Shock Poll: Trump Blue Collar Support Highest Since FDR In 1930's

Trump’s plan to deport Illegal Aliens and Wetbacks is the core reason why “blue collar” workers are getting on his bandwagon.

SHOCK POLL: Trump Blue Collar Support highest since FDR in 1930s –...

i guess if you're so unskilled and so uneducated that you're competing for jobs with people who don't speak english, you might be bigoted enough to blame your plight on immigrants as opposed to your own lack of skills or education.

you know, like you.
yeah Steve_McGarrett
Yeah.....I'm the shit!

if you were, you wouldn't be the bigoted loon. so I think you might want to reconsider that sentence.
Trump’s plan to deport Illegal Aliens and Wetbacks is the core reason why “blue collar” workers are getting on his bandwagon.

SHOCK POLL: Trump Blue Collar Support highest since FDR in 1930s –...

i guess if you're so unskilled and so uneducated that you're competing for jobs with people who don't speak english, you might be bigoted enough to blame your plight on immigrants as opposed to your own lack of skills or education.

you know, like you.

What an ignorant, biased, arrogant reply!
Trump’s plan to deport Illegal Aliens and Wetbacks is the core reason why “blue collar” workers are getting on his bandwagon.

SHOCK POLL: Trump Blue Collar Support highest since FDR in 1930s –...

i guess if you're so unskilled and so uneducated that you're competing for jobs with people who don't speak english, you might be bigoted enough to blame your plight on immigrants as opposed to your own lack of skills or education.

you know, like you.

What an ignorant, biased, arrogant reply!

yes, I think you rightwingnut freaks should defend the bigot o/p. it suits you.
You've heard of the two earner household? You haven't? Jesus, look around you.
2 part timers cant sustain a family either

You've never heard of a minimum wage fulltime job? Jesus, what have you heard of?
Wtf is your point? Do you have one?

LOL, he crumbles.

The minimum wage adjusted for inflation has fallen for 45 years. What has gotten better?
"adjusted for inflation" BINGO dumbfuck. BINGO

Are you paying 30 cents a gallon for gasoline?
You've heard of the two earner household? You haven't? Jesus, look around you.
2 part timers cant sustain a family either

You've never heard of a minimum wage fulltime job? Jesus, what have you heard of?
Wtf is your point? Do you have one?

LOL, he crumbles.

The minimum wage adjusted for inflation has fallen for 45 years. What has gotten better?
"adjusted for inflation" BINGO dumbfuck. BINGO

So if the minimum wage were 2.25 an hour today, people working at that minimum wage would be no worse off than people working at 7.25 an hour?

Where the fuck do you get these ideas?
Trump’s plan to deport Illegal Aliens and Wetbacks is the core reason why “blue collar” workers are getting on his bandwagon.

SHOCK POLL: Trump Blue Collar Support highest since FDR in 1930s –...
Mexicans will make up 10% of the vote. Women and black voters are also important. Trump would lose all of them. Oh and including the vote of anyone with an ounce of intelligence to know he is a complete moron who is unfit for any level of public office.

Stop deluding yourself into thinking Trump has any chance of winning the presidency.
I think far too many pundits are wrongly estimating how Latinos/Hispanics are going to vote.

Compared to what the Democrats are offering, the GOP is giving a lot to choose from and Latinos/Hispanics are taking a good look at it in spite of In-the-pocket types like Ramos are in the bag for Hillary.
The article infers that it's a Gallup poll but doesn't provide a link.

The writing in the article suggests an amature or just a bad writer. If that's the case they may have just forgot to include the poll source. Another option is they deliberately left it out for some reason. Some of the numbers look like SurveyUSA results from early september but they don't usually seem that far out. But who knows with Trump? He does have charismatic appeal to the inner reactionary in a lot of R voters, even some Dems.
People with responsibilities that need to provide food for their children?
Who would expect to take care of their family on 8 bucks an hour?
Why should an employer be punished because they hired an irresponsible worker? If they didn't, people would call them racist.
People that need a job?

What brought on this strawman? Who told you they were irresponsible workers?
If a person expects to feed their family off a fuckin part time job, they are irresponsible. Or complete morons. If they had intentions of taking care of a family, maybe they should have bettered themselves.
Of course, with this retail economy, what can be expected?
I need a link to support your silly claim. Who told you they were irresponsible? You dont really think you have the credibility for me to just accept what you think do you?
Its common sense. What kind of person with brains would expect to feed their family on 8 bucks an hour? One that actually gives a fuck?
Your delusions are not common sense. I need a link.
People that need a job?

What brought on this strawman? Who told you they were irresponsible workers?
If a person expects to feed their family off a fuckin part time job, they are irresponsible. Or complete morons. If they had intentions of taking care of a family, maybe they should have bettered themselves.
Of course, with this retail economy, what can be expected?
I need a link to support your silly claim. Who told you they were irresponsible? You dont really think you have the credibility for me to just accept what you think do you?
Its common sense. What kind of person with brains would expect to feed their family on 8 bucks an hour? One that actually gives a fuck?

Your taxes will feed that family. A single parent with a kid or kids will get your tax dollars to make up the difference.

That is what you are rooting for.
Minimum wage is a fuckin fools party. Combat the actual problems you fuckin hacks.
Raising the minimum wage will do nothing but make it to where we have to raise it again. Look at HISTORY. It is the definition of INSANE. YOU are fuckin insane.
You are an idiot. I dont really agree with raising the minimum wage but then again I'm not the one out there struggling to feed my family. Of course we will have to raise it again but that will only be because businesses will get greedy knowing there is more money to spend. In order to combat the actual problems time will need to be invested. Thats time some peoples family don't have while waiting for this country to get it right.
Trump’s plan to deport Illegal Aliens and Wetbacks is the core reason why “blue collar” workers are getting on his bandwagon.

SHOCK POLL: Trump Blue Collar Support highest since FDR in 1930s –...

i guess if you're so unskilled and so uneducated that you're competing for jobs with people who don't speak english, you might be bigoted enough to blame your plight on immigrants as opposed to your own lack of skills or education.

you know, like you.
Is that like the left wanting to punish employers with minimum wage hick because the workers are so unskilled?

Have you ever asked a minimum wage worker whether or not they'd like a raise?


If they know what the hell they're doing and make sure things get done without my having to tell them every ten minutes, then they don't have to ask for a pay raise from me.


Trump’s plan to deport Illegal Aliens and Wetbacks is the core reason why “blue collar” workers are getting on his bandwagon.

SHOCK POLL: Trump Blue Collar Support highest since FDR in 1930s –...

i guess if you're so unskilled and so uneducated that you're competing for jobs with people who don't speak english, you might be bigoted enough to blame your plight on immigrants as opposed to your own lack of skills or education.

you know, like you.


If that's how you feel about it then let's open the floodgates to all legal immigration also. You know... the doctors, nurses, teachers, IT techs, engineers, etc... who are educated that want to come here and let's see what happens to the prices those educated people charge when they're undercut by someone else... Shall we say ten legals for every illegal immigrant you want to give amnesty too. Oh! If you're part of a union jobs in the public government sector you might want to consider a new employment since minorities will be given first consideration.



while the picture is very pretty, I never said or implied that. I was responding to the bigot.


So that's a 'NO' to allowing more people to come here legally because they talk funny, have different shades of skin, and might take your 'educated job', because you're such a good progressive who wouldn't discriminate against anyone except legal immigrants?


Trump’s plan to deport Illegal Aliens and Wetbacks is the core reason why “blue collar” workers are getting on his bandwagon.

SHOCK POLL: Trump Blue Collar Support highest since FDR in 1930s –...

I just want to point out- as I enjoy doing- that Trump enjoys support from Stevie.

Stevie who is a racist, an anti-semite, a homophobe and a Birther.

Trump is attracting the best of the Conservatives
Steve McGarrett is a pure natural born citizen patriotic American, a devine individual with the best conservative qualities anyone could ask for.
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