Scott Peterson... guilty or not?


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2003
I just thought I'd toss a new topic and see the different views on this. I watched an interesting piece on Court TV last night on this topic.

My thought is Guilty Guilty Guilty :death:
Without a DOUBT GUILTY !!! I hear this morning that the Prosecuter claims to have DNA, hair, etc.. linking him to the murder. Just the whole case points right to him - from selling her car, to wanting to sell the house, how can someone that didn't do this do something like that? Hope he hangs!
He might as well stock up on the vaseline now, I don't see any chance of him defending himself, there's just too much evidence against him.
Oh nasty, vaseline - hope the soap doesn't drop! :)
What's up with the death penalty with this anyway? I had heard that they weren't sure yet whether they would go for it! But, if they did, I see him sitting in prison forever anyway! They should beat him, put him in a container and throw him in the water like he did his wife! maybe leave him alive, then throw him in.
I actually used to watch this almost constantly as the story was breaking. I've lost touch with alot of the details as of late. Last night Court TV had a program on (apparently day 1 of the preliminary hearing was yesterday) to review some of the evidence. Most is still sealed... A couple new things I heard are:

1) Laci's hair (through DNA) has been found on a pair of pliers found on Scott's boat (the boat was new, Laci was never aboard while alive).

2) Something about kind of semen found on the boat... (damn bathroom breaks always happen to me at the WRONG time) :rolleyes:

3) Paint from a buoy found at the place they recovered the bodies is reportedly scuffed on his boat (as if he tied the boat to the buoy to anchor it while disposing the body)

A bunch of other stuff too.

I just wondered how other people saw this case... if anyone could find innocence here... (Satanic cult? lololol).

I just hope if he's found guilty, the execution gets to be public. There is nothing worse than a baby killer.
maybe his wife nagged too much? :)

If he's guilty of 2 counts of murder, abortion had better be made illegal. ;)
Don't get back to that subject on Abortion, remember, Laci wanted the baby, she chose to keep it, she didn't want an abortion - so you can't connect the 2. If she wanted it, and he killed her, then yes, he should go down for 2 murders!!!!!! that's the difference.
Originally posted by janeeng
Don't get back to that subject on Abortion, remember, Laci wanted the baby, she chose to keep it, she didn't want an abortion - so you can't connect the 2. If she wanted it, and he killed her, then yes, he should go down for 2 murders!!!!!! that's the difference.

She could have decided to kill the baby at any time. That's the problem. For all we know, Lacy asked Scott to help her abort the baby, and things went wrong.

The point is, if the baby can be considered a human, and can be considered murdered, it shouldn't matter who did the killing. :)
Actually, on the Peterson case... the age of the baby is quite significant. Like I said, I've lost touch on some things, but I do believe I heard that when Connor's body was found, he had tape wrapped around his neck...(which leads to the question of if/when he was born). I think it'll be pretty interesting when the facts of the case become available to the media.


and P.S.
semen" "bathroom break" You been spying on me?

DMP makes a very valid case. If he is going to be charged with 2 counts of murder..then shouldnt abortion be illegal?
depends on the term of pregnancy and like I mentioned, she wanted that baby, that's crazy to say she didn't - she went out and bought all the things needed. How could anyone even think she wanted to end it too? Scott Peterson is the one that told his girlfriend he didn't want kids. She wasn't asked if she wanted to end that pregnancy, it was chosen for her, to me, that's MURDER. Abortion, you have a choice! It's still murder in my eyes, but it's a choice.
There is absolutely NO difference. Either way a life that does not belong to you is being taken. Just because she wanted the baby means its murder?

What if I got drunk and killed a pregnant woman? IS that one murder or 2? 2 you say? What if she comes out and says...Thanks I didnt want the baby anyway?? Does that make it not a crime anymore because she didnt really want the baby?

If they can give a life sentence for an unborn baby when it comes to murder, then that means that baby is a life. If that baby is a life when it comes to murder, then that baby is still the same life when it comes to abortion. There are no greys on this point. It is all very balck and white.
I watched a few minutes of that also...I saw an early show/fiming on it..1 day before he was arrested....I just got sit to my stomach..that this jerk was cheeting on his wife....and suspecious that he bleached the basement also...I dont know..I strongly suspect him....He's a loser in my books just by the way he cheated on his wife.....That would make any women sad..but while pregnant could even be more hurting of the heart.....I don't like the guy...that's for sure....
It's a horrible sad case....Now you know why I don't watch TV much anymore....It's always women suffering from terrible murders.......I really get sad at the world..and the hearts as cold as ice..that walk this Earth......:(
Yea..It really bothers me alot....It's like always before bed too...bad news....Sometimes I don't feel cut out for this world....I'm tough,strong..and much more....but so soft on the inside.....Maybe to many "Highway To Heavens"....(smile).....

We all met here..and we are all close in friendship...Why can't everybody get along?...Where does the murder gene come in....Why?....I don't like it....Maybe I was ment to be born an angel,instead of gladiator..but at times...The rush goes through my body...and wana feel the sweat...and the cold steal of my sword....when I'm trying to impress..of course..(smile)!!!
hahhahahha!!! maybe you should be here in NJ tonight, all the little punks out throwing eggs, pumpkins, toilet paper, etc.. and I can't believe you never heard of Mischief Night! think I spelled that wrong, but oh well!

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