This is Poland

Don't confuse the idiots with your historical knowledge, one moron posted on here the Russians were worse than the Nazis in Poland,

What's true if you see in the Jews in Poland and Russia Germans, because they spoke the German language Yiddish. In this case the Holocaust is not a genocide but a fratricide. Stalin persecuted Jews for example until he died in 1953. Not to forget: In the definition of the Nazis ("Großer Ariernachweis") Poles had been Aryans.

well the Nazis reduced Warsaw to total rubble

No. As far as I know Warsaw was not bombed down from Germans as was bombed down Berlin for example. Only the so called "ghetto" there was totally destroyed - and the ghetto was not really a ghetto but only had been a special form of concentration camp which was made from the Nazis.

and killed six million Poles in the war.

Six million Poles including six millions Jews? Many Poles also had helped to murder Jews.
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Poland is in the process of acquiring more HIMAR type systems and artillery than the rest of Europe combined. Go Poland!
Yes, in process - so we will see how long this process will continue - all it needs to end , is a new government, aside from the obvious and extreme financing burden/issue.
As you know buying/purchasing weapon-systems as such isn't really the issue, but qualifying personal in operation and maintenance/spares and most important the procurement and financing of missiles and grenades.

IMO - Poland does not even posses the resources/ability to maintain and keep those "planed" 1000 K2 tanks on an active and combat readiness status - constant technological updates and capability improvements, developing local expertise for parts replacement and production,- not to mention all the other stuff Poland "ordered".

I am well aware about the costs the German MoD faces-faced in regards to it's former and present Leo II A4 - to A7 fleet. Or e.g. the factual costs the Malaysian MoD faces for it's "mere" 54 "Pendekar" - Polish produced PT - 91M's.
Aside from WW1 and 2 - no one.
NATO until today has never blocked the Baltic sea for Russian Naval units - it would amount to getting WW3 started.

The most strange nation in this context had been Great Britain. They are for sure lost when Scandinavia will fall or Germany will fall - but they supported Russia - not only during world war 1+2. And very strange is also the narcissist Erdogan because he has not any lousy idea about real history (what was shown very well by his resistance against the membership of Sweden in the NATO). He's captured from his own stupid ideas about Islamism so he ignores reality whenever it's possible to ignore reality. He liked it for example to offend German and US-American soldiers who defend Turkey - so many of them left Turkey and do not like to come back to this extremely unfriendly fake-ally. But indeed once the Russians had destroyed the complete Osman navy which had made them to prisoners of the Black Sea. In those days the Russians had sent an armada from the Baltic sea over the Mediterranian sea directly into the back of the Osman fleet so the Russians had been able to destroy the complete Osman fleet. If the Swedes had been their allies in those days this perhaps never had been able to happen. And I guess the Brits at this time of history had been very happy and amused because they still dreamed about one day to be able to rule the whole planet. Today the Brits have nearly no influence any longer - also not in Europe since their stupid Brexit (made from Donald Trump).

Sometimes I have the feeling today live only idiots any longer who prefer to believe in the own lies because the reality is much more worrying than are the own lies.

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The most strange nation in this context had been Great Britain. They are for sure lost when Scandinavia will fall or Germany will fall - but they supported Russia - not only during world war 1+2. And very strange is also the narcissist Erdogan because he has not any lousy idea about real history (what was shown very well by his resistance against the membership of Sweden in the NATO). He's captured from his own stupid ideas about Islamism so he ignores reality whenever it's possible to ignore reality. He liked it for example to offend German and US-American soldiers who defend Turkey - so many of them left Turkey and do not like to come back to this extremely unfriendly fake-ally. But indeed once the Russians had destroyed the complete Osman navy which had made them to prisoners of the Black Sea. In those days the Russians had sent an armada from the Baltic sea over the Mediterranian sea directly into the back of the Osman fleet so the Russians had been able to destroy the complete Osman fleet. If the Swedes had been their allies in those days this perhaps never had been able to happen. And I guess the Brits at this time of history had been very happy and amused because they still dreamed about one day to be able to rule the whole planet. Today the Brits have nearly no influence any longer - also not in Europe since their stupid Brexit (made from Donald Trump).

Sometimes I have the feeling today live only idiots any longer who prefer to believe in the own lies because the reality is much more worrying than are the own lies.
Britain has a very capable military and leadership - due to their "splendid isolation" - they are likely in the best position in Europe, for any future military confrontation with e.g. Russia.

Britain rightfully viewed Imperial Germany and Nazi Germany to be their greatest "imminent" threat. Without US backing Britain simply didn't posses the ability to go after Stalin or to "free those Easterners".

Every nation on this planet (Except Germany - not allowed since 1945 and therefore lost any national or patriotic understanding) protects it's own interests and places them ahead of others.
If individuals like e.g. Erdogan, Putin or a likes, are simply nuts or rather overzealous in their "nationalistic" agenda - well that depends on who's perspective you share.
I'm not watching any videos... I expect a simple straightforward answer in the form of text posted here...

Use your words... 100 words or less... how did the US "sell" Poland to Stalin? Serious question. Any serious answers?

At the Yalta Conference (1945), Stalin promised to allow free elections in Poland, but this was never upheld. The West chose to "believe" Stalin's promises to maintain the alliance.

The Polish Legitimate government-in-exile, which had been based in London during the war, was ignored and Poland became a colony of the Moscow Marxist, totalitarian empire .

For Poles (and other East Europeans ) , this represented a betrayal by the Western leftist elites , who sacrificed Polish sovereignty to appease Stalin and secure his enormous totalitarian , barbaric empire . The result was decades of Moscow-colonial rule over Polish nation

Timothy David Snyder wrote that this betrayal was not just a moral failure but a historical mistake that set the stage for decades of Moscow´s brutal, colonial rule in Eastern Europe.
You did do it. That's all. You sold whole East Europe to Stalin.
I am asking about the Sale Mechanism here... what did America do to sell Poland to Stalin?

I do not recall the US "selling" Poland to Stalin.

Stalin already had it under his control.

The US did not concede any territory to the Soviets in Poland.

The US did not receive any benefit from the Soviets holding onto Poland.

So, in truth, the US did not "sell" ( actually, nor metaphorically) Poland to Stalin, as was alleged earlier in this thread.
At the Yalta Conference (1945), Stalin promised to allow free elections in Poland, but this was never upheld. The West chose to "believe" Stalin's promises to maintain the alliance.
That is the weakest argument that I have heard in a very long time.

We were allied with the Soviets.

The Soviets suffered massive casualties to overwhelm the Nazis on the Eastern Front.

All sides were thoroughly exhausted by the end of the war and had zero interest in fighting each other.

The West had already gone to war once because of Poland's stupidity and weakness.

It was not about to launch WWIII because the people already holding the territory of Poland failed to keep their promises.
A country that has HONORED its word in NATO. Who have spent over 4% of GDP to defend themselves and NATO.


Poland, the only European nation keenly aware of Islam's evil intentions to conquer Europe, having fended off actual armed Islamic invasions in its past history and thus forbids its entry into their nation. Too bad the same can't be said of nations like England that will become an Islamic Caliphate soon and causing the deaths and forced migration of all who are not willing to convert to its vile 7th century religion.
I am asking about the Sale Mechanism here... what did America do to sell Poland to Stalin? ...

You sold East Europe to Stalin. Ich führe keine verblödenden Pippifax Diskussionen. Oh sorry: I don't engage in stupid (stupidifying) pippifax discussions.
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Britain has a very capable military and leadership - due to their "splendid isolation" - they are likely in the best position in Europe, for any future military confrontation with e.g. Russia.

They are Celts and Germanics. That's why I trust in them. Only English soldiers and German soldiers reported from the world wars that they came into a situation where it made a lot of fun to kill enemies. At least the British are honest.

Britain rightfully viewed Imperial Germany and Nazi Germany to be their greatest "imminent" threat.

What was bullshit. In World War 1 the allies created Hitler. World War 1 and World War 2 are the same war - and the Brits did not fight Germany - they fought themselves. The Prussian emperor over Germany, William II, had been a Brit who had been educated from his grandmother Queen Victoria. The Brits fought her ideas when they fought him - not German ideas.

Without US backing Britain simply didn't posses the ability to go after Stalin or to "free those Easterners".

Eh? The USA and GB had been the allies of Stalin - or perhaps I could also say the USA and GB had been only a tool of Stalin.

Every nation on this planet (Except Germany -


not allowed since 1945 and therefore lost any national or patriotic understanding) protects it's own interests and places them ahead of others.
If individuals like e.g. Erdogan, Putin or a likes, are simply nuts or rather overzealous in their "nationalistic" agenda - well that depends on who's perspective you share.

Nationen sind so überflüssig wie ein Krebsgeschwür. Translation: Nations are as superfluous as a cancer. Germany never had been a nation - Germany was forced to have to become a nation. With terrible results.

Your convoluted hatred of Germans consists largely only of the crimes that the deeply criminal European nations - including the USA and Russia - have done to the German nations/tribes - up to and including the successful genocide of so many German nations/tribes. A German who trusts in anyone on this planet - specially in any politician - is an idiot.
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They are Celts and Germanics. That's why I trust in them. Only English soldiers and German soldiers reported from the world wars that they came into a situation where it made a lot of fun to kill enemies. At least the British are honest.

What was bullshit. In World War 1 the allies created Hitler. World War 1 and World War 2 are the same war - and the Brits did not fight Germany - they fought themselves. The Prussian emperor over Germany, William II, had been a Brit who had been educated from his grandmother Queen Victoria. The Brits fought her ideas when they fought him - not German ideas.



Nationen sind so überflüssig wie ein Krebsgeschwür. Translation: Nations are as superfluous as a cancer. Germany never had been a nation - Germany was forced to have to become a nation. With terrible results.

Your convoluted hatred of Germans consists largely only of the crimes that the deeply criminal European nations - including the USA and Russia - have done to the German nations/tribes - up to and including the successful genocide of so many German nations/tribes. A German who trusts in anyone on this planet - specially in any politician - is an idiot.
Sorry - your post is völliger Schwachsinn" complete nonsense- even though you clearly admire the Austrians deeds - I don't think you are a full blown Nazi - just a very confused Human being. Who can't differentiate facts from fiction and bull from sincerity. And therefore bought into racial nonsense - such as "Germanic".

What makes a today's Brit or German or even one from 1900 to be a Germanic?? - after more then 3000 years of countless ethnic groups interbreeding within those countries!!

And The "allies" aka the Entente had in no way ever created the Austrian nutcase. They had enforced methods to ensure that a former great German nation will never be resurrected. That is also why the situation that resulted into WW1 (in view of the revival of a Greater and united German nation) was exploited by the British and French as they had done already since 1648. Where they had done everything to dismantle Europe's greatest and most powerful nation - The GERMAN HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.
As such the Versailles treaty - had created an unacceptable situation for Germans - which the Austrian clearly knew to exploit to his benefit.

And the Brits under the leadership of e.g. Churchill - undeniably fought the Nazis aka Nazi controlled-Germany - since they totally refuted his perfidious racist policy implemented via a DICTATORSHIP - that would have been imposed onto them, in case of a defeat. Independent of their own Global Hegemonic Agenda - and thus to prevent an economic/political decline of Britain verses Germany. - aka WW1.
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You sold East Europe to Stalin. Ich führe keine verblödenden Pippifax Diskussionen. Oh sorry: I don't engage in stupid (stupidifying) pippifax discussions.
Translation: "I made a bold accusatory assertion and then failed utterly to prove it or to otherwise reinforce my assertion."

Your intellectual cowardice and immaturity is noted and has caused you to lose the exchange.

I, and a great many others here, can tolerate a great deal, but intellectual cowardice is the kiss-of-death in an argument.

In light of this newly-revealed childishness, your assertion that the US sold Poland to Stalin may be safely ignored.

Translation: "I made a bold accusatory assertion and then failed utterly to prove it or to otherwise reinforce my assertion."

Your intellectual cowardice and immaturity is noted and has caused you to lose the exchange.

I, and a great many others here, can tolerate a great deal, but intellectual cowardice is the kiss-of-death in an argument.

In light of this newly-revealed childishness, your assertion that the US sold Poland to Stalin may be safely ignored.


The USA sold not only Poland but whole Eastern Europe to Russia under Stalin. Now a new Stalinist governs Russia. That's why you fight "Nazis" like me, perverted asshole. Be happy when god on his own will not speak some serios words with you.

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The USA sold Eastern Europe to Russia.
Where does your conviction derive from, that e..g the USA would have been committed to liberate Eastern-Europe from the Nazi's??

They clearly had left that part to the Soviets - and committed their part of the war directly against German territory and thus on the way to liberate Western European countries from their Nazi occupiers.
If at all, then the USA was responsible for the division of Germany into a West and East-Germany.-Which they obviously didn't mind at the time.

Poland was a pure British issue - due to harboring the exiled Polish government - with whom they had a treaty. Simply nullified via Stalin setting up a pro Soviet government in Poland.
The USA sold not only Poland but whole Eastern Europe to Russia under Stalin. Now a new Stalinist governs Russia. That's why you fight "Nazis" like me, perverted asshole. Be happy when god on his own will not speak some serios words with you.

You have not presented a cogent argument supporting your position.

I am not fluent in German and have no intention of watching your childish video op-ed.

If you cannot briefly summarize your reinforcing criteria and serve it up in plain English then you still lose.

You are not very good at this online posting business, are you? :itsok:

And, based on your grammar, I doubt that English is your primary language.

Perhaps you ought to stick to Euro-centric discussion boards where random teenage angst is more welcome.
What is an "anti-German Nazi"??

Many elements of the Nazis came from the USA and from GB - namely racism and Darwinism - so I could call you an anti-German Nazi, genocider of so many nations and tribes in America and Europe.

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