Russians Have Some Nerve

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Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Seems that North Korea (killed half-brother Kim Jong-nam with VX nerve gas), Syria and now their overlord buddies the Russians all have one thing in common: a love for nerve agents. Makes a lot of sense now why Putin is so interested and buddies with Assad! Latest developments are that Russia very likely had former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter poisoned by nerve agents. Seems that birds of a feather fly together. Of course, Putin in typical KKK fashion denies everything as always. Russia is as pure as the driven snow. o_O

Sergei Skripal and the 14 deaths under scrutiny
British police suspect Russian ex-spy, daughter was poisoned with nerve agent
A Russian agent convicted of spying for Britain was fighting for his life last night amid suspicions he was poisoned in a shopping centre in Wiltshire.

Sergei Skripal, 66, was in intensive care after being exposed to a mysterious substance as he sat on a bench in the centre of Salisbury. A 33-year-old woman who was with him, is also in critical condition. Both had collapsed and were unconscious when they were discovered.

Reports suggest Col Skripal had recently gone to police claiming he was fearing for his life.

Russian spy fighting for life after being 'poisoned' by unknown substance in Salisbury
Russia very likely had former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter poisoned by nerve agents.
and the key word being 'likely' - i.e. not true, as it goes with the media.

How do you get from likely, meaning most probable, to not true? That is it---- YOU DON'T, and maintain any credibility. And surprise! You say your from Russia! The Russians have established a HISTORY and a PATTERN, and few have both the access to and the willingness to kill dissidents via nerve agents. Russia is a strong supporter for the ruthless tyrant Syria's Assad, who thinks nothing of gassing his own people. And unless you can show me that Syria or North Korea had a motive, you can bet GOOD MONEY that the dirty Russians were behind this as well.
That Russia would kill people in another country without even really caring, shows just what Putin is like.

He'll do whatever he wants, and knows he'll get away with it.

That he interfered in elections from the US Presidential Election, the Brexit election etc, it very clear.
I prefer a more pragmatic approach, before jumping to conclusions.

Doesn't take rocket science to figure out the number of people both with access to nerve agents, and the willingness, incentive and HISTORY in using them.

You're no Hercule Poirot, that's for sure.

You've no idea what goes on in the Ministry of Defence.

And you do? Besides, I'm much better thought of as a François-Marie Arouet. :D
I prefer a more pragmatic approach, before jumping to conclusions.

Doesn't take rocket science to figure out the number of people both with access to nerve agents, and the willingness, incentive and HISTORY in using them.

You're no Hercule Poirot, that's for sure.

You've no idea what goes on in the Ministry of Defence.

And you do? Besides, I'm much better thought of as a François-Marie Arouet. :D

Never heard of him.

I've been round the Ministry of Agriculture, and saw 'stuff' there.
The Russians have established a HISTORY and a PATTERN
that's media bullshit, don't pretend to not know it.
few have both the access to and the willingness to kill dissidents via nerve agents.
stop making up stories.
the ruthless tyrant Syria's Assad,
his not a tyrant, get your facts right.
gassing his own people.
he was not, it was the US that did it on Syrians.
the dirty Russians were behind this as well.
as well as the dirty West, you mean?
That Russia would kill people in another country without even really caring, shows just what Putin is like.

He'll do whatever he wants, and knows he'll get away with it.

That he interfered in elections from the US Presidential Election, the Brexit election etc, it very clear.
He's just like Americans then.

Except in the case of Putin it is not quite so clear.

Very murky actually.
Seems that North Korea (killed half-brother Kim Jong-nam with VX nerve gas), Syria and now their overlord buddies the Russians all have one thing in common: a love for nerve agents. Makes a lot of sense now why Putin is so interested and buddies with Assad! Latest developments are that Russia very likely had former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter poisoned by nerve agents. Seems that birds of a feather fly together. Of course, Putin in typical KKK fashion denies everything as always. Russia is as pure as the driven snow. o_O

Sergei Skripal and the 14 deaths under scrutiny
British police suspect Russian ex-spy, daughter was poisoned with nerve agent

The Ukrainian immigrant, who lives in Russia and shits on Russia. Mom paid you for the Internet?

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You stupid, gullible jackass, fool. I'm about as russian as a $2 bill. I'm a retired engineer from Pennsylvania, German, if you want to know, you ID-I-OT. If you can't even get that right, why should we believe any other f---king thing you claim to know?????

Hey ... if you're really a Russian spy can you get me her phone number?

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