Second Debate officially canceled and 3rd debate moderator locks down twitter account

Trump sucks at a debate. Why do you think he was constantly interrupting trying to spew his crap that night?

FUCK YOU, JACK, you constantly lying POS. Go get the fucking replay of the debate and count the interruptions right now.

While Trump tried to abide by the rules and act professional and respectful, it was BIDEN who interrupted Trump ELEVEN times and Wallace another five until he finally had enough and realized the whole night was a gang bang clusterfuck with Wallace and Biden both attacking him from either side. There was no debate, you ASSHOLE.

By my count, Trump interrupted former Vice President Joe Biden or debate moderator Chris Wallace at least 128 times. This number dwarfed the 51 times Trump interrupted Hillary Clinton during the first presidential debate in 2016. For his part, Biden interrupted dozens of times—at various points either trying to get a word in edgewise or correct flat lies by the president—but his interruptions were no match for Trump’s.

Wallace’s efforts to control the debate were valiant, but ultimately futile. Trump interrupted both men during both questions and answers. He muttered snide remarks under his breath. He talked over the moderator and his opponent. And he just plain cut them off over and over again. Wallace asked the president at least 25 times to stop interrupting and obey the debate rules: “Sir, you’re debating him, not me. Let me ask my question.” “Please let the vice president talk.” “You’ve made your point. Please let him answer.” “You’ve agreed to two minutes, please let him have it.” “No, no, no Mr. President.” “Mr.—President Trump, President Trump, the interruptions.” When Wallace said, “Mr. President, can you let him finish, sir?” and Biden replied, “He doesn’t know how to do that,” Trump interrupted in response to being asked to stop interrupting: “You’d be surprised, you’d be surprised. Go ahead, talk, Joe, talk.”

Of course Slate is a left leaning site, so from a right leaning site...

According to a Fox News analysis, Biden interrupted Trump 49 times and Wallace 18 times for a total of 67 interruptions. Trump, meanwhile, interrupted Biden 71 times and Wallace 74 times for a total of 145 interruptions.

Each time he interrupted he said something important.

Maybe if the mods were asking Biden the hard questions Trump would not need to. But since as some mods in this board, the mods were hyper partisan democrats... that was not the case.

Biden still hasn't condemned Antifa, thinking it's just an idea, while he kneels for BLM.

Biden has not condemned Antifa? REALLY? Your LYING president tweet that yesterday but that doesn’t mean it’s true. Kid do you really believe what that LYING moron keeps telling you? Even Fox News are telling you that Trump and both of you are LYING. Look at the dates September 8, 2020 that is how far off is that moron.

Biden condemns Antifa, violence 'across the board' amid riots

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said he condemns violence "across the board," including from Antifa, when he was asked about it during a local TV interview Monday.

Biden agrees with the violence. He is a puppet of blm and all the radical leftists. You're not bright enough to see that. That's all.
In the meantime, the rest of us will continue to talk about how Trump made a complete mess of the debate two weeks ago AND was probably infected when he walked into that debate hall. Then he runs like the little chickenshit he is from the second one. Let's see if he mans up and commits to the third one. You Trump swabs were talking trash for months how Biden was going to duck and skip the debates. And, guess what? It's your hero that's cut and run like a little candyass. Empty suit.

They also claimed Biden was senile, forgetful and suffering from dementia. That he couldn't remember the question, and would ramble aimlessly and incoherent.y.

As the times pointed out. Painting Biden that way backfired on them when Biden not only went to the debate, but by the polls was the winner in the debate.
As it should be? Why "should it be"? Because Trump got his ass handed to him in the last one? Because Trump can't handle actual questions from actual voters? Because Trump is a pussy?
Because the press is corrupt.
You must be weary of backing Trump. Seriously. I’m guessing your allegiance is teetering and you’re having thoughts of throwing in the towel and voting to get Trump out of office. This country can’t weather another 4 years.
As it should be? Why "should it be"? Because Trump got his ass handed to him in the last one? Because Trump can't handle actual questions from actual voters? Because Trump is a pussy?
It doesn't matter what Trump says or does---the lib media is going to spin it. That is what they do.........

How about the hunt for the $400 million that Trump owes to Russia?
Who cares. We've seen over 10 years of Bidens tax returns, and not a penny of what Hunter received made it's way into Joe's pockets.
Is that supposed to mean something?
I've heard it all before. You can't go after the candidate, so you find a relative to go after.
Republicans went after Billy Carter and Roger Clinton. When their behavior and finances had nothing to do with the president.
And the irony. Convicted felon Neil Bush's business got contracts due to George W. Bush.

In 1999, Neil Bush co-founded Ignite! Learning, an educational software corporation

As of October 2006, over 13 US school districts ... have used federal funds made available through the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 to buy Ignite's portable learning centers at $3,800 apiece
Who cares. We've seen over 10 years of Bidens tax returns, and not a penny of what Hunter received made it's way into Joe's pockets.
Is that supposed to mean something?
I've heard it all before. You can't go after the candidate, so you find a relative to go after.
Republicans went after Billy Carter and Roger Clinton. When their behavior and finances had nothing to do with the president.
Hunter admitted that he got his job on the board of that power company because his name is Biden. You people don't even realize how corrupt you are.
Now let's talk about Hunter Biden, and what he had to do with the question Wallace asked

Chris Wallace: (43:00)
I’m going to ask a question. When the president seeks a second term, it is generally a referendum on his record but vice president Biden, you’d like to quote one of your dad’s sayings, which is don’t compare me to the almighty, compare me to the alternative. And in this case sir you are the alternative. Looking at both of your records, I’m going to ask each of you. Why should voters elect you president over your opponent in this segment, President Trump you’ll go first, two minutes.
Hunter admitted that he got his job on the board of that power company because his name is Biden. You people don't even realize how corrupt you are.

And Paris Hilton got hired for the show "A simple life" because her name was Hilton.

And like Joe, Richard Hilton had nothing to do with it.
Trump sucks at a debate. Why do you think he was constantly interrupting trying to spew his crap that night?

FUCK YOU, JACK, you constantly lying POS. Go get the fucking replay of the debate and count the interruptions right now.

While Trump tried to abide by the rules and act professional and respectful, it was BIDEN who interrupted Trump ELEVEN times and Wallace another five until he finally had enough and realized the whole night was a gang bang clusterfuck with Wallace and Biden both attacking him from either side. There was no debate, you ASSHOLE.

By my count, Trump interrupted former Vice President Joe Biden or debate moderator Chris Wallace at least 128 times. This number dwarfed the 51 times Trump interrupted Hillary Clinton during the first presidential debate in 2016. For his part, Biden interrupted dozens of times—at various points either trying to get a word in edgewise or correct flat lies by the president—but his interruptions were no match for Trump’s.

Wallace’s efforts to control the debate were valiant, but ultimately futile. Trump interrupted both men during both questions and answers. He muttered snide remarks under his breath. He talked over the moderator and his opponent. And he just plain cut them off over and over again. Wallace asked the president at least 25 times to stop interrupting and obey the debate rules: “Sir, you’re debating him, not me. Let me ask my question.” “Please let the vice president talk.” “You’ve made your point. Please let him answer.” “You’ve agreed to two minutes, please let him have it.” “No, no, no Mr. President.” “Mr.—President Trump, President Trump, the interruptions.” When Wallace said, “Mr. President, can you let him finish, sir?” and Biden replied, “He doesn’t know how to do that,” Trump interrupted in response to being asked to stop interrupting: “You’d be surprised, you’d be surprised. Go ahead, talk, Joe, talk.”

Of course Slate is a left leaning site, so from a right leaning site...

According to a Fox News analysis, Biden interrupted Trump 49 times and Wallace 18 times for a total of 67 interruptions. Trump, meanwhile, interrupted Biden 71 times and Wallace 74 times for a total of 145 interruptions.

Each time he interrupted he said something important.

Maybe if the mods were asking Biden the hard questions Trump would not need to. But since as some mods in this board, the mods were hyper partisan democrats... that was not the case.

Biden still hasn't condemned Antifa, thinking it's just an idea, while he kneels for BLM.

Biden has not condemned Antifa? REALLY? Your LYING president tweet that yesterday but that doesn’t mean it’s true. Kid do you really believe what that LYING moron keeps telling you? Even Fox News are telling you that Trump and both of you are LYING. Look at the dates September 8, 2020 that is how far off is that moron.

Biden condemns Antifa, violence 'across the board' amid riots

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said he condemns violence "across the board," including from Antifa, when he was asked about it during a local TV interview Monday.

Biden did not condemn Antifa, in fact, he told us in the debates that Antifa is just an "idea" when asked to do so.

Condemning violence is not good enough if you can't condemn the movements organizing the violence. Extremist anti-American movements need to be condemned entirely, as president Trump has done.
Then tell that to Fox News that they are lying. Then go to FBI that antifa is an organized extremist because FBI got it wrong.
Trump? Stand back and Stanby then condemned 2 days later. That is not good enough.
Trump sucks at a debate. Why do you think he was constantly interrupting trying to spew his crap that night?

FUCK YOU, JACK, you constantly lying POS. Go get the fucking replay of the debate and count the interruptions right now.

While Trump tried to abide by the rules and act professional and respectful, it was BIDEN who interrupted Trump ELEVEN times and Wallace another five until he finally had enough and realized the whole night was a gang bang clusterfuck with Wallace and Biden both attacking him from either side. There was no debate, you ASSHOLE.

By my count, Trump interrupted former Vice President Joe Biden or debate moderator Chris Wallace at least 128 times. This number dwarfed the 51 times Trump interrupted Hillary Clinton during the first presidential debate in 2016. For his part, Biden interrupted dozens of times—at various points either trying to get a word in edgewise or correct flat lies by the president—but his interruptions were no match for Trump’s.

Wallace’s efforts to control the debate were valiant, but ultimately futile. Trump interrupted both men during both questions and answers. He muttered snide remarks under his breath. He talked over the moderator and his opponent. And he just plain cut them off over and over again. Wallace asked the president at least 25 times to stop interrupting and obey the debate rules: “Sir, you’re debating him, not me. Let me ask my question.” “Please let the vice president talk.” “You’ve made your point. Please let him answer.” “You’ve agreed to two minutes, please let him have it.” “No, no, no Mr. President.” “Mr.—President Trump, President Trump, the interruptions.” When Wallace said, “Mr. President, can you let him finish, sir?” and Biden replied, “He doesn’t know how to do that,” Trump interrupted in response to being asked to stop interrupting: “You’d be surprised, you’d be surprised. Go ahead, talk, Joe, talk.”

Of course Slate is a left leaning site, so from a right leaning site...

According to a Fox News analysis, Biden interrupted Trump 49 times and Wallace 18 times for a total of 67 interruptions. Trump, meanwhile, interrupted Biden 71 times and Wallace 74 times for a total of 145 interruptions.

Each time he interrupted he said something important.

Maybe if the mods were asking Biden the hard questions Trump would not need to. But since as some mods in this board, the mods were hyper partisan democrats... that was not the case.

Biden still hasn't condemned Antifa, thinking it's just an idea, while he kneels for BLM.

Biden has not condemned Antifa? REALLY? Your LYING president tweet that yesterday but that doesn’t mean it’s true. Kid do you really believe what that LYING moron keeps telling you? Even Fox News are telling you that Trump and both of you are LYING. Look at the dates September 8, 2020 that is how far off is that moron.

Biden condemns Antifa, violence 'across the board' amid riots

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said he condemns violence "across the board," including from Antifa, when he was asked about it during a local TV interview Monday.

Biden did not condemn Antifa, in fact, he told us in the debates that Antifa is just an "idea" when asked to do so.

Condemning violence is not good enough if you can't condemn the movements organizing the violence. Extremist anti-American movements need to be condemned entirely, as president Trump has done.
His followers the Michigan militia was planning to kidnap Michigan governor.
Hunter admitted that he got his job on the board of that power company because his name is Biden. You people don't even realize how corrupt you are.

And Paris Hilton got hired for the show "A simple life" because her name was Hilton.
Paris Hilton has nothing to do with this. You're a full blown idiot.

People have gotten jobs based on their name since the beginning of time. The difference is whether they had strings pulled to get them there.

And Hunter got no political help from Joe, other than inheriting the name.

So what Hunter did, or what Hunter got, has nothing to do with Joe Biden.

You're just pissed that when there is a TV parallel with Paris Hilton, you scream different.
Hunter admitted that he got his job on the board of that power company because his name is Biden. You people don't even realize how corrupt you are.

And Paris Hilton got hired for the show "A simple life" because her name was Hilton.
Paris Hilton has nothing to do with this. You're a full blown idiot.

People have gotten jobs based on their name since the beginning of time. The difference is whether they had strings pulled to get them there.

And Hunter got no political help from Joe, other than inheriting the name.

So what Hunter did, or what Hunter got, has nothing to do with Joe Biden.

You're just pissed that when there is a TV parallel with Paris Hilton, you scream different.
Oh my god, you people are so corrupt.
Condemning violence is not good enough if you can't condemn the movements organizing the violence. Extremist anti-American movements need to be condemned entirely, as president Trump has done.
His followers the Michigan militia was planning to kidnap Michigan governor.
Did I miss Trump condemning the Michigan Militia? I can't seem to find Trump condemning sedition by his followers.
Condemning violence is not good enough if you can't condemn the movements organizing the violence. Extremist anti-American movements need to be condemned entirely, as president Trump has done.
His followers the Michigan militia was planning to kidnap Michigan governor.
Did I miss Trump condemning the Michigan Militia? I can't seem to find Trump condemning sedition by his followers.

The kidnappers have ties to BLM. Trump did condemn BLM.

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