment of women and boys. There are clashes with the public. They make demands. There is little sign that they will ever embrace the countries they enter. They want it the other way around.

Muslims across the globe want sharia law. The majority here in the states want it, too. Just the fact that they are snubbing our constitution and laws in favor of their own means that they should quickly be deported. Islam is government. We already have a government and damn sure don't need a replacement that takes rights away from women and children.

Does the left support equal rights or not? If they do, there is no way in hell they can approve of bringing in Muslims would do not believe in equal rights. You're not going to change them. They have held barbaric views for centuries and I don't know whether it's the inbreeding or brainwashing, but they haven't changed one iota in hundreds of years.
Why are we doing this to ourselves?
We aren't! Obama is doing it to us. It's the main part of his goal to "fundamentally transform" the United he promised when first elected.

Obama is a Muslim-sympathizer. He refuses even to use the term radical Islamic terrorism for fear of offending other Muslims. He has surrounded himself with Muslims. He puts on a cloak of political correctness by claiming only to be promoting the Muslim's constitutional right to freedom of religion. Quite obviously, we should not offer freedom of religion to a cult of theocratic misfits whose 'religion' tells them to kill all that do not believe as they do and whose major 'religious' beliefs include Sharia Law that is diametrically opposed to the civil rights guaranteed each US citizen by or Constitution. We should not allow Muslim communities to replace our laws with their own laws.

I totally agree. If immigrants do not want to assimilate to the American culture and live under American laws, they should be deported. End of story.

Obama has already done more damage to this country than we can correct in a generation. He should be impeached and deported to a Muslim country and forced to live under Sharia Law.

Hard to figure how letting these refugee's into America is good for Americans since we taxpayers will be supporting them for decades. They are uneducated and don't speak the language and disease has already been found among them.

Fifty three percent of Americans don't want them here and thirty one States have refused to allow them in yet douchebag in the WH is bringing them in anyway and forcing States to take them.

Gotta wonder just who's welfare that douchebag is catering to.
I don't wonder at all. Obama said long ago that he would stand with the Muslims. Obama is a Muslim-sympathizer. He has appointed dozens of Muslims to key positions in his administration....many of them in positions involving national security.

Obama is blindly supported by and army of useful idiots.
When are we going to end male circumcision in the U.S. ? Enough of this judeo-Christian child abuse !

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