Say It Ain't So -- Democtats 'Weaponizing' 6 Jan Committee

If this whole thing was legit it would not be held behind closed doors, hidden from Americans, and Pelosi would have had no problem testifying.

After Pelosi held 2 criminal faux Impeachment attempts, during which Democrats were exposed for committing crimes, she would not be able to hold a Catholic prayer meeting without having it rigged and fellow Democrats doing something illegal during it.
Yep that’s the ticket
Oh. No. You're confused. The Republicans shut down the theatre. The Benghazi hearings. That and Whitewater are two Repuke thug attempts that failed. Sorry.
You got Vietnam and Kent state and Chicago and Waco and branch Dravidian’s! Act as if your kitchen is clean. Choke your chicken
We're gonna get those killing machines from you
SURE you will you pathetic reject from the Addams Family! Can't wait to see you try. Or to be more succinct, your kind are always the ones hiding in the closet. Where will you hide tonight in your dreams?! :21:

Maybe the thousands of dead babies you murdered at Planned Parenthood will pay you a visit! :1peleas:
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Awww, Wrestler Jim & other Trump asseater's who have been ranting & raving about a "stolen election" are messing their pants at a chance to explain themselves?

Who's surprised?
Awww, Wrestler Jim & other Trump asseater's who have been ranting & raving about a "stolen election" are messing their pants at a chance to explain themselves?

Who's surprised?
I'm not the one who has declared they have the power to tell people what they think, what they say, and, miraculously, how they FEEL.

Only TDS-suffering snowflakes are that mentally disturbed, as they are creatures of feeling and emotion and project that onto others.
Yes, you care SO MUCH ABOUT THE BABIES you little weasel. How about those 19 babies were gunned down, Tuesday. When was your desire to "protect the babies", then, because I'll tell you, the one time babies really needed you, you said, fuck you kids, my AR is much more important to me, so bye!

You suck, Bitch.

Why don't you LURCH out into busy traffic, psycho.

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