Why are Dems ignoring murder of Kate Steinle?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Why didn't Obama condemn sanctuary cities and their practices that allowed a dangerous criminals to roam the streets? No calling the family, attending the funeral or speaking out against this threat to public safety. I guess it went against the bullshit he's been pushing.

It is disgusting that Dems put their agenda ahead of the lives of citizens.

Being pussies, they are loathe to violate the rights of the murderer. Until convicted he will remain a non violent drug abuser.
Good question. According to a Dem politician today on Univision, her death is a little thing. Our own Care last night also thought it was just par for the course...her response was 'what, is she the only person ever killed by an illegal?' I'm not sure what point she was trying to make but the general dismissiveness makes it clear they're ok with sacrificing innocents to criminals.
Why didn't Obama condemn sanctuary cities and their practices that allowed a dangerous criminals to roam the streets? No calling the family, attending the funeral or speaking out against this threat to public safety. I guess it went against the bullshit he's been pushing.

It is disgusting that Dems put their agenda ahead of the lives of citizens.

she's white and was killed by a minority career criminal that wouldn't have been in the country if dems followed the law.

all pols in all sanctuary cities should be arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit
Why didn't Obama condemn sanctuary cities and their practices that allowed a dangerous criminals to roam the streets? No calling the family, attending the funeral or speaking out against this threat to public safety. I guess it went against the bullshit he's been pushing.

It is disgusting that Dems put their agenda ahead of the lives of citizens.


The Dems and the MSM are merely following Obama's lead. He hasn't mentioned it either because it wasn't a white cop killing a black man.
To acknowledge her death would mean acknowledging the policies they support and enacted caused her death.

Every liberal who supports sanctuary cities, who opposes enforcement of Federal immigration law, who supports illegal immigration is responsible for the deaths of innocents at the hands of illegal scumbags.

Stop killing people with your policies designed solely to amass political power, you fucking pieces of shit liberals.
To acknowledge her death would mean acknowledging the policies they support and enacted caused her death.

Every liberal who supports sanctuary cities, who opposes enforcement of Federal immigration law, who supports illegal immigration is responsible for the deaths of innocents at the hands of illegal scumbags.

Stop killing people with your policies designed solely to amass political power, you fucking pieces of shit liberals.

But it makes them feeeeeel good.
You gotta look at the big picture. The dirty little secret is that democrats are able to ignore the tragic murder of a U.S. citizen at the hands of a illegal criminal alien who was deported four times because the majority of the American media is busy circling the wagons around the failed administration.
I see Lakota gave the typical Dem response by asking, "Kate who?" Either it's a glib remark or the liberal media actually haven't reported on it so many sheeple really don't know about this.
Why didn't Obama condemn sanctuary cities and their practices that allowed a dangerous criminals to roam the streets? No calling the family, attending the funeral or speaking out against this threat to public safety. I guess it went against the bullshit he's been pushing.

It is disgusting that Dems put their agenda ahead of the lives of citizens.


Maybe because the family does not want their loss to be exploited for political points. They already mentioned this was happening. If they have asked for privacy, in their time of grief, at least give them that much to be respected.
I see Lakota gave the typical Dem response by asking, "Kate who?" Either it's a glib remark or the liberal media actually haven't reported on it so many sheeple really don't know about this.

Where was the outcry over the gang rape of the journalist in Egypt?

I can only guess in some cases, if the victim survivors or family don't want to make
a huge case out of it like Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown. People will look at cues
from the media, to determine how vocal are the family or others rallying around that case.
Why? Because only hypocrites concentrate on one random murder for political gain. Democrats don't do that. We look at systematic murders. Illegal aliens are not more likely to kill than anyone else, so there's no systematic problem there.

Republicans, OTOH, are such hypocrites, and openly proud of it. It's what defines them, their rank hypocrisy and inconsistency on every issue. If it wasn't for double standards, they'd have no standards whatsoever.

And I'd say it's a new low for such ghouls to be dancing on this woman's grave, but sadly, it's not. They constantly reach such lows on a wide variety of topics. On the bright side, at least it convinces more people to vote Democratic, though I'd gladly sacrifice those votes just to see their nauseating behavior stop.
Maybe because the family does not want their loss to be exploited for political points. They already mentioned this was happening. If they have asked for privacy, in their time of grief, at least give them that much to be respected.

It is still news and should be reported on, yet Obama didn't condemn the sanctuary cities who allow this sort of thing to happen. No one is bothering the family, but sending condolences or at least insisting that cities stop thumbing their noses at federal law is something that needs to happen. The left avoids this because they are making all illegals, including the nasty criminals, a protected class and they are doing this despite the threat to public safety.

It's not like anyone sent Sharpton's counterpart down there to rile people up. That is totally a radical leftie thing.

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