Sanctuary Cities Should Welcome Illegals, Unless Liberals Are Lying


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Sanctuary Cities Should Welcome Illegals, Unless Liberals Are Lying

Sanctuary Cities Should Welcome Illegals, Unless Liberals Are Lying
April 14, 2019 ~ By Derek Hunter
It was framed as a big scoop – the Washington Post headline blared, “White House proposed releasing immigrant detainees in sanctuary cities, targeting political foes.” “My God,” the blue checkmark brigade on Twitter gasped, “how dare the President of the United States even consider doing such a horrible thing?” But why? If liberals have been honest with the American public for the past few years, they not only should welcome every illegal alien they can find to their refuges, they should be thanking Donald Trump for his kindness to them.... Watching the story unfold was a bit odd, if you’ve paid even a little bit of attention to the debate over illegal immigration these last few years. Supposed journalists and “open-minded” progressive Democrats who’ve sworn six ways from Sunday that illegal aliens are our moral betters were outraged. Words like “dumping” and “punish” were used to describe the idea of releasing illegals, required by law to be set free, in jurisdictions that have laws protecting illegals from the consequences of their actions. You’d think a few more would be welcomed, considering those laws are designed to make them feel welcomed in the first place. You’d be wrong.... Almost to a person, anger was the order of the day from the left. But why?--- Why wouldn’t cities like San Francisco welcome as many illegal aliens as possible? After all, we’ve been told by these very people, leaders in and from these sanctuary areas, that illegals commit fewer crimes than Americans and are an unbridled boon to the economy. Opposing their relocation would not only be missing an opportunity to lower the crime rate, but to bring about economic growth unrivaled since post-World War II.... Of course, they were lying to us. Only the most faithful, the people for whom MSNBC is too “fair,” ever really believed those lies. Everyone with more IQ points than fingers recognized these leftists were relieving themselves on the public while telling people it was raining. Now their bluff was called, and they folded like a cheap suit.
Bringing in more illegal aliens in the sunlight will shine some uncomfortable light on those problems, which is what liberals fear most.... Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and the calling of bluffs is as old as time. Both of those would be engaged if the Trump administration followed through with the plan reported Friday. That’s why liberals so desperately oppose it.

Tucker Carlson the other night did a nice monologue on how the president should take the rats up on all the love they espouse for these victims of racism. Lets put them in the posh neighborhoods of these politicians that spew platitudes about the America they grew up in, the diverse America that makes us all stronger. Lets see how they enjoy having their children share a classroom with their children, shop in the same stores, play in the same parks and other public places, eat in the same restaurants. Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Pelosi, Schumer, Bernie, Newsome all have nice posh gated mansions and lots of money I'm sure they have room in their homes for their new boarders.
IMO, San Francisco is the perfect place to begin. Make Nancy start living up to her words. The illegals should find San Francisco very homelike, indeed! Tent cities, defecating and urinating in the streets, drugs everywhere, their old familiar imported gangs. They will feel right at home, but many may question why they bothered to make the long, dangerous, expensive trek in the first place.
Sometimes the only way to get through to people how wrong they are is to give them exactly what they have asked for. It is painful for those intelligent enough to foresee the negative outcome but as we know some only learn from the equivalent of peeing on an electric fence.
Without hypocrisy, massive LIES and DOUBLE-STANDARDS, where would the Democrat Party be today?
President Trump has exposed the Dems for the liars and hypocrites they are- since day one. They suffer from TDS so bad they are blind to the truth of their own actions and statements.
Sanctuary Cities Should Welcome Illegals, Unless Liberals Are Lying

Sanctuary Cities Should Welcome Illegals, Unless Liberals Are Lying
April 14, 2019 ~ By Derek Hunter
It was framed as a big scoop – the Washington Post headline blared, “White House proposed releasing immigrant detainees in sanctuary cities, targeting political foes.” “My God,” the blue checkmark brigade on Twitter gasped, “how dare the President of the United States even consider doing such a horrible thing?” But why? If liberals have been honest with the American public for the past few years, they not only should welcome every illegal alien they can find to their refuges, they should be thanking Donald Trump for his kindness to them.... Watching the story unfold was a bit odd, if you’ve paid even a little bit of attention to the debate over illegal immigration these last few years. Supposed journalists and “open-minded” progressive Democrats who’ve sworn six ways from Sunday that illegal aliens are our moral betters were outraged. Words like “dumping” and “punish” were used to describe the idea of releasing illegals, required by law to be set free, in jurisdictions that have laws protecting illegals from the consequences of their actions. You’d think a few more would be welcomed, considering those laws are designed to make them feel welcomed in the first place. You’d be wrong.... Almost to a person, anger was the order of the day from the left. But why?--- Why wouldn’t cities like San Francisco welcome as many illegal aliens as possible? After all, we’ve been told by these very people, leaders in and from these sanctuary areas, that illegals commit fewer crimes than Americans and are an unbridled boon to the economy. Opposing their relocation would not only be missing an opportunity to lower the crime rate, but to bring about economic growth unrivaled since post-World War II.... Of course, they were lying to us. Only the most faithful, the people for whom MSNBC is too “fair,” ever really believed those lies. Everyone with more IQ points than fingers recognized these leftists were relieving themselves on the public while telling people it was raining. Now their bluff was called, and they folded like a cheap suit.
Bringing in more illegal aliens in the sunlight will shine some uncomfortable light on those problems, which is what liberals fear most.... Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and the calling of bluffs is as old as time. Both of those would be engaged if the Trump administration followed through with the plan reported Friday. That’s why liberals so desperately oppose it.

Tucker Carlson the other night did a nice monologue on how the president should take the rats up on all the love they espouse for these victims of racism. Lets put them in the posh neighborhoods of these politicians that spew platitudes about the America they grew up in, the diverse America that makes us all stronger. Lets see how they enjoy having their children share a classroom with their children, shop in the same stores, play in the same parks and other public places, eat in the same restaurants. Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Pelosi, Schumer, Bernie, Newsome all have nice posh gated mansions and lots of money I'm sure they have room in their homes for their new boarders.
IMO, San Francisco is the perfect place to begin. Make Nancy start living up to her words. The illegals should find San Francisco very homelike, indeed! Tent cities, defecating and urinating in the streets, drugs everywhere, their old familiar imported gangs. They will feel right at home, but many may question why they bothered to make the long, dangerous, expensive trek in the first place.
Sometimes the only way to get through to people how wrong they are is to give them exactly what they have asked for. It is painful for those intelligent enough to foresee the negative outcome but as we know some only learn from the equivalent of peeing on an electric fence.
Without hypocrisy, massive LIES and DOUBLE-STANDARDS, where would the Democrat Party be today?
President Trump has exposed the Dems for the liars and hypocrites they are- since day one. They suffer from TDS so bad they are blind to the truth of their own actions and statements.

They do.
They would rather have smart young hard working people than old white farts like me and you sucking off our socialist benefits and whose life is devoted to a wife raper and cut and paste.
Their taxes will pay for you darlin
Tucker Carlson?? Had to admit his racism?
Judge pirro next??
No wonder Fox is called knees news in the ROW
And the study showed the more you watch the stupider you get


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