Samantha Bee

I liked her on The Daily Show, but she doesn't have the chops, in my opinion, to carry an entire thirty minute show by herself. I've watched her new show off and on and am not impressed in the least. She may have been able to pull off hosting The Daily Show, GOD knows Trevor Noah sucks...
Sam is classic.

I think what's many self-proclaimed conservatives' problem is that they don't like comedians due to the fact that they find their ideology being the butt of their jokes.

Ask them what they think of Ben Miiller, the most unfunniest person in the world, and dollars to donuts, you'll hear mostly praise, if nothing but praise, as far as his comedic skills go.
Sam is classic.

I think what's many self-proclaimed conservatives' problem is that they don't like comedians due to the fact that they find their ideology being the butt of their jokes.

Ask them what they think of Ben Miiller, the most unfunniest person in the world, and dollars to donuts, you'll hear mostly praise, if nothing but praise, as far as his comedic skills go.

Ask them what they think of Ben Miiller, the most unfunniest person in the world, and dollars to donuts, you'll hear mostly praise, if nothing but praise, as far as his comedic skills go.


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