Zone1 No, Christians and Muslims Do Not Worship the Same God

Crazy question. Either you never thought I had that idea and you're being obnoxious, or you're imagining that I had that idea for some kind of perverted reason. Let's not waste our time on this, and if it's still ever so important to you then you could complain to the mods or something but we got more important things to deal with.
YOU choose to participate or not participate then gripe to me about having an opinion based on facts that you don't like
again this has nothing to do with anything, my response is to another post and the point is their in that post not what you can turn it into here. You don't seem to get the point and it doesn't seem you are capable to understand that.

bullshit, You are a joke, The Koran. by far is less violent then the bible. You have to make up shit to make any of your points here. That makes you a joke and a waste.
Everything you just said exactly applies exactly to YOU., You obviously KNOW NOTHING of the Koran, and do a great job of broadcasting your ignorance. Not my problem.
again this has nothing to do with anything, my response is to another post and the point is their in that post not what you can turn it into here. You don't seem to get the point and it doesn't seem you are capable to understand that.

bullshit, You are a joke, The Koran. by far is less violent then the bible. You have to make up shit to make any of your points here. That makes you a joke and a waste.
wrong---the violence in the bible is history not lauded. The violence in
the koran is GLORIFIED as HOLY
You don't like FACTS. I find your need to equate this death cult with the God I KNOW to be obnoxious. The Bible I read does not approve of any of the practices of that cult.

Why is it not important to you to justify rape kidnapping and murder? They are COMMANDED and you refuse to condemn them.
Get thee behind me Satan

I will add you to my ignore list now. Bye
IMLO (in my lauded opinion) the proof is in the reaction. I am
from a recognized muslim religious leader. The AYATOLAH KHAMEINIE
is a learned scholar of islam---he has expressed the ISLAMIC POV
Satan is the Great Deceiver and the Father of Lies -- according to the Bible. That makes sense doesn't it?

According to the Qur'an, Allah is the "best of deceivers" (3:54; 8:30). The phrase is often translated into English as "best of planners," "best of schemers," or "best of plotters," but the root word (makr) means "deception." Hence, the following Qur'an verses should be rendered as follows:
Since the Bible declares that Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44), the question must be raised: Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?
What is your source?
Islam has nothing to do with God. It is not even a religion. It is a deranged ideology masquerading as a religion. Since Muslims cannot come to terms with this, mankind will always be plagued with their Koranic lunacies.

Damn, you're stupid.
You are hopeless, as you continue to defend a pagan death cult.

Allah was the chief god of the Arab pagan pantheon. It was the moon god. Which is why Islam is represented by a crescent moon with a star in the middle of it, which is a lie.

Allah just means God. The Canaanites had a word for God. The Jews adopted it.
Allah just means God. The Canaanites had a word for God. The Jews adopted it.
The Arab language, the Canaanite language, and the Hebrew language are all Sematic languages, so many of the words are similar.

The king of the Canaanite pantheon was named "El."

The Hebrews adopted El in their words for God, such as "Elohim" and "El Shaddai." They also use a name which we usually pronounce as "Yahweh." "Jehovah" is a mistranslation of Yahweh, because Hebrew does not have consonants for "j" and "v" sounds.

"Allah," which sounds like "El" is the Arabic word for God.

The Koran mentions stories and people who also appear in the Bible, such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, David, Solomon, and Jesus.

The Koran recognizes Jesus as a prophet, but not as the Son of God. It does not recognize the Trinity.

Muslims worship the same God as do Jews and Christians, but they perceive of Him differently.
Muslims worship the same God as do Jews and Christians, but they perceive of Him differently
False. The God of the ancient Israelites and Christians believed in God the Father, the Spirit, and the Lord that appeared as the Angel of God who was then born as Jesus.

Heretical Jews during Jesus’s time and modern day Jews do not believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Muslims also do not believe it. So it is not the same, they worship a false god, which they claim is the God of Abraham but isn’t.
Look up Elohim.
That is merely a generic term, another noun. What was revealed to Moses is something much more. Saying Allah means YHWH would be like saying George could mean run. What is the motivation for insisting that Islam is other than it is?
You’re the one obsessing over it.

The Muslim Allah is not the God described in the Bible.
Allah is the Arabic word for god

Do you not grasp the concept that languages other than English have other words for god?

In Spanish it’s dios, in French it’s dieu, in Arabic it’s allah

Arabic-speaking Christians use the word Allah, too….. because it’s the word for god in their language.
That is merely a generic term, another noun. What was revealed to Moses is something much more. Saying Allah means YHWH would be like saying George could mean run. What is the motivation for insisting that Islam is other than it is?
Do you know anything about Islam? They believe in the creator God who is merciful and just, loving, etc.

They are forbidden to make war except against those who attack Muslims. They're not allowed to destroy crops , trees, water sources, livestock or to kill noncombattants.

They have the Ten Commandments and they pray shoulder to shoulder.

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