Debate Now Should Gay Couples Be Able to Adopt?

The reason these sorts of things are “against my religion” is because they're flat out, WRONG! So I could never be in agreement with something so opposed to God and His edicts. God-ordained family is found in the very first chapter of Genesis with a mother, father, and children all under God.

To put a child in the hands of mentally ill adults is child abuse. No ifs, ands, or buts.
A man raised by two men who do not provide an appropriate female surrogate cannot decipher the relationship between a wife and her mother. Men, no matter how gay, cannot address this dynamic. Sometimes they cannot deal at all and the relationship falls apart.
Yes heterosexual couples should be first in line for adoption however, the gay movement will never agree to that.
But they should. Many of them grew up with a mom and a dad and know how important that is whether a person is straight or gay.
Actually I'm adopted myself. I don't have a biological mother and father but they're still my mother and father and I find that I have always been in the best situation possible. I wouldn't trade my parents for anything in the world. Biological or not, it doesn't mean anything to me, and I have always known that I'm adopted btw.
If you don't have a biological mom and dad you probably don't struggle with the 'why did they give me up' question many adopted people have to work through. But yes, I don't know of any studies on it, but I would guess the dynamics are much the same. Children in a home with a biological mother and father, and I presume those adopted by a mother and father are the least likely to be physically or sexually abused of all demographics. Doesn't mean it never happens but statistically it is rare in traditional families.
My sister is adopted. It was never any secret that she was adopted nor do I think it could have been kept a secret. She definitely has some personality traits different from me, my brother, and any of our blood relatives. Between that, and knowing that she was adopted, I do think she ended up having some issues that she wouldn't have had if she had been raised in an intact biological family, but that was never an option regarding her. At some point, she did track down and form a relationship with her biological mother, and learned of the unfortunate circumstances of her conception and birth. They were not circumstances that offered any possibility of as good a life as she had as part of my family.
Yes. I did not mean at all that children should not necessarily be told they are adopted. Just that those who don't know don't have the emotional struggle with feelings of abandonment and/or wanting to know their biological parent(s). Then again it could be important for them to know they didn't inherit certain genes from their adoptive family. No two situations are exactly the same.
I never mentioned environment but now that you bring it up, a NORMAL family can only be created by a biological male and a biological female. Now, isn't that the BEST 'environment' for a young child? :itsok:

You seem obsessed that same sex couples form family groups.
As I have demonstrated, what is most important is not the sex of the parents but their parenting skills
The reason these sorts of things are “against my religion” is because they're flat out, WRONG! So I could never be in agreement with something so opposed to God and His edicts. God-ordained family is found in the very first chapter of Genesis with a mother, father, and children all under God.

To put a child in the hands of mentally ill adults is child abuse. No ifs, ands, or buts.
Putting innocent children in the hands of religious zealots is child abuse
As long as they are not activist, it is an improvement over being raised in foster care or even worse by a strung out crack whore.
I would rather a child be raised by two "normal" gay people than some of the shit for brains I see with children daily.
You seem obsessed that same sex couples form family groups.
As I have demonstrated, what is most important is not the sex of the parents but their parenting skills
Resources are not put into the traditional sex of parents anymore. You think this is going to end in a beautiful rainbow. Wealth is decreasing.
First of all I'm not good with adding rules so the only one that I got is stay on topic. Second of all even though homosexuality is against my religion, as long as a child is being loved and cared for properly and not indoctrinated I honestly don't really care if they're being raised by gorillas.

However B. Tatum is also making some sense here. The poor baby girl in this video is being robbed of her mother and every child deserves to have a mother or a motherly figure in their lives just as well as every child deserves to have a father or a father figure. So what do you guys think? Should gay couples be allowed to adopt infants and children?

Sure, but only if the gay couple is of opposite sex. Same with marriage.
Just look at the Buttgig photo with his strapped on boobies.
If that doesn't give you the answer you need, nothing will.
That photo is faked... just sayin.
The device is Japanese, and weirdly enough it was made for stay at home men.
Anyway - the original photo is on the companies website. They simply added Buttkeggar's head on the body.
First of all I'm not good with adding rules so the only one that I got is stay on topic. Second of all even though homosexuality is against my religion, as long as a child is being loved and cared for properly and not indoctrinated I honestly don't really care if they're being raised by gorillas.

However B. Tatum is also making some sense here. The poor baby girl in this video is being robbed of her mother and every child deserves to have a mother or a motherly figure in their lives just as well as every child deserves to have a father or a father figure. So what do you guys think? Should gay couples be allowed to adopt infants and children?

Children need a family that loves them.
That photo is faked... just sayin.
The device is Japanese, and weirdly enough it was made for stay at home men.
Anyway - the original photo is on the companies website. They simply added Buttkeggar's head on the body.
Yes, I know it is faked.
Trying to make a point to naive Road Runner.

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