Ron Paul: “Good News” That Secession Is Happening


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Yes it is Ron, yes it is... Need to look up my old fire team members.....


Former Republican presidential candidate and congressman Ron Paul says secession is happening and it’s “good news.” Paul later predicted the states would stop listening to federal laws.

“I would like to start off by talking about the subject and the subject is secession and, uh, nullification, the breaking up of government, and the good news is it’s gonna happen. It’s happening,” Paul, the father of potential Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul, told a gathering at the libertarian Mises Institute in late January. The event Paul was speaking at was titled “Breaking Away: The Case for Secession.”

Paul said secession would not be legislated by Congress, but would be de facto, predicting “when conditions break down…there’s gonna be an alternative.”

Ron Paul Good News That Secession Is Happening - BuzzFeed News

No, fair and accurate assessment. Indeed, Obama has fundamentally changed America... But guess what?

We'll change her back

Delusional and contagious. Change it back to what? The 1950s?
Ron Paul is a nut job but why must you morons on the left ALWAYS assume or insinuate that all of those on the right want to go back to "the 50s or 40s" and all that entails (racially and gender related)? Is it because you would throw out the baby with that bathwater that you assume they would too? Or is it simple political propaganda? :dunno:

No, fair and accurate assessment. Indeed, Obama has fundamentally changed America... But guess what?

We'll change her back

Delusional and contagious. Change it back to what? The 1950s?
Ron Paul is a nut job but why must you morons on the left ALWAYS assume or insinuate that all of those on the right want to go back to "the 50s or 40s" and all that entails (racially and gender related)? Is it because you would throw out the baby with that bathwater that you assume they would to? Or is it simple political propaganda? :dunno:
When someone says something like "We will change America back" It naturally begs the question "Back to what"? Somehow their changing things back always sounds like changing it into something it has never been.
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Peaceful secession would be great. But unfortunately the central government will never allow it, no matter who is POTUS, without a fight.

The last time it was tried force was used to prevent it, causing the deaths of 800k and destruction of half the nation.

Save the Union will be the statist dupe mantra...and they love killing for the state.
Basically a lost "feeling", nostalgic aspects of a time gone by, a time in our history when the economy was humming along nicely, where most people could count on a job that would take them to retirement.
As for the social aspect if you and they would temporarily drop your "us vs them" stereotyping and generalizing propaganda both of you might actually see what the other sees and comprehend what the other comprehends when making blanket statements like "change back".
So in truth it "begs nothing" in a non adversarial setting.
Not more of this secession nonsense!

Who believes that there will be states seceding from the Union? Which ones?
Yes it is Ron, yes it is... Need to look up my old fire team members.....


Former Republican presidential candidate and congressman Ron Paul says secession is happening and it’s “good news.” Paul later predicted the states would stop listening to federal laws.

“I would like to start off by talking about the subject and the subject is secession and, uh, nullification, the breaking up of government, and the good news is it’s gonna happen. It’s happening,” Paul, the father of potential Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul, told a gathering at the libertarian Mises Institute in late January. The event Paul was speaking at was titled “Breaking Away: The Case for Secession.”

Paul said secession would not be legislated by Congress, but would be de facto, predicting “when conditions break down…there’s gonna be an alternative.”

Ron Paul Good News That Secession Is Happening - BuzzFeed News

He may be right. Of course, I expect this trend of giving the finger to the feds to end in January 2016. Suddenly everything will be fine again. :)
Not more of this secession nonsense!

Who believes that there will be states seceding from the Union? Which ones?

Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and possibly alabama, georgia missouri, tennessee, south carolina, the fla panhandle.

not saying I support it, but a lot of americans are fed up with the incompetence and corruption in DC.
Not more of this secession nonsense!

Who believes that there will be states seceding from the Union? Which ones?

Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and possibly alabama, georgia missouri, tennessee, south carolina, the fla panhandle.

not saying I support it, but a lot of americans are fed up with the incompetence and corruption in DC.

The problem with the secession plans is that they depend on the rural south to accomplish it. And you would be hard pressed to find places more blindly patriotic than the rural south. Tell those folks you have an answer to the incompetence and corruption in Washington, and they will be all for it. Right up until you tell them they would no longer be part of the USA. Then it is Game Over.
Besides, how will those states replace the income they get from the federal gov't? I doubt any of them send more taxes to Washington than they receive in federal monies.
Not more of this secession nonsense!

Who believes that there will be states seceding from the Union? Which ones?

Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and possibly alabama, georgia missouri, tennessee, south carolina, the fla panhandle.

not saying I support it, but a lot of americans are fed up with the incompetence and corruption in DC.

The problem with the secession plans is that they depend on the rural south to accomplish it. And you would be hard pressed to find places more blindly patriotic than the rural south. Tell those folks you have an answer to the incompetence and corruption in Washington, and they will be all for it. Right up until you tell them they would no longer be part of the USA. Then it is Game Over.

maybe, but its all theoretical anyway. I don't see it happening. Although who would have predicted the breakup of the soviet union?

No, fair and accurate assessment. Indeed, Obama has fundamentally changed America... But guess what?

We'll change her back

Delusional and contagious. Change it back to what? The 1950s?
Ron Paul is a nut job but why must you morons on the left ALWAYS assume or insinuate that all of those on the right want to go back to "the 50s or 40s" and all that entails (racially and gender related)? Is it because you would throw out the baby with that bathwater that you assume they would to? Or is it simple political propaganda? :dunno:
When someone says something like "We will change America back" It naturally begs the question "Back to what"? Somehow their changing things back always sounds like changing it into something it has never been.
Back to pre-January 2008
Besides, how will those states replace the income they get from the federal gov't? I doubt any of them send more taxes to Washington than they receive in federal monies.

if the requirement to send money to DC went away, there would be plenty of money available to run those states with a balanced budget. Those "poor southern redneck states" would control most of the oil and gas in the country, the gulf ports, the seafood industry, and much of the agricultural production, not to mention auto factories, banks, and military bases.
Not more of this secession nonsense!

Who believes that there will be states seceding from the Union? Which ones?

Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and possibly alabama, georgia missouri, tennessee, south carolina, the fla panhandle.

not saying I support it, but a lot of americans are fed up with the incompetence and corruption in DC.

The problem with the secession plans is that they depend on the rural south to accomplish it. And you would be hard pressed to find places more blindly patriotic than the rural south. Tell those folks you have an answer to the incompetence and corruption in Washington, and they will be all for it. Right up until you tell them they would no longer be part of the USA. Then it is Game Over.
They are talking about defacto secession, by ignoring illegal federal actions being taken by this rogue government. The feds can cry all they want but they can't force all the states to make it legal to harbor illegal immigrants and give them handouts from the taxpayers. The feds can't force all the states to bend to the emperor's will. The emperor has no clothes. If he wants to force us he's gonna have to send men with guns.

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