Ryan-Murray Deal Hits Military Retirees


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 13, 2012
Near Magnolia, TX
Yep the new budget deal screws the military again, but no mention of other federal retirees.

"Retirees younger than 62, and future retirees including currently serving members, would see yearly COLAs in retirement cut by one-percentage point below inflation until age 62. At that point they would receive a one-time catch up in their annuity to restore lost purchasing power going forward into old age."

Ryan-Murray Deal Hits Younger, Future Retirees | Military.com

So much for the promises made to the people who put their lives on the line for us every day.

More and More I am not voting for anyone who isn't Tea Party.

Gonna be a lot of blanks on my ballot next year.
Welcome to the "Didn't get what the government said you'd get for taking this job" club.

Teachers caught it. Then firemen. Then cops. Now...sadly, the military will.

Meanwhile, politicians keep all their shit.

But, Paul Ryan agreeing to screw military members? SHOCKING (not).
The cuts to things promised by government job recruiters has led SOME cops to just saying it's no longer worth risking their life for the city/state that they work for.

I wonder how many cuts the military can take before those brave men and women ask the same about the nation they work for?
Ryan praises the deal in that it meets one of his core beliefs (no tax increase), although requiring a "modest cut" to military benefits.

I TOLD YOU ALL. The Tea Party types, in the end, WILL TURN against the military if it means they pay a single dime in new taxes.
Welcome to the "Didn't get what the government said you'd get for taking this job" club.

Teachers caught it. Then firemen. Then cops. Now...sadly, the military will.

Meanwhile, politicians keep all their shit.

But, Paul Ryan agreeing to screw military members? SHOCKING (not).

So what cuts are the welfare takers taking?

The Military retirees spent 20+ years of their lives in service to the Country.. Many come out with life long injuries.

The military are the only Federal Employees that pay their own disability payments out of their retirement. For every dollar in Disability, they lose a dollar out of their retirement.

The "Benefit" is that the disability check is not taxed.

Some really "great" benefit.

Edited for TMI about someone else....
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Yep the new budget deal screws the military again, but no mention of other federal retirees.

"Retirees younger than 62, and future retirees including currently serving members, would see yearly COLAs in retirement cut by one-percentage point below inflation until age 62. At that point they would receive a one-time catch up in their annuity to restore lost purchasing power going forward into old age."

Ryan-Murray Deal Hits Younger, Future Retirees | Military.com

So much for the promises made to the people who put their lives on the line for us every day.

Indeed the military already gets paid considerably less than the average government worker. But the government worker is unionized and a guaranteed vote for Obama. On the other hand, the military is 70% conservative. Democrats aren't loosing any support by sticking it to the military and they know it.
Any bets that this was the Democrat's idea and Ryan "compromised" with it?

Murray isn't the strongest supporter of the Military.
It's easy to fuck non-union over, especially the military, b/c they all know that the media will support it.

if they cut other Fed workers pay or freebies to welfare, the media would have attacked.

sucks, but that's the hypocrassy of politics.

I got downsized by clintons new and illegal rules.
I'm fine with cutting military benefits like that. But let's do it across the board to all government workers.
Yep the new budget deal screws the military again, but no mention of other federal retirees.

"Retirees younger than 62, and future retirees including currently serving members, would see yearly COLAs in retirement cut by one-percentage point below inflation until age 62. At that point they would receive a one-time catch up in their annuity to restore lost purchasing power going forward into old age."

Ryan-Murray Deal Hits Younger, Future Retirees | Military.com

So much for the promises made to the people who put their lives on the line for us every day.

I'll bet the welfare c**ts get their cost-of-living increases, and the libturds are whining about extended unemployment payments being left out. But they'll fuck military personnel who put their lives on the line. Go figure. I'm thinking Congressional retirement benefits should be delayed until they reach SS age, too.
Curbing the ability of consumers ( regardless of who they work for ) to spend money on things is a bad idea in a consumer centered economy. When said economy is not robust....it is an especially bad idea.

The simpletons have been frightened into calling for spending cuts without tax increases. This is what you get. Spending cuts without tax increases. Surprise!!!
Yep the new budget deal screws the military again, but no mention of other federal retirees.

"Retirees younger than 62, and future retirees including currently serving members, would see yearly COLAs in retirement cut by one-percentage point below inflation until age 62. At that point they would receive a one-time catch up in their annuity to restore lost purchasing power going forward into old age."

Ryan-Murray Deal Hits Younger, Future Retirees | Military.com

So much for the promises made to the people who put their lives on the line for us every day.

Not seeing a problem here. These retirees are more than capable of holding down jobs, and thre's usually a preference for hiring them.

You guys are the ones who insist up and down that we are sooooo broke and that we can't possibly raise taxes on the 1% who control half the wealth in this country, so cuts have to come from somewhere, and there's only so much food you can snatch from the mouths of hungry children.
We cannot make a BANSTERS' OMLETTE without breaking the workers eggs/

the military ARE workers.

they too must be screwed.

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