Senator John Thune’s slide-of-hand gas tax

Gas is cheap, so it's time to reap- more tax revenue. It will be much less noticeable now, as opposed to when it was $4/gallon.
Where else is the "infrastructure" revenue to come from but more taxes elsewhere?

Why is there a floor price on Agricultural products? :dunno:

Oh yeah... the ass-f'n farmer.
From Page #1 of this thread:

It's all par for the course in Washington politics. Tax dollars are wasted, given away, and spent on political favors ( pork ). Look at no-bid government contracts, grants, subsidies, projects such as the fence along our southern border, foreign aid, and the care and support of illegal immigrants.

And, an increase in the gasoline tax couldn't happen at a worse time. Since prices have fallen at the pump, we're putting an extra $100.00 or so in our pockets each month. Consumers need low gas prices to ease the pain of other cost, such as food, health care, utilities, and payroll deductions.

Yes, we do need to spend a lot more on infrastructure, especially bridges and overpasses. Infrastructure has been in need of repairs and upgrades for a very long time. And, think of the millions of jobs it would create. But, there are many more ways to fund infrastructure than to raise gasoline taxes. We can look closely and see where we could get $Billions to fund the projects. Some examples of where we could get the money to fund infrastructure projects without raising gasoline taxes: Subsidies paid to rich farmers and big oil, supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists, building mosques on foreign soil, bribes paid to North Korea and Iran, tax breaks and tax loopholes for the wealthy and corporations, most foreign aid, senseless deadly costly wars, the care and support of illegal immigrants, exploring the far reaches of the universe, and no-bid contracts to defense contractors.

With the economy still on shaky ground, raising the tax on gasoline would be a bad move. But, politicians will play "politics as usual" without regard for most citizens.
Name those "Big Oil" subsidies.
Brotch :slap:
Are you saying that the big oil companies do not get subsidies? Really? Are you saying that oil companies do not get anything from the government? I take it that you've never heard of it, nor looked it up. It's OK. I'll do it for you and post the link(s). Don't both doing it yourself, I'll do it for you.
Senator John Thune s slide-of-hand gas tax Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Triumph of the Drill How Big Oil Clings to Billions in Government Giveaways Mother Jones
Fossil Fuel Subsidies Overview - Oil Change InternationalOil Change International
The Surprising Reason That Oil Subsidies Persist Even Liberals Love Them - Forbes

It's easily researched. Takes two seconds tops.
I'm not going to waste my time with that Mother Jones bullshit. I've spent 37 years in this industry and have studied it top to bottom. I've lobbied Congress and I've battled the anti-oil crowd countless times on countless fronts.

You're just another little brotch with a little brotch-brain. :slap:
Well well, aren't we a little touchy. Hey, did you think of those nice words yourself? Just curious. Hey, want to go for lunch sometimes? You say the nicest things. But, seriously, there's no call for name calling and personal attacks on here. Doing so is like kids arguing on the school grounds. Try being civil and mature, if you don't mind. Childish silly remarks in no way enhances conversations, nor do they act to prove your points. Please try to keep it adult like and civil. Thanks.
Gas is cheap, so it's time to reap- more tax revenue. It will be much less noticeable now, as opposed to when it was $4/gallon.
Where else is the "infrastructure" revenue to come from but more taxes elsewhere?

Why is there a floor price on Agricultural products? :dunno:

Oh yeah... the ass-f'n farmer.
From Page #1 of this thread:

It's all par for the course in Washington politics. Tax dollars are wasted, given away, and spent on political favors ( pork ). Look at no-bid government contracts, grants, subsidies, projects such as the fence along our southern border, foreign aid, and the care and support of illegal immigrants.

And, an increase in the gasoline tax couldn't happen at a worse time. Since prices have fallen at the pump, we're putting an extra $100.00 or so in our pockets each month. Consumers need low gas prices to ease the pain of other cost, such as food, health care, utilities, and payroll deductions.

Yes, we do need to spend a lot more on infrastructure, especially bridges and overpasses. Infrastructure has been in need of repairs and upgrades for a very long time. And, think of the millions of jobs it would create. But, there are many more ways to fund infrastructure than to raise gasoline taxes. We can look closely and see where we could get $Billions to fund the projects. Some examples of where we could get the money to fund infrastructure projects without raising gasoline taxes: Subsidies paid to rich farmers and big oil, supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists, building mosques on foreign soil, bribes paid to North Korea and Iran, tax breaks and tax loopholes for the wealthy and corporations, most foreign aid, senseless deadly costly wars, the care and support of illegal immigrants, exploring the far reaches of the universe, and no-bid contracts to defense contractors.

With the economy still on shaky ground, raising the tax on gasoline would be a bad move. But, politicians will play "politics as usual" without regard for most citizens.
Name those "Big Oil" subsidies.
Brotch :slap:
Are you saying that the big oil companies do not get subsidies? Really? Are you saying that oil companies do not get anything from the government? I take it that you've never heard of it, nor looked it up. It's OK. I'll do it for you and post the link(s). Don't both doing it yourself, I'll do it for you.
Senator John Thune s slide-of-hand gas tax Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Triumph of the Drill How Big Oil Clings to Billions in Government Giveaways Mother Jones
Fossil Fuel Subsidies Overview - Oil Change InternationalOil Change International
The Surprising Reason That Oil Subsidies Persist Even Liberals Love Them - Forbes

It's easily researched. Takes two seconds tops.
I'm not going to waste my time with that Mother Jones bullshit. I've spent 37 years in this industry and have studied it top to bottom. I've lobbied Congress and I've battled the anti-oil crowd countless times on countless fronts.

You're just another little brotch with a little brotch-brain. :slap:
And did YOU even read the Forbes article? If anything, it questions the very definition of oil industry "subsidies".
God Damn you're such a Brotch-ass. :slap:
From Page #1 of this thread:

It's all par for the course in Washington politics. Tax dollars are wasted, given away, and spent on political favors ( pork ). Look at no-bid government contracts, grants, subsidies, projects such as the fence along our southern border, foreign aid, and the care and support of illegal immigrants.

And, an increase in the gasoline tax couldn't happen at a worse time. Since prices have fallen at the pump, we're putting an extra $100.00 or so in our pockets each month. Consumers need low gas prices to ease the pain of other cost, such as food, health care, utilities, and payroll deductions.

Yes, we do need to spend a lot more on infrastructure, especially bridges and overpasses. Infrastructure has been in need of repairs and upgrades for a very long time. And, think of the millions of jobs it would create. But, there are many more ways to fund infrastructure than to raise gasoline taxes. We can look closely and see where we could get $Billions to fund the projects. Some examples of where we could get the money to fund infrastructure projects without raising gasoline taxes: Subsidies paid to rich farmers and big oil, supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists, building mosques on foreign soil, bribes paid to North Korea and Iran, tax breaks and tax loopholes for the wealthy and corporations, most foreign aid, senseless deadly costly wars, the care and support of illegal immigrants, exploring the far reaches of the universe, and no-bid contracts to defense contractors.

With the economy still on shaky ground, raising the tax on gasoline would be a bad move. But, politicians will play "politics as usual" without regard for most citizens.
Name those "Big Oil" subsidies.
Brotch :slap:
Are you saying that the big oil companies do not get subsidies? Really? Are you saying that oil companies do not get anything from the government? I take it that you've never heard of it, nor looked it up. It's OK. I'll do it for you and post the link(s). Don't both doing it yourself, I'll do it for you.
Senator John Thune s slide-of-hand gas tax Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Triumph of the Drill How Big Oil Clings to Billions in Government Giveaways Mother Jones
Fossil Fuel Subsidies Overview - Oil Change InternationalOil Change International
The Surprising Reason That Oil Subsidies Persist Even Liberals Love Them - Forbes

It's easily researched. Takes two seconds tops.
I'm not going to waste my time with that Mother Jones bullshit. I've spent 37 years in this industry and have studied it top to bottom. I've lobbied Congress and I've battled the anti-oil crowd countless times on countless fronts.

You're just another little brotch with a little brotch-brain. :slap:
And did YOU even read the Forbes article? If anything, it questions the very definition of oil industry "subsidies".
God Damn you're such a Brotch-ass. :slap:
Gee !! -- We sure went downhill fast. Hey, got anything else nice to say? Come on, I'm sure you can think of something. Does it make you feel better? Get some kind of thrill out of it? May I ask your age? Have you had a bad day? Have you talked to your doctor about maybe changing your meds? Obviously, the ones you're on produces ill side effects. I just hope you're not alone when these attacks happen. Whatever you do, don't jump. Has someone been mean to you today? Want to talk about it? I'm a good listener, honestly, I am. Anyway, try to get some rest and maybe you'll feel better later and we can discuss this issue in an adult and civil manner.
Name those "Big Oil" subsidies.
Brotch :slap:
Are you saying that the big oil companies do not get subsidies? Really? Are you saying that oil companies do not get anything from the government? I take it that you've never heard of it, nor looked it up. It's OK. I'll do it for you and post the link(s). Don't both doing it yourself, I'll do it for you.
Senator John Thune s slide-of-hand gas tax Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Triumph of the Drill How Big Oil Clings to Billions in Government Giveaways Mother Jones
Fossil Fuel Subsidies Overview - Oil Change InternationalOil Change International
The Surprising Reason That Oil Subsidies Persist Even Liberals Love Them - Forbes

It's easily researched. Takes two seconds tops.
I'm not going to waste my time with that Mother Jones bullshit. I've spent 37 years in this industry and have studied it top to bottom. I've lobbied Congress and I've battled the anti-oil crowd countless times on countless fronts.

You're just another little brotch with a little brotch-brain. :slap:
And did YOU even read the Forbes article? If anything, it questions the very definition of oil industry "subsidies".
God Damn you're such a Brotch-ass. :slap:
Gee !! -- We sure went downhill fast. Hey, got anything else nice to say? Come on, I'm sure you can think of something. Does it make you feel better? Get some kind of thrill out of it? May I ask your age? Have you had a bad day? Have you talked to your doctor about maybe changing your meds? Obviously, the ones you're on produces ill side effects. I just hope you're not alone when these attacks happen. Whatever you do, don't jump. Has someone been mean to you today? Want to talk about it? I'm a good listener, honestly, I am. Anyway, try to get some rest and maybe you'll feel better later and we can discuss this issue in an adult and civil manner.
Ahhhh.... shaddap. :slap:
Thomas Jefferson to Senator John Thune on gas tax

SEE: Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, March 6th, 1796

6 Mar. 1796

"P.S. Have you considered all the consequences of your proposition respecting post roads? I view it as a source of boundless patronage to the executive, jobbing to members of Congress & their friends, and a bottomless abyss of public money. You will begin by only appropriating the surplus of the post office revenues; but the other revenues will soon be called into their aid, and it will be a scene of eternal scramble among the members, who can get the most money wasted in their State; and they will always get most who are meanest. We have thought, hitherto, that the roads of a State could not be so well administered even by the State legislature as by the magistracy of the county, on the spot. What will it be when a member of N H is to mark out a road for Georgia? Does the power to establish post roads, given you by Congress, mean that you shall make the roads, or only select from those already made, those on which there shall be a post? If the term be equivocal, (& I really do not think it so,) which is the safest construction? That which permits a majority of Congress to go to cutting down mountains & bridging of rivers, or the other, which if too restricted may refer it to the states for amendment, securing still due measure & proportion among us, and providing some means of information to the members of Congress tantamount to that ocular inspection, which, even in our county determinations, the magistrate finds cannot be supplied by any other evidence? The fortification of harbors were liable to great objection. But national circumstances furnished some color. In this case there is none. The roads of America are the best in the world except those of France & England. But does the state of our population, the extent of our internal commerce, the want of sea & river navigation, call for such expense on roads here, or are our means adequate to it? Think of all this, and a great deal more which your good judgment will suggest, and pardon my freedom."


Today’s corrupted politics is all about the Benjamins, and which political party's leadership can put their hand deeper into the productive working person’s pocket.
From Page #1 of this thread:

It's all par for the course in Washington politics. Tax dollars are wasted, given away, and spent on political favors ( pork ). Look at no-bid government contracts, grants, subsidies, projects such as the fence along our southern border, foreign aid, and the care and support of illegal immigrants.

And, an increase in the gasoline tax couldn't happen at a worse time. Since prices have fallen at the pump, we're putting an extra $100.00 or so in our pockets each month. Consumers need low gas prices to ease the pain of other cost, such as food, health care, utilities, and payroll deductions.

Yes, we do need to spend a lot more on infrastructure, especially bridges and overpasses. Infrastructure has been in need of repairs and upgrades for a very long time. And, think of the millions of jobs it would create. But, there are many more ways to fund infrastructure than to raise gasoline taxes. We can look closely and see where we could get $Billions to fund the projects. Some examples of where we could get the money to fund infrastructure projects without raising gasoline taxes: Subsidies paid to rich farmers and big oil, supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists, building mosques on foreign soil, bribes paid to North Korea and Iran, tax breaks and tax loopholes for the wealthy and corporations, most foreign aid, senseless deadly costly wars, the care and support of illegal immigrants, exploring the far reaches of the universe, and no-bid contracts to defense contractors.

With the economy still on shaky ground, raising the tax on gasoline would be a bad move. But, politicians will play "politics as usual" without regard for most citizens.
Name those "Big Oil" subsidies.
Brotch :slap:
Are you saying that the big oil companies do not get subsidies? Really? Are you saying that oil companies do not get anything from the government? I take it that you've never heard of it, nor looked it up. It's OK. I'll do it for you and post the link(s). Don't both doing it yourself, I'll do it for you.
Senator John Thune s slide-of-hand gas tax Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Triumph of the Drill How Big Oil Clings to Billions in Government Giveaways Mother Jones
Fossil Fuel Subsidies Overview - Oil Change InternationalOil Change International
The Surprising Reason That Oil Subsidies Persist Even Liberals Love Them - Forbes

It's easily researched. Takes two seconds tops.
I'm not going to waste my time with that Mother Jones bullshit. I've spent 37 years in this industry and have studied it top to bottom. I've lobbied Congress and I've battled the anti-oil crowd countless times on countless fronts.

You're just another little brotch with a little brotch-brain. :slap:
And did YOU even read the Forbes article? If anything, it questions the very definition of oil industry "subsidies".
God Damn you're such a Brotch-ass. :slap:

What is BIATCH?
BIATCH is "Bitch"
Name those "Big Oil" subsidies.
Brotch :slap:
Are you saying that the big oil companies do not get subsidies? Really? Are you saying that oil companies do not get anything from the government? I take it that you've never heard of it, nor looked it up. It's OK. I'll do it for you and post the link(s). Don't both doing it yourself, I'll do it for you.
Senator John Thune s slide-of-hand gas tax Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Triumph of the Drill How Big Oil Clings to Billions in Government Giveaways Mother Jones
Fossil Fuel Subsidies Overview - Oil Change InternationalOil Change International
The Surprising Reason That Oil Subsidies Persist Even Liberals Love Them - Forbes

It's easily researched. Takes two seconds tops.
I'm not going to waste my time with that Mother Jones bullshit. I've spent 37 years in this industry and have studied it top to bottom. I've lobbied Congress and I've battled the anti-oil crowd countless times on countless fronts.

You're just another little brotch with a little brotch-brain. :slap:
And did YOU even read the Forbes article? If anything, it questions the very definition of oil industry "subsidies".
God Damn you're such a Brotch-ass. :slap:

What is BIATCH?
BIATCH is "Bitch"
Brotch is half-bro, half bitch. So I'm complimenting and insulting at the same time.
So a Democrat and a Republican introduce a bill for a gas tax hike and it's Thune's "slide" of hand trick? I don't get it. I'd rather they redirected funding from their endless other wet dreams instead of constantly crying poor and asking for more money. The bill has an uphill battle but if it passes I guess we can call it obama's tax since he gets credit for anything positive he signed off on.
Name those "Big Oil" subsidies.
Brotch :slap:
Are you saying that the big oil companies do not get subsidies? Really? Are you saying that oil companies do not get anything from the government? I take it that you've never heard of it, nor looked it up. It's OK. I'll do it for you and post the link(s). Don't both doing it yourself, I'll do it for you.
Senator John Thune s slide-of-hand gas tax Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Triumph of the Drill How Big Oil Clings to Billions in Government Giveaways Mother Jones
Fossil Fuel Subsidies Overview - Oil Change InternationalOil Change International
The Surprising Reason That Oil Subsidies Persist Even Liberals Love Them - Forbes

It's easily researched. Takes two seconds tops.
I'm not going to waste my time with that Mother Jones bullshit. I've spent 37 years in this industry and have studied it top to bottom. I've lobbied Congress and I've battled the anti-oil crowd countless times on countless fronts.

You're just another little brotch with a little brotch-brain. :slap:
And did YOU even read the Forbes article? If anything, it questions the very definition of oil industry "subsidies".
God Damn you're such a Brotch-ass. :slap:

What is BIATCH?
BIATCH is "Bitch"
WOW !!! Gee !!!!! Tsh Tsh
So a Democrat and a Republican introduce a bill for a gas tax hike and it's Thune's "slide" of hand trick? I don't get it. I'd rather they redirected funding from their endless other wet dreams instead of constantly crying poor and asking for more money. The bill has an uphill battle but if it passes I guess we can call it obama's tax since he gets credit for anything positive he signed off on.

What "Bill" are you talking about?


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