Satellites earth is nearly in its 21st-year without global warming

Pity the poor deniers. Their "hiatus" scam was debunked, but they're still desperately cherrypicking anything they find, vainly trying to cling to it. Comical. And sad. But then, if they didn't deny all the actual data, they wouldn't be deniers.

Back in the real world, 2014 was the warmest year on record, and 2015 will almost certainly be even warmer. The "there's no warming!" position is too loony for even deniers to hold, so most of them are retreating to "but ... but ... it's a natural cycle!".

Warmist on record, where?
Here in California.

Now granted maybe California had a warm year, I don't know cause I can find the data, maybe you can help. But for the continential US the facts paint a different picture. The following is from a NOAA site, it seems to me that 2014 was not even close to the warmist in recorded history. I count 13 warmer in the last 15.

View attachment 44800
Warmist on record, where?

Every surface data set. NASA-GISS, NOAA, the British Met's HADCRUT, the Japanese Meteorological Agency, all of them. And they all use independent methods.

And if anyone claims a global conspiracy, they need to go sit at the kiddie table and not bother the grownups with such stupid babbling.

I provided a NOAA site that shows that the continental US has not warmed in at least the last decade. Are they lying? You provided what? Your opinion?

I found a different (though highly reputable) data set that says the same thing NOAA does.

She is lying. :(

I am going to defend her and say, she isn't lying, she just knows so much that isn't so.
Warmist on record, where?

Every surface data set. NASA-GISS, NOAA, the British Met's HADCRUT, the Japanese Meteorological Agency, all of them. And they all use independent methods.

And if anyone claims a global conspiracy, they need to go sit at the kiddie table and not bother the grownups with such stupid babbling.

Nope. You are wrong. U.S. Temps have dropped so far this decade by about 1/2 a degree. Please stop talking out of your ass. :)

Talking out of one's ass causes global warming.
That is correct. Farting emits methane>>>global warming. I eat Gas X for breakfast and Simethicone for dinner. 'Just doing my part fellows..
Warmist on record, where?
Every surface data set. NASA-GISS, NOAA, the British Met's HADCRUT, the Japanese Meteorological Agency, all of them. And they all use independent methods.

And if anyone claims a global conspiracy, they need to go sit at the kiddie table and not bother the grownups with such stupid babbling.
I enjoy how the flat earthers complain at the data fiddling undertaken by climate scientists while ignoring how the satellite data they cite has undergone frequent revisions to try to get it to approximate real world numbers.
There is more scientist believe the earth is not warming that it is 6000 years old.

Keep going there is hell all real scientists that will back him up..
There might be no global warming and yet California is still going dry. Poor Cali, I will miss you so much. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten.
I wonder if the drought is caused by global warming.
There might be no global warming and yet California is still going dry. Poor Cali, I will miss you so much. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten.
I wonder if the drought is caused by global warming.

Finally some good news to report, and yes GW is political.

After September of this year, the Earth will be entering its 21st year without statistically significant warming trend, according to satellite-derived temperature data.

Since September 1994, University of Alabama in Huntsville’s satellite temperature data has shown no statistically significant global warming trend. For over 20 years there’s been no warming trend apparent in the satellite records and will soon be entering into year 21 with no warming trend apparent in satellite data — which examines the lowest few miles of the Earth’s atmosphere.

Read more: The Earth Has Entered Its 21st Year Without Global Warming The Daily Caller

No global warming for 21 years? That just proves global warming. Hot, cold, rainy, dry, it all proves global warming. I had a continental breakfast in Europe this morning, proves global warming....
Finally some good news to report, and yes GW is political.

After September of this year, the Earth will be entering its 21st year without statistically significant warming trend, according to satellite-derived temperature data.

Since September 1994, University of Alabama in Huntsville’s satellite temperature data has shown no statistically significant global warming trend. For over 20 years there’s been no warming trend apparent in the satellite records and will soon be entering into year 21 with no warming trend apparent in satellite data — which examines the lowest few miles of the Earth’s atmosphere.

Read more: The Earth Has Entered Its 21st Year Without Global Warming The Daily Caller

No global warming for 21 years? That just proves global warming. Hot, cold, rainy, dry, it all proves global warming. I had a continental breakfast in Europe this morning, proves global warming....

Thanks to you as well! It's thoughtful comments like this that have brought me around to your side on this. Fuck science....and double fuck scientists.
Finally some good news to report, and yes GW is political.

After September of this year, the Earth will be entering its 21st year without statistically significant warming trend, according to satellite-derived temperature data.

Since September 1994, University of Alabama in Huntsville’s satellite temperature data has shown no statistically significant global warming trend. For over 20 years there’s been no warming trend apparent in the satellite records and will soon be entering into year 21 with no warming trend apparent in satellite data — which examines the lowest few miles of the Earth’s atmosphere.

Read more: The Earth Has Entered Its 21st Year Without Global Warming The Daily Caller

No global warming for 21 years? That just proves global warming. Hot, cold, rainy, dry, it all proves global warming. I had a continental breakfast in Europe this morning, proves global warming....

Thanks to you as well! It's thoughtful comments like this that have brought me around to your side on this. Fuck science....and double fuck scientists.

That would be a great argument if science was on your side...
What, you think science is the enemy? That's a bit hard on NASA.


Data.GISS GISS Surface Temperature Analysis Analysis Graphs and Plots
Finally some good news to report, and yes GW is political.

After September of this year, the Earth will be entering its 21st year without statistically significant warming trend, according to satellite-derived temperature data.

Since September 1994, University of Alabama in Huntsville’s satellite temperature data has shown no statistically significant global warming trend. For over 20 years there’s been no warming trend apparent in the satellite records and will soon be entering into year 21 with no warming trend apparent in satellite data — which examines the lowest few miles of the Earth’s atmosphere.

Read more: The Earth Has Entered Its 21st Year Without Global Warming The Daily Caller

No global warming for 21 years? That just proves global warming. Hot, cold, rainy, dry, it all proves global warming. I had a continental breakfast in Europe this morning, proves global warming....

Thanks to you as well! It's thoughtful comments like this that have brought me around to your side on this. Fuck science....and double fuck scientists.

That would be a great argument if science was on your side...

You are not paying attention. I am with you on this. Global warming.....climate a HOAX. It is all manufactured bullshit. Absolutely.

Now what?
What, you think science is the enemy? That's a bit hard on NASA.


Data.GISS GISS Surface Temperature Analysis Analysis Graphs and Plots

Yeah....sure! That rise is due to the fact that so many dupes are trying to use alternative cars....etc. if everyone would just go back to the way it was, that trend would reverse in a few years.
You might be on to something with that statement.
Looking at that graph (regardless of its validity), it seems that the upward swing began right about the time that emission controls started going into widespread usage. I know that correlation does not necessarily indicate causation, but it's still... interesting.
What, you think science is the enemy? That's a bit hard on NASA.


Data.GISS GISS Surface Temperature Analysis Analysis Graphs and Plots

Yeah....sure! That rise is due to the fact that so many dupes are trying to use alternative cars....etc. if everyone would just go back to the way it was, that trend would reverse in a few years.
You might be on to something with that statement.
Looking at that graph (regardless of its validity), it seems that the upward swing began right about the time that emission controls started going into widespread usage. I know that correlation does not necessarily indicate causation, but it's still... interesting.

Absolutely! Every time......and I mean EVERY time.....the gubmint gets involved with something, they fuck it up. The libs caused the earth to get warmer. Everyone knows that.
This is the latest data for the U.S. It is a full 1/2 a degree cooler than the last decade.

"The first four years of this decade (2010–2013) were slightly cooler on average than 2000–2009 for the United States, with an average of 53.5°F."

How much has the global temperature risen in the last 100 years UCAR - University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

I never heard of UCAR. When were they founded and what do they teach? What fields are they accredited in or is it mainly focused on research.

That is a new source to me--how do you know they are trustworthy in terms of research and information?
That is a new source to me--how do you know they are trustworthy in terms of research and information?
Uh.. you don't know that everything written in a newspaper, seen on tv and being on the internet is true???

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