Biden's campaign will focus on Jan 6

And logic.

Why did the FBI give the ring leader a pass?

Did Ray Epps do anything wrong?

Did he not storm a protected area?
Because you didn't think the charges were not fair that means he is an FBI agent provocateur even though you have no proof.

Do you really think he could be an FBI agent but nobody in the FBI, the executive or the legislative can prove it? No files. No resumes. No reviews. No documentation at all?

You make a good Trump supporter.

What do you think the charges should have been for Ray Epps?
I'm sad to say that Biden's support of Israel's genocide is likely to do him in.

By Paul Bedard Washington Examiner

President Joe Biden is expanding his effort to hang the Jan. 6 Capitol riots around former President Donald Trump’s neck.

Just days after he released an ad narrated by Trump critic and actor Robert De Niro titled “Snapped,” his campaign announced plans on Tuesday to field three of the U.S. Capitol Police officers who faced off with the protesters at Biden campaign rallies.

It is part of the president’s effort to portray Trump as erratic and a “threat” to democracy.

It comes as more believe that Biden is a bigger threat to democracy than Trump, who has claimed that the Democrat is weaponizing the government to undermine his campaign.

Biden and the Dems are beating a dead horse.
Most people have moved on.
People have rejected the crazy Democrat Jan 6 Insurrection Conspiracy Theory.
They are just annoying everyone with it now.
"Biden's campaign will focus on Jan 6".

Of course it will.

Because the Dems have nothing else.

The senile old coot has been a complete fuck-up, in every way that matters. The only thing he has left is the bullshit "insurrection" that never happened.

That's the only reason the Dems threw harsh prison terms at the protesters, because this was the plan all along.

Fortunately it's not going to stick. There's not enough time before the election to turn the economy around, and that's what people are going to vote on.

That, and Biden's deliberate policy of violating the Constitution and the law - about the borders, but other things too.

Jan 6 is a distant memory compared to gas prices and food prices and the cost of raising a child. No one thinks about insurrections when they're starving and homeless. (They do however occasionally think about Covid when they have to get on public transportation).

In short, the J6 gambit won't work. It's too little too late, and besides America knows the Dems are nothing but bullshit artists. No one cares about a 4 hour protest. No one even cares about a 30 day protest. People care about the costs. And it is common knowledge that the government can NOT simply print money. Wall Street bond holders and Janet Yellen and Jamie Dimon are ALL very concerned, and when righties and lefties tell you the same thing you better listen.

By Paul Bedard Washington Examiner

President Joe Biden is expanding his effort to hang the Jan. 6 Capitol riots around former President Donald Trump’s neck.

Just days after he released an ad narrated by Trump critic and actor Robert De Niro titled “Snapped,” his campaign announced plans on Tuesday to field three of the U.S. Capitol Police officers who faced off with the protesters at Biden campaign rallies.

It is part of the president’s effort to portray Trump as erratic and a “threat” to democracy.

It comes as more believe that Biden is a bigger threat to democracy than Trump, who has claimed that the Democrat is weaponizing the government to undermine his campaign.

Biden and the Dems are beating a dead horse.
Most people have moved on.
People have rejected the crazy Democrat Jan 6 Insurrection Conspiracy Theory.
They are just annoying everyone with it now.

Let’s translate from Trump Fanboy to English.

This is working, people aren’t buying the Stolen Election and Trump promising to pardon the rioters is not going well. 78% of the people still disapprove of the actions of the Insurgents.

Trump’s popularity continues to slide. He is up over 53% unfavorable.


So we will pretend that this line of truth doesn’t matter in the hopes that Biden drops it.
Is Biden really stupid enough to campaign on an event tied to the stolen election?

Why not since only radical Republicans believe the election was stolen.

Two thirds of the population don’t believe it. Maybe if Trump released this yuge and amazing report on the Stolen Election he has promised dozens of times that might change.

The third of the population who does believe wouldn’t vote for a Democrat if Jesus himself was running as one.

By Paul Bedard Washington Examiner

President Joe Biden is expanding his effort to hang the Jan. 6 Capitol riots around former President Donald Trump’s neck.

Just days after he released an ad narrated by Trump critic and actor Robert De Niro titled “Snapped,” his campaign announced plans on Tuesday to field three of the U.S. Capitol Police officers who faced off with the protesters at Biden campaign rallies.

It is part of the president’s effort to portray Trump as erratic and a “threat” to democracy.

It comes as more believe that Biden is a bigger threat to democracy than Trump, who has claimed that the Democrat is weaponizing the government to undermine his campaign.

Biden and the Dems are beating a dead horse.
Most people have moved on.
People have rejected the crazy Democrat Jan 6 Insurrection Conspiracy Theory.
They are just annoying everyone with it now.
LMAO it will be about Biden inflation, Bidenomics and the Biden border disaster.
What else do you have?

Plenty, 200,000 DEAD AMERICANS killed by Biden's filthy illegals. RAPED Americans by Biden's illegals. ASSAULTED and ROBBED Americans by Biden's illegals. Prices increases of 20% to 30% and in some cases 100% since Biden the dipshit dumb ass took over. Crime and criminals run amok. Multiple wars and hundreds of billions sunk into them. SHIT Biden energy policy that's made us weaker and everything more expensive. Bunch of freakshow degenerate trans whatever the gender confused fuck weirdos running around all over the place. RIOTS across the nation on college campuses.

This clown Biden and the Democrats can't handle the job of governing America, obviously.

By Paul Bedard Washington Examiner

President Joe Biden is expanding his effort to hang the Jan. 6 Capitol riots around former President Donald Trump’s neck.

Just days after he released an ad narrated by Trump critic and actor Robert De Niro titled “Snapped,” his campaign announced plans on Tuesday to field three of the U.S. Capitol Police officers who faced off with the protesters at Biden campaign rallies.

It is part of the president’s effort to portray Trump as erratic and a “threat” to democracy.

It comes as more believe that Biden is a bigger threat to democracy than Trump, who has claimed that the Democrat is weaponizing the government to undermine his campaign.

Biden and the Dems are beating a dead horse.
Most people have moved on.
People have rejected the crazy Democrat Jan 6 Insurrection Conspiracy Theory.
They are just annoying everyone with it now.
It’s irrelevant since Biden won’t be the nominee.

He’ll be substituted for Newsom/BigMikey, probably in June
Plenty, 200,000 DEAD AMERICANS killed by Biden's filthy illegals. RAPED Americans by Biden's illegals. ASSAULTED and ROBBED Americans by Biden's illegals. Prices increases of 20% to 30% and in some cases 100% since Biden the dipshit dumb ass took over. Crime and criminals run amok. Multiple wars and hundreds of billions sunk into them. SHIT Biden energy policy that's made us weaker and everything more expensive. Bunch of freakshow degenerate trans whatever the gender confused fuck weirdos running around all over the place. RIOTS across the nation on college campuses.

This clown Biden and the Democrats can't handle the job of governing America, obviously.

I found 18,456 murders in 2023 according to the FBI. I’d ask where you got your numbers but obviously you can’t show me as a picture of your ass would violate the rules for the site. Obviously you pulled the numbers from there.
A decrease of 54% is a hell of a lot of progress. Sadly either you hadn’t heard or don’t care.
Don't even make us laugh, is it back to Trump's level? NOPE! You fake ass bitches wait until a few months before the election to drop the illegal invasion a few points and everyone knows if Dems win they invasion will begin again at 100% plus.
I found 18,456 murders in 2023 according to the FBI. I’d ask where you got your numbers but obviously you can’t show me as a picture of your ass would violate the rules for the site. Obviously you pulled the numbers from there.
God the uninformed left, Fentanyl deaths idiot.

By Paul Bedard Washington Examiner

President Joe Biden is expanding his effort to hang the Jan. 6 Capitol riots around former President Donald Trump’s neck.

Just days after he released an ad narrated by Trump critic and actor Robert De Niro titled “Snapped,” his campaign announced plans on Tuesday to field three of the U.S. Capitol Police officers who faced off with the protesters at Biden campaign rallies.

It is part of the president’s effort to portray Trump as erratic and a “threat” to democracy.

It comes as more believe that Biden is a bigger threat to democracy than Trump, who has claimed that the Democrat is weaponizing the government to undermine his campaign.

Biden and the Dems are beating a dead horse.
Most people have moved on.
People have rejected the crazy Democrat Jan 6 Insurrection Conspiracy Theory.
They are just annoying everyone with it now.
If the Supreme Court is going to delay the trial until after the election we have to try him in the court of public opinion.

One ad we are running is

"I moved on her actually. You know she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it. I did try and fuck her, she was married."

“There’s no question — none — that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president,” McConnell said. “The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing our country and then feign surprise when people believe him and do reckless things.”

We impeached Trump but Mitch wouldn't convict him in the Senate. Said he was no longer POTUS and this needed to be decided in the courts. Well, here we are.

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