Romney ads on steroids.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Romney’s ads a pack of dirty lies. But what can you expect from a corrupt businessman that have a long history of dishonesty who will not show us his tax returns.
The $780 billion stimulus was not wasted. It did work by saving and creating 3 million jobs and is still working. And all of it has not been used.
Obama do not own the $5 trillion added to the debt since he took office. It was to pay for the two unpaid for, ongoing wars, to pay for the ongoing tax cuts for the rich, and to pay for the ongoing massive Medicare drug program. Even the $780 million taking out of Medicare was savings from removing the waste, fraud and abuse out of Medicare and putting it into ObamaCare. Even the Dream Act is being paid for by application fees. Even the bank and auto industry bail outs are paying off with tax revenue, etc.

NONE of the $5 trillion added to the debt since Obama took office belongs to him.

Unemployment was on the rise when Obama took office because of policies Bush put in place. It has not risen to 20% because of policies Obama put in place. It has stabilized around 8.3% because there have been continues jobs creation from day one of Obama taking office. Because of policies Obama put forth we dodged a depression. Unemployment will never get below 5% ever again.
Winning with lies is not really winning. Like Romney on steroids. Businessmen are great liars. Like car salesmen. Romney has a long history of lying. About his jobs created and not jobs lost because of him. Look at his rap sheet. Jobs lost under Obama was put in place by Bush before he took office.
Romney don’t think he can win with a honest campaign by straight shooting from the hip so he shoot below the belt. When are you people going to stop blaming Obama for what Bush broke?
Obama has to attack those dirty lying ads with facts asap. I got your back Obama but you got to help me out.
We know what Romney’s plan for America is. Privatize government.

Ps.2016. A high class lynching by Romney’s side kicks. Bottom of the cesspool stuff.
".....what can you expect from a corrupt businessman that have a long history of dishonesty ......"

Prove it or STFU. Let's have some examples of his corruption. All you do is making wild claims and run away never defending anything that you post. FUCK OFF!

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